America re-entering the Paris Accords means we support the polluting of the Earth. The Paris Accords allow China to double the pollution from 11B metric tons to 22B metric tons of carbon. Why is Biden Re-Entering the Paris Accords?
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- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – the Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – presents a visual exposition on the Paris Accords and how it incentivizes the polluting of our environment.
- The “IPCC” is a pseudo-scientific organization with a political agenda composed of a global elite who seek to use “Carbon Credits” to make trillions.
- The Paris Accords is a public relations vehicle to manipulate the world to push an agenda that is not based on the scientific method but rather on scientific consensus.
- The U.S. “Green Fund” of $100 billion was the slush fund to be used to funnel monies through different NGOs to pay off consultants, lobbyists, influencers, and ministers in foreign countries to get leadership of every country to support the Paris Accords.
- Between now and 2030, China is allowed to increase their pollution up to 22 billion metric tons of carbon, and India up to 4 billion metric tons. After 2030, the companies will have to buy carbon credits to offset their pollution.
- There are zero benefits of the Paris Accords to working people, except to raise taxes and the cost of products and services. The Paris Accords will have trillion dollar benefits to a handful of global elites.
Many of you know that there’s something called the Paris accords, that Joe Biden has re-entered a job. Yeah, he re-entered it. Trump pulled out of it. Many people who actually understand physics and science, who are not connected to be paid off, told people not to join. One of them was a guy called Nick Linz. And one of the guys was me who I did a whole thing on why it was important that Trump pulled out of the Paris accords. Nothing has really changed on the dynamics, but I thought it’d be good to walk you through it. There’s a video out there. But the big difference is we’re telling Joe Biden, that it was stupid. He’s, he re entered it. And we’re going to see shortly, in a very systems way in a scientific systems way, is the interconnection between what is known as the economy, people, manufacturers, who are creating products for you and me working people that we buy. And we participate in this consumer economy.
We’re going to look at a timeline of what it looks like today, and what it’s going to look like by 2030, when carbon taxes will kick in, based on the Paris accords. And then we’re going to talk about the dynamics of the, you know, IPCC, which is the organist. And the IPCC is a, quote unquote, a scientific organization which has come up with this framework called quote, unquote, climate change, but also includes a whole bunch of other characters. So when I talk about the IPCC, I’m going to put it in double quotes. And you’ll understand why. And then we’re going to talk about the commodities market where taxes are shared, we’re going to talk about the Green Fund that was set up. And we’re going to talk about the influence how the Green Fund was really used to influence people. But my goal is in a very scientific System Science way and a systems visualization way to educate all of you, as I’ve done several years ago, on why it’s important that we all understand how unfortunate it is that Joe Biden, for all of us, for the elites, it’s great. But for working people, it is going to be really devastating why he re entered the Paris accords. That’s what we want to do. Right, john? So we have people joining in.
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Business Situation: Before & After Paris Accords
So let’s jump right in. And we’re going to talk about the Paris accords. And as I was mentioning, the Paris accords, is an agreement, which many of the countries Believe it or not, did not want to join. And the Paris accords really took a lot of pushing, and needling to get countries to join this, and you’re gonna understand why shortly. But it’s not something that’s in the interest of the working people. So to describe this, I’m going to go in a very deliberate way to share with you I systems visualization, so you can actually understand how all of this works. And, and, you know, you can explain it to others. So let’s go.
So what we have here, what I’ve done here is I put together, I’m going to this is my new sketchpad I got, so I’m going to have a diagram here that I’m going to walk through with you guys. But think about it in a very simple way. Over on the far left over here, is let’s say there, there’s these are businesses, okay, let’s call these businesses over here. And these businesses are, you know, mom and pop stores, it could be the same manufacturing organization could be anyone. And these businesses in a typically take resources, no raw materials, right. And they produce products, right? They make products. And overhears you know, people like you and me? And what do we do? We buy these products, okay? We pay money to buy these products. So this is sort of the economy, here’s you and me, we pay money to these businesses to buy products. Now, invariably, these, these organizations, let’s say, produce some amount of what we call pollution, okay? In this production, right, and I’m going to put double quotes around it CO2.
Alright. So this is what’s going on over here, right? resources being taken in businesses, and you know, some amount of co2 is going up. Now, let’s look at over 2030, because that’s when the Paris accord is a very, very important date, you’re going to realize why this is important, because that’s when the carbon taxes kick in. So again, what happens in 2030? Well, you still have the businesses over here. All right. And they’re still taking in resources, right. And they still make products. Oops. Ready? Do here, john, I flipped everything. me to start this over again. I’m going to clear it again. Let’s start this over again. So over here, let’s say okay, let’s clear this again. We just got this new device. So let’s see if it does. Okay. Let me just start this over again. Sorry about that. So bear with me. So I’m going to start this over again, fresh, clean slate.
So here, we have businesses. And these are these little factories I’m going to do here. And these businesses I said taken, let’s say raw materials, which could be you know, iron or whatever that is or steel, and they are making products. For you, there’s you and there’s me. Just to answer your question. When you go to VASHIVA.COM/JOIN, we’re building an army of truth freedom in health words, you got to get the systems education and by the way, that’s how you support everything we’re doing, people have asked how you can contribute, why you can contribute you know, whatever you want to give or you can join as a member, but when you sign up with you give $100, $25 you actually get access to amazing courses and tools. So you can become a really conscious part of the movements. Let me go back to this.
So anyway, this is raw materials products are being produced. And what do we do we give these guys money, right? And this really is the economy in a very simple Now, as I mentioned, these guys may produce something called pollution. Okay? quote unquote, anything we do produces greenhouse gases, co2. Okay, so you have that going on. Now what happens in 2030? As I was talking about over years years 2030 very important date. And what happens in 2030? Well, 2030, you’re gonna realize is a very important date, because that’s when the Paris accords becomes very real to working people. So here’s, again, these businesses, what happens here, here’s the businesses again, they’re still taking in raw materials. And they’re going to make products. And here’s again, you and me, and we’re going to produce, and we’re going to give them money, right? We’re going to give them our dollars, all right, but this time, they’re also going to produce some input a little smokestack here, they’re also going to produce pollution. Okay, nothing has changed here. So far, but this is where it gets interesting. What happens in 2030, right, I’m gonna put double quote co2.
Carbon Credits and IPCC
Okay, what happens in 2030? gets very, very interesting, okay. Is that in 2030? this organization, which I’m going to put double quotes, IPCC, inner panel. You know, climate change, you know, convention, IPCC, okay? Government panel, the IPCC was really a group of scientists, it goes back about, you know, many, many years, couple of decades. And these are the guys who created the climate change narrative. Now, who does this include? Well, this really includes some quote unquote, scientists put double quotes around them, it includes the elites, okay. It includes people like Al Gore, the bushes, right. And a whole range of people who are supportive around like the who, etc. Okay. And this organization is the one that is really behind the Paris accords, we’ll come come to that. But the bottom line is around 2030, what’s going to happen? These people who are creating all this pollution, are going to have to pay these guys pay these guys, these would be the countries over here. So let’s say here are the countries who are creating these pollution, they’re gonna have to pay these guys money, dollars and return, they’re gonna be able to buy carbon credits.
Okay. So what does that mean? What that means is that these organizations, the IPCC, essentially, when I say the IPCC, I put in double quotes, because it’s actually they’re the scientific group, but an inquiry that involves a lot of these Hollywood people, celebrities, investors, etc. So I want to call it the IPCC because I don’t really consider them scientists. But what they’ve done is these countries in 2030, once they start reaching a in 2030, in order to offset their pollution, they’re gonna have to buy carbon credits. Alright, that means, pollute, but we want you to buy carbon credits. All right, so that’s what happens here. Now, what are these guys really about? Well, if you really study these, the, the these carbon credits, so let’s say, here’s the stock market over here and go back to this. Here’s the stock market, which is also this put the commodities market there, which is where people buy and sell anything, remember, and in the world of trading, you can sell anything, you can sell wheat, corn, you can even sell carbon credits, okay? Which means the ability that the carbon credit today could be certain dollars. This guys like Al Gore monopolized it early on, which means it bought a lot of it up, and there’s a limited number of carbon credits. So in this model, here’s the stock market.
So they trade this instrument of carbon credit. So their carbon credits, we go back here, the carbon credits are traded, right? You know, to investors here, and they buy and sell this stuff. All right. And this, essentially, your carbon credits here, and money flows back three or five back to these investors. So there’s a lot of dollar change here. And we’re not talking about small money. We’re talking about the potential trillions of dollars, okay, trillions here. Now, what the IPCC did was they created what I call their PR machine. The PR machine here was the Paris accords. Okay. And the PR machine was a Paris accords. And the purpose of the Paris accords was to really convince people to get involved in this. So here’s the United States over here, and the US has created this thing called the Green Fund.
IPPC and Green Fund Collusion
Green fund. And these guys here, this includes By the way, Republicans, Democrats, everyone, these guys had put influence and massive pressure. This is Republicans and Democrats for the US when they draw the flag here, right, to get involved and give about $100 billion into this Green Fund. So when Trump came into office, there was $100 billion being allocated to the Green fund. All right. And the goal of this Green Fund, what was the goal of this? So what was the purpose of this green fund?
So you would think, Oh, my God, a Green Fund, we’re going to help the entire world well, it was not the green to help the world, it was actually green to buy off over here, what you had was, you had a whole bunch of people here. Okay, I’m going to put them as, you know, a bunch of people guys here, okay. These are a bunch of people here, who I call influencers, lobbyists, okay, in these countries. And this money was going to be given to all of these guys, who were then going to influence the countries here. So here are the countries, the Prime Ministers of the country, so they’re going to influence them to enter Paris accords. Because remember, people didn’t want to enter the Paris accords. So what you see happening here was money from the United States into this Green Fund was going to be used to pay off, pay off consultants, ministers, cabinet members, lobbyists in these countries.
So by way of example, for example, Jairam Ramesh, one of the ministers in India, said earlier, he said, Oh, the ice caps are not melting. But suddenly, as this happened, he thanked John Podesta and WikiLeaks to thank him for all this new funding that was going to occur. And then he convinced the Prime Minister of India, yes, we must enter the Paris accords. Okay. So this entire thing was a big payoff strategy. It was a big payoff strategy, the Green Fund to basically influence, you know, ministers in countries, so the countries would get involved countries did not want to be part of this. Alright, so what happens here? Very interesting enough, is that the Paris accords is actually used as an instrument to get these people involved.
Paris Accords Incentivize Pollution
Now, what do you want to understand here is, you have to ask this fundamental question, what is the benefit of the Paris accords? What is the benefit? Anyone know? Can anyone name one benefit of the Paris accord? Shawn, can you name one benefit? Can anyone tell me one benefit? Let me look at what people are saying here. Anyone have one benefit? Okay. depends on whether or not your name is Al Gore. Yeah, if your name is Al Gore, remember, these guys here had bought the carbon credits. And then, but and now the price is going to keep increasing because when 2030 comes, according to the Paris accords, what has to happen? They have to buy carbon credits. Now remember what I said? What’s going on? around now? Okay, today, What year are we at 2021.
This, this hasn’t changed anywhere. Even even when I did this back in 2017. In 2021, or 2017, China is polluting around 11 billion metric tonnes of carbon, okay, just write that down. India’s does about 2 billion metric tonnes of carbon, okay? Basically pollution. Alright, let me put that here. So there’s Indian China. So here’s India. Here’s China, they’re doing a massive amount of pollution already. Guess what India is allowed to do. And China, what they’re allowed, China can go up to what China can go up to 22 metric 22 billion metric tonnes of carbon, okay, 22 billion metric tonnes of carbon, they’re locked explosive, they’re about to double their pollution, hope everyone’s listening, China can double their pollution. So China can double their pollution. and India can go up to 4 billion metric tonnes. In fact, the United States is actually dropping by about a billion to 2 billion metric tonnes. So the United States is dropping there. And the assumption and the idea here is while these are developing nations, they should be allowed to pollute because of all sorts of political reasons, okay.
But the whole thing is nonsense when you really think about it. So they’re allowing the doubling of pollution. Remember, China gets to go from 11 billion to 22 billion metric tonnes of carbon, people in China. If you go look at Wu Han, and tomorrow, we’re going to talk about the interrelated relation between climate change and the whole pandemic. But people in Wuhan were protesting in 2019, lots of mass protests because the Chinese government was polluting the hell out of there. They’re building large incinerator plants, and incineration is one way taking waste and polluting is one child. It makes money. So people in Wuhan, we’re actually getting quite upset at this. There’s mass protests, and obviously, the Chinese government clamped down and suddenly the pandemic appears, alright, but the thing you want to understand is that this entire process, as you’re seeing here, incentivizes China to pollute. So they are polluting, which means more pollution.
So you get massive pollution, more pollution over here. And in 20 3030, these guys are gonna have to buy their carbon credit, and we’re looking at trillions of money flowing in. So the Paris accords, is this a scam that has been set up in order for a lot of money, a lot of money to move from these countries? Now? What is really going on here? Let’s talk about where is all this money coming from? And let’s be very frank, when this carbon credit comes in, guess what’s going to happen? These countries are going to impose taxes, taxes, a lot of taxes on working people, you’re gonna see an increase and taxes on everything. Okay, on you and me. So more of our men money is going to go back and tax dollars right here, tax dollars. Alright, I hope everyone’s following this. Okay. So what you’re seeing is that ultimately, this entire scam, which is what it is, is a scam, it’s one of the biggest scams in the world, no different than the pandemic scam is, it’s a scam to pull more money out of working people, this is no different than the kings, you know, extracting more and more wealth from the serfs or the peasants. But this is what the Paris accords is really about. It’s not about lowering pollution. So from a systems perspective, when we take a systems approach, and you look at this diagram, again, what is the benefit? JOHN, can you tell me the benefit increases pollution? Right, we’re going to increase pollution. And we’re going to what else? We’re going to increase our taxes. Carbon Tax, you know, and, again, it’s gonna be the consolidation of not billions, but trillions. And furthermore, when you look at this, you can understand why Joe Biden likes this, right? Because his buddies up here, right up here, under hunters up there, right? Probably, they got the United States government to, you know, invest 100 billion, well, 100 billion here is going to return what trillions. So they’re going to get a 10x, two prime 20x, multiple on their investment, because we’re going to fund this Green Fund, which is going to support all these, frankly, all these lobbyists here to keep convincing their countries to put more money in carbon credits, prices are going to go up, trillions are going to go to these people. And ultimately, that doesn’t come for free. Because for that cost, the countries I’m sure are going to impose more taxes on you and me, and the businesses here are going to have to increase your amount of tax office. That’s what’s really going on with the Paris accords.
Climate Change Manipulation of Temperature
Now, we’ll also give a talk tomorrow on the climate system, but just to give you an understanding, they say the climate is increasing. You know, the guy Jim Hanson at NASA, in 1990, prior to 1997, in the early 90s, you can go look at his writings, he was saying the temperature of the Earth is 15 degrees. Okay. That’s what he said 15 degrees, you know, Celsius, all right. And then he said, you know, the climate is, and he came up with that temperature average, based on looking at 1950 to 1980. Looking at the average use of the temperature average, and up until then that was the average that everyone was using 15 degrees. And in fact, worldwatch Institute in 1997 reported Wait a minute, the temperature has actually gone down and went down to 14, it was 14.62. So people’s the temperature is going down and mysteriously and no one knows exactly when in 1997. The temperature suddenly is reset the average temperature. In a footnote on a document. It’s at all the new temperatures, 14 degrees. Okay. As my friend Arvind Kumar wrote an article on American finger, he said, you know, 15 became 14 became the new 15. Okay, so that’s what happened.
So they literally moved the goalposts. So that was a basis to say, Oh, my God, the climate is going up. And tomorrow, I’ll give you more interesting reality on how this has nothing to do just like the entire issue with vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, is not really an issue about personalized medicine. Same way here, the climate change issues, climate is always going to change is not really an issue of anything scientific. It’s literally they they change the goalposts from 15 degrees to 14 and they said, Oh my god, the temperature has gone up by point six, two degrees. All right. But you won’t hear this from Bernie Sanders. You won’t hear this from Tucker Carlson. You won’t hear it. This from, you know, AOC, you won’t hear this from, frankly, anyone on the right or the left Republican or Democrat.
Pay Day for Elites while Working People PAY
Why? Because when you look at this diagram, both Republicans and Democrats are profiting from this, because you got the lobbyists here, right up here, who are making a lot of money by promoting this climate change nonsense. And over here, you have the Green Fund over here, you have all these other lobbyists, international lobbyists are making money, and all these guys hang out, they hang out at the same parties, they send their kids to the same private schools. But the problem is, you and me right here. This is a working people right here, you and I were the ones you’re going to get strapped with all this debt. But more importantly, taxes, taxes, taxes, because if you have to pay over here, who are we paying, you just look at it in a very simple model, we are paying the wealthy elites over here. And in order, that cost is going to get translated to increase in taxes on products, services, everything, it’s just, that’s what this is about. This is no different than kings extracting wealth from the serfs.
Now, when you look at this diagram, I did it before you know, it’s the same thing. But I wanted to do it. This is why Joe Biden, it’s such a mistake that he’s re entering the Paris accords. It’s basically he’s re entering one of the biggest corruption scams on the planet. It’s a global corruption, scam, republican democrat, senators are gonna make a lot of money, their friends and other countries are gonna make a lot of money. It’s a massive scam. And pollution is going to increase, it’s going to double Okay, they’re incentivizing India, and China to double their pollution. And by the way, the number one source, the number one source of illness right now in the world is lung, okay, lung cancer issues, lung problems, COPD, because the amount of particulates in the air. So we’re not lowering pollution, we’re increasing pollution. And yet we’re talking about pandemics and so on. And the same people who support the climate change narrative are the same people who support the pandemic narrative. And then the same people who deny election fraud takes place, it’s the same set of people, you’ll find them in Hollywood, you’ll find them among Republicans and Democrats.

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