What is Molecular Hydrogen? How does it Support the Immune System? A Molecular Systems Analysis.
- Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – shares a presentation on Molecular Hydrogen effects on the Immune System, brought to you by CytoSolve.
- CytoSolve distilled roughly 4183 research articles, 13 clinical trials and over 45 years of medical research on Molecular Hydrogen including ‘Nature’ journal that did a randomized double blind control trial.
- Molecular Hydrogen can be inhaled, enriched in water to drink, drip infusion through saline, or direct diffusion through baths and even eye drops.
- Molecular Hydrogen hits multiple subsystems by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines, up-regulates anti-inflammatory enzymes, prevents aggregation of immune cells, and prevents apoptosis of the innate immune cells.
- Blocking oxidative stress by inhibiting NF-kB which inhibits inflammatory enzymes such as COX-2 which creates PG-2, while up-regulating enzyme heme oxygenase-2 and activates transcription factor NRF2 which promotes HO-1.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Today, we’re gonna be talking about molecular hydrogen, what it is, and how it affects the immune system. I’m going to share with you some recent research that came out on it. And I think you’re gonna enjoy this because this is a very interesting topic, because molecular hydrogen is something that occurs everywhere around us. And people are starting to infuse and fuse molecular hydrogen in different products, and etc. I think you’re going to see more and more of this. We did some interesting research on this several years ago. So I think you’re going to appreciate it from the standpoint of how it affects the immune system and inflammatory response.
Just jump right into this, this took a while for us to put together this presentation. So we’re going to talk about today is, molecular hydrogen, and its effect on the immune system. And what’s interesting about molecular hydrogen is it’s been around, right. As you know, h2 is what if you remember from basic chemistry, it’s one of the most important elements on the periodic chart, if you remember from chemistry, but as a substance that we use, actually to support our health. It’s something that’s relatively new. So we’re going to cover today we’re going to cover a quick background. I want to always talk to you about every time I do these on a systems approach. We’re going to then take a detailed review of the Truth Freedom of Health movement, which comes out of that system’s approach. You’re going to understand CytoSolve, which is a technology that helps us understand using a systems approach, how molecular systems work. And then we’re going to go into a background on molecular hydrogen, the immune system, the effect of molecular hydrogen on the immune system, and what’s the right dosage. Then we’ll summarize, so let me begin first of all right here.
Systems Approach
Many of you know if you go to the website, vashiva.com. My history and systems goes all the way back to inventing the first Email system and then creating CytoSolve®. We ran a campaign which is really based on teaching people why we need a systems approach to understanding politics. Email, as you go review it, is actually a system. Emails is not the simple exchange of text messages, which is what a lot of people have been confused by. But it’s actually the system as we know it today. It’s the inbox, it’s the outbox, organizing folders, cc, etc. It’s all those components integrated together. That’s what email actually is. So understanding is important. Because it reveals something that’s a little bit more understandable than just seeing Email as something that’s just the exchange of simple text messages.
So as I was mentioning Email is actually a system, it’s not simply the exchange of text messages. CytoSolve is a system that I created recently, which helps us take a systems approach to understanding things at the molecular level. So Email is the interconnection of the inbox, the outbox, the office communication system. CytoSolve is actually to interconnect the molecular system. So when it comes to molecular hydrogen, using CytoSolve, we were able to actually distil a detailed understanding of what it does and how it works. So there’s roughly about if you look on PubMed, there’s close to 4000, there’s roughly 4183 research articles written on it. So it’s 13 clinical trials, and over 45 years of medical research. Now, when you look at all that research, if you had to go through all those articles, it would take you forever, or sometimes people just take a few of them. What we’re able to do at CytoSolve is we’re able to take all of that knowledge, we’re able to identify the ones that actually have a certain character of you know, peer review, certain, not only peer review, but things that actually have validated clinical research and molecular pathways. And we’re able to extract from that literature a subset. It’s called curation. And then we extract from that what we did here was a subset of molecular mechanisms. And then we apply it to a particular system. In this case, it’s the immune system, and then we can make some conclusions. Now any of the conclusions we make here is based on known science.
So unlike the story of the blind men touching the elephant, some of you may remember that story of the blind men who touch the elephant. If you remember, there’s, there’s the king, he brings in an elephant, and he asks six blind men to touch it. And each one of them touches different parts of it. And they each have a different experience with it right? Now, unlike that, what we do at CytoSolve. And by the way, if you follow through on that story, you’ll find that that if you actually follow the blind man’s model, where the guy thinks this is a brush, this guy thinks it’s an oak tree, this guy thinks it’s a spear, you’ll end up with something like this, okay, which looks nothing like the elephant. And this is, frankly, what happens in science today, when they approach anything. It’s highly specialized and people don’t communicate. So the conclusions they get, they never identify what the elephant is. Everyone’s working on pieces of the puzzle. So the reason I want to share this is this is what we call a reductionist approach. It’s not a systems approach, it’s very different. So this is a reductionist approach to science.
So this is why the climate science guys make up stuff. This is why the Vax & Anti-Vax argument takes place. People don’t get to the heart of the issues. You look at GMOs, you look at election fraud, all of these systems issues are never addressed, head on, people take parts of it, and then they can characterize a left, right, up down viewpoint. I hope I’m being clear with this. So people never take a whole system’s approach. And what we want to do here is we want to take a whole system’s approach to any problem, because this is not what reality is. Unfortunately, if you take a reductionist approach, this is what you end up with.
Truth Freedom Health® Movement
Okay, so it took us many, many years to build this movement called Truth, Freedom and Health. Which really comes out of my effort for probably the last 40 years to try to unify two different worlds. So here’s the world of biological systems. So if you take a course, in a biology class, if you get your PhD at MIT, you see the world like this in biology, genes and proteins. So this is one way of looking at the world right? You look at the world, from a biology standpoint where you see these parts, and then they lead up to the whole system.
But there’s another way to look at the system. And I’m not going to get into it, if you guys want to go to SystemsHealth.com, you can really understand the Indian system of medicine where they have a different way to look at it. And one of my goals was to see if I could unify the Western world of medicine with the eastern world of medicine. In fact, this was on the front page of MIT, the MIT administration was very, I guess they found it interesting that why would I, after my four degrees at MIT, I want to go to India for two years to study the integration of Eastern and Western medicine. You know, I could have easily just stayed at MIT work there, you know, started my next company, etc. So they were very, very curious why I wanted to go back to India and do this. And the reality was the reason I was interested, because my grandmother was a traditional healer, she would look at your body a certain way, she could figure out
she could apply the eastern system of medicine and figure out what was going on in your body. But I also knew that it had value, but I also knew the western system had value. And the problem was that when you look at these two worlds of medicine, it seems like people in the East weren’t appreciating people on the West and the West wasn’t appreciating people on the East. So as a part of my Fulbright research, I came across an interesting discovery, which was that I found out that all systems by the way, I encourage everyone to take our class, you should take this because what you’re going to learn is a science of everything. Because what you find is that there are three forces in the universe, transport, conversion, and storage. I don’t have time to get into this. But when you take the class Foundations of Systems, we’re training Truth, Freedom and Health warriors. But you’ll understand this interconnection, but you’ll also understand these natural forces, in my discovery, show up as Truth, Freedom and Health when we talk about politics. So here’s the natural force of the universe. And this is why we need freedom. This is why we must have truth and this is why we must have health. So our campaign here is not merely a slogan, Truth, Freedom and Health is directly related to the fundamental forces of nature. So I encourage all of you to take our course and you’ll understand this deeper. Okay. And you’ll understand that what I’m going to share with you today, when I look at molecular hydrogen, the same systems approach transport, conversion, storage, I applied to molecular hydrogen is the same approach I apply to political systems. And it’s the same approach if you all learn it, what will then happen is we have a bottoms-up political movement that’s founded in real scientific engineering, scientific theory. It’s not based on some stupid slogan, lock her up, or was Hillary slogan, and no one even remembers what it was, you know, or whatever it is, right? That’s what politicians do. And marketers do, but when we find our movement on real principles, and you get educated on this, we’re gonna win because this is how nature operates. Nature operates on these principles. Nature operates on these principles. So our Truth Freedman Health movement, go to vashiva.com/join our goal is to have about 50,000 Truth, Freedom and Health warriors in 2021. And if you go to the website, vashiva.com/join, you will find out right there, we go back to this, that I always play this for those of you who’ve seen it, you can see it again. But for the new people, I want you to see if you can go to vashiva.com/join. Let me share the screen as I go there. And I always like to play this video because it’ll set the tone of what our movement is really about. So let me start it right here. And I hope you enjoy.
Alright, so that sets the tone of what we want to do. So let me just go right back to the program. So the key thing is the system’s approach. It’s not a left to right approach. It’s not an up or down approach. It’s an approach that always goes to the truth. The system’s approach that I use through CytoSolve to understanding molecular systems or health systems, can be applied tomorrow. I’m going to do a whole talk on the healthcare system. And you’re going to be able to see how the healthcare system can be understood. All the complexity, we can break down to find out that there are two real evil parts of the healthcare system GPOs and PBMs. I’ll talk about that tomorrow. But when you look at a complex system, you’re able to take a systems approach, and identify what the real issue is. And our goal The reason I played that video is that when I look at molecular hydrogen, there’s, as I mentioned, 4000 5000 papers written about it. If you want to actually understand how it works relative the immune system, you have to take a systems approach or you won’t really know who to listen to. And our goal at VA Shiva is that we want to always recognize as new science comes, we incorporate so we’re open to finding the truth at any point in time and advancing it. So our goal is the reason I do these videos is my goal is to educate all of you on how you don’t have to go to MIT for, you know how many ever years I went to that I’ve taken these systems concepts and distilled it into a platform. So our platform to go back to it is, is to educate you on a systems approach. Because without this knowledge, it’s very, very easy to get fooled by the left, right, dialectic, which is what the establishment wants to do to you, they want to always have you in this left, right model.
So if you go here, when you log into our dashboard, the first thing I want to do is I want you to get educated or you can choose to be enslaved. But when you log into the dashboard, and you become a Truth, Freedom and Health warrior, if you want to go through that education, you become a supporter, or you simply want to just become a member, which is that, you know, no cost at all, some people want to contribute. And when you contribute, I give you access to different educational programs. That’s my way of returning the gift of your contribution. So when you get educated, the goal is to get educated. So what do we have, when you log in, you can get access to the systems course portal. And there you will actually understand every Monday evening, I actually do a deep dive into the engineering foundations of every system. So you’re going to learn about a two year MIT course on this in literally a couple of hours. And that’s the way I’ve distilled it. So that’s the system piece, then you can apply those systems principles to a very powerful laboratory tool that you can get online called ‘Your Body, Your System’, and ‘Your Body, Your System’, is where you answer a set of questions, you can find how much transport and conversion and storage are in you. Those are the three forces in nature, then you can find that red dot on the screen is, who you are, that’s Your Body, Your System, then what you can do is you can then go in, and you can actually appreciate where you are today. Because not everyone is always on target where they’re supposed to be. And this is your body, how it’s behaving today, the black dot, and then you can figure out through the tool actually prints out different menus and foods and supplements and yoga exercises that are right for you, to bring you back to you. But again, it’s teaching you systems thinking.
And then as a part of the education, I give you access to the classic books, System and Revolution, and then three other books. So you can apply systems principles to your body, as well as your life. And then finally, I give you access to a couple of reports because I want you to understand how CytoSolve can be used to understand turmeric, an herb, or ginger. And you also get access to this classic scientific piece of work about systems thinking that I wrote. Now, that’s only the first piece. Okay, the other pieces, you know, as Steve Jobs would say, there’s one more thing, okay. And the one more thing that we want to offer you is the ability where you can actually build community because as you learn this knowledge, you’re going to feel Wow, Who else knows this? Am I all alone? I’m becoming more and more revolutionized. Okay, is anyone else there? Well, so you can build community on this platform, we’ve created the equivalent of a forum where you can come in, and you can start topics. You can have discussions with other people, it’s exploding right now what’s going on, on the forum site, you can also go to the VA Shiva social media, which is our response back to big tech. So here’s Marie, she set up her page on there, like the Facebook equivalent, there’s different groups, you can then go in and build pages you can see people are starting to build pages Kristen and Ken and John etc. And you can meet these people. These are other Truth Freedom and Health warriors, and this is on our platform. So you’re not going to be censored by big tech. Okay, that’s the other piece.
Then you can get activated. Okay, which means we don’t want you to sit on the sidelines. So let me show you. So we have different Let me explain what this is. We’ve put together pieces of information weapons, I call them that you can hand out to your fellow neighbors and your employees and your friends on very, very hard issues like max masks and vaccines and election integrity and lockdowns, digital rights so you can start educating. So here are the two ones that we’ve launched. And this is a way that you can become activated so you don’t feel like you’re just sitting around. Now you’ve been educated to build a community. What do you do well, here are these very nice cards for example, there’s a card you can print on masks and oral health and here’s the card so you can literally print this at your local printer 3 ½” by 2” right? And it says building awareness on Masks and Oral Health and there’s a URL we’ve created where has all the research on masks vashiva.com/masks then you can literally on the back of the card is the science of how oral health gets affected by masks and then the public health implications. This is a great piece of literature. Little cards you can have in your pocket, you can hand to your friends and family who are unsure or who you’ve had fights with. It’s a very different innocuous way. Same thing on vaccines, we have another card, we want to take this beyond Vax & Anti-Vax to really talk about how you boost immunity. And on the back of this card, the science here is look vaccines for all is based on an outdated immune system. We want to really focus people on a holistic model of the immune system where we know right nutrition friendships and activities boosts immunity, it’s still unclear whether vaccinations, vaccinations don’t guarantee a strong immune system. And then we talk about the public health implications. So the bottom line is, anyone who signs up for that, people are contributing about 100 bucks, you get access to everything I’ve just shared, some people are not ready for that. They just want the book and Your Body, Your System tool, those people contribute 25 bucks get that and some people just want to be a member, you get access to the forum, a bunch of videos. So it’s really a community tool. Alright, so I wanted to share that with you. Because you know, one thing is you get all this knowledge on molecular hydrogen I did yesterday, olive leaf. But it’s another thing where you start actually understanding that there is a foundational way to look at the world where you can get to Truth, Freedom and Health. And that is through a systems approach.
Molecular Hydrogen
So now given all that background, let me go back to molecular hydrogen, because when we look at molecular hydrogen, what we want to look at here is first of all, what is it? Okay, what is molecular hydrogen. So if you remember, your basic high school chemistry, if you remember this, you’ll find out that hydrogen, h2, right, because hydrogen comes in a pair, because hydrogen has one electron, one proton, the other hydrogen is one electron, one proton. And they, if you remember, chemistry, they want to fulfil two electrons. So they come together. And it’s the smallest molecule in the universe. And it’s a stable gas. That’s what h2 is. It’s a smallest molecule and stable gas and the effects of hydrogen, but now reported on 63 disease models and human diseases. And it exerts a medicinal effect, it exerts a very powerful medicinal effect on, through antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. And what’s wonderful about what’s wonderful about this is that there’s little to no adverse effects compared to other antioxidants. You know, you have to be careful, even though everyone says, you know, just take all the pills you want, it’s actually not true, some of these pills that you take, you have to be careful with, because you can have if you take, if you don’t take them the right way, you can have, you know, problems at the biological level, but hydrogen, what’s interesting about it is very, very little known effects on you know, adverse effects. Okay.
So that’s one important thing. The second thing is the delivery of the hydrogen molecule can be inhaled hydrogen. You can also get hydrogen rich, rich drinking water. This is where hydrogen gas has dissolved in the water, you know, just like you get bubbly water. This is hydrogen gas and hydrogen producing tablet and waters you drop this tablet in and the hydrogen enriches and the drip infusion of hydrogen rich saline, that’s another way or you can do direct diffusion of hydrogen through baths and eye drops. Okay, so these are the four delivery mechanisms, you can either inhale it, you can get hydrogen rich drinking water, which is dissolved hydrogen gas and water. You can get a drip infusion of hydrogen rich saline, which is salt water, or you can do direct diffusion of hydrogen through baths. Okay? So let’s look at all the different health benefits. So it’s quite immense that the different health benefits First of all, inflammation, autoimmune disease, obesity, hemodialysis for people with kidney issues, right cardiovascular disease, radiation effects, neurodegenerative disease, cancer, infections, and sepsis, metabolic diseases, type two, skin disorders, neuromuscular diseases, ulcers, and inflammation.
So think about it. In the universe, this is the smallest molecule. And so it’s clear that you know, we live around hydrogen, so it’s probably extremely valuable, you know, if you just use your intuition, for advancement, so, just to summarize, hydrogen has many, many health benefits. What we’re going to do now is to really understand how those health benefits can affect the immune system. Okay, so let’s go into looking at that a little bit deeper. So just a few months ago, this wonderful paper came out in ‘Nature’, one of the most prestigious journals in the world that said hydrogen rich water reduces inflammatory responses and prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in healthy adults. A randomized double blind control trial. Okay. So before, you know we were talking about this before we’ve done research on it, but whenever you talk about these kinds of alternative treatments, typically the medical community comes and says, This is garbage. Well, this paper has come out in Nature. In scientific reports, by the way, there’s been 4600 papers written on hydrogen. So what’s wonderful about this paper is they did an actual double blind control study, really looking at how it reduces inflammatory response. And so you can see they had about a, they brought in about 158 patients here. They’re randomly assigned them, right? I think they excluded a bunch of people because they didn’t meet the inclusion criteria. So they had a total of 41 people, 19 in that group who just got plain water, and then 22, who got the hydrogen rich water, and no one discontinued here, you had two people discontinue here. So your total of 20 people at the end of the study, and here you had 18 people here. Okay, so you had the same people started close to the same people started. Okay, one person withdrew here, for some personal reasons had 18 people here and 20. So it’s not a you know, it’s a pretty sizable group of people. And this is what they found. They found that hydrogen rich water reduces inflammatory responses, prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells and healthy adults, a randomized double blind controlled trial. Okay, so this is quite extraordinary, because it reduces inflammatory responses. So it comes from a study, an important study. So now what we want to do is we want to understand the effects of hydrogen. What I just shared here was that this was the paper that came out of Nature, which is that hydrogen rich water reduces inflammatory responses, I talked about the fact they carried out a very detailed clinical study, and their conclusion was hydrogen rich water reduces inflammatory responses.
Immune System
So this is what got us interested, because we want to focus on the immune system. So what is the immune system? Well, the old model of the immune system According to Fauci, and unfortunately, medical doctors that don’t really get a full education, this is the only two boxes that they learn, they learn about the innate immune system, which is when a virus or pathogen or fungi parasite comes to you. This is all the parts of your immune system in your gut, in your mouth, in your eyes. That’s where you have all the cells like the Marines, which try to take it out. And then based on how this works, you have the other box in this two compartment model call your adaptive immune system, this contains, by the way, cells, like macrophages and neutrophils, this contains different set of cells called T cells, and B cells, when people were getting aids, right, their T cell count goes low, so they’re not able to produce antibodies. The adaptive immune systems job is to recognize the antigen from here and create the appropriate antibody. This is a Navy, like seal, sharpshooter, these are the Marines we just go in and start shooting. And this has been the old model of the immune system. But the reality is, this is not a complete model of the immune system. The truth is, this is a much more, much more deeper understanding of the immune system. And what you see is you don’t just have the innate and the adaptive, but you have the interferon system a couple of weeks ago, I think on February 19, I did a detail. Or last week, I did a detailed talk on the interferon system. But we also have all the bacteria in our guts 60 trillion, the viruses around 380 trillion, we have our brain, all of these systems are interconnected. And this is really the immune system. And what we need to do if we really want to understand how things work, we need to take this systems approach.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
And part of this I just want to emphasize your system’s approach really gives us the ability, one of the things is to understand the synergy of things. And what do I mean by that synergy means it’s not any one component that affects us. So if you just exercise, if you just eat well, or if you just get enough sleep, you’re going to get a certain performance of health. But when you do all those things together, that’s when you get incredible health real health anti ageing type benefits. For example, there’s a spice collection in the Indian system called curry. Curry is not just one herb, curry is a mixture of many, many herbs it includes, it includes turmeric, it includes cardamom and includes ginger, because what they learned over 1000s of years is all of those herbs in certain amounts. And by the way, in different Indian villages, they would vary the amounts,and had very, very good effects on people. So we want to take a synergistic approach.
So part of the aspect here is that when we take a systems approach here, the reason we use CytoSolve, which is this technology that we created is it lets you take the synergistic approach. So let me just just review that with you. Briefly here, so everyone understands what I’m talking about. And this will, again, help your systems understanding. So in the traditional systems of medicine, this was a way that people used to essentially mix stuff together, right, they would essentially put a bunch of stuff together, and mash it together. And if you ask them how this came together, most people couldn’t really explain that right. So what we have done here is with CytoSolve, we can literally take the ingredient, let’s say, Turmeric is one of the most important herbs that can reduce inflammation. So I can take curcumin inside a sub mathematically draw out all the molecular reactions taken from the literature 6000 pieces of literature in this case, and we’re mathematically modelling it, so we understand how curcumin without killing animals works at the molecular level. Similarly, I can take something like resveratrol, which is the red grape, you know, the skin of red grapes. So this would be like you’re having your Indian curry meal, and red grapes. And then we can see what happens when you combine them together. The right column here. So I’m doing a mathematical modelling experiment with CytoSolve, you’re seeing the right column here is a cytokine, which causes inflammation so I have no curcumin or resveratrol, that’s called a control. Then I just give curcumin, you see that no resveratrol, and it drops from .15 to .05, if I just get resveratrol. So this is if you just eat grapes, you just take tumeric, you get similar effects. But look what happens when you take them together. Alright, so I’m using less curcumin, less resveratrol, total amounts of saying, but you but that amount of inflammation drops by another 50%. Okay, this is called the synergistic effect. In fact, we have, you know, over the last 16 years, we’ve been building our technology, we have our first product coming out after 16 years very excited about this, where we found two ingredients, it’s called mV25. And it’s momentum to move people who have pain and discomfort, it’s going to help them in terms of really relieving discomfort, and swelling, okay. But what we’ve done is, we literally use CytoSolve to go through billions, in fact, trillions of combinations. Across four decades, we’ve taken four decades of research. And we’ve looked across 60 research institutions, and we discovered this product, and we’re putting it out to market. It’s going to be coming out in March. Keep an eye out for it. But that’s what the synergistic effect can do.
Effect of Molecular Hydrogen on Immune System
So when we look at molecular hydrogen here, what you want to do is we’re looking at the synergistically what it’s going to do, okay, inside the whole body, not just by itself. So when you look at molecular hydrogen, it modulates immune response, by three ways, synergistically, it’s not it doesn’t just hit one thing. That’s what’s cool about this, it’s not just doing one thing, it’s hitting multiple subsystems in your body. First, it’s reducing these pro inflammatory cytokines very similar to these cytokines I just shared, okay. So it reduces the cytokines and reduces the cytokine storm in your body, it up-regulates anti-inflammatory enzymes, okay. And the next thing it does, it prevents aggregation of immune cells, which leads to inflammation, you don’t want the immune cells clumping together, that’s when you get more inflammation, okay? And molecular hydrogen prevents apoptosis of the innate immune cells, you don’t want your immune cells dying off, such as macrophages, thereby improving the immune response against pathogens. So apoptosis means cell death. So big a word, it means cell death.
Alright, so let’s look at this. So first of all, let’s go one by one, we’re going to look at the suppression of inflammatory cytokines and enzymes so molecular hydrogen, what it does, it stops oxidative stress. And this is really good, because that promotes the oxidative stress. By the way, if you look downstream, oxidative stress is bad, because oxidative stress creates this very horrible molecule. You don’t want this in your body. Cancer is very closely associated with this molecule called NF-kB. And NF-kB is not good because look what it leads to these four very inflammatory cytokines, IL-6, TNF-a, IL-12, and IL-1 β. So if you want to act,and if you want to share at a party you can say hey, you know, NF-kB up-regulates IL-6 TNF-a, IL-12, and IL-1 β which leads to inflammation. Then NF-kB also leads to COX-2, which leads to PG-2 which causes inflammation. By the way, when you take Advil, it blocks COX-2, it’s called a COX-2 inhibitor. Okay? So, what you’re seeing here is this transcription of NF-kB. This promotes expression of COX-2, as well as all of these inflammatory cytokines, which leads to inflammation. So what does molecular hydrogen do? It blocks oxidative stress, okay, which stops this domino effect. Let me just make sure everyone’s tracking with me. So the bottom line is that hydrogen, molecular hydrogen stops oxidative stress, which stops NF-kB. So it’s a domino once NF-kB falls, you get all those four different cytokines, and you get COX-2 and that leads to inflammation. All right. The way we stop inflammation today, most people take ibuprofen, which only affects one of those pathways, right, which is a COX-2 pathway, it doesn’t affect the other pathways.
So, this is a beautiful diagram you can keep in your mind. Molecular hydrogen hits oxidative stress, again, the literature here shows this inhibits inflammatory genes, and it inhibits inflammatory enzymes such as COX-2. COX-2 is an enzyme which creates PG-2, which actually causes inflammation. The next thing is it up-regulates antioxidant enzyme heme oxygenase-2. So this is very valuable because molecular hydrogen will activate this transcription factor NRF2, which is a factor that tells your DNA to go produce this. So NRF2 promotes the gene expression of this enzyme, HO-1, a very, very important enzyme. And this is a potent inhibitor of inflammation, okay. HO-1 is very, very important. Number two. This next thing is it prevents the aggregation of immune cells. So why is that important?
Now, the other important thing is your aggregation of immune cells. What does that mean? So let’s say you hit yourself with a hammer, right, your body starts getting inflamed, all the immune cells go there, you definitely want inflammation in that case because you want your body to repair itself. But the point is, after it’s done with the job, you don’t want them to stay clumped together, because that creates more and more inflammation, you want them to sort of chill out and dissipate. So in order to do that, you need to make sure that they dis-aggregate which means go back to their merry ways. So what happens is, if you have the aggregation of neutrophils, it’s going to lead to inflammation, right? If they hang out together too long, right? It’s like a gang, okay? They get bad habits and they start fires and everything okay? And oxidative stress, you know, promotes this, but what does molecular hydrogen do? It’s stopping oxidative stress, not only does it do this, we shared here, right stop NF-kB, but it also stopped the aggregation of neutrophils. So oxidative stress promotes aggregation of neutrophils and aggregation of neutrophils, promotes inflammation, eventually leading to sepsis and organ failure. So molecular hydrogen brings this down, that’s what this red arrow means that it blocks it. And by down regulating oxidative stress, this molecular hydrogen keeps inflammation under control. Okay, very, very valuable for healing.
The next thing is, it prevents the innate immune cell death. So here’s the macrophages. Let me explain what a macrophage is. So macrophages, remember I said in the immune system, you have these things called the Marines. A macrophage is like a Marine, it’s all a lot of weapons, and he’ll just start going shooting everywhere. It’s part of the innate immune system. Well, you obviously don’t want your macrophages dying off because they’re your soldiers. Right? But if they die off, you lose more and more soldiers, your innate immune system gets weakened. So what molecular hydrogen does, which is also extremely valuable, as we can see right here is that molecular hydrogen.
Again, everything we’re sharing here by the waste coming from the scientific literature, which we’ve organized, it’s not like suppositions, the problem with the field of nutraceuticals. And a lot of the field of supplements says people are just throwing crap out there, no one explains to you how this stuff actually works. What we want to do is take a systems approach to actually explain to you how things are actually working so you can become educated. You can make from a systems approach a lot more educated knowledge by interconnecting the facts for yourself.
So up here, what we’re looking at is the prevention of the innate immune cell death. So here’s molecular hydrogen, and molecular hydrogen will stop these two very, very important P53. If you read about P53. It’s extremely involved in cancer, this protein, okay, as well as ASK, okay, it’s an acronym. So under inflammatory conditions, proteins, such ASK and P53, are regulated. So if you want to prevent cancer and all these things, you don’t want these guys around, okay? And P53 leads to what’s called caspase. And what caspase is, it’s an enzyme, which kills your immune cell. Okay, this eats away your immune cell. So, P53. leads to caspase, caspase destroys your immune cells. Similarly to ASK goes to this other pathway called P38. which creates bcl-2, which knocks out caspase. So what does molecular hydrogen do? It blocks P53. Right. So molecular hydrogen down regulates the activity of this, and it down regulates ASK, therefore preventing, so you’re knocking this out & this out. So this domino effect doesn’t occur. This doesn’t occur and so you preserve your macrophage. Okay. Does that make sense?
Then, we’re going to talk about dosing. But let me just again, review very quickly, what we’re talking about with molecular hydrogen has multiple effects. It takes out NF-kB by blocking oxidative stress, it takes out, you know, it protects your immune cells, right. And it makes sure that your immune cells don’t aggregate all of these are very, very important for supporting your immune system. So molecular hydrogen has multiple effects. That’s why we say when you take a systems approach, it’s not molecular hydrogen is just doing one thing, a lot of the drug therapies like the mRNA vaccine that they just put out, it basically just goes and it’s like, just going and trying to generate antibodies, so the analogy I use imagine orchestra conductor having a huge orchestra, and he just plays the violin all day, okay, nothing else is playing. That’s not a systems approach. A systems approach is when you get infected by a virus or something. Your body is tuned to get it through the eyes and the nose and it wakes up the innate immune system that wakes up the interferon, right, the oboe comes in, and the horns come in and everything comes to get this beautiful musical piece that’s called your entire immune system. And what’s cool about molecular hydrogen, it awakens multiple parts of your immune system, right? It’s a good orchestra conductor, that’s called the ensemble effect. And from a systems approach, that’s what you want. It’s a good way to understand things that you know have some very powerful effects. Pharmaceutical drugs, just go have a singular effect and cause a side effect, more than likely.
Molecular Hydrogen Dosing
So what is the dosing? Again, this is not a medical program. This is basically to educate you right? And everything I’m saying here you can go find in the literature. So the maintenance dose according to Fujita et al., 2009 paper, that’s what CytoSolve in our distillation found, about 0.08 to 1.5 parts per million per day of hydrogen and hydrogen rich water. For exercise improvement. This just came out a couple years ago, five milligrams a day of hydrogen producing tablet dissolved in water gas inhaled, right, so basically, you take the tablet, put it in the water in a water gas, and you inhale it, so those are for people exercising, for cardiovascular health, this came out about 11 years ago, Nakao et al., 2010. But 1.5 to 2 litres of 80% saturated hydrogen water, so you want a lot of hydrogen water, and you basically, you know, you can drink it, but it has a tremendous value for cardiovascular health.
So you can see this element has a lot of effects and I think we’re going to see more and more of this coming out. In closing what I want to share with you so when you think about molecular hydrogen, these are the key takeaways. Number one molecular hydrogen promotes strong immune systems, by inhibiting inflammatory cytokines that lead to sepsis and runaway host immune systems. Two, It also inhibits inflammatory enzymes. Three, it prevents the immune cell aggregation that causes inflammation. And the other pieces molecular hydrogen prevents the death of these innate immune cells like macrophages, thereby improving immune response. And this is probably the biggest takeaway. This stuff has had little known side effects at all. That’s the key takeaway.

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