America’s infrastructure has crumbled with the most recent report card by the American Society of Civil Engineers giving America a “D” and Massachusetts an “F- -“. Corruption and crumbling infrastructure go hand-in-hand. Massachusetts got a “D” by the Center for Public Integrity.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT Ph.D. – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – shares and reviews data from a 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers report giving America a D+.
- Dr. Shiva explains that when we invest in infrastructure, like building railways, bridges, home improvements, or even our health, every $1 spent typically results in a $6-$10 return.
- The 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers grades reflect the following rail B, aviation D, bridges C+, dams D, drinking water D, energy D+, hazardous waste D+, inland waterways D, levees D, wastewater D+, transit D-, solid waste C+, schools D+, roads D, ports C+, parks D+.
- There is a direct connection between infrastructure & corruption, and Massachusetts, having a D+ for Public Integrity and an F– for infrastructure, clearly shows tax dollars allocated are not building infrastructure.
- Phillip K. Howard wrote a paper titled, “Two Years Not Ten Years: Redesigning Infrastructure Approvals” which explains that it takes 20,000 pages of documentation to go through the regulatory process; which can be done in about 300 pages.
Today we are going to talk about the infrastructure, because everyone knows the unfortunate situation for people in Texas, they weren’t ready for the storm. We’re supposed to be the strongest nation on the planet. And we should have something in systems called resilience.
So as many of you know, what we do at And what we’re doing is that we’re building a platform, we’re building a technology platform, an educational platform, and activism platform. And those of you want to know more about it, I’ll come back to it should go check out You’ll see that it’s very clear that I’m going to put all the technology skills that I have in by the way, a lot of people don’t know for many, many years, I built the platform starting in 1993. For communications management, digital communications management for the biggest fortune 1000 companies in the world, we created our own data center, which I still own. So all that stuff I did for many years, and we were using that infrastructure, which is not owned by Facebook, which is not owned by Twitter. And on that platform, we are unleashing a platform called VA Shiva, as it says it’s a revolutionary platform where everyone can contribute, you can support it, but it’s a platform I’ll talk about where number one is education, you can become truth, freedom and health warriors.
I have asked to donate to support this platform, because we’re putting in hardware technology, networking, data center, education, activism, all this stuff you wanted to contribute. So when you contribute, what we’ve done on this platform, when you go to, is that you get access to all sorts of wonderful educational tools, you can become a truth, freedom and help warrior, you can also become a systems revolution, you can become a supporter, or you can just join for nothing, right, you can just be a part of the community. And I’ll get back to this. But the bottom line is that if we don’t build a systems understanding of what’s going on the world, we’re going to be following this foolish republican over here at the another foolish democrat or some pro Trump, anti Trump, you know, pro and anti left and right. And that’s what the establishment wants you to do.
I was telling a friend of mine, Jenny, as I was driving up, that we got to get out of this left, right, republican democrat, that’s the Kabuki theater. And right now what’s happening, right, you have Trump going to cpac, right? The Conservative Inc, guys who frankly did nothing, okay, except make money talking about being conservative. They’re all going to be there. But they haven’t invited the real quote, unquote, change agents because they just want to create the dialectic. Biden is bad, we’re better, right. And that’ll go on for a while, just like the democrats said, Trump is bad, we’re better Democrats or Republicans. But if we take a systems approach, we will find out something very, very important that working people in this country have been screwed over and over and over again.
I’m going to do a whole session on this that if you’re making $50,000 today, you should actually be making $120,000. And that came from a detailed analysis from the RAND talking about how we have two American pies in the world, one American pies for the 5%. their salaries have grown beautifully over the last 50 years, but the salaries and income of the 90 95% of us have shrunk. And that adds up to around $50 trillion, which has gone to the elites other American pipe. So we need to get our head out. And stop playing this republican/democrat? You know, it’s like WWF wrestling when I was 12 years old, I used to watch it. And by the time you get 15, you realize it’s all fake. Okay, but you guys who are following this republican democrat Left, Right nonsense, the plan, the Q, the P, whatever you want to call it, are basically watching WWF wrestling.
Importance of Infrastructure
What I’m going to talk about today is about infrastructure.
One of the most important things you’re going to see in infrastructure is that $1 investment in infrastructure results in typically a six to $10 return. Think about yourself as an infrastructure, you could be educating yourself, learning a language, you know, making your house better, right, building railways, building bridges, taking care of your health, that’s infrastructure, you do that you get at six to 10x return, you simply give someone money, right? Just give them free stuff, you lose 40 cents. So it’s a point 4x loss. That’s what the economics say.
State of America’s Infrastructure
What I’m going to show you here is if you actually look at the data, right, now, let’s look at the data here. This is from the American society, we go right here, of civil engineers report that just came out, okay, that came out in 2017. They do it every three to four years. Okay. But this was a 2017 report card. And this is from the American Society of Civil Engineers, I’m an engineer. And if you look at engineering principles, you find out when you look at this engineering situation, America got a D plus, that’s a cumulative GPA. So imagine one of your kids got a D plus on their report card. So this is the infrastructure which is a systems that involve many, many things.
So let’s look at that. What does that involve? That involves aviation D. So pretty much basically a lot of D’s and we’ll see in states many states got F’s, except for the aviation and rail I’m sorry for rail which got to be aviation D bridges c plus dams D drinking water D energy D plus hazardous waste D plus inland waterways, D levees, D wastewater, d plus transit d minus d minus, okay, close to an F, solid waste, c plus schools, d plus roads, D rail, B, okay, ports, c plus and D plus. Okay. So imagine if your kid got this what you would feel this is a current situation in American infrastructure.
Now, it gets even more interesting. If you actually look at as I mentioned, the public transport system, as I said, that got a D minus. We have to build the stuff. If we don’t do stuff that works, it falls apart, you can’t politic your way out of it. So the American Society of Civil Engineers is not a political organization. You know, they’re engineers and for us engineers, by and large, it’s very difficult to lie. Okay? Because our truth comes out pretty quickly. You write a piece of software, it doesn’t work, the software engineers blame, you build an airplane and falls out of the sky. You saw what happened? Boeing, they get blamed politicians, not not not so true. They can keep going lying and cheating and faking elections. And what you see here is, this is the report card for the public.
Our public transport system, a D minus and you can see, that’s the lowest grade, which is our transit system. Why is this important? Because working people, you know, it’s very expensive to own a car. So you have the public transport system, they they’ve made it a D minus i think about how difficult it is, if I have many stories here in Massachusetts, a working woman, you know, who works outside of the city, it’ll take her two hours to get into the city and two hours back, that’s four hours. Plus, they’re sitting in the in the in the rain and the cold and sleep because many of these subway stations or outside stations, or bus stations have no real covering. This is a reality of everyday working people. Now, if you look at Massachusetts, as I mentioned here, what do you see here, Massachusetts, by the way, Massachusetts is important this is tell you the hypocrisy here. Massachusetts is where we have MIT, one of the elite civil engineering departments and look what Massachusetts got, okay, Massachusetts got a D, F minus that’s actually an F minus okay. 123 had a 350 points, bridges in poor conditions, roads and unacceptable conditions, and 20 year water system needs, okay. And I live in a reasonable neighborhood and even my water. When I get it from Belmont water it’ll say be aware of using your tap water, it could have led in it high levels of lead. Alright. So this is what we have. So when I when I look at what’s going on. in this country and I look back when I, you know, as a kid, I left India in 1969 1970. That was a third world country. We had cheating bridges roads, the Delhi airport today is better than than the airport in LaGuardia. Okay, that’s what’s happened in India in the last 50 years. And the US infrastructure is actually decaying. That’s what we’re doing here. So why is infrastructure important? And why did I put that the elites don’t give a damn about your public health. Because if you go back to 1900s, and I talked about this in our course, remember, every Monday evenings, we’re building a movement to educate you on why you must take a systems approach, while you have to connect infrastructure, to corruption, to different systems and to the system of health. So what I talk about is that the infectious diseases in the United States starting in 1900, for example, measles was 14 out of 100,000 people, because of the massive movements that took place in the United States in the early 1900s. By the 1950s, measles infection rate had dropped around one out of 2 million long before the measles vaccine came even a decade before that was because of nutrition, sanitation, infrastructure, roads, etc. The elites don’t give a damn about you, they want you to be in the republican camp and the democrat camp, the left on the right. And if you’re foolish enough to continue to doing that, you get what you’re going to deserve, you’re going to get nothing, you’re going to get worse infrastructure. And why is infrastructure important? Because when you have infrastructure, we have health, which means we have physical health, look at the water systems as just shared here. This is you know, people’s people act as though, Flint, Michigan is some anomaly. Look at this, they’re drinking water in the United States got a D, A, D, A, D, okay, not a C, not a B, not an A D. There you go. So this is what’s happened under Obama under Trump, under Clinton, all these administrations, they haven’t improved, guys. Now, it gets even more interesting. So as I shared with you, if you look at Massachusetts, 123 out of 350, Massachusetts is the center of technology and innovation. All right. Now, this is where you can take a systems approach. And you can understand that you start looking at the fact that you’re failing infrastructure, Massachusetts gets an F minus us, United States get it United States, infrastructure gets a D plus. But there’s a direct connection between infrastructure, and corruption. And before I go to that, I’m going to just make sure all of you know that every Monday evenings, we are building an army of truth, freedom and health warriors, it’s explosive people are signing up every day, I want you to get in your head that without the science without the political physics, that the curriculum that I put together for you, that you will always be going this way, that way, you won’t be confident on how to look at a political situation. So I want to just take a quick break here. And I want to make sure all of you are aware that we have a curriculum that we built. It’s called the curriculum for truth, freedom and health. It’s an actual program that anyone here can take. And I’m going to play it for you right now. So you understand what we’re actually doing here. And that’s why I put this together.
Corruption and Crumbling Infrastructure
We allow our country to be taken over from within. And the end goal is you will have a homogenized world where we will become slaves. Because there is a condition among the elites that really thinks they’re better than you. Deep down inside them, that you don’t deserve the freedoms you have. They don’t it’s reality is what people need to wake up to. And we need to all unite working people. There’s only one movement that could do that. That is the movement that we started creating here messages the movement for true freedom. Now, look, I’ve been a student of politics since I was a four year old kid saying revolutionary movements left wing right wing, there is a physics there’s a nuclear science to destroy the establishment.
To build a bridge, you need to understand Newton’s equation, you need to understand the laws of gravity, you need to understand Poisson’s ratio, there is a way to build a revolution. And that’s why I put this together. My goal is to train a army of true freedom and health leaders. We don’t need followers on social media, we need leaders, but they need training because the educational system does not teach him history, none. So three hours. That’s what I started doing. That’s the solution to training. First with understanding what a system is. The second is understanding the interconnection between truth, freedom and health. Freedom is the ability to move freely communicate freely, right talk freely, without freedom. You cannot convert ideas, hypothesis into truth, which is science. And without freedom, you can’t really get to truth and without truth.
You make up fake problems and fake solutions, which means you destroy our health and without health, which is the infrastructure of us in our body. You can’t fight for freedom. Third concept is it has to be Bottoms up. working people, people who work united. And what the right wing has done is whenever you say working people you like that must be communists, we want them with the Democrats, right unions, which suppress workers, completely corrupt. But when you look at the arc of American history, it’s good when working people came up, we need to go local. Every solution I’m coming up with as a part of this movement are getting the science, which is a truth. And then we tell people what they can do on the ground. Like with election fraud. You don’t need to wait for some lawyer articles to train people, they can go local, to go local to the local, fight locally, forget lawyers, or get politicians or get celebrities, you’ve got to learn politics, and there is a science to it, they lock us down, we should be ready to shut them down.
The fourth part of this principle is a not so obvious establishment. So when you look at a system, there’s always something they disturb you from getting to your goal with the biggest disturbances and not so obvious establishment. Which are those people claim there for you on the left and the right, Al Sharpton to tell black people I’m for you. The Tucker Carlson’s. Do you think any true anti establishment person I’ve ever seen on Fox or CNN? I don’t think so. They both mislead working people back in the establishment without this solid understanding of political physics and theory, you’re screwed. You’re gonna follow under the left wing, Bernie Sanders. Are you going to follow you know, some right wing talk show hosts, they’re not going to leave this deliberation. It’s us. And not political physics. It’s a nuclear science of change.
Systems Approach
We have to organize to understand that there are people who talk in the game, and then look at what they actually do left and right. I’m sorry, Sean Hannity may say some good things, urgency in his voice to get something done. And it can only come when you weaponize yourself with the right knowledge, you need to be able to identify a rat. You know, Christ didn’t go after the Romans, right. It was the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who screwed him up his own quote unquote, people. And that’s where we’re at. So these four concepts are built into a curriculum, he wouldn’t go to bat Shiva calm. And it’s an educational program, we need to train people in political theory, you need to have physics and I’ve created that curriculum. People need to get educated, we need to get educated fast. And within half an hour, an hour, I teach people, two years of MIT control systems, I teach people those concepts, and I apply it, anyone could understand it. And then you say, Oh, I got to build a bottoms up movement, they have to get politically astute. And then they have to go locally and act not sit there on social media, they have to impact locally, buy locally, you can do similar meanings locally, but with knowledge on how to build a movement.
The senate campaigns expanded to the movement for Truth, Freedom and Health, and they can find it on, so people can sign in, it redirects to a bunch of videos, if they want to take a course of the country through the health leader, I offer a full scholarship there. But we want people to make independent adult study that they’ll get certified that they’ll go and do activities on the ground. So go to
Alright, everyone. So the reason what I shared that we have to build a system is understanding some people understanding, asking, Why do I hit Tucker? Well, Tucker Carlson. The reason I’m so insistent on this is you have to understand these people are entertainers, they do not care about working people.
A Solution for Infrastructure
So let me go back to the statistics here. When you go back to the numbers, you’re going to see the infrastructure of the United States got a D plus, Massachusetts as an F minus minus. And now we’re going to see I’m going to show how the infrastructures related to how corrupt the elites are. So let’s look at this other fact here that is going to hopefully make you intersect and understand why we need to take a systems approach.
So if we look at Massachusetts, by the way, this is a Center for Public Integrity. And what they do is they look at organizations in the State, and they look at how corrupt they are. Massachusetts got a D plus. So think about this. Massachusetts got a D plus in public Public Integrity, and it got an F minus right there in infrastructure. So what’s the connection there? masters is a deep plus and integrity, which means they’re really corrupt the top three corrupt states in the United States, and they’re also the Top Worst infrastructures. Then you can say Hawaii is pretty corrupt. We’re close. Gabbard comes from Okay, that’s another discussion. But the reason I’m sharing this is that when you look at the system of corruption, and the system of infrastructure, you find that there’s a deep correlation that the politicians are Highly corrupt the money, the tax dollars that you get for constructions for roadways, water systems, where are they actually going? Where are they going? They’re not surely going to building infrastructure. And you see in Massachusetts, the corruption is a D plus, which means they’re highly corrupt. And they have a F minus minus infrastructure, you see that? A juvenile delinquent kid, probably doesn’t do that well in school, okay. A kid who does crime, you know, is out of control. It probably gets F’s and B’s, that’s what Massachusetts is.
And you can look at it at a larger level. How is this country being organized, the people that are perishing and are suffering are working people. That’s why we got to go from a systems understanding beyond left and right. And you need to understand the political physics. Now I’m going to share with you something even more interesting, okay. Philip K. Howard, who’s a, who’s done a lot of research on this, okay, you wrote a good paper, it’s called 10, two years, not 10 years, redesigning infrastructure approvals. And I recommend you guys go read this. It’s a report, that’s a great report that everyone should go read. It’s got two years, not 10 years, and it’s about cutting.
The fact that in America, after a budget is given, let’s say we put trillions into saying, okay, we’re going to revamp the infrastructure. And let’s say one of those was, you’re going to rebuild a bridge in your community. Okay, a bridge is falling apart, you allocated, let’s say, a billion dollars to rebuild that bridge, Guess how long from the time the money is allocated, that it takes to get that bridge actually started? Okay, to get building to get the approvals. Let me repeat that, again. Let’s say today, February 22, you know, a bill is passed, funding is allocated to build a bridge in your town. From the time that money is allocated, it’ll take 10 years, 10 years for the permits for the permitting, and all that stuff to get allocated. And we know the level of corruption that takes place.
If you own real estate, commercial real estate in any city, you’ll know how much corruption that is, you got to know someone and city hall you have to know this person, you got to know a politician, just to get approvals to do a building. So a bridge that a lot of layers are people are making a tonne of money. What Philip K Howard brings up in this report is that it takes nearly 20,000 pages of documentation to go through the regulatory process. And he says you can do it in about 300 pages. All right. So the politicians have created all this regulatory framework. So our tax dollars get sucked. They make more money through all the corruption. That’s how they rigged it.
In places like Singapore and China, it takes two years, even a place like Canada, and Germany. So one is authoritarian regimes and others relatively democratic regimes it still takes only two years whereas in the United States, it takes 10 years. So when you look at what occurred in Texas, for example, the elites don’t give a damn. And they’ll geoengineering this. Yeah, maybe China’s behind it. But shouldn’t we be prepared for those kinds of things, and independent of China? Look at the actual statistics in a place like the United States long before China got involved? That’s just as the United States got a D+s.
We’re looking at the fact that infrastructure throughout the United States is failing. Infrastructure is a system corruption is a system and how engineering is a system. So you have Philip K, Howard, saying we can bring down the regulations down to two years, not 10 years. And that’s how we eliminate corruption. And it’s not going to come from politicians. It’s going to come from working people, engineers, and people actually work for a living. That’s what I wanted to share with you. So as you reflect on Texas, you know, reflect long before China, maybe geo-engineering, whatever, but reflect on this fact. So we need to get very common sensical and practical, and not start blaming everything else.
They want you to blame aliens, they want you to be in China, they want to blame everyone else, even in the election fraud stuff. China was doing it. But China cannot be complicit and could not do it stuff without complicity from here. And that’s what they don’t want you to think about. They want you to think about everything you know, is, you know, some other country doing this to us. They don’t want you to think about the fact that we have corrupt people right here. And that’s what we have.
Truth Freedom Health®
What I want to share with you is when you become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior, you can go to the site – VASHIVA.COM/JOIN or VASHIVA.COM/WARRIOR. You can contribute whatever you want. But you get access to all different types of tools. But when you join, we have created the platform and it’s growing every day. And on this platform, we have all sorts of capabilities. When you log into the platform, we’re creating a dashboard, a number of the truth for Warriors are on the watching here. And, and and we’re building a community so you don’t feel alone, we’re building a community where you can get access to different videos, you can get access to a forum, for example, this is not on Facebook, this is not on Twitter, this is not on, you know, any other social media, this is our forum. So you can go here, for example, there’s all different health discussions taking place, you can see it’s very, very lively, it’s getting quite interesting. And this has just been in probably about a week. Similarly, we have an equivalent of Facebook, so you can log in as a warrior.
And you can get access to all different kinds of tools that allow you to actually
connect with others, you can build your own Facebook pages on here. And then you can create friends, there’s groups, etc. So all of this is up here. And so there’s different groups, we should probably populate this more. I can show you different people’s sites, for example, here, different members here, this is the truth freedom and health warrior group. And, and he remembers in here, and you can see different people are signing in. There’s Michelle, for example, okay. And so, and besides that, there’s all sorts of tools for you to become educated and become activated.
So for example, on the ground, we are putting up, you know, different types of cards that you can use in your local environments. We just put up the vaccine card,, that we just put up the card, and it’s called Beyond Vaccine/Anti-vaccine. You can print this out, this is just a new thing. It’s got the front of the card on the back of the card, you can print this up and hand it out and you can educate people. So you can see here’s a card you can educate people. So this is the front of the card. It says look, let’s move beyond Vax anti Vax build community boosts immunity, precision and personalized medicine and the back of the card can educate your neighbors and your friends what their real issues are.
So we go beyond this Vaxx/Anti-Vaxx. And it said vaccines for all are based on an outdated immune science. Modern science reveals a need for personalized medicine, vaccinations do not guarantee a strong immune system, right nutrition, friendships, activities boosts immunity that’s been documented. And then it talks about the public health implications vaccine manufacturers are protected from liability. There’s a lack of public health education on boosting immunity. The 1962 Kennedy vaccination act was based on 100 year old science.And what do I mean by that? Vaccines don’t even go through any type of even pharma type testing. The pharmaceutical drugs go through nearly six, seven years of testing vaccines and don’t even go through that. That’s why pharma is failing, because their vaccines are failing. So what I want to encourage you all to do is to recognize that we need to build a bottoms up movement for truth, freedom and health. We need to educate people and there is physics.
Thank you.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.