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In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, and Candidate for President of the United States, shares why we must Shatter The Swarm™, and specifically expose and demolish the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment, wherever they are.

Transcript Below.

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All right, everyone. Good afternoon. Good morning. Good evening. Wherever you are. We’re going to be having a discussion today with war mode podcast. Did you turn it on? Just wait until it does. Okay. So we’re gonna have a discussion here about the not so obvious establishment and a bunch of other questions and why it’s extremely important that we shatter the swarm and demolish the not so obvious establishment.

And one of the critical things about understanding real leadership is, are you willing to call out not the obvious establishment, but the not so obvious establishment, this is critical. And that’s why we’re going to be talking about this topic today. So let me just start with our intro. All right, everyone.

We’re going to be having a

podcast interview discussion with war mode. Barry Billy and spade, right? All right. And the topic is going to be about shattering swarm. A bunch of other questions, but one of the things we want to focus on why it’s really important to expose and without compromise, expose the not so obvious establishment.

Any idiot can expose the obvious establishment, the issues to focus on the not so obvious establishment, because that is why change gets betrayed because people are quiet to the boobie fucking Kennedys, the Trumps and these kind of people. Who are exactly, they’re all part of the swarm, but people seem to think that they should be they should be given a free pass.

Where do you guys want to start? Before we get into the swarm bus and we just want to hit you with some names and tell us going off of vibe, just a little word association, a couple of words on each person. One word, compound word, two max. So whenever you’re ready, I can get started. Let me just open this up.

You are the most intense man I’ve ever met. Just go with your gut. Okay. You ready? Yeah. Vivek. Snake. Biden. Dumb Newton. Who? Isaac Newton. Mechanistic Tucker. Fuck her. . Patrick. Be David. Dumb ass . MLK. Sell out. Bill Gates. Douche bag. Fauci. Douche bag. RFK. Total fucking scumbag. Anthony or no, RFK Gandhi. Sell out Mother Teresa.

I hate that. I don’t I have no words. Okay. Yeah. Mildred Grass. Who? Mildred Grass Tyson. Fraud. Thank you. Mosque. Fraud. Actor. Final two. Blast from the past. Mrs. Greenberg. Which Greenberg? Mrs. Greenberg will yell at you when you won your science award. Whoa. Oh, nuts. Crazy bitch. Thank you. And your great grandfather.

Yeah, god. There we go. All right. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, I bet you got system revolution. I like this, man. Yeah. We have a copy here. If you 40 years of your life, go read this book. Otherwise, you’re going to be wallowing in the swarm and then waking up when you’re 90 and say, fuck, why did I? Give money to Trump.

And why did I, why was I sucking Zionist cock all my life? Okay. In here, you say that our healthcare system came into being during the industrial era and it’s structured on the military model. So that’s yeah. So one of the fundamental things that I talk about in system and revolution which everyone should get, this is not a promotion.

This is more a contribution to your advancement is that the foundations of. Everything in the world is understanding systems. So you have to understand that why a particular system was created and every system is a particular reason why it came to being right. So the modern healthcare system at a very specific purpose, it was created with a very specific intention to put soldiers back on the battlefield.

And the, really the visionary behind that form of medicine was a woman called Florence Nightingale. She was not a nurse. Everyone thinks she was a nurse only, right? She was a member of the Royal society of statistics. She she was a system scientist from my point of view, and she was able to show during the Crimean War that soldiers were not dying from getting battle wounds, but they were dying when they came to the hospital because of all the filth and the feces and the disgusting nature of these hospitals.

So she had a vision that if you could make these things called hospitals, where people actually went to die in the 1800s, if you could actually make them, Research institutions clean where people would come doctors and go into hospitals, that you could actually create a health care system, but it was intended.

Ultimately, remember when someone gets shot on the field, you’re not looking at whether they should drink kale or something, right? Or they should eat carrot juice or whether they should eat steamed vegetables. You’re trying to figure out if they can, what will it take to get them back on the battlefield?

And so that was, it was really about crisis care. So the entire model, modern medical system came from that and that, and it’s great for that. So we should say the entire healthcare system came from putting a soldier back on the battlefield. So antibiotics, steroids, all this stuff are valuable.

In the case, God forbid you get hit by a car or accidentally fall out of a plane. That’s what I’m saying. So it’s great for that. You don’t want to tell people, Oh, why didn’t you take some turmeric when you’re, when your knee just got shattered into a thousand pieces.

So that is very different than ancient and traditional systems of medicine, which evolved over thousands of years to understand the body. As a whole, not holistic, but really from a systems approach. And that’s what I uncovered even. So you have a Fulbright scholarship, you had a Fulbright. Yeah. And you studied sda?

Yeah, so I studied SDA from a engineering system standpoint. Okay. So when you look just after you invented email? After I invented email, after I went to MIT . It’s so wild. Yeah. You’re mo the world with that one. But if you look at the invention of email, that too is a system. Email’s not the one directional, two directional exchange of text messages.

Email is actually the paper based inner office mail system in electronic form. Okay I’m dumb, man. It’s cool. It sounds cool. I don’t know. Yeah, I don’t know. How old are you guys? I’m 42. Okay, so anyone over the age of 40 may remember in many of these offices, they had this thing called the inner office mail system.

It was a system. It was a very complex system. And every office had this. A portion of the elements of the system was a system of systems, which involved the secretary. She had a typewriter on her desktop. She had an inbox, an outbox, right? Trash can folders. She had envelopes, she had white out, she would have to write a memo.

They used to have to type like hundreds of minutes per hundreds of words per minute. They had to write a thing called a memo, and it had a very specific structure too, from subject CCC, BC, carbon paper. It’s a very complex system, hundreds of different components. Had to be working together to make sure a letter that you dictated to me got to the next guy in another office who may be next door or a mile away.

This is the inter office mail system. It was like a little powerful postal mail system, but for the office environment. I converted every feature of that system, a system of interconnected parts, To the electronic version in 50, 000 lines of code as a 14 year old kid in Newark, New Jersey on one, there are many computers.

There are many computers. Yeah. Okay. And all of this was submitted in the Smithsonian in 2008. And it really pissed off the establishment who had already written the story that some dumb fuck who worked at Raytheon, who admits he was a dumb fuck, that he basically only spent 15 minutes writing, taking someone else’s code, manipulating it a little bit so you could send text messages.

Sending text messages between computers is not email. It’s very obvious. Now. So when this came in, it was like a new skull was found in Africa because I was being a good Indian. Not being very humble. If you’re a guy in MIT, how did you like, cause it seems like they just, if it’s a good idea and you don’t go along with the status quo, they just rip it from you and just give it to someone else.

Yeah. Major institutions, professors at major institutions use the fact that are a major institution. To rip off their graduate students work to rip off other people’s work and then use the air thieves. It’s it’s thievery, right? Yeah, tell me what Noam Chomsky didn’t stand up for. Noam actually did stand up.

Oh, he did? Yeah, Noam. Noam was one of the ones who stood up, but then he was put under massive pressure by the administration. And he called me very upset. Oh, my God. I said, Noam, you’ve already taken your position and he referred to MIT as his home institution. That was putting pressure on him.

Yeah. So even him, the radical, right? Yeah. He’s, he, I didn’t like he during the lockdown. He was not . Yeah. He was. Yeah. So you have to understand all of these academics don’t get to their position without playing the game. So to the extent, now, I knew Noam since 1983, so he 1982 even.

So he had to, he positioned himself as a radical academic. He knew I was a real radical. Yeah. So in order to keep up the stature. For the truth. He, he, because he knew I’d go expose him. Are you a rare at m mit Rare, like a rare, like you’re Indian the way you carry yourself, like the way that you carry yourself, like Yeah, because most Indians are Brahmins in the United States.

What is all that we don’t? So the, so basically getting back to the thing, most Indians. are brought up to be snakes, like Vivek the snake. That’s good juice. I forgot that you invented that. We’ve been calling him the snake. Yeah, he’s a fucking scumbag. He just did a tweet. You have to have a trunk with a nickname.

I just did I grew up in Jersey, yeah, so I just did a tweet on this fool. This fool Do they shit themselves when you start coming at them, or are they like, They’re afraid. Yeah, because, yeah, he says, this Vivek, the snake, puts out, if we don’t seal our southern border and start mass de Remember, this guy’s a brown noser.

Okay. A brown boy. We’re paying, we’re paving the way for another 9 11 scale tragedy, even if only 0. 1 percent of illegal aliens who cross our border have hostile intentions. That’s tens of thousands would be attacked. So he’s a Brown guy making all the Brown people coming over the border are the ones who are going to cause another nine 11, but he’s absolutely ignoring the fact that the Zionists are the ones who created nine.

Okay. So he’s a Zionist. So what I said was this Brown nosing Zionist cocksucker, Vivek, the fucking snake, you have to put fucking now fear mongers Browns from Southern border may cause another nine 11. Why? A cover up for Zionist hoodlums who actually perpetrated 9 11. Zionists and a snake need to be deported because he says we need to start mass deportation.

So these guys think the white working class is dumb, right? So they’re going to fear monger them. When the reality, immigrants are the ones who built this country. And immigrant workers, Like a lot of Brown people are brought here to serve people like Trump, to serve people like this fucking brown noser.

And they create this false dialectic that the white working class and the immigrant working class are fighting against each other. Yeah. What should really happen is the immigrant workers who are actually working, by the way. I worked with immigrants my whole, yeah, it was all coming from Northern Ireland.

That’s right. So free from Northern Ireland. The issue is you have a whole strata of people now who work and there is a broad section of the white working class has been co opted not to work, including the black working class, right? Yeah. So they want to create these artificial separations. The issue is.

It’s not about illegal immigration or legal immigration. The issue is, let’s talk about who actually works for a living. There are many illegal, quote unquote, illegal immigrants who work their asses off, right? Why don’t we put them on a path to legal immigration and take all the legal citizens who don’t work and ship them out, right?

That’s probably the right way to solve this because there’s 25 million, let’s say, quote unquote, illegal, quote unquote illegal immigrants, right? But there’s a lot of these, quote unquote, legal immigrants or legal people were born here. And you have to look at what are they doing? Are they truly serving this country?

Because this country would fall apart without immigration. It would be over, right? So this entire dialectic Construction, like construction would fall apart. Construction, landscaping, pretty much everything. How many people do, just smoke weed all day collect a disability check? I don’t know them personally, but I’ve heard of them.

I live in Kensington, Philadelphia, where that’s what everyone does. And they’re white guys. Okay. And they and Trump takes advantage of them. Biden takes advantage of them. Boobie takes advantage of them because none of those three people work for a living either. Yeah. So the scumbags are wanting to At grand eyes, those people are also are not working and trying to say, Oh, my God, we got to stop these brown people.

If you really want to stop immigration, you could stop it overnight, but they don’t want to. They just play this game. There’s no intention to really stop the illegal immigration because they thrive on illegal immigration. Wall Street thrives on it. The Democrats thrive on it. The Republicans thrive on it.

They all do so weird. It comes in waves, especially for like election cycles. Like the one before this, it’s the same thing where oh, there’s all of a sudden a caravan of migrants that are coming to the border. But like, when there’s no election coming on, everything’s normal. Yeah. Or abortion. They just have a couple of issues that they, the ghosts that divide the working class.

So we don’t organize as people. And shatter the swarm. That’s what they don’t want people to do. They want it’s theater. So every four, two to four years, they create a fake enemy. So the real enemy is hidden. The real enemy are the Bidens and the Bushes and the Trumps and the Kennedy’s. Cause if you look at the arc of us history, since 1960 or 1970 till today.

You’re killing me with the Kennedy stuff. I grew up with pictures of them in my head. Yeah, me too. Irish Catholics and it’s no, but the Kennedys have no regard for the everyday Irish Catholic worker. Yeah. They’d sell them out any day. When they were, when they used to steal booze, or bootleg If they would throw the people overboard, they valued the booze more than the workers that brought them over.

And they let them drive. We actually went to a RFK like rally in Philly to see what the f k was going on. Yeah. And they got some He stole my entire thing, Declare Your Independence. That’s from my, yeah. The guy, literally, people steal my stuff. Especially him. I would not want to go on a shooting spree.

I would go crazy about it. Dude. That’s why I’ve had to come up, use words. Yeah. Boobie f king Kennedy. Boobie Kennedy sends his people to our Zoom calls, literally steals word for word and then makes videos. We have 50 examples of this. That’s crazy. From his launch, declare your independence.

That was our slogan for our independent candidate. We were all jazzed about him because he was like, we can talk about vouching like that, but he would go see. Yeah. Yeah. So the issue is every Tom, Dick and Harry are talking about truth. Truth is not sufficient. It may sound weird. It’s are you telling the real truth at the right time to mobilize people to solve the issues brought up by that truth?

You got to do all three. So you have academics, And this guy, Boobie, didn’t say shit in March of 2020, in fact, he did the opposite, he promoted lockdowns. Yeah, I didn’t know that. It’s right there in his tweet. I was too busy watching your shit. Yeah, but he promoted lockdowns, man.

Yeah. And he was saying it was good for the environment, it’ll save the climate, and we’ll stop the spread of COVID. Wow. Okay? Now he has to rewrite his history. Because we’re the ones who are, we had our hands on a throat, and Broadway has a throat issue, among other things.

But we were exposing him. Yeah, you say and that one thing where he said god’s most privileged people The most pampered place. Yeah But you have to understand that the reason people don’t challenge these people because it’s been a brainwashing of many decades To they literally build a brand kennedy.

Oh, yeah, it’s a brand all that shit, right? It’s all made up. What does camelot mean back to royalty? Yeah king arthur. Yeah we’re in the modern age, right? So all of this was cleverly put together by Joe Kennedy, who had hired the best PR people for his family. Hollywood guy, ambassador, when his son there’s a movie called Chappaquiddick.

If you haven’t seen it, you should see it. It’s about Ted Kennedy, down the street here in Chappaquiddick, who actually killed a woman, let her to drown, waited 16 to 20 hours to figure out their story. And how the father got him the best PR people to flip the story and, engineered it.

That’s what Boobie does all day long. This guy’s a total scumbag. He had 20, 30 women who was banging, kept diaries about them, scored them. You have to really look at this. What happened with it? He had a He was writing down like sexual escapades and allegedly like his wife found it. Not only that, but also raiding women.

Yeah, raiding women and then his wife found it and then she read it and got very sad. And hung herself. Housewives with autistic kids growling at them. Yeah, she hit the ultimate sad. She killed herself. Then they had a funeral. Then they did some weird thing with the body. It’s weird. At the funeral, he hired a thing called Ken Sunshine, who’s one of the best PR guys.

And they have him praying over the, asking like a real devoted husband. So it’s all bullshit. I’ve never heard of someone hiring a PR person. Yes. Yes. And you can see the picture it’s, you can see it’s theater. Think about when you take a selfie at a restaurant. Oh, you’re everyone’s posing.

This is that on steroids, right? Making sure the coffins are right place. The lighting is perfect. Him bowing over it. With his children. As though he cared for this woman. The next day they exhumed the grave, the coffin and moved it to an unmarked grave. That’s how much he hated her. So you got to understand, right?

So people listening to this need to understand that you’re all being fucking played. But this is the swarm. This guy’s part of the swarm and they’re the not so obvious establishment. What does this mean? What is swarm? What does this mean? Trump came up with the word a swamp and it’s really inaccurate, right?

It’s at a particular location, right? And he’s going to drain the swamp. He brought in the swamp. First of all, the entire administration was a swamp from Pompeo to Bolton. Every fuckery brought in there. Yeah. 12 hours before he left office, he gave Fauci. National medal. Really? Yeah. Come on, man. 12 hours.

You guys like you. Come on. Okay, we’re away. All of this is in front of us, but the reality is because I have walked the walk of having to fight these people all my life because it affected me and those close to me and those around me that I cared about, about, I have had to intersect my personal journey with the collective journey.

And that’s where real enlightenment comes from. Not sitting under a fucking tree or going to some church, in my view. Okay? These are all, diversions. The issue is, can you look at your own personal life, the suffering you’ve gone through, the struggle, and connect it to the collective? And when you can, that is when you realize that your life, connected to other people, real connection, is what this life is about.

And they don’t want us to do that. They want to divert it, tell us, oh, fucking Trump is going to save us. The guy’s never worked a hard day in his life. Kennedy’s never worked hard. They don’t know the suffering of everyday people and they’re talking, but they know our suffering. They don’t they have not a hundred wrote a book, a hundred Biden wrote a book.

He was talking about how he painted a house with his dad. They painted like one side of the house every summer. It’s that’s bullshit. Yeah. They come up, they have to come up. No, but I’m saying that book, and it’s like beautiful things. And then he’s talking about his childhood and all the scenes from the childhood were from like John Hughes, eighties movies.

These guys don’t even write their books. I write my books. Boobie Kennedy doesn’t write his books. He steals my material, hires a ghost writer. These guys get very good writers who they pay pennies for, who actually are the artists, but they have them write their book. So everyone needs to understand these people are all fucking charlatans.

That you must fucking curse at these people. You must have great anger for them. You must hate these people. I don’t, I don’t believe Christ said, don’t hate the, your enemy. I think this is all nonsense. I think the Catholic Church made all this shit up. You want people to be more like warriors.

The purpose of life is to fight evil. Period. It’s not here to, so if you believe in any of the religious teachings, all of these great religious leaders were fighting evil. So when you get to that point, you realize, and they were not calling out the obvious establishment, but the not so obvious establishment seven days before Christ was crucified, he was calling out the Sadducees and the Pharisees were talking the word of God, right?

But they’re the ones who were doing all sorts of crazy shit in the temples, asking people money. And they were selling them pigeons and animals. So if you had to do animal sacrifice, typically people wanted to bring their own lamb. But they said no, you got to keep that outside of the temple. You have to buy our animals.

It’s like a stadium. It’s a stadium, but it was a massive operation they were running. Yeah. But the life of Christ was the life of fighting against the not so obvious establishment. Okay. Yeah, he knew the Romans were bad, but it was his quote unquote own people who claimed this and this is what we have now because it, you look at boobie fucking Kennedy scumbag fucker Carlson, another big Tucker Carlson.

I’m not well, he’s a he’s fucking deep state. That’s right. He’s CIA late to the party whenever he says on purpose. Yeah, do you remember the remember when he came out with the Jan 6th stuff? Yeah. He was gonna go release that, and then we saw that was fake. And then it’s like Fucker Carlson is deep state.

The Twitter files. Yeah. He was way late on the Twitter thing. I was the one who discovered all that, okay? In 2020, I was the one, and 50, 500 million people throughout the world know that. It was during my election, when they stole my election, I uncovered the fact that they deleted ballot images, and when I tweeted that out, the government of Massachusetts Contact to Twitter.

I represented myself in federal court September of 2020 and October. I wrote to Tucker. I said, you should cover this. I’ve uncovered this entire backdoor infrastructure. Him and Glenn Greenwald. Another do we concealed it? Yeah but he, these people, if this, they’re trying to own stories and they do not want stories to come from independent, truly independent minded people who are not associated with any of the swarm, cause they hang out with them.

They screw them. They fuck them. They’re incestuous people. They have to be invited to their parties. Jimmy door thinks I’m too mean. Really? Yeah. He’s a dick. No. What I’m saying is he, all of them thought Max Blumenthal, Jim, Jimmy door, that Kennedy was going to be their savior. So all these people are still believing up because they’ve never suffered.

They’ve never had to face a cast system. They’ve never had to work bottoms up. Can I ask about that real quick? What is the cast system, like how does that work? The cast system says basically if you were born, if your father was a toilet bowl cleaner, you’re supposed to be a toilet bowl cleaner in that level.

So they have like actual jobs and you’re supposed to do that for the rest of your life. So it’s all about the birth lottery. If you were born to a Brahman quote unquote, a Brahman, who’s supposedly a priest or a learned person, then you get to be that, even though you may be a dumb shit. Okay. Can you get out of it or no?

They make it very difficult. My parents were quite extraordinary. Okay. You have to get out of it mentally and physically. That wasn’t your grandfather or my indentured servant. Okay. Was he the one who sold potato sacks in Burma? Yeah. Yeah. So he figured out. How to, he was as an 12 year old, he became a slave on a indentured slave ship, right?

Went to Burma and then he worked so hard. The captain of that slave ship basically said, I can’t abuse you anymore. He actually had some conscience. So he let him go. And then he, developed his own many different experiences. Ways to survive and make money in what is now called Myanmar.

And then after world war two, then he came back. He said, I left with nothing, made money and came back with nothing. And he goes so Brahman means a learned person in ancient times. Anyone could become Brahman by their merit. Somewhere along the way, it became one person, the father and mother of Brahmans, the son gets to be a Brahman.

That’s not what it was about. It became a caste thing. system. Okay. Okay. You don’t have to do merit. So this scumbag comes from that lineage. Deep down in him. He thinks he’s better than anyone. Okay. And he thinks he can rob and steal. That’s what he did when he made that fake useless drug that he had his mother make up shit.

Yeah. So we have to eviscerate these people expose the fuck out of that. And you’re not like talking just like out of nowhere, like you’ve dealt with these, like how was it dealing with the Brahmin individuals at MIT? Cause like they would have looked at you like a piece of shit. Yeah.

So when I first came to MIT, there were Indians. At MIT from India. Okay. In 1980, there were very few, even Indians at MIT. Okay. And the Indians that were there, they came from the old country. It’d be like, if you guys are, yes. Imagine they’re actually coming from the old country. So these guys weren’t just the working people from the old country.

These guys were the Brahmins from the old country who had fucked over other people to get here. So they’re sitting there at MIT. So when I show up. They said, what’s your last name? Cause they try to figure out your cast. Okay. And I was elected student body president, but also they wanted me to be president of the Indian students club when they figured out I was non Brahmin.

And I actually wanted to do more political activities. They didn’t like that. You say, so the point is that Brahmin ism is what we should talk about. Cause Brahmin. In the, means like you’re a scholar or this, right? So Brahmanism is like Zionism, which is like Nazism, which is like a few people believing that they are better than everyone else, you say, and organizing a political ideology and throwing some religious connotations in there.

So to get people all, feeling spiritual, that it’s okay to get fucked. Oh you’re born as a. Dog or whatever. You’re, you’re supposed to clean dirty sewers all day. Literally. That’s because you were a dog last time and you bit somebody and therefore, what?

It’s like fairytales. It’s all bullshit. It’s just justifying nonsense. No different than saying you don’t have to fight here. Just, repent and I was talking to this Catholic guy today on this, they make it assume that the earth is a physical earth and the heaven is some physical place.

It’s more states of consciousness. So Christ was talking about consciousness. So these people are just scumbags. They take a lot of hardworking black, white, brown people in the southwest of this country. They make them into these Christian Zionist evangelicals which has nothing to do with real Christianity, right?

It’s about Zionism, which is a political ideology. And based on that, they manipulate people basically try to convince them, oh, there’s another day, some other day. When the rapture, but right now, don’t do anything right now. Saw the eclipse. And I definitely knew that there was some of them waiting for another earthquake.

Yeah, there’s no eclipse sets. Yeah. All this shit is not going to happen. So the elites have this, they love these evangelical people. We’re already all banging their entire congregation. Most of these people, right? They say one thing, they do another. So religion in many ways is used. To differentiate spirituality from living in this world, right?

When the reality is that it’s a continuum. It’s all the same information, matter, and energy. That’s what it really is. So instead of talking about that, they draw all these distinctions. Oh, we’re on earth. You can only be imperfect, but when you get to heaven, it’s all going to be dandy. So right now, just repent and there’s, so they take the words of Christ and they completely fuck with people.

They take the words of Buddha and fuck with people. They take the words of Sankaracharya and fuck with people, right? And it’s all about people not taking action here and now. You get frustrated, like you’re a systems guy. Like you get frustrated seeing how messed up the system is and then how Everyone’s kind of a sheep, but it’s not even their fault, man.

The propaganda works. No, I’m not frustrated, because I know how to shatter the swarm. I’ve spent my whole life figuring that out. There is enough people who, majority of humankind doesn’t like the way it is, but they’ve been manipulated. The movement for truth, freedom, and health is the only force on this planet which is based on understanding the nature of all systems.

Educating people on that, because we actually value people’s intelligence. We don’t make things into soundbites. Even the words truth, freedom, health are not a soundbite. Behind those three words are the essence of system science, transport, conversion, and storage of information, matter, and energy. So we teach people this.

We value people’s intelligence. People who do not want to actually build a movement, that’s fine, they can go do what they want to do, but there’s enough people who are getting it. One person who understands this physics and this dynamics and wants to go out and hand out a flyer, that’s Our study is more powerful than a million people who just, think, one of these politicians is going to change the world because they really get it.

A lot of people think Elon’s going to change it with the free speech in the Twitter. I’m just saying, a lot of people are like, oh when this election so Twitter played a big part in the last election, but now it’s good now it’s fine because Musk has it. The thing is, there’s the swarm has many different wings.

Okay. The swarm, the reason I use the word swarm is if you look at a bunch of birds moving if you look at a bunch of birds moving it’s, they move in different directions. But ultimately they all have a general pattern. The swarm is like that. They may have their own differences internally, but overall they are for.

Manipulating for power profit and control the 8 billion of us. So it’s not okay, Trump doesn’t, the way Kennedy sucks. Ina’s cock. You may want to suck it a little bit differently.

That’s what I’m trying to say. So what I’m saying is they may have minor differences, but they will fuck us up together. Okay. So this is something that people need to understand. The swarm is one they have. They may have minor differences. You say, yeah, if you watch the swarm of birds, these starlings are moving and it’s not like they suddenly move in one direction.

But overall they have a pattern, right? So this way people get confused. They think, Oh but Trump said this against that person. It’s like Kings in the old days, one mob boss may want to knock off another mob boss, but you’re going to get caught in their crossfire and they don’t give a fuck about you.

So why are you supporting Kennedy when he got, Oh my God, John Kennedy was killed. He was just killed by one mob boss and another. Okay. So they get the masses. having sympathy for these morons who will cut your throat any day. So that’s what our movement is educating people. It’s about what is the goal here?

The goal is truth, freedom, health for the 8 billion of us. So Elon fucking Musk made, he went from 5 billion to 200 billion during the pandemic. Okay? He came from apartheid South Africa. He is now running a racket where he says free speech does not equal free reach. That’s a total destruction of the First Amendment.

The founders wanted free speech equal free reach. That’s why they created the U. S. Postal Service. That’s the same thing when they do with the Second Amendment. You can’t have a tank. It’s you can’t have a tank. Yeah the reality is that, yeah, the reality is the founders created these to ensure that the political process of people could occur.

That’s what it was about the political process of the masses, because they even knew that even stuff in the constitution they did may not be accurate. In article two, section one, clause five in the neighborhood of that article, they said only He can be president, right? The 19th amendment came.

The 14th amendment came. There was a massive political process. They wanted the political process to roll. So they created the first and second amendment, but free speech was supposed to equal free reach. Elon fucking Musk boldly says that he is also a Zionist cocksucker. Okay. I saw him big time. Yeah. And not only that guys like me are.

in a digital cage. So they put me back on. You’re beyond shadow band. Yeah, your numbers are like atrocious. Yeah, I have 330, 000 followers and that’s all they’ve been. Facebook is 542, 000. It’s been like that for three years. Okay, your O. G. Was that 100 million? Yeah, my thing on, I think vitamin D three got 100 million views on all different platforms.

And I saved hundreds of millions of people’s lives. Course it didn’t. Zinc. Yeah. I go all over the world, people will come running to me. Yeah. But these people, you’re the only one left out of every, everyone from our movement, that time movement. You’re the only one that we could be like, damn shipment ever messed up.

Not only that, you can go look at my history, not only in 2019 and 2020, you can go all the way back to when I was four years old. You can look protests that I ran. I was one of the first people who protested the war in Iraq. At my PhD graduation. What were you up to on 9 11? Like when that went down I remember that I was in my office cause I was running my other company called echo mail, which is my second generation with email.

And I was sitting there, my head of communications walked in and she said, Oh, Dr. Shiva, they there was a plane that hit the world trade center. And I just thought it was, Oh, okay. Maybe it was something minor. I went back to work. And then she said another plane hit. And that’s when we all met in the conference room and pulled out the TV and we started watching it.

To me, the first thing was the thing that went in my head was, this is an inside operation, right? You were old enough. Yeah. I was like, I got to join the Marines. I was in third grade. So I was just trying to get freedom. It was clear. It was an inside operation. And the next thing was.

You see all the anti Islamic stuff come out. And then the third thing was we have to go bomb Iraq. Yeah. And Tulsi fucking Gabbard supported that. Really? Yes. She’s in this one? What do you think? She’s so pretty. Yeah. Yeah. She has a great stupor. That’s what I’m trying to say. So everything you just said, everything you just said is manufactured.

You don’t give anyone network TV access. Yeah. Unless you’re anointed. Remember that people have to stop being dumb fucks thinking that anyone who gets on mainstream media is anointed, right? Okay. They’ve been vetted. They’re allowed to be there. The swarm needs them for some purpose. So the concept of the not so obvious establishment is critical to understand.

It’s critical. That is the swarm or not. Part of the swarm. So when I did the swarm video, everyone should go to shadow the swarm and watch it. I said, look, they have this entire. Instrumentation of all these different entities that collaborate, but when they go to the masses to manipulate people, they use two techniques.

The obvious establishment. But then they also have the not so obvious establishment. So you’re cheering them on? Yeah, you’d cheer them on. You have to e establishment. Yeah. So you’re cheering them on, but they’re owned by the nots by when Everybody loved Bernie. Remember that? Yeah. What a prick. . But I called them out because I’d seen what occurred in 1984 when they occurred to this guy, Jesse Jackson, to manipulate young people.

I was too young for that. How did they do that? Yeah. So in 19 okay, so first you do construction, right? Sure. What do you do? Construction. Yeah. Okay. So obviously when you’re building stuff. In the building trades, right? You understand what a cantilever is, right? You understand how much force a beam can take.

You obviously know there’s a physics here, right? You can’t just go do random shit. Walls will fall apart. Buildings will come down, right? So there are physics here. Okay, you got that, right? So now consider that you want to change the world. You want to build a building, you have to follow certain physical principles.

You have to bring your civil engineer. He studied finite elements. He understands Newton’s equations. And, otherwise, you can’t build a building. How much force can you take, right? How much foundation can take, right? You can do the, you can do the number crunching on that. Where’s the number crunching in the physics if you want to build a movement to create a better world for all 8 billion of us?

Where is that physics? Who’s teaching that? I am. I am. I spent my whole life. The foundations of systems. Okay. So just as I learned electrical engineering, just as I learned mechanical engineering, just as I learned biological engineering, just as I learned design, four degrees from M. I. T. In the number one institution.

And but because I came from a system of oppression, all that training, they gave me wanting me to think okay, there’s civil engineering. Where’s revolution engineering? Where’s the engineering? You teach people how to change the world, political science. No, that’s not, that’s like keeping the world the way it is.

So I’m the discoverer of the fundamental systems of that. I’ve put it into a curriculum and that’s what I’m educating people for. And that’s why I was put on this planet. Okay. So if someone wants to learn, it’s got to feel good to have a mission. Yeah. I had that. I set that when I was four years old. And then when that woman, when I went into her home said I had to drink water in another cup.

What the fuck is this? Yeah. So when I was four years old, I was playing soccer with a friend of mine. I go to, this is an Indian Bombay. I thought this guy’s my friend go to his home. His mother starts calling me the coolant of the N word and says, you can’t come into our home and gives me water.

Is it fricking hot ass day? 120 degrees gives me water and a little fucking cup. It looks like, rats had been in there and said, that’s the cup you drink and my son gets to drink in this beautiful golden cup, you follow? That’s called the cast system. Now, don’t you think that would hurt you deeply?

Yeah. It hurts your feelings. Yeah. Yeah. So that from that ma moment to here, nothing has changed. I wanted to figure out how this system came to be and now we have that same system in the United States and they’re gonna regret creating you . So the goal is those degrees at MIT help me understand system science, right?

So there is a fucking science. Just there’s a science to building a building. You can’t build a skyscraper. It’s Oh, I’m going to go build a skyscraper today. Let me go try it. Let me go fight, try to build a Boeing. You can’t do that. There’s a science, the pyramids, anything. There’s a physics.

So if you want to shatter the swarm, there’s a physics. And that’s what that 15 minute video took me 50 years to draw with a simple blue marker in 15 minutes. And everyone should watch it. It’s a fucking great video. It’ll go down in history as a great video. Because In that video is multiple layers of knowledge, system science, engineering system science.

But in that video, I end with saying that the swarm has two front ends to manipulate you. The obvious establishment, okay, but the not so obvious establishment is the most deadly. They’re the wolves in sheep’s clothing. They exist to make you keep having hope in them, not in us. There is a them versus us.

There is a real division. We must not say, Oh, we want to be all unified. It’s bullshit. No, you want to fuck me over. I’m going to fuck you over. I don’t know how to sleep at night for some of the stuff, right? But we have to have a desire to fuck them over because they are fucking 8 billion people over.

Elon Musk understands this. Booby Kennedy understands this. They think we’re all fools. They’re laughing. A guy with only 400 in his savings account, which the average American only has 400 for emergency. They’re writing out 200 bucks and giving that to Trump. He’s fucking laughing at you. He thinks you’re a fucking idiot.

Yeah. That’s all it was. He’s begging for money. His wife is wearing a hundred thousand dollar gown that you can’t even afford. Why doesn’t he fucking go sell that? Why doesn’t he so why don’t the kennedy said billion dollar trust funds? That’s right I don’t ask for money If people want to donate me I said i’m going to teach you say it’s a very different model Because these people hate us.

They hate you. They hate you. They hate me They hate working people when they look at us. They see us as a commodity to be used to be sent to war and white, black, brown, I don’t care what fucking color you are. There is an us versus them. Yeah, they’re hitting us with that cult. Bullshit. Yeah, so they have had to create a cult of fucking Joe Rogan scumbags.

They’ve had to create the Alex Joneses. They’re the not so obvious establishment. They bark enough. He’s funny. The only thing that sucks is like Yeah, I’m 31. Yeah, I was born in 92. The Obama should happen. I didn’t really pay attention. Couldn’t vote. And then Trump got elected. And from that, I threw watching like info wars and stuff of that kind of started thinking and then right when they hit us with COVID, I was like, this is the biggest amount of bullshit I’ve ever seen in my life.

And that was like Wrestlemania. Day one, he was like, it’s fake. I was like, immediately I was like, the only thing they would do is make a fake disease so they’d have to spend less money to give you a fake cure. Why would they even make a real disease and put it out if all they have to do is tell you there’s one and you have to fuck out?

Yeah, I remember the first tweet I put out. I said, this will go down in history to push mandated medicine, destroy freedom, and destroy economies. I was the only one to put that out. And then immediately after that, I wasn’t just telling the truth. We ran the fire Fauci campaign. We collected 120, 000 signatures in March and May of 2020.

We ran that Rand Paul didn’t do shit. He waited a year. He just wants soundbites. Yeah. He’s why, you look at him talking. It sounds fucking fake. Oh, these people are fake. Thomas Massey is your token constitutionalist. It’s like characters out of a fucking sitcom that they have. Now, how did your life go?

Since like you are like coming from MIT, very radical, like the people That’s did the same marches with you for South Africa and stuff like that. Did they completely abandon you with COVID and we’re just, I don’t know. I haven’t kept in touch with them. This is, I was 17, 18 years old, but she from back then.

I was one of the first people in 1993 1994 to call out Fauci and Robert Gallo. Oh, wow, okay. Before, Because I don’t remember you being in Boobie’s book. He doesn’t want me in his book. Yeah, I’m the darkie he doesn’t want me in. I’m his worst nightmare. Yeah, I’ve had to expose him really hard.

And then he wrote a hit piece on me saying that I ran a vaccine company. I’m friends with Bill Gates and with the Clintons. What? Yes. No, you see the Kennedy’s are just disgusting human beings. They’re disgusting human beings. Their entire life is created. They’re vicious gangsters. They’re gangsters.

You look at boobies face. He looks like a fucking disgusting human being. Like he’s shitting on himself and he’s shat on himself. And he’s, know many cocks down a stroke, but what I’m saying is these people. So a guy like me should have been co opted by now, right? With all the accoutrements, with all the awards they gave me, they’re entertainers.

No. Stop. Okay. The thing about what you just said, you show great disrespect for you and your family and your entire class of hardworking people. You can’t do that. There’s a billion of us left. So working people need to have great respect for themselves. Why do we think Joe Rogan is going to do fucking anything?

Where does that assumptive clothes come from to think he’s going to, he cares about us, he cares about Spotify his managers, Ari Emanuel was another Zionist hoodlum who was Trump’s agent. You have to look at these people. They run in very small circles. They’re the same people and they will pivot to acting like they’re one of us.

If it’s going to get them more views and clicks and make them more money. They’re not authentic human beings. The most dangerous people are the people who fake sincerity. Yeah. These are very dangerous people. I don’t like it because it distorts my sense of reality when I encounter them in real life.

So then it’s like They lie, and then it creates a false reality that I’m living in. Yeah. And then I get really pissed off about this. I just want to, I just want to play a quick video for these guys. You guys mind? So to everyone listening, the discussion we’re having is about the not so obvious establishment.

People know that I’m running for president. We tell people to do something, right? One of the things they can do is they can go get one of these bumper stickers. Now, why is this important Is when you get one of these bumper stickers and you have to peel it, people start getting nervous. Oh, I don’t know if I can put this on my car, but everyone should do that.

You guys should take one from here. Okay. Yeah, put it on the back, right? Because 100, 000 people see those bumper stickers and the establishment knows that. People come up to you and start talking about it. Now you start having conversations with people. So people can go to Shiva for President and get that.

But deeper than that is we also have this thing there which says Truth, Freedom, Health. So this is the core engine. The science that people need to learn. I’m just going to play quick videos. If people understand this, we have allowed our country to be taken over from within. And the end goal is you will have a homogenized world where we will become slaves because there is a condition among the elites that really thinks they’re better than you deep down inside them, that you don’t deserve the freedoms you have.

They don’t, this reality is what people need to wake up to. And we need to all unite working people. There’s only one movement that can do that. And that is the movement that we started creating here in Massachusetts, the Movement for Truth, Freedom, and Health. Look, I’ve been a student of politics since I was a four year old kid, studying revolutionary movements, left wing, right wing.

There’s a physics, there’s a nuclear science to destroying the establishment. To build a bridge, you need to understand Newton’s equation. You need to understand the laws of gravity. You need to understand Poisson’s ratio. There is a way to build a revolution. And that’s why I put this together. My goal is to train a army of truth, freedom, and health leaders.

We don’t need followers like social media. We need leaders, but they need training because the educational system does not teach them history. Nothing. So in three hours, that’s what I’ve started doing. That’s the solution. We got to train people first with understanding what a system is, the dynamics of all systems that affect nature.

The second is understanding the interconnection between truth, freedom, and health. Freedom is the ability to move freely, communicate freely, talk freely. Without freedom, you cannot convert ideas, hypotheses into truth, which is science. And without freedom, you can’t really get to truth. And without truth, you make up fake problems and fake solutions, which means you destroy our health.

And without health, which is the infrastructure of us and our body, you can’t fight for freedom, truth, freedom, health. Third concept is it has to be bottoms up working people who work uniting. And what the right wing has done is whenever you say working people unite, that must be communist.

Meanwhile, they’ve let the Democrats run unions, which suppress workers. Completely corrupt. But when you look at the arc of American history, it’s been when working people came up. We need to go local. Every solution I’m coming up with is a part of this movement. We’re giving the science, which is the truth, and then we tell people what they can do on the ground.

Like with election fraud, you don’t need to wait for some lawyer. Our goal is to train people to go local. Fight locally. Forget lawyers, forget politicians, forget celebrities. You’ve got to learn politics. And there is a science to it. They lock us down, we should be ready to shut them down.

And the fourth part of this principle is the not so obvious establishment. So when you look at a system, there’s always something that disturbs you from getting to your goal. But the biggest disturbance is the not so obvious establishment. Which are those people who claim they’re for you. On the left and the right.

The Al Sharptons who tell black people I’m for you. The Tucker Carlsons. Do you think any true anti establishment person will ever be on Fox or CNN? I don’t think so. They both mislead working people back into the establishment. Without this solid understanding of political physics and theory, you’re screwed.

You’re gonna follow, on the left wing, Bernie Sanders. Oh, he said something. Or Robert Kennedy. Scumbags. Or you’re gonna follow Some right wing talk show host. They’re not going to lead us to liberation, it’s us! We’re building a bottoms up movement, and that political physics, it’s a nuclear science of change.

Bottoms up. We have to organize to understand that there is people who talk a good game, and then look at what they actually do, left and right. I’m sorry, Sean Hannity may say some good things, but I don’t see the urgency in his voice to get something done, and it can only come When you weaponize yourself with the right knowledge, you need to be able to identify a rat.

Christ didn’t go after the Romans, right? It was the Pharisees and the Sadducees who screwed him up. His own quote unquote people. And that’s where we’re at. So these four concepts I’ve built into a curriculum. People can go to truthfreedomhelp. com and it’s an educational program. We need to train people in political theory.

You need to have physics. And I’ve created that curriculum. People need to get educated. We need to get educated fast. And within a half an hour, I can teach people two years of MIT control systems. I teach people those concepts, then I apply it. Anyone can understand it. And then you say, Oh, I got to build a bottoms up movement.

They have to get politically astute, and then they have to go locally and act, not sit there on social media. They have to act locally, defy locally, do civil obedience locally, but with knowledge on how to build a movement. And the Senate campaigns expanded to the movement for truth, freedom, and health.

And they can find it on truthfreedomhealth. com. So people can sign in, they can get access to a bunch of videos. If they want to take a course and become a Truth Freedom Health leader, I offer a full scholarship there. But we want people to make a commitment that they’ll study, that they’ll get certified, that they’ll go do activities on the ground.

So go to truthfreedomhealth. com. So

just to emphasize what So what we’ve done here is we’ve literally created like an institute. It’s a community, it’s an institute, it’s an educational program where people are serious about wanting to fundamentally change the world for the, truly for the rest of us. They can go and learn engineering system science, but in a way that anyone can learn it.

In a very simple way, I’ve made it accessible, right? So you can be a hair cutter, you can be a PhD, and we have a learn, teach, and serve model. So truthfruitandhealth. com, we have an actual program. You don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. People spend a little bit of money. They’re contributing.

And if they’re really in need, we give scholarships out, not people are bullshitting, Oh, you’re charging something. Give me those people. We don’t even want to talk to people who are sincere. Okay. So that’s the foundations of this. We have to educate people, but that education is theory mind, but also your hands, we got to people get out and they hand out flyers, they learn how to communicate with other people.

They have to understand this principle of the not so obvious establishment. The reason the world gets manipulated and suffering continues is not the obvious establishment. The Kennedy family and the establishment created Martin Luther King, right? How do they do that? I’ll talk about and they diminished Malcolm X.

They created Mahatma Gandhi, right? They created Nelson Mandela. So they know masses are rising. So they find some guy who talks the shtick. Yeah, but they’re that people need to hear it. They’ll give it to them. That’s what they do. So it’s very well organized. But us educating people on this dynamic, which we call a disturbance, now gives people the opportunity to really get far more critical, you say?

What really needs to be done at this point in history, right? What is the real problem, right? What is the real solution? And that’s what we teach people. If people are serious, otherwise they’re going to just be manipulated. And so for the last 70 years, there’s been no movements that have been built bottoms up in the late 1800s and 1900s working people built these bottoms up movements.

And then by the 1970s, those movements were hijacked by the swarm, by the elites who figured out this dynamic, they realized, wow the people are going to rise up, we could just shoot them, but then they’re going to create martyrs. And that’s going to get them even more risen up, but rather we’re going to create our own charlatans, like a Tulsi Gabbard, like a Vivek the snake.

They breed these people, right? You have to understand this Vivek seems like fake. All of them are. He’s not a very good actor. Trump is a better actor. He’s a better clever monkey. Yes, but he’s a clever monkey. And he was put on that path by Wilbur Ross and the Rothschilds. Because he went bankrupt multiple times.

The guy’s a fool. Okay. He’s a fake businessman, with a telephone. He acts like he’s doing business, but he doesn’t know what a balance sheet is. He doesn’t know what assets are. He doesn’t want liabilities are a good friend of mine met with him. It was his advisor and Trump said, I can’t. It was doodling when he went into his room and he said, he goes, they’re saying I’m bankrupt.

He goes, I’m not, how can I be bankrupt? He goes you have 1 billion. 1 billion. In assets, you have 2 billion in liabilities because you’re a negative billionaire. And then one of the major times when he went bankrupt, Wilbur Ross and the Rothschilds bailed him out. And in return, they realized this guy can fool people.

So they put him on the path to become president. Were you saying Jesse Jackson was one of these guys? Yeah. Jesse Jackson was created by the swarm too. Okay. And so when I was 17, 18, I saw this in front of me. So when I came to MIT, a lot of us were anti establishment, right? And we said, Oh, Jesse’s saying all the right words, all the right things.

It would actually change his accent. We need to go to a place like Newark to speak act like it was more black. Yeah. Everyone told me it was like, I always have hot sauce. Anyways so there, so in the election of 1984, Ronald Reagan was the Republicans establishment candidate. Walter Mondale was the Democrats establishment candidate, but they knew people were figuring shit out.

The Tea Party was starting to emerge. That was the not so obvious establishment that the Republicans had to keep people tied. And the rainbow movement was started by Jesse Jackson and his job was to rile up young people, and he’d speak all this radical stuff. And at the last minute on the floor of the democratic convention, what does Jesse do?

He gives this sorry ass speech. Oh, wow. We must come together the lesser of two evils. And he gives all of this energy of all these young people who thought he was going to fight for them. And he gives corrals, all those people like sheep right into the Democrats. That’s why when Bernie came, I predicted this and all these young people are like, Oh no, Shiva, you’re too critical.

You’re an asshole, right? Blah, blah, blah, blah. That’s exactly what he did. He sucked Hillary, right? And that was his job. So I’m telling you, this is a systems dynamic. They do not want you to shatter the swarm. They want you to keep being part of the swarm. It’s like flypaper. So today they create tools.

He Jesse Jackson. Okay. We used him. People figured him out. Okay. And he got a private jet, by the way, for doing that. And then I heard yeah. And then he got, and then they did Bernie. Okay. Then after Bernie, they created Trump. Obama, Trump, they have a whole bunch of these, but the biggest thing was Trump was a side up if you’re a Magatard and you think elections are selections, if you think elections are selections.

Then why don’t you apply it to Trump? Why is he the anomaly? Oh no. If a principle is a principle. You drop something, it’s always going to fall to the earth. There’s a principle called gravity. There’s a principle called elections or selections by the swarm. So what, so now you have to, this is where, once you understand, You guys are builders, right?

You can’t like, you can’t just drop shit from 50 stories high and think, Oh, it’s going to float. It doesn’t, it’s going to fall. And it’s going to hit somebody. Okay. Elections are selections period. So now you have to ask, Oh shit, I have to. Now, if that is true, you have to go down the logical path, no matter where it leads you.

Why was Trump selected? What was his job? Divide. Okay. What did Trump do? I don’t know. Invented Trump Heights in Israel. . I don’t know what Trump did. What did Trump do? When did he come in? Trump the vaccine. There you go. Worst he came in. If Hillary Clinton had done what he had done, the white working class would’ve revolted.

Oh yeah. They needed him. They needed a white dude, ’cause they’d used the black dude up two. Two terms. 57% of Trump people voted for Obama. Yeah, so they used a black face. Right for eight years and they used him all the way. He was a good puppet. He served them he saved all the big banks in 2008.

Okay. Yeah, he printed eight point one trillion dollars to save them Trump’s job was to do the same thing But also to save big pharma’s revenues been tanking Trump was brought in with his Ionis hoodlum son in law to make sure And Netanyahu is the one who put Trump into power. He recently came out and said that there’ll be good property when Gods is done.

Who said that? Kushner. Kushner. Yeah. There’s real estate opportunity. Yeah. And, school won’t come back. Yeah. So that’s and he went to Harvard here, couldn’t even get in his father to give him two and a half million. And the next town over here is called Somerville. It used to be.

And he’s the one who did slums there. Some, it was a slum Lord. He’s building buildings in Philly now. Yeah. The entire real estate game is about cashflow. So you could be a dumb shit, but if your father has money, you will own the real estate world because you build one building, then you get the equity off that building and you go build the next building.

It’s all about having low interest loans. Yeah, so that’s what Kushner is about. He got a 2 billion, essentially free money from the Saudis. How do you get free money from the sales? I gave him a big loan for his, I think fund. They’re building that big line. The line. Yeah. Okay. I think the key thing to understand here is that Trump is a swarm.

Yeah. He was brought in for a particular purpose, but they did his marketing well. Friend, a woman I know knows a factory. All of his hats come from China. Yeah. That’s pretty good. Okay, so is many hats. Yeah. Bad hats. Yep. Except they’re really highend ones. Okay. That he makes him, I think in somewhere in California, that he gives to VIPs and all.

Okay. But his number one budget for his campaign was so sad. So they built that campaign is a Madison Avenue campaign locker up. That was all sloganeering, right? Drain the swamp. These were like no different than just do it with Nike. So they know the pulse of the American people. They have all the data and they meet that pulse.

So we don’t rise up. They meet that pulse to make sure that we stay connected to the swarm. And so when you learn this dynamic, you start realizing just like you can engineer a building or you can engineer airplane, you can engineer and manipulate people through mass behavioral psychology.

And this is what all the great artists are no longer doing art. They’re in advertising. Yeah. So it’s very powerful. Now I’m trying to think like in the, in this book, you were talking about MRNA in 2016. What do you think, like their whole plan? Because I think it was COVID. You were saying Trump spent all that money on hats.

COVID wasn’t a lot of the money for COVID research and stuff, all pretty much advertising. Like most of their budget for the COVID vaccines were all advertising. You have to understand the entire platform of MRNA goes back many years. Okay. The defense department DARPA had funded quite a bit of it.

The defense department takes. Tax dollars. And they do all sorts of interesting, wacky, wild research. And some of it never gets out of their labs. Private companies can license that research Lawrence Livermore labs, Oak Ridge national labs. These are, they have stuff that’s already done, but they can’t market it.

So private companies go to them, they license their technology, and then they build a massive marketing machine. So some of these technologies, the R and D that went into it came from. Our tax dollars. Yeah. Where are we funded it? And then you need a whole, you need a whole marketing machine and sales machine to get it out.

So yeah, so most in drug development you could almost look at 35, sometimes 60 percent of the expenses is for marketing. Yeah. So they have to put massive amounts into marketing. How far ahead do you think they are? With their plans. What’s happening? Didn’t they go like a whole election cycle ahead or a whole what they have now is in the old days, so there used to be com, there’s a company called Gallup Net Polls and Nielsen many years ago, when I was in 1985, I worked for a company called IRI information Resources.

Every time you go, and you scan. You remember you’re at this store and you scan all your things. All of that goes to this company. IRI every shopping event, every barcode they use. And then they hire, they have sort of rocket scientists. To analyze that data to figure out, Oh, should we give a 50 cents coupon or a dollar coupon?

So when I left, I was hired by those guys to help develop these technologies out in Chicago. So the point is they collect lots of data that was like physically collecting all that paper data. Now you collected all on social media. Facebook, for example, sold all their text messages on To Netflix in return.

Netflix gave them all the data on viewer patterns. Yeah, your private dms. They sold it every all your dms every all your text. So this is why I’ve said that the bottom line is the founders knew that when you send him a physical mail and someone opened it, that was a 22 year sentence in prison.

So when private companies took over communications, email, yes, in 1997, I was the first one I met with the postal service. I said, you guys need to offer. A public email service. ’cause it would be protected by the Constitution. Yeah. And then you could sue the government if they, now you can’t sue private companies if they own it.

So if I have Gmail, there’s nothing. They own your content. Yeah. Ah, man. I don’t get on emails. So the thing that people need to understand is that free speech is supposed to equal free reach scumbags like Elon Musk, all these guys know what we’re talking about. All of these guys. They stripped away so many of my rights.

I don’t even know what I was supposed to have when you start saying stuff like that. I shouldn’t be able to open up my emails. So that’s why the founding fathers, they knew the teeth to the first amendment was not the second amendment. It was the United States postal service. It’s a very interesting insight that I’ve come to because what are you talking about?

While the postal service is a public private institution, the founders knew certain things like the air we breathe should not be owned by private companies. So the Postal Service was an organization that was created that I could send you a letter. You could send me a letter for like pennies. So every American could communicate.

That was how the First Amendment was going to exist. Up until 1970, 60, 70 percent of the mail were political mail. Newsletters. So people would send mail on, Nazis would be using the Postal Service. Green Party would be using communist would be right. Anyone that was the whole notion of open, free dialogue, right?

And the postal service from its inception in 1787 had a police force separately run that if internal employees ever opened up a letter, they would get a 22 year sentence in prison. The founders did that because that’s what the King was doing with the crowns postal service, which Franklin would also running.

Oh, and then they threw him out when he became a revolutionary. They thought, Oh, he’s going to. So the point is the concept of having communications, which are too truly private, that’s in our constitution, right? That’s what the postal service is. So when email went more consumer as a creator of email was fundamentally used in the office environment in business.

But in 1993, when the web came that’s when we put the front end on. No, I’m talking about the worldwide web allowed the internet to become a consumer application. And that’s when people started taking email to web based applications. AOL. When that happened every Tom, Dick and Harry started getting email addresses, email volumes start exploding.

And most of those emails now are consumer emails. Okay.

Why this is important is in 1997, email volume overtook snail mail volume. 97, 97, and I was 29. I met with the postal service and I said, look, as the inventor of email, I’m telling you guys should create a public email service. That will still be protected by the constitution. And they thought, Oh, we’re in the mail business.

We don’t want to be in this, all that nonsense. It dumb. Okay. And then 2011, the postal service is going out of business 14 years later. And I said, and I attacked them again, the inspector general of the postal service hired me. And commissioned me to show how they could make money. And I said, you guys could make two to 3 billion a year.

They would, yeah. They would be a permanent institution. Yeah, they should just move electronic. So they’re not in the print mail business. They’re in the fucking communications business. Yeah. But they didn’t follow any of my directives when I met, when I. When Trump ran, I met with his other dumb shit son, Donald, whatever, Don Jr.

And he said, talk to Charlie Kirk about this. Another fool. Bottom line is, I have the solution for this. The bottom line is, we need to have the equivalent of email brought to you by the Postal Service. Right now, you can’t sue Hotmail. They’re private companies. And you put your terms of service that you don’t know.

No one even reads it, but if email is brought to you by the postal service, it’s protected by the first amendment. If you get to be president and this the realities, I’m the one who’s been talking about this and this is a way out of it. So when you go to a systems approach and you understand this, you have real solutions.

So Elon Musk is running an operation, which he knows the backdoor portal to government is still open. And he talks a fucking game. And that’s why they brought that fool in. He’s a not so obvious establishment of free speech. And if you want to get verified through Twitter, you have to do like a face ID biometrics.

It’s all that shit is right. Yeah. And in fact, if you see Trump’s video from several years ago, it was, I will implement biometrics in air, sea and land. I retweeted it. You’ll find it. And all of the biometrics is fundamentally, and the surveillance systems are created by Mossad. So when they talk about immigrants being our source of problems, why are they doing that?

They’re doing it so you comply and say, okay, I’m willing to be surveilled. I’m willing to be biometrically chipped, right? That’s what this is about. It’s not about ending immigration. And Trump and during Trump’s term, he ended more legal immigration than he did illegal. Yeah. He did the same amount of illegal.

In fact, Obama went harder against illegal immigration than Trump did. Yeah, they were his cages. Exactly. It’s all, it’s a lot like, I don’t know how you feel about her. Maybe she’s a lot like, we were talking to Whitney Webber. Like they did this whole, yeah, she sucks Kennedy’s cock, her former husband.

Is the one who exposed her. Okay. Really? Yeah. You should talk to Johnny Bedmore. All right. Okay. So the point is she’s in, she’s at fifth tier, Noam Chomsky. Ooh, I’m doing all this exposing this. Why do you go on Kennedy’s podcast? And why are you’re not calling him out as a Zionist cocksucker.

You have, you can find the litmus test of who’s real or not in the following. Do they suck Zionist cock? No, this is the algorithm. This is, seriously, this is the test. Do they put Dr. Shiva on their podcast? Ask that. Okay? And if and that will let you figure out who’s for us and who’s for themselves.

Because if I get on any of their podcasts, all of their viewers will come over to me, they’ll realize they’ve been fucking used by these guys. Their podcast will be over. It’ll be suicide for them. But top sucking Zionists aside, what we were talking to her, she said that COVID happened and it got a lot of those left wing people and people like us oh, that’ll never happen.

And then they can just spin it around on us with this whole immigration thing to take in a surveillance, they’d be like, yes, please. Give us a real idea where our thing like, yeah, but people have been saying this for years. She’s not saying anything new. Where the fuck was she in 2020? No clue.

Yeah. Where did she come from? No clue. Suddenly appears as a truth teller is exposed where we see. So you got to go back to 2020 another litmus test. What did they say in 2020? So when the shit’s hitting the fan, what did you say? You said lockdowns were good. You were silent. That’s it. Leaders lead.

They say the things at the right time to mobilize people. I’m a leader. These guys are working to cut our throats. Yeah. So you have to go put people to task. What did you do in 2020 buildings burning down? What did you do? You were silent. All these medical doctors. Ooh, yeah. You know that dude Malothra some another fool.

Oh yeah. After my dad died, I decided to look into this. That means you cared only when your father died. What about Rashid Bitar? He was created by the Kennedy Deep State against me Yeah, he called me up. He goes let’s do a live and go. Why are you sucking boobies cock? I go you’re a fucking star. They create people another in the That’s what they’re doing.

They Kennedy knows you should see emails. I am from Kennedy to a friend of mine. He, they know I’m the real deal in our movements. Real. They’ve never had this thing. So they literally watch me and they create fake versions of me. They get pissed when you don’t do their sex parties and you don’t grovel.

That’s right. Not only that I expose them and we’ve created now a movement where we’re replicating. My concepts and ideas among hundreds of millions of people. This is very dangerous. It’s just a matter of time before we shatter the swarm, because this movement exists, because I was able to figure this out.

It’s like crazy. They still can do this with the internet. It seems like they still need to control it. No. This is the thing. People think when technology comes, we’re going to get more freedom. Technology helps consolidate power. That’s why we must seize the means of production. These technologies we must seize.

We must seize. The means of production of the core infrastructure or create our own. You were saying something about in the book about the Arab spring. What happened there with the telecommunications company? Yeah. So what you have to understand is all these idiots thinking, crypto is going to save the world.

They don’t understand. How are you going to share your wallets between people? It’s through the fucking infrastructure. It’s through the infrastructure that they control. So more on what are you talking about? You have to understand that we have to have our own network. Ultimately, all of this privatized infrastructure that’s for communication must be owned by all of us directly.

And there are technologies that can do that, like WiMAX or create mesh networks. How can you say you have freedom when everything, if the pipe between me and you right now is going through AT& T, Vodafone, et cetera, they can let us talk all the shit we want. But if we actually start mobilizing a real movement, the future is offline.

No, it’s not going to be over. It’s going to be offline. Yeah, you do mention that in the book. The future is offline. They had Vodafone shut down the Arab Spring. Yeah, so what happened was, by the way, you have to understand, there’s a big difference between students protesting, waving flags, because they know students have a four year life cycle.

Yeah. They talk and then they’ll go back to go to Wall Street. Exactly. But when workers strike, that’s dangerous. Because a working person is working on his job for him to get politicized and leave his job and lose money. That means he’s really conscious. So if you look in Arab spring, the movement was growing by students.

Millions were coming up, communicating on social media dah. Mubarak, who’s a dictator who’s, an agent of Israel put in power by the United States. He’s a puppet. Okay. When the workers, you can go read it, started shutting down stores and they were joining the students. One phone call to Vodafone and he shut down everything.

So people need to understand that they’re living in la land. Thinking, oh yeah, all these people are going to help us. So because our movement exists, their only option is they have to mimic us, and they have to make us invisible. That is what’s going on right in front of your eyes. Vivek the Snake, where the fuck does he come from?

Whitney Webb, where the fuck does she come from? It’s almost like a form of they say Satanism is just an inversion of the truth. Exactly. So where does Whitney Webb come from? Where is she building the movement? The difference is, we’re telling the truth, the whole truth, at the right time, to mobilize people to shatter the swarm.

So truth is not just, any dickhead tells the truth. He draws the truth. It takes my shit, copies it, does a book on it, puts on a spectacle, smokes his pipe, does it. Ooh, they did such a wonderful intellectual job. So you’re just jacking off on yourself. I saw one thing. I don’t know how you feel now.

You’re on Claude Adams show. A while back. Oh, he’s a fucking doofus. Yeah. When I was talking, yeah, the Claude Adams. Yeah, he’s a dick. He’s your fake intellectual. Cool. It was talks like this. Thinks he’s a hypnotist. Somebody just slapped the shit out of him. I watched him ask to be ready for the simultaneous tip.

I saw he died inside. Other thing is, how the hell is Frank Zane your mentor? What do you mean? I’ve met Frank. Frank’s a very interesting guy. I like him.

Used to do 2 85. Three reps or one three reps. Oh, okay. I speak into the strongest guy in the gym for my weight. Fifty seven a hundred sixty. Okay. But it’s difficult to do that much weight. You have to be careful. Frank said, he burned himself out by doing too heavy weights.

He wishes he had done more higher reps, 10 to 12. But he’s a very smart guy. He’s very much into meditation, eating right. He said how many ways that Arnold was just a fucking cheater. Total cheater, liars, payoff judges. That’s what he’s saying. Oh yeah. Big time. So Zane is a real guy.

He was one of the first people that did a lot of symmetry, yeah. Yeah. That was what? 19. No, I’m sorry. It was early 2000. Okay, cool. Yeah. But I’ve been following him since 1980s. Since Who? Dorian Yates. He would, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he’s a beast. You get a, so Dorian Yates, he did a, he’s a real one.

He might have be on. Those guys were doing breakthrough stuff. They were, they were like experimenting with stuff and they were doing their things. Experi themselves. Yeah. So they were like real pioneers in a lot of this. Frank was called a chemist ’cause he was a chemistry teacher.

Okay. So he actually studies this shit, yeah. But anyway, yeah. I think guys like him. These guys did do the juice, and they recognize it wasn’t appropriate, but they were trying all sorts of things. There were really laboratories, they were one off laboratories, case study of one,

but that was when I was, what? It’s email. You also put up five or three rounds. Yeah, I don’t understand that. I, I think dips are one of the best, what’s up? I can’t do this right now. We’re fixing it right now. Yeah. Yeah. I’m working on it. I was gonna, I was, what are your thoughts on Vikram yoga?

I think it’s quite valuable. You have to just be careful, but there’s something about the hot yoga. That’s very valuable. Again, it’s not for everyone, right? But it’s, I got a lot of value from that, the sweating and those things that are really valuable. Yeah. I forget what I was going to say.

It was, he’s just confused at why there is so much oh, there’s so many problems with you saying I’m done email. Yeah. You said in, I don’t know if it was a book or like you had a podcast, there was like three hours long on your page. Very good. But you were talking about how like people got that military, but the military doesn’t do collaborative emails.

It’s your sergeant telling you what to do. So you guys study that. Yeah. So the issue is. What is email? What is email? Email? Who created the word email? I did. Who created the system email? I did. Who has a copyright for email? I do. You are the official one, but if you go online it, yeah. The Smithsonian took his shit.

I’m saying he’s a debunk, like he’s a conspiracy theorist and all that. So you have to ask The wonderful story about the invention of email. It’s so fucking obvious. I have the fucking data. You have the receipts right in front of you and I exist. You say, so if you compare me to the life of Philo Farnsworth, he didn’t have to be in a Brown skin.

Yeah. Okay. So he didn’t have to deal with the race issue, but he still had to deal with the fact that he was a 14 year old boy in a small town in Franklin, Idaho. He was given certain circumstances of a loving family, certain equipment. And he saw how the cows did the Z pattern on a farm. And that’s how we created the pattern.

And he created TV. He invented TV as a 14 year old kid, manufactured it. RCA came and stole everything and started manufacturing it. And even though he had the patent, he couldn’t fight this multi billion dollar company. And you were fucked too, because you can do shit about software. So my situation is the following.

First of all, I’m doing it in Newark, New Jersey. I don’t care about intellectual property protection. IBM, HP, everyone ran through our place, right? And the reality is, as they went in and out they took my ideas. Ideas cannot be protected at that time by software patents. Software patents weren’t recognized by the Supreme Court.

But, I was creating the System as we that I called email. So I created the system. First of all, I wrote 50, 000 lines of code capturing every feature of the interoffice mail system, which had never been done and named it email. So I created this thing with 4 tires with a motor. And I call it a car because I created the fucking thing.

I called it the car. And then I have, and then a few years later I get the copyright saying I’m the inventor of that system. Now where’s the fucking controversy. Do I have to have blue eyes? Does my last name need to be Reinstein or Einstein? I have to ask that question. Do I have to have blonde hair and do I have to be, do I have to be a dropout out of Harvard or grow up in Silicon Valley?

Do I have to have those? Things and then I get anointed not to mention it was on like when he was going into MIT. It was on the front page No, the front page of the MIT official newspaper highlighted three students out of the other Thousand brilliant kids who got into MIT that so out of the thousand hundred thousand apply one thousand gets like that’s one percent And out of that one percent i’m three out of that So that’s 0.

03, 0. 003. So MIT is highlighting this fact. I invented this system. I go to the president’s house in 2020 sorry, 1981, I was elected student body president, and he was on the science advisory council, White house council to Ronald Reagan. And he said, it’s really bad that you can’t have software patents.

And he’s the one who said you can copyright it because of the 1980 act. So I’ve done everything. I created the system. I named it email. Now, why the fuck are you telling me? Uppercase? Email is different than lowercase email. You see what I’m saying? Yes. Yeah, I’m trying. And so we keep there is no fucking controversy.

This is so fucking black and white. You want to slap the shit out of these people. It shows racism. It shows that I want all these. I’m on the front page of M. I. T. Inventing many things. But when I said email was created before I came to MIT, this fucks these people up and they are all white dudes.

Sorry. They’re all white dudes who, who came out of the military industrial complex sucking military industrial cock. Okay. So in the middle of this fabricated controversy, because I didn’t talk about it. When my mom’s dying in 2011, she leaves a suitcase with all this material. The editor of time magazine is the only one who reviewed it.

He wrote an article in 2011, the man who invented email. There’s no question I invented email. It’s fucking black and white. When did they start to turn against you? When it went into the Smithsonian, because when it goes into the Smithsonian becomes history manifest for life and a guy called Thomas a fucking piece of shit, racist motherfucker.

Who is. He thought he had written the history of email. Oh, this fucking darky Over here. This is new skull is being found. This fucks up his whole narrative. Yeah. Because, his, academics pride themselves on being the specialist in the field. I just fucked up his whole specialty.

Yeah. Now, this guy who claimed, he invented email, he admits he didn’t invent email . Yeah. They found the paper. Yeah. Okay. It a letter or something? Yeah, it’s a letter that David Crocker wrote. He goes, at this time in 1977. There is no effort being able to create this interoffice mail system. It is too difficult.

It is impossible. 14 years old. Yes. So they don’t want to give credit to it because A, it’s race, right? If I was an actor, if I was a Zionist hoodlum like Zuckerberg or a white dude like Gates, and I look like a fucking nerd, acted like a nerd, that’s okay. So there’s many dynamics here. I’m an athlete.

Center half. I played baseball. Okay. I don’t know. I never got timed in those days. Yeah, that’s no joke. You’re a good high school player. Yeah, I was a good high school player, right? But no one in those days, coach doesn’t say, have did I throw out my fucking arm by, right?

Cause we see this fucking throw hard all the time, right? The point is that I don’t fit into their box. Oh, fastballs. He plays soccer. He invents email. And he’s an Indian. Indians are supposed to shake their head like this and, huh? You must have been melting people’s heads. This fucks up people’s heads because I don’t fit into their box.

You can’t shake people’s heads because they’re British. Yeah. Yes, there you go. The British run our, the British and the BBC, they’re like above us in propaganda. And they, the moguls and fucking Indians, going back to the British East India Company. Yeah. It goes way back. Oh yeah. Yeah. And so when you tell the truth, they try to call you arrogant and egotistical.

You say, it’s fuck you. I did invent fucking email jackass. And it took me a while on my own personal journey to be able to talk like this because they make you feel bad. It’s a very powerful oppression. Yeah. I remember when the story came out. And then it went into the Washington Post. I was teaching one of the most popular electives at MIT.

Thousands of calls came to MIT telling this guy’s a fraud. How can he say invented email? It wasn’t fucking, this was in 2012. He said they got him so bad. He was like, dude, did I not fucking invent email? Yeah. I started thinking, fuck, did I not invent email? And this young student of mine, a kid called Devin Sparks.

Went into the MIT library, read everything, because I start wondering, fuck, maybe, it’s I talked to, I think I mentioned this, I talked to rape victims, they said, fuck, did I force that guy to rape me? Maybe I’m the one, maybe I, I shouldn’t have worn that skirt, right? So you start second guessing yourself.

We found that document. In black and white saying there is no attempt to create the interoffice mail system written by David crock of shit or who was the one in the Washington Post attacking me. Did you know Gates was a fraud back in the day? He didn’t create DOS. He stole it from another guy. He paid for it.

My point is no one goes questioning him. Why do they question a darky? Yeah, they didn’t know. Why do they question me? Let’s put them under the same scrutiny. Let’s put Zuckerberg under this great same scrutiny. Let’s put all of them. I thought he was made up when we were young, but let me tell you why they do this.

There’s many layers here. Number 1, the elites must separate black people from white people from brown people from yellow. So the only way they’re controlling the white working class is to make them feel superior. To others. Okay. Only white people invent things you say. So meanwhile, they fuck over the white people.

So it’s very important that white people call out racism. Because it’s fucking them over. And then the biggest racists are Indians. The darkies are actually the biggest racists. Because they revere the whites. Yeah. So they’re like, oh, there is no way Indian could have invented email. That’s a good accent.

Right? That’s not fucking possible. Oh my god. You can go in and out of that’s why. That’s what they, because Indians have been, like you said, brainwashed by British imperialism. Yeah, the British got them. Yeah, think about India before the British came. If I can stainless steel, the British up until 1800s are still in ship building blue blueprints from India, but the brainwashing that they did, and they did it in every village door to door, people don’t understand the British massive propaganda.

So Indians were brainwashed to think they were lesser when they come from such a rich culture of innovation. And now, and then when Walter Isaacson in 2014, when this controversy is going, the swarm has him write a book on the internet. The innovators of the digital revolution. There’s no mention of email.

Yeah. So Walter, I think it’s a new fucking piece of shit. You leave out email. The internet no longer has email. What else did he write? He’s written the biography of Bill Gates, biography of Elon Musk. Yeah, I just read it. That’s what it is. I just read it. But he will never write the biography of Dr.

Shiva Ayyadurai. Yeah. Because it will blow up the swarm. Because he’s a Zionist cocksucker himself. So the history of email, the truth, what I’m speaking to you, Exposes all of it. Yeah. I have the code. I fucking named it email. Yeah. I have the copyright. Like everything is here and okay.

And you’re saying I didn’t create it, but Steve jobs says he invented the iPhone. Oh yeah. He must. I’ve done that. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Elon must be building rockets. Oh, yeah. Elon Musk built Twitter. Elon. Elon Musk would just back and forth. Musk would just get in and fucking fuck over the people. He didn’t invent Tesla, but he forced his way in to be a founder.

Okay. My, my thing with Musk is like, he’ll go on Rogan or he’ll go on a podcast or something, or he goes on interviews and he talks about how I’m playing video games. I’m doing this. Where does he have the time? If he’s running five businesses, he’s saying he plays like Quake. Yeah, whatever. Video games.

Yeah. The point is, he was brought in by the Silicon Valley swarm. Cause Jack Dorsey and Vijay Gadde were being too fascist. So they said we need a new face. So they bring this guy in as though he’s some genius. Axol, smokes. They create these schticks and his job is to make all the Magatards think he was fighting for them.

And I was the first one to expose him. I lost another 20 percent of my followers. Yes. And then he brings in Linda Yaccarino, who’s out of the W E F the woman. He, we brought to the CEO. Yeah. So what I’m saying is. The good thing is our movement exists. Half a billion people worldwide cannot get away from Dr.

Shiva, no matter what the fuck they do. And so they have to go into hyper mode of invisibility, hyper mode of this big elephant in the room, the movement for truth from health and Dr. Shiva. They have to actually ignore it and they’re ignoring of it and making invisibles. Waking up a bunch of people.

You’ll see under people’s comments. Wait a minute. Dr. Shiva said that first, Dr. Shiva. So now people need to understand why are they doing that? And that why will lead to the actual truth. They don’t want you having one of your own who comes bottoms up as a leader. Yeah, they don’t want one of us leading us.

It makes complete sense. Like you’re going to send billions of dollars in Ukraine. What billions of dollars to do for an inner city would be insane. Yeah, I created email in not a great neighborhood. Okay, white people are st in there, they’re gonna g will get mugged. Okay, bu I grew black and white working p you commuting when y So it was 30 miles from Livingston.

The last three years, my parents moved to a Zionist hoodlum school because my parents would, whatever money they made, they would keep moving to the better. That’s the Indian way, right? So first was Patterson, one of the poor cities in the United States. Then Clifton, right? And then Persephone was called Lake Hiawatha.

And the last three years were in Livingston. Okay. Jared Kushner used to live in the Kushner’s lived there. Okay. Maybe he slept there. Probably. Yeah. No, seriously. He’s from Lower Marion actually. Yeah, exactly. Pennsylvania. Yeah. So anyway, I think the invention of email It’s such a great reality that really pisses him off.

What really pisses him off is that this darky challenges him because you’re supposed to say, okay, I didn’t do it. You’re right. Kick me in the fucking teeth. That’s what bugs him. What then a friend of mine, Mitch told me, he goes, Shiva, you know what really bothers them? You’re not being a good Indian.

You’re not fitting into the fucking box. They do not. They want, white people to fit at the box. Follow Trump. They want the women, who fucked up their kids with vaccines, thinking they’re for medical freedom, sucking boobies cock, right? They have this essentially this is what you look like.

It’s called target marketing. And so when someone doesn’t fit that and it’s actually independent, this fucks up everything. It doesn’t compute. Their minds get frazzled when they say, do you believe in body autonomy? And it’s They want abortion to be illegal, but they don’t want them. It didn’t like the mandates, right?

It’s like it melts their heads, right? You were saying that this and Kennedy in his own home, everyone had to be vaccinated. Yeah, that he, and then he blames his wife. Yeah, he did. So meanwhile, many couples broke up, many men and women broke up during COVID. So he has no balls. He should have said, fuck you to his wife and either thrown her out or left.

Yeah. So he’s a fucking idiot, right? So either you take a principled position or you don’t. He openly says personal integrity does not equal public integrity. Yeah. What does that mean? That means I can go fucking kill my wife and go bang women, but outwardly I can act like I’m a Catholic saint.

And if people are buying the shit, then you’re going to get what you deserve. You’re going to be fucked over. So don’t keep fucking crying. Yeah, you must have felt real good when he put Sergey Brin’s ex wife as his running mate. It’s a fucking disgusting whore. That’s just the easiest proof.

What you were saying when you were at MIT, I’ve never even fathomed this. I’ve seen people with coats, which, like, when a white dude’s around a black guy, they start talking like they’re, like, ghetto or whatever. You said at MIT that people started talking nerd. Yeah. So I noticed this. I noticed when I, first of all, when I first came to visit MIT, I said, these people are fucking crazy.

They looked unhealthy and I didn’t want to go. It was my physics teacher convinced me. And the only reason I was interested in Boston as a city, that was the only reason. So what I noticed was I would take a class and a guy who was talking normally. Within about six months, he would talk like this and wave his hands like this.

And you know how they wave, have little twitches because of these weird professors had these weird twitches. And so that was intelligence and say, fundamentally like use words and they all started speaking the same. I’ve seen a similar thing. There’s a thing that people do where they stutter.

Yeah, exactly. That’s what I’m saying. And do this. Yeah. And it’s a behavioral thing. Gay people talk a certain way. You’d see normal people, they become gay and there’s only talking with the list. Like it’s a cultural thing. I’m being serious. And they start walking a little bit differently.

It’s No, what I’m saying is these are behavioral things. That people think they have to do to show intelligence. I had a guy that was in our fraternity when I was at MIT. His name was Hansel Stedman. He came from the South. And people would think he was dumb because he would talk with a slow southern accent.

And he was an athlete, phenomenal athlete. He ended up getting an MD PhD at Harvard Medical School. He just did some amazing research, which showed fundamentally because it’s both to his brothers and muscular dystrophy. Okay. How 1 point mutation in 1 of the primates. Jaw completely changed everything to expand the skull so we can have a larger brain, right?

But people would think, oh, he didn’t fit the box, you say, and this is what the establishment does because it’s way to manipulate people. If you’re blonde, you must be dumb, right? If you’re Chinese, you must do karate. Okay? If you’re Indian, you must know how to meditate all day and be fine being beaten up all day.

Like you like being beaten, right? You know what I’m saying? If you’re from the south, you must want to kill all black people, right? And so on. And as long as you’re there, they got you. And because they can put you into one, and you’re no longer independent. So that’s what this is about.

Anyway, guys, I think we’ve covered a lot. I don’t know what you guys think. All right, everyone. We’ve had a good interview with war boat war mode. I thought, yeah, I thought you said war boat. Yeah. Everyone out there, the way you can support, we do is go get one of these bumper stickers.

Volunteer, go to Shiva for president dot com and and volunteer, get these bumper sticker support what we’re doing because we need to get on the ballot in every state. And as I put in here, many talk few walk the walk. So you want to volunteer to get Dr Shiva on the ballot.

The other thing I want to recommend to everyone is become a truth, freedom, health warrior. You guys should go through the program. Okay. I do a lot of talks with podcasters and then we do these talks, but put some of this stuff in action. Cause you guys are working guys, we need to let more working people know about this.

So as I end here, I’m just going to play our Shiva for president video. Who would have ever thought I’d be running for president of the United States of America. I was born a low caste, untouchable in India’s caste system, a system of aristocracy, oppression, and racism. My name is Dr. Shiva Iyadurai. I’m an MIT PhD, a Fulbright Scholar, a Scientist, Engineer, Entrepreneur, and Inventor.

My family and I left India to come to America on my 7th birthday. I grew up in the working class neighborhoods of New Jersey. Playing baseball, mowing lawns, painting houses, and coding software. My friends and neighbors are blacks, Italians, Irish, people of all races. As a 14 year old, I wrote 50, 000 lines of software code to create the world’s first email system, and was awarded the first U.

S. copyright for email, recognizing me as its official inventor, at a time when copyright was the only way to protect software inventions. I did that long before I ever came to MIT, revealing that big innovations can occur anytime, anyplace, by anybody. MIT. Growing up I saw politicians dividing us by race and religion, in both America and India, to have us fighting each other while they remained safe in their gated communities, and in their playgrounds of Hollywood Martha’s Vineyard and Silicon Valley.

I’m a fighter, I fought racism, and exposed their imperialist wars, fought for workers and put my life on the line against global corruption. I never wanted to run for political office, all that changed when I saw working Americans, as never before being duped by the establishment, and the not so obvious establishment, across left and right, we were being sold out and made to forget, why we came to America, and why America existed.

Lawyers, academics, billionaires, celebrities and politicians, elites, Clintons, Kennedys, Bidens, Obamas, Bushes, black and white have hijacked America, they’ve printed trillions for their friends, they’ve delivered crumbling infrastructure, corruption and racism, they’ve transferred trillions to themselves, dividing black and white, fear mongering and fake science, lockdowns and censorship, dirty air, food and water, pushing drugs upon us, Making us sicker, we’ve been sold out, one set of rules for them, and another for us.

We deserve a warrior with a history of courage, and putting everything on the line for you, who believes in you, not them, who has created a movement bottoms up, for truth, freedom, health. I’ve exposed their lies at the right time. Never waiting until it was popular, I’ve exposed our false gods, who exist to lead you back to them.

I’ve exposed our fake science of lockdowns and masking, and provided you solutions to fight them and win, and protect your immune system, saving millions. I exposed Fauci, galvanized the fire Fauci campaign, when others remained silent. When they stole our election we sued the government and Twitter, in our historic 2020 federal lawsuit, exposing in bare view, The government and big tech censorship infrastructure.

The unholy alliance between government and social media companies. Where was Elon and his grifters? They stood by the sidelines and did nothing. They did not use their megaphones to help us when it could have made a big difference. Now our movement grows for truth, freedom, health. Independent of all of them.

Every day millions are learning the science of systems. The knowledge the elites need. Do not want you to have, so you may learn how to think, stand up, and fight, independent of the establishment of left and right, and their fake heroes. Now it’s time for you to join the movement, to win back America, to win back truth, win back freedom, win back your health.

That’s why I’m running for President of the United States. This race is about you. This race is about truth, freedom, health, versus power, profit, control. We’ve had enough. They think we’ll fall in line and vote again for their lawyers, celebrities, billionaires, and chosen ones from above. We choose our heroes from below, from the rank and file, who do what is right at the right time, not when it’s convenient and popular.

They can never represent us. What America needs is a movement. By the working people, for the working people, we’re educated, organized, decentralized, and fight for independence from their systems of control. And that movement exists. It’s ready for you. We don’t need them. We need us to go bottoms up, neighbor to neighbor.

My journey, your journey, are all the same. It’s our time. It’s time we had one of us. It’s time to win back truth, freedom, health, to win back America, be part of this historic movement all the way to our victory on November 5th, 2024. If you’re an American citizen, pledge your vote now for Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the independent candidate for US president.

No matter where you live, you can be a part of this. Volunteer as little as 20 minutes a day. Don’t delay. This is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and I approve this message Paid for by Dr. Shiva for president.

Actually, can you just turn that over here? Alright guys, we’re just wrapping up a little bit. Okay, hope everyone enjoyed this. And get involved war mode. Okay, with Billy and Spade, right? Alright guys get involved, get these bumper stickers, and take action. That’s what we need. We need people to take action.

Thank you. We need to build a bottoms up movement. Go to shiva4president. com and volunteer. See you next year.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health® you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.

Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health® in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.

The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.

To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems™ course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems™ Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health®, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.

Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System® tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health® portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health® Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved™.

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