In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email shares why Tucker Carlson a.k.a. #FuckerCarlson and Joe Rogan, and their likes in the Mainstream and Grifter Media Network, HATE America AND real leaders like Dr.SHIVA, an MIT PhD, who Invented Email, who has a history of solving PROBLEMS.
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All right, everyone, this is Dr Shiva. I’m going to be doing a live with one of our friends out in the Netherlands, Ray, and we’re going to talk about what’s going on in the U. S. elections here. I want to talk about how a number of these people like, joe Rogan, the people like Tucker Carlson the fake nature of them, and actually what I want to speak to Ray about is how these people actually hate America at a very fundamental level and it’s being exhibited in this election.
Let me just pay our quick 32nd thing and we’ll bring in right. All
right, everyone. This is Dr. Shiva are going to have a good interview with Ray Terrestal. on what’s going on with these media characters, the deception, and we’re going to also talk about more broadly what’s going on. So let me bring in Ray Terrestal and one of his colleagues. Ray, how are you? Great. My name is Ray.
I’m from News Over News. Thank you. We are very happy that you are in our broadcast again. I want to introduce you to my table guest. He’s a lawyer. His name is Rob Van Roy. Rob, can you introduce yourself to Dr. Shiva? Yeah. I studied law, but I’m not a lawyer which is a big difference. But yes they call it a lawyer in the U S also what you do.
Yeah, I know. But I don’t work as a lawyer. I do business development and help to set up local communities and connect people to each other to be able to survive when the shit hits the van. Oh, okay. Great. And Ray, maybe you can just introduce yourself also to our audience because they’re listening.
Yes. My name is Ray. I’m doing a broadcast named news over news. I also provide in yeah, in a, in an open mic from it’s it’s a place where a lot of people with a great level of awareness gathered together and the movement is growing with people together. We’re pretty awake. At this moment great.
Can you hear the sound? Okay. Yes, I can hear it very well. Can you hear me? I just want to make sure they’re hearing the zoom. Okay. So you can hear the zoom coming through. Yeah. Okay. Good. All right. Go ahead. I’m sorry. Go ahead. Yeah, not a problem. Tonight it’s actually you are the special guest in our broadcast.
We have a lot of questions of course. And yeah, let’s talk about Zionism. Yeah. What I want to frame this in, as I’m running for president of the United States. And what was your other host name? How should I address him? Rob. Rob. Rob. Okay. I can call you Rob.
Rob and Ray. It’s very easy. Just go to Ray. Yeah. So Rob and Ray, what I wanted to share with you guys is many many during 2020, you guys may know, we reached about a half a billion people globally. Because. The work I did, the work our movement that exposed the election systems integrity issue in the United States, and now we know it was the Zionist Israel who actually put Trump into office in 2016.
Okay. We should talk about that. All right. I wasn’t going to close the system. But the reality was, Israel is the biggest country involved in election interference, period. And I can share with you some data on that. But many of the Trump people think, Oh, my God, Trump his election was stolen in 2020, but then they cannot answer how he got into office in 2016.
If elections are selections, how did Trump get in? He was installed by Israel and we should talk about that. But it was my work in 2020 as an MIT problem solver, PhD engineer, which exposed the entire election systems issue. Others then came and used my work to make money, including Trump. He made about a half a billion dollars using my work.
The second thing we did in 2020, I was the first scientist. Who exposed Fauci who and gave people solutions, right? A protocol and we saved hundreds of millions of people’s lives while booby effing. Kennedy was promoting lockdowns, which killed people. All right, and everyone should understand the facts about what took place in 2020, and it was my work in 2020, which exposed the fact that the governments of the world have a backdoor portal into all the social media companies and fucker Carlson, as I like to call him Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, these people intentionally concealed my findings, even though we the most important historic lawsuits in the United States.
They waited two years to talk about that because that’s called delayed truth. It’s a CIA technique. So what we need to talk about is in the larger scheme of things. And more recently, since 1980, I’ve been talking against Zionism, organized protests against it. And there’s a video that I put out there, which went viral.
It must have hundreds of millions of views where I said that I’m the only presidential candidate who does not suck Zionist cock. Now I have to be very brutal in my. Description because every other presidential candidate has to our Zionist cocksuckers of Zionism. And that literally the entire United States Congress is owned by Zionist.
Every president Trump specifically and booby Kennedy and Biden all are Zionist. I’m the only candidate who’s anti Zionist and we’ll speak out against it. So when you add all that up, you have to wonder Ray and Rob, why is it that none of the mainstream media covers? Makes us invisible. And that’s the big elephant in the room.
I’m an MIT PhD. There’s only 15, 000 MIT PhDs in the world. Not everyone gets a PhD out of MIT. I have four degrees from MIT. I’m a Fulbright scholar. I invented the first email system. I solve problems. I’m considered as one of the leading scientists. In the world, why would it be that fucker Carlson, Joe Rogan and none of the mainstream media?
Not only do they not covering, but they intentionally Ray and Rob conceal me. The fact is, I have to go to independent news stations. I have to go all the way to the Netherlands with you guys to have this conversation and the fact. If we take the epitome of mainstream media, fucker Carlson. Or the epitome of the grifter media network, like Joe Rogan.
Why is it even though Rogan follows me? That he intentionally conceals me do not do it. Is it because I’m a darky who invented email? They want, they don’t want to recognize, but I would like to put forward. These people hate America. They’re globalists, they hate Americans. Can we respond on this?
Yes, someone saying quite whining. This fool who says whining is probably wants to is probably a Zionist cocksucker. It’s not about whining. You idiot. It’s about the facts what’s going on that. They hate America. They hate the American working people and they do not want to give visibility to somebody.
Who solves problems. Politicians and lawyers create problems. Engineers like me, we solve problems. So the issue is the mainstream media and the grifter media are in collusion with the swarm, as I call it, because they do not want anyone leading them leading working people can solve problems. And that’s the core of this.
Yeah. No it’s clear that there, there’s a truth behind the truth that they’re sharing, right? And the people who are so called awake or, attacking governments are shells, it’s obvious. So the people who really speak truth don’t come into the picture. And I’m still a little bit surprised that you’re still alive.
I hope you will remain alive, but I know it’s a very dangerous thing to do. Another question I have for you, do you distinguish between people with Jewish faith and Zionists? Because a lot of people frame you as a anti Semite while I think Zionism is something completely different than people with Jewish faith.
Yeah. So the bottom line is this, in 1984, I read one of the biggest protests. Again, Zionism. Zionism is racism in the service of imperialism. Zionism is actually anti semitic. Zionists collaborated with the Nazis to butcher Jews. Yeah, I know that. And you don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.
Most of all, there’s 10 times more American Christian Zionists than there are Israeli Jewish Zionists. Okay? You don’t you can be an Islamic Zionist. You can be a Hindu Zionist. You can be an Arab Zionist, a Persian Zionist. Zionism knows no boundaries. The foundations of Zionism are embedded in the theory.
A small set of people are better than the rest of the people. It’s very closely linked with the philosophies of Nazism, very closely linked with the philosophies of Indian casteism, Brahmanism. So Zionism is anti Semitic. And if you go study it, you’ll find out that it was a Zionist who collaborated with the Nazis in the Warsaw ghetto to butcher Jews.
Who are fighting against the Nazis and what has fundamentally happened is that the Israeli Zionist Netanyahu and the American evangelical Zionists, the quote unquote Christians who have nothing to do with Christianity, by the way, collaborated to manipulate 70 million American Christians. To support this very fucked up interpretation of Christianity, which came out really in the 1800s by a guy called Martin heckle, I believe it’s names who collaborated with Theodore Herzl to put forward this very ridiculous interpretation of the Bible that when the Jews returned to Israel, there’s going to be this Armageddon dah, and that’s why these people are the chosen people.
Israel, out of the 2500 times it’s mentioned in the Bible, only once is it ever mentioned as a geographical state. So all of this is just fucking made up. It’s just made up. It’s bullshit. And the biggest people who have been bullshitted are the American Christian Zionists, who are working class people.
And people like Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson all know about this. But they all report up through Zionism up through the swarm. So Zionism is actually anti semitic and, Netanyahu is anti semitic. He hates Jewish people. If you look 2 weeks before October 7th, there were close to half a million people, million people, Jews protesting against Netanyahu.
And so he and by the way, Hamas was started by the Zionist Israelis. It’s been very well known. So the issue is none of these mainstream media people will cover me as the only qualified U. S. presidential candidate. The problem they have right now, Ray and Rob is that in 2020, we got out to half a billion people.
So Americans are wondering, Hey, why isn’t these people covering Dr Shiva? And that is the big story. The big story is not that people do not know about myself and our campaign. Is why is it people like Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan intentionally conceal our campaign and that is the opportunity for Americans to learn the election fraud within the election fraud occurs.
The deception occurs by deciding who gets visibility, then manipulating people who can get on the ballot. Then, even if they overcome those and they get on the ballot and they win, then they have the final election fraud. Which is in the machines, you say, but you have to understand the election fraud begins way ahead on who even gets on the stage, but they have a serious problem with me ready to get back to your question.
Why isn’t it? They have in the old days, they just annihilate you, right? They kill you. They shoot you. The problem is half a billion people know about Dr Shiva on our campaign. So what they do now is they don’t even want to attack me because that creates controversy and we get more publicity. So their goal is to say, oh, this guy doesn’t exist.
It’s like the Ralph Ellison book that was written called the invisible man. So this is what we want to educate people on the level of fear that they have. For people who come bottoms up, you say that’s what they, that’s what the real issue is, but what you are saying actually is you don’t, do you believe still in this whole election system because you’re running for candidates, but do you think it’s going to be honest?
Ray, go back to 2020. It was my fun foundational work, which revealed all the problems in the election system. Okay. We’re the ones who showed the machine issues. We’re the ones who showed how the signature verification is wrong. And that went viral all over the world. Now, the big question I want you to listen to the very the big victory there was because an MIT engineer like myself, because an inventor like myself ran for political office in 2020 as an outsider.
I was able to expose this. You say, if I hadn’t run Ray, I was the victim and the person who discovered this and proposed solutions. Typically they have idiots running for office, booby Kennedy, right? Or fucking Joe Biden. These people are fucking idiots. They’re part of the election problem. They live on fraud because they’re fraudulent human beings.
So they never expected me to get visibility in 2020, which we did. They never expected me to get on the ballot. They never expected me to win, but because of all the things they did. To our campaign, Ray and Rob, we discovered all these things you say, because why I’ve been trained as an engineer all my life to solve problems.
And then, because I had access to the media with our own channel before the censorship hit in, we expose this to me. That’s a victory, right? That was a huge victory. Now I’m running for president. Yes, of course, they’re cheating us already. They’re already cheating us. Our volunteers go to get us on the ballot in every state.
They send the police to harass our volunteers. We have to explain to the police the laws. They intentionally do not tell the laws to the police that a candidate can collect signatures to get on the ballot. That’s the election fraud. Now we’re exposing that to people. You say in 2020, I expose the election fraud at the end of the process, but the election fraud really occurs.
Two to three years way before that election fraud. You follow? Now, who is exposing that? Me. None of the other candidates are. So the fact that our movement exists. The fact that I’m running for president, an engineer, a scientist, the guy you invented email, this is a serious problem to them because I can figure all this out and I’m articulate and I know how to talk.
And we’re explaining this to people. These are all victories of victory. We have to see now Ray and Rob is not the victory on their battleground. We will never win on their battleground. But the fact that you and I are having this conversation, the fact that thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people learn about this.
That’s the victory. You say they do not want people like me running for president, right? I’m supposed to stay in a laboratory or be a professor at MIT or be an inventor, start a company, but I’m not supposed to do all those things and run for office, you follow what I’m saying? Yeah, true. Okay. You know what?
Actually, it’s the same in the Netherlands. Our government also do not love our country because the agenda is everywhere the same. And of course, the US is always leading because what starts in the US will spread all over the world. What do you think about it, Rob? Yeah we just had an election in the Netherlands and there’s a circulating a paper circulating around on the internet that the guy who won the election is actually a trained Mossad agent.
And he admitted that in the drunken whenever he was drunk, he told this to people within his party that he was then involved in. So Geert Wilders, if you have followed our election, so he’s the biggest party now in the Netherlands and he is being framed as extreme right. So all the people who are involved with the W E F will not cooperate with him.
So they will exclude him from the process of creating a government. But he plays a very important role in the elections and in the failure to create a new government where the opposition has a role. And I’m 100 percent convinced that he never got the votes that they said he got. Yes, there’s another party that would have gotten the votes, which is also part of the game.
It’s part of the whole charade of politics being, a play for this for a stage. But it’s well orchestrated and there’s a big power behind it to make it look real. And a lot of people who put a lot of emotion in it that they think it’s not fair, et cetera, but nobody sees or a lot of. Very few people see that it’s actually the same software in our voting machines that decide the outcome and they frame the story in the mainstream media so that it is logic that this guy, the Zionist, who is not known as a Zionist, but who is known as extreme right has won the elections and then everybody understands nobody’s going to be in a government with him because he is extreme right.
So they can’t, nobody can expect to be in a government with a person like that. It is actually the same with the interview the day before yesterday with Tucker Carlson and put in, of course, I think window dressing, right? I think so. If you get to people like Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan.
These are 1 guy mainstream media. His father came out of the CIA, right? Was the 1 who created the disinformation methodology for the United States government and he wanted to be in the CIA. Now, to think that this guy is not part of the intelligence agency network. You have to be a fucking idiot. Tucker Carlson is as part of the deep state as you can imagine.
Joe Rogan is a complete fucking idiot who is supported and backed by a guy called Ari Emanuel. Ari Emanuel’s brother is Rahm Emanuel. And everyone just needs to go study that whole family. Ari Emanuel. Owns the number one Hollywood agency, which controls every A list actor. He owns UFC, which is a, the boxing, the MMA fighting.
Yeah. He owns WWE wrestling. He was Trump’s agent. He is Joe Rogan’s agent and he’s directly connected to Mossad. So people need to recognize back to your point in 2016, the work of James Bamford investigative journals clearly shows. That the Russia hoax was a deception within a deception. The it was the Israelis who wanted to put Trump into power because Obama and even the elements, the broad mass of the United States people hate Zionism.
They’re done with Israel. Okay. And. And this is happening even people who are semi supportive of Israel over the last 10 years are broken away. And so Obama and Kerry to appease those people to get elected, they wanted to ensure that Jerusalem was split, right? Equal rights. And they did not want the Iran agreement to get blown up.
Now, Netanyahu wanted to blow up the Iran agreement and he wanted to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Everyone knows this. Who was the guy that was going to do that for him? Trump. So it was Israel, which knew, which has the best, some of the best eavesdropping things through their 8, 200 NSA equivalent that they bugged.
The Russians were, had this data. And they were meeting with Trump’s team, a la Roger stone. And so all of this is came out in a FBI warrant report that James Bamford got through a FOIA request last year. Only two news organizations have covered this democracy now and the nation. No one else wants to cover this.
It is so clear that Trump was put into power directly by Netanyahu, directly. And it is also clear that Israel is a center of election interference globally. They have groups, Archimedes group, a group called PSYOP, and their slogans are we create the reality you want. Okay, so this is so front and center that Zionism Mossad, the Zionists in the United States run not only U.
S. elections, but all elections and a number of 20 journalists expose this. In detail with cameras where they went to meet with these Israelis and they do it like a sales spiel. Oh, we can do this. We can do this. We have bots and they sell it as a service to interfere in elections. They interfered in the Nigerian election, Indian elections.
Every election is interfered by Israel. Now, the Russia hoax was a deception. And then Trump gets away. It was a deception within a deception, like those Russian dolls, you say. We have 1 within another and the bottom line is fucker. Carlson is part of this deception. He’s complete. He knew he knows election fraud exists, but he acted like it didn’t.
Then he acted like he was for it because Fox News needed the views. And then he acted like he was thrown out of Fox because they had a problem. The only reason he was thrown out is Dominion actually had a very good case. I get on defamation against him. Okay. So this entire thing, what you’re saying, Ray, is a deception within a deception.
It is absolute theater, all theater. The entire electrical systems process is theater. Forget even the machines, Ray, the machines are just the final Ray cabaret. It’s cabaret. We know, but how do you think this is going to play out? Everybody, how do I think it’s going to play out? This is how it’s going to play out, right?
What I mean to tell you is that a lot of people expect that Trump is running again and is also become president again. How do you think about that? How about your reflection about that? That’s what I’m saying. Look, the, so let’s again, take it from a systems understanding. Okay. Let’s take it from a systems understanding.
The system’s understanding goes like this. If we go to the basics, here’s the swarm. You’ve seen my swarm video, right? Yes. Okay. So the swarm video is an excellent piece of education. Anyone who’s really interested in the solution and I’m not going to go through it, but anyone should go to shatter the swarm and watch that video if you’re serious about wanting to change the world.
But if you just want to be some idiot who just wants to talk about conspiracies, please. You’re not going to change the world. I’m interested in fundamentally changing the world. So number one, if you study the swarm video, it’ll show you the dynamics. And what you realize out of that dynamics is a swarm has 2 front ends, right?
It has the obvious establishment, right? Biden, Clinton’s, Bush’s, and then it has a not so obvious establishment. Trump, Kennedy Bernie Sanders, and I’m sure the Labor Party leaders, whoever you want, right? Who act like they care for the people. Yeah. But that’s the theater. They have these two front ends.
All right. Trump was created by the swarm because the working people in the United States in 20, 2008 to 2016, they were bamboozled by a black guy called Obama, right? That was a theater that they played by 2016, the white working class in the United States, 57 percent who had voted for Trump had figured it out.
Obama was full of shit. Cause he saved all the big banks. If you remember in 2008, right? So they needed a white guy. So they go find this fool called Trump who wanted to be in Hollywood. If you go look at his history, he was the, he was running the number one show on TV called the apprentice where he’s acting like a CEO and he’s not a CEO.
He’s a fake billionaire who has a negative billion. Okay. All of Trump’s billions are directly because of Zionism. Okay. The Zionists are the ones who bailed him out. He’s a bankrupt CEO, actually. All right. Yeah. That’s right. It was on the front page of New York times. I know it’s very well known.
So he, he was a TV personality created by the swarm and they needed him to confuse the white working class. So they created make America great. Lock her up, drain the swamp. These were all theatrical slogans that they created. It’s like you find an actor and you give him the slogans and then you give him all the airtime, right?
His agent was Arie Emmanuelle, who’s Joe Rogan’s agent. Go at it, add it up, it’s right in front of you. So Trump then is presented as anti establishment, and Trump does everything the establishment wants. Operation Warp Speed. He printed 8. 2 trillion dollars. More than Obama did in two terms. Everything the swarm wanted, he did.
Hillary never got locked up. There was no swamp drain. He brought in the swamp. Yeah, I know. There’s a lot of stories that he’s cleaning the dumps and all that kind of nonsense, but none of it’s ever good. Yeah, it’s all bullshit. It’s all bullshit bullshit. And now, so they, remember, it’s all about, I think we need to start looking at this like a movie director running a play.
How can you manipulate the emotions of the audience? That’s what A movie is right. You start the movie, you create the protagonist and the antagonist and you create the friction. Then the protagonist goes into. The classical Joseph Campbell movies. If you study movies. It’s called the hero’s journey.
You have the quote unquote hero. He gets beat up. Then he goes down into the depths and then he gets saved. He comes up. That’s how they create Trump. Oh my God. He’s a hero. He got stolen his election, right? Now he’s going to come back. He’s the one who’s being indicted. We all need to vote for him. He’s the victim.
It’s all bullshit. It’s all theater. Yes, it’s true, but the people going to buy it, that’s the problem. No, they have a problem. Wait, right? Stop. If you go re now in 2020, because of our movement, we’re going to take credit for this because I’m running for president because we’re having this conversation right now.
People aren’t buying it. You know why Ray and Rob, this is why, because prior to 2020, there was no movement. That really explained this concept, the systems dynamics, there was no video ever called the swarm or shatter the swarm. Using engineering science, I’m able to really explain to hundreds of millions of people that form video for 15 minutes.
Every human being should watch it all 8 billion people, because you see, they typically have the duality pro and anti left and right, red and blue, and they play this theater out, but I am explaining the theater. In 2020, Ray and Rob, when I expose Kennedy. All these people are giving money to Kennedy. Oh, my God.
Why are you attacking Kennedy? He is for medical freedom. He’s against vaccines. You and Kennedy should work together because I was seen as a hero among many people because I was teaching people the immune system. And I realized boobie fucking Kennedy does everything to support big Pharma. Everything. He says he’s for full vaccination.
And then during the lockdowns, he was for lockdowns, He stole all of my material. A year later, he writes a book on Fauci when we were running the Farah Fauci campaigns, you say they created booby Kennedy, the not so obvious establishment. I lost 20 percent of my followers. And now, because I did the right thing, people are like, wait a minute.
Dr. Shiva was right. He’s a Zionist scumbag, and then we have all the data. And then same thing with Tucker Carlson, same thing with Elon Musk. Because we did this in 2020, now people say we can trust Dr. Shiva. We can trust. This understanding, and this is very important now, Ray, and if you go to Robert Kennedy’s Twitter feed, he’ll say, Oh, give me 500 and you can fly Falcons and the people like you fucking scumbag and they use our content that didn’t occur in 2020.
That did not occur. We’re changing the dynamics. People are truly waking up not from going from Biden to Kennedy Biden to Trump. They’re saying, wait a minute. The theater is happening. When I wrote the book system and revolution, everyone should read this. I’m now into really promoting my solutions before.
I used to be very shy. People are like, no, Dr Shiva, everyone on the planet should read this book and watch shattered swarm. Why? Because it took me 50 years to use engineering system science that I learned at M. I. T. To actually understand this dynamics and we now train people. We are creating global leaders who really understand these concepts.
And it’s a very powerful engine that we’re creating of knowledge. One person who understands the theater, the dynamics, and can explain it to people is equivalent to an army of 10 million idiots. So I wouldn’t say that, man, people are getting it. The issue is people keep thinking that the solution is going to come from them.
The solution is never going to come from them. It’s going to come from below when people really learn to think right. And Rob, and that is a long, that’s we’re playing the long game. I’m not here to play the short game. The short game is they can, we can ask you a question. Yep. Okay.
There’s been a lot of discussion about whether viruses are a death material that can’t be transferred from people to people. Or whether they are actually what they are made to believe that they are transferable from causing diseases. So what’s your point of view on this? Let’s talk about that.
Look, I did like I’m considering the leading guys in the immune system in the world. Okay, that discussion. Pro virus, antivirus, Provax, Antivax. Do you know it’s all fucking disinformation? It’s bullshit. The real. So whenever you take any of these issues, you have to go down to the real issue. The real issue is not whether a virus exists or a virus doesn’t exist.
The real issue is not whether to Provax or Antivax. The real issue is a systems approach. What is the human body and how do you achieve real health? And I know these morons. They’re selling some shit on their website. Buy this, buy that. There’s no virus or there is a virus. Both sides. The real issue they do not want to talk about is.
The central concept that comes out of system science called resilience. When you’re a system scientist, you go to the real issue. So you don’t get fucked up in these idiotic discussions. The real issue is what is your immune system and how do you strengthen the immune system? That’s a real issue.
Now, why don’t we talk about that? That’s a real issue. The immune system is a complex system of systems. It has the innate as the adaptive. It’s got the microbiome in the gut, right? We have all these bacteria. We have the vagus nerve. And when you put that together as an engine, you realize that. The bottom line is this.
We have to figure out the right medicine for the right person at the right time. So what’s good for you, Rob, may not be good for Ray. Okay? And then the issue is, how do you strengthen this immune system? And what you’ll discover then is the establishment has been doing everything to weaken the immune system over the last 50 years.
And the immune system is directly linked to the aging systems in your body. 30 years ago, when they had scientific conferences, they had the conferences on cancer over here, they had the conferences on aging over here, and then the conference on the immune system. Now, They’re realizing that if you want to live long, you better have a strong immune system.
It’s the same mechanic mechanistic understanding. And when you go to so the issue is, do you want to live long? Or do you want to die early? That’s a very fundamental question. If you look at this graph here. You’ll find out that in America, people’s lifespan, that’s that red line is going upside down now.
Why is that? Oh, my God. It’s a vaccine. Oh, my God. Viruses exist. They don’t exist. No, it’s been a process of the last 60 years of people creating massive stress to the body, right? Economic inequality. You can go down to the fact that we’re getting poisons in the environment. Stress, physical stress, depression.
It’s a whole bunch of things. It’s not any one thing. So now that’s what I’m saying. The issue is, what do you want to solve now? Within that context, you come to the understanding that there’s many things in nature. That affect your immune system. When you’re a child, you’re supposed to play in the dirt, right?
And you get exposed to all different kinds of things, different antigens, different things that will irritate your body, but they’re done to turn on your immune system to immune system gets stronger. Like in Finland. The studies clearly show that if you take a family, 3 groups, And Children, the Children who have dogs that go in and out, the Children who have dogs that are inside and the Children who have no dogs, the Children who have dogs that go in and out and bring all the dust on the dirt.
Those kids have 70 percent less year infection. Okay, I never heard of allergies in India. I used to play in the dirt. So now if you keep a child in a completely cloistered environment, and he’s never allowed to experience the earth, what’s going to happen? Everything he sees, he’s going to get an allergic reaction.
That’s an antigen affecting the body. His immune system was never trained. It’s imagine you never worked out until you’re 50 years old. You go to work out. Oh my God, I’m sore. The body is supposed to be trained and it gets stronger. Any system. Now that’s what we should be talking about.
So I find the same idiots who talk about the earth is flat or isn’t flat. There’s a virus. There’s no virus. It’s what’s the fucking purpose of your stupidity? Why are you talking about this? Why don’t you talk about the immune system and why don’t we talk about how to strengthen it? And that’s what I did in 2019, Ray and Rob.
And we told people you need sunshine, vitamin D3. You need the green leafy vegetables, quercetin and zinc and these things. Let’s talk about the solution. Okay. Because the same people are talking about a virus doesn’t exist or exist. They’re attacking the establishment, but those same people don’t apply the scientific method.
You have this guy, Thomas counting all the cell is like this and you go prove it. He doesn’t even apply the scientific method. So I find these people to be charlatans against the charlatans. You follow what I’m saying? The real issue is how do you strengthen the immune system? That is the real issue.
And what they are creating now is weaker and weaker people with immune systems. So they’re going to need quote unquote, artificial immunization. You say that is the issue. So I just went through the real problem. And I think it’s time the entire group of people listening here in the grifter community and this is how grifters work.
They get caught on this thing. Oh, okay. Let’s talk about flat earth. Let’s talk about and they don’t want to solve any problems. They don’t want to build a movement. They don’t want to really help people’s systems. They want to create problems because they’re earning money. Exactly right by my video. I’m going to talk about how there’s no virus.
Okay. Are you going to talk about how to strengthen people’s immune systems? Because look what’s actually happening, right? That’s what’s happening globally. And they don’t want to talk about that because most of them are not scientists. They’re not engineers. They don’t have to solve problems. They’re old MDs who are assholes.
We’re not trying to create a new career for themselves. In this world of grifting engineers solve problems. We have to look at a situation and we have to find out what’s real. And the reality is people’s immune systems are getting destroyed and Ray, you need for your immune system because maybe you played in dirt and all that is very different.
But the elites are creating conditions where children are being isolated. People don’t go out and get the. They don’t turn on their immune systems. So why do you think, why do you think they invent this kind of products? Which, what kind of product is that? Phones, tablets, because kids play outside, but now they play inside with the stupid tablets and the stupid phone.
Exactly. It’s all okay. So one other topic we wanted to discuss is what are your they’re I said, it’s trying to frighten us with a threat of world war three. So what’s your view on that? So let’s talk about that. So if you look at again, fucker Carlson and Joe Rogan follows me on Twitter.
Okay. And you should call him fucker Carlson. Please everyone teach your kids to call him fucker Carlson. He’s the most deceptive human being on the planet. He is CIA. That’s who he is. And we discussed this before, before you came on the show, we were discussing about Tucker Carlson. I elaborated on the fact that he so called exposed the 6th of January storming of the Capitol.
But he also said that they should free the Trump supporter, who was just an actor, this part of the States. And that the woman, he also talked about the women who got shot in the Capitol. And this was also clearly totally staged. So we discussed already that. Yeah. So I’m glad you did that.
But I think the key thing to understand is until you come to the understanding that fucker Carlson and Joe Rogan are full of shit, you’re still fucking, you’re going to be completely used. If you think Parker Carlson and Joe Rogan are telling you the truth, then you’re completely a fool. Let me tell you why.
Okay. And it goes to the heart of what we’re talking about here. They have created a cycle fear, fear mongering. We know the power of fear. The body has the adrenal glands. Flight or fight, right? And you can get people to fight or flee. And that is done with fear. Fear is the most primal system in the body.
Again, as a systems biologist, I can go into the details. So the establishment has policies to consistently decide again, from an engineering standpoint, when they’re going to put again, everyone better go read system and revolution, because you will understand this. So you don’t have to waste your bloody time.
There’s a wonderful diagram in here, which I’ll try to put there. Okay. That is called a control system. All right. And the elites understand control systems. I used to teach it at MIT Kissinger understands control systems. George Soros does. And if you don’t understand control systems. You’re going to be basically fooled by these people, their control system is they know when to inject fear Rob at the right time with fear.
People go do stupid things. People go sell their stocks when the market’s tanking, the elites go buy their stocks low and then they wait till it goes high. You see what I’m saying? So fear, fear mongering. Is one of the most powerful ways that the elites manipulate people.
Now, if you go look at my March tweet of 2020, when the quote unquote pandemic landed, I was the only person on this planet who said this pandemic, this fear mongering, this coronavirus fear mongering will go down in history to manipulate economies. To destroy health and to destroy freedom. I was the only one who said that
everyone should go. You can go look at my tweet. Why did I know that? Because I understand systems. They were injecting fear into the system. People, ordinary people would accept the lockdowns, accept the masking because they needed to slow down the economy, right? Because the economies were actually starting to grow, small businesses were growing and the elites do not want growth.
Real growth. They want fake growth because Jared Kushner, Trump and all of his friends, real estate people were getting very low interest loans. The interest rates in the United States were like 1%. Come on. That’s unheard of the elites were using low interest rate loans to borrow to build their empire.
And during that pandemic, 600 people increase their wealth by 2. 3 trillion dollars. Poor, working people lost jobs. We lost our health, but 600 people, Elon fucking Musk, Jared Kushner, and you can go down the list, Richard Branson, all these people, Jeff Bezos increased their wealth. So they used fear as the injection.
So people stayed at home and they boosted their wealth. So I don’t believe the elites have any interest in blowing up the world. It’s all fear. Okay. Because Putin’s friends hang out with Trump’s friends. The elites together, whether it be Putin or Trump or Biden or Rishi Sunak or everyone, all their kids go to the same clubs.
They go all fuck each other. They’re all friends guys. But what they do know is how to create theater to use fear. And when they inject fear into us. We go do stupid things. Look, I have remember when the black lives matter was taking place in the United States in New York. There were protests and stuff like this and breaking windows.
We had some very good friends. A friend of mine knows she’s a woman who, worked very hard to buy her home in the city of New York. Very expensive home. She brought it and had grown up in value and then she goes, Oh, my God, all those black lives matter. Oh, my God. I’m going to sell my home in New York.
She sells her very valuable home moves to New Jersey thinking, New York was going to be destroyed. Guess what happened? She sold it very low 3 years later. It’s selling it 3 times what she paid for. You see what I’m saying? They know how to create the chaos. So working people sell low, they buy high.
Okay. But does it mean in your opinion that this is all about, money creating or is it, is, are they using creation of money to get control? Power, profit control. They’re all interlinked. Maximize power, maximize profit, maximize control. They use the academics to control the narratives. They use wall street and the financial systems to maximize profit.
And then the politicians that they support are there to ensure that they maximize power, profit control. They’re maximizing three variables. If they can get all three Rob, they’ll do it. Okay. During the pandemic, they maximized. Power profit control 600 billionaires increase their wealth by 2. 3 trillion, right?
They had massive control. People like idiots were these masks and they had tremendous amounts of power that they got out of it. It’s max. If you take it from a control system standpoint, from an engineering standpoint, you’re trying to achieve a goal and you’re maximizing. It’s called optimization.
The question is, what do we want to maximize? This is what we need to start thinking about. Not what fucking they do. They’re gonna do whatever the hell they want. They’re going to create wars. They’ll do Ukraine and they want us to be. Oh my God. Oh my God. Let’s do a video on Putin and Trump today.
Oh my God. The Houthis is being attacked. Let’s do a video on that. Let me give my commentary on this. All this is bullshit. It’s all bullshit guys. We’re running around doing this video, that video. Oh my God. The Houthis are now being attacked. Gaza is now being attacked. They know what the fuck they’re doing.
It’s to just have us going like this. When we don’t have a mission. So our mission is truth, freedom, health. And we want to educate people how we win that. And that’s going to be a long game. We have to organize a movement. We have to understand the science. We have to find good people. And we have to also discipline people who are talking all sorts of idiotic shit all day.
Yeah, no it’s one of the problem is also that the fear mongering is also on the side of the so called conscious people or aware people, the videos that they share, it’s just another kind of fear mongering. What I’m saying is that’s why we have Rob, we have to understand this dynamic without the understanding of system science, George Soros is, I don’t know if you know this, he’s one of the leaders in reflexivity theory.
System science is a science. That emerged in the 1920s to 50s, just like the theory of electromagnetism. Okay, if you didn’t have electromagnetism theory, we wouldn’t have cell phones. And what I’m here to tell you is that as a system scientist who’s to teach this at MIT, the biggest weapon in the world is the science of systems.
And if you don’t learn it, you will be a slave. And I’m the only one on this planet, which is bringing that knowledge to the masses. How do we get it? How do we get it? How do we get it to the masses? Because all I see around me is a lot of people wasting their energy on discussions. Like you just said, like it’s pro or con and it’s a lot of it’s discussions that are fed.
On both sides to create, more fear and more. So what I’m saying is, how do we break through that, misleading information spreading? Rob, so this has been the question I asked when I was four years old. Okay. Because I came, this is very personal to me. I came from an India, which has a caste system, right?
I’ve seen the brutalization of that concept of a small set of people thinking everyone else is stupid. So this has been the problem I’ve been working on for 57 years of my life for 56 years. And I figured it out 1st in, in 1981, when I realized all these people were part of this theater left and right.
And then more in 2007, when I cracked the code on this fundamental understanding of the science, and I realized that I had to get this out to the masses because when we understood Newton’s equations in the 1600s, we were able to build bridges. And skyscrapers and what’s happened throughout the world.
Rob is. We have a big dichotomy now between a set of people who understand the need for science, technology, engineering, and math over here, and then a broad mass of people here who can, who don’t know any of this knowledge. They can’t solve a differential equation. They can’t do math. They can’t even understand why a building holds itself up, right?
They don’t understand basic physics. This is why we have such a big dichotomy right now. It’s easy to fool people. So people don’t understand a cell phone would not exist. Without Maxwell’s equations. All right. People do not understand a building. An airplane cannot be built without Bernoulli’s principles.
I’m asking you this question. How are we going to build a movement to shatter the swarm if we don’t have scientific principles? This is a central issue and do enough people understand that you need to have scientific principles to build anything to build this mouse, this optical mouse, you need scientific principles.
To build this microphone right here, you need to understand acoustics. Okay. If you want to build a movement, what I realized when I was a young kid was, what is the science? How does this world work? And it was after I did my engineering training and I went back to India, I realized there is a foundational science system science.
That the elites learn and out of the 8Billion people that we have. In 2010, when I went to India, I found out that these principles of system science, there’s 9 of them matched 1 to 1 with ancient systems of medicine and I made a major breakthrough. And when I got back in 2010 to the United States.
The head of the department of MIT, a biological engineering said, you can teach a course. Okay. And I called it systems, biology, and traditional medicines. And in that course, Robin, a room full of people, 300 people would show up. Engineers, doctors, scientists very esteemed people. And the other side of the room was yoga, people, chiropractors, right?
And these people look like this when they were talking and this scientific understanding of system science bridge the worlds. So I did that between 2010 to 2016, and I called it Systems Health. And then when I ran for office, and I’ll give you an example. What you find is that there are three phenomenon in the world, transport of energy movement.
You can write it down, transport conversion of energy, matter, and information. And the third is called the thing that contains and structures energy, matter, and information. These three principles are known by thermodynamic people for 50, 60 years. Got it. These same things show up in the Indian system of traditional medicine called Batha, Pitta, Kapha, the movement of information, matter, and energy, the conversion and the storage.
So when I started running politics, when I ran in 2017, 18, I said, how do these people control people? And I realized what they do is they control these three things. They control truth, freedom, health. So what is truth, freedom, health? This is not just a slogan. Freedom is movement of information, matter, and energy.
You got it. That’s freedom, which is the same as a principle of transport that comes from engineering system science. Same as a principle of author. This is a quite a profound discovery. I made conversion is a process of taking one thing and putting it to another. I am right now speaking to you with my sound waves.
They’re hitting this microphone and they’re being converted to an electrical signal. That’s a conversion process. The same phenomenon occurs when you take the scientific method. I can put out all these ideas and they get converted to truth, right? Truth is a verb. It’s really should be a verb. And then health is a thing that contains us.
So what I had uncovered was scientific principles that exist. In every system on the universe. And I realized that not only did they affect the body as a system, not only did they affect everything, but they affect political systems. And then I realized that the elites understand this. And they’re not interested in truth, freedom, and health.
They’re interested in maximizing power, profit control. So they know how to send in the right inputs, which is another one of the nine principles. They know how to observe what we’re doing. And then, and it’s an engineering dynamic, Rob, that they have. I hope you understand what I’m talking. It’s hard to do this in one simple thing.
So what I decided was I realized, wow, I was teaching this at MIT to the elites. And I realized that every human being and I had an advisor at MIT who passed away. His name was Jesus, what’s his name? His name will come to me, but he’s 1 of the leading guys in system science. Okay. And he’s he wanted to teach system science to kindergartners.
5 year olds. Even before reading, writing, and arithmetic. So this knowledge is central to everyone winning the game. The elites know this, they use it to manipulate us. So I started teaching a course in this room. We gave it away for free. No one wanted to come. People are fucked up. They, so then I used to charge like 5, 000 for it.
Then people paid, which is ridiculous, but you can, you can’t reach everyone. So what I said was okay. You pay me a little bit of money and then when you learn this course, you can give it away to all your children for free. That worked. Okay. When I ran for office, I said, I never asked for donation, but people gave me donation.
I said, you get this book for free. You got to learn this. So I’m not interested in convincing people anymore. You can see the fruits of my science. We’re the ones who exposed Fauci because I was able to see this thing three years before, four years before, because of system science, what we want to do now is those people hearing my videos, those people doing this.
I say, look, if you’re serious, first thing is, do you want to change the world? Rob, most people don’t want to change the world. They just want to talk about it, right? They want to do videos about how fucked up the world is. Show pictures of Palestinians being blown up. They have no interest in changing it except getting more viewers.
So fuck them. But if you want to change the world, come to our open house and I and we and we will teach you how to do this. And if you want to do this, we’ve created like a Ph. D. Type program. 90 percent 99 percent of it is free. People can’t afford it. We give away scholarships, but we want to identify people now who are serious.
And if they do, they will get my time. We will give them the opportunity and we are developing leaders now all over the world. And those leaders are understanding. So I don’t have to attack Kennedy all day. I don’t have to attack the deception. You see what I’m saying? And if they shoot me, take me out, there’s 10, 000 other people like me now, but we have to go to the core, just like when, the reason we’re able to build an iPhone is we have, a million engineers now in the world who understand Maxwell’s equations.
Okay. So if we want to build a movement, we have to get very serious. You can’t be, you can’t be, Oh, I’m going to do videos talking about Palestinians. No, you have to understand what Zionism is. Zionism, when you take it from a systems perspective, is one of the most powerful ways. It’s a controller mechanism.
It’s a way that you are inputting to people. You are dumb. Only 0. 001 percent of people are smart. That Zionism. So we educate people on the systems dynamics, the same shit that an MIT PhD learns. And I’m doing it in a way that anyone can learn it and teach it. So give you an example. We have a woman who’s a hairdresser, cuts hair.
A couple of months ago, she was teaching this to a PhD out of the University of Chicago. So we have number one, educate people on the systems. Dynamic system science, then we that’s only one part. That’s the scholar piece. Then we get people on the ground. Okay, that’s fine. You learned all the theory. Now, will you go on the ground and hand out a flyer?
Oh, why do I have to hand out a flyer? Because when you go hand out a flyer, you’re alone. You have to hand out a flyer. You have to meet people. You have to explain stuff. That’s where the rubber meets the road. Because now you’re going one on one. And if you look at the history of change, it’s always been bottoms up movements.
That’s true. But how fast is this movement growing? If we talk about, why are you asking how fast why are you asking that question? I’m curious how big the movement is. No. But go back. I want to ask you now, why are you asking how fast? Let’s analyze your question. I want to ask this because I’m just curious about how fast.
No, but why didn’t you ask? And Ray, just don’t take this personally. Why didn’t you ask how many leaders you have? Why didn’t, why did you ask how fast? That’s what I’m curious about. Where is that the word fast coming from? Probably because for me personally the whole period we’re going through, it’s lasting very long.
There’s a lot of negative energy, of course. We surround it on a daily basis with a lot of negative energy, even if we. Believe in a better world, but I’m just curious how many of maybe so many are there right now, right? So let me, the reason I wanted to ask you that is suppose I asked you
The following question, I said, Hey, Ray, I have figured out the way to fly. Okay. Yes. Yeah. Remember for thousands of years, people used to see birds fly and they thought it was impossible. And then one day around the 1700s, there’s a guy called Bernoulli, who figured out Bernoulli’s principle. Once he figured out that principle, it was those principles about how airflow goes and you can create lift.
That’s how we started creating wings. Okay. Otherwise people would do and they were crashing. Now, the issue is not how fast the issue is. Now, these principles, do you want to start applying them to understand how to build eventually a Boeing 747? Okay. Suppose you said to the Wright brothers, ah, you haven’t built a Boeing 747.
Okay. They had to build, they got the airplane up 12 seconds, right? Then they got it up an hour, right? And now we have airplanes, which have showers up there. Okay. So we have to ask the right questions. The right question in this case is, do we want to build a movement? That’s the right question. And then the question is, what will it take to mobilize people to build that movement?
And then the question is, how many people do we need to build the movement? You say that kind of questions? Because now we’re getting into this. And the reason I’m saying this is whenever we say how fast behind that is, Oh, my God, something is going to happen. We have to do it now. This sense of urgency and that leads to bad decisions.
For example, people always say to me, Oh my God, Dr. Shiva, you can’t win the presidency. So I’m going to vote for Trump right now. I agree with everything you’re saying, but right now I got to vote for Trump. And then they use that same thing. Oh my God. I agree with everything you’re saying, but I got to vote for Obama right now.
We need to, and they keep getting doing this. So what I’m asking and Ray again, don’t take this personally. Everyone listening. Let’s step away from this urgency. Let’s take a deep breath. The issue is what must be done now to shatter the swarm and it and what must I do now? So it doesn’t take a 1000 years to do it.
Can we do it in 50 years? Because if we don’t do certain things right now, it’s never going to happen. Never. Just like you cannot build an airplane without Bernoulli’s principle. You can’t build an airplane without doing the basic work. And now a plumber knows this and electrician knows this and engineer knows this.
And this is a consciousness that needs to happen. Because throughout the history of humanity, there’s been slaves and there’ve been slave masters throughout the history of humanity. Only birds could fly. So I’m talking about doing the impossible in some ways, right? And I’m telling you that I’ve uncovered those scientific principles, just like Bernoulli did or Newton did.
And these scientific principles, number 1, need to be studied by people who are serious. And then you need to be the engineer. You need to go practice. That’s why we get people on the ground handing out a flyer. Because if you don’t learn how to hand this out and communicate with people, you can’t build a movement.
We make this accessible to people. So we have to almost teach people like baby steps. How to, just like you teach people how to exercise your muscle. There’s 15 different ways you could do a bench press, but there’s about 2 ways which really work to build your chest. Let’s say. Okay. So what I’ve created is the scientific understanding of how to destroy the swarm, but it requires people a to be serious.
So that’s why those of you listening, if you want to talk about fucking flat earth and viruses exist or this and send me stupid videos, fuck off. I’m not interested. Okay, but if you want to study and really learn this shit and get on the ground, we’re creating those tools. Now, we’ve created an entire infrastructure.
Come to our open house, right? People can go to our open house. Every tomorrow’s an open house. You guys should come to this because I’ve done videos with you, right? We have people in the Netherlands, you So you guys should learn this because you guys will be powerful, but without this knowledge, you will keep asking the wrong questions and you will think that nothing we can do.
We can’t. We can do something. That’s not the problem, but we have to do the right thing. Not something in order to take a plane off the ground. There’s not a 50 million ways to do it. You have to have the right ratio of the surface area, the pitch of the wings to get it off. If we want to destroy the swarm, as I call it, there are some fundamental scientific principles.
Number one, getting over the dialectics of left and right and why that’s a disturbance. Number two, understanding the right inputs we need to give. Number three, we need to build initially a set of people really understand these. I call them warriors and scholars. They need to have both. Okay, hands, the ability to get out and talk to people and the scientific theory about this without that.
It’s all bullshit, man. I’m a lot of podcasts with a lot of people. They get it. Oh, my God. I love this. I never hear from them again. It’s to me they use me to get views to their videos. But they don’t really want to change the world. You say, so I’m an engineer. I like building shit. I make stuff, I get things to work.
I like mobilizing people. That’s I’ve done with all my, I created the system of email. I created the technology to automatically answer emails. I created a new technology to eliminate animal testing. We build stuff. So I have created the ultimate system to shatter the swarm, but I can’t do it alone.
So I have to educate people. Now we have other people are educating people because there’s only one of me. We’re doing it globally where people in the Netherlands, Africa, India, everywhere. But you have to have people who are serious, right? It starts with that. Do you really want to be a student who wants to learn aeronautical engineering?
Do you want to learn revolution engineering? If you don’t fine, you can be tweeting all day doing all sorts of shit, but we’re building a movement. It is, it has the educational piece. It has the activity piece. Now my running for president in the United States. Is a part of that movement. You say we are finding people.
Give you an example. We have a young guy. He’s an electrician. Okay. Works full time as an electrician. Very quiet guy. He went and studied everything. Then he got on the ground to collect signatures. We have to collect signatures to get on the ballot. His name is Nicholas. Nicholas went to a Walmart on a Sunday to collect signatures.
The police came, arrested him, put him in jail, strip searched him. They violated his constitution because he was collecting signatures. He had every right to do that. Now, Nicholas is not only someone studying the book, he has experienced the state. He has seen what they do when you try to get a candidate like me on the ballot.
He’s become, he’s not only a warrior, he’s a scholar. Now, he’s training other people on these principles. You say, so we are educating people. My run for president, everyone out there, you should go get one of these bumper stickers. People in Europe have a lot of these bumper stickers shatter the swarm. This says there is a guy called Dr Shiva.
He’s a symbol of fighting. There’s a movement and we have to shatter the swarm. And how do you do it? We’ll go to truth, freedom and health and learn and learn. We’re not going to do this by fucking fucker Carlson or Joe Rogan or all these grifters. That’s a movement. So Ray and Rob, I really, invite you to get involved because you guys are very smart.
But you need that training because in the Netherlands right now, you see what they’re doing to your people there with the farming and that the farmers unions are actually supporting the government. Exactly right. And this is because there is no movement in the Netherlands. They may have people coming to protest, but there’s no theoretical framework.
Where’s the engine that’s teaching those protesters how to protest how to fight. There is no strategical leadership in the Netherlands. That’s true. No, not strategic leadership. They do not understand the science of systems. Without the science, without the right revolutionary theory, there will be no revolution.
That is like trying to say, I’m going to build it, get an airplane off the ground because I’m just going to work hard. That doesn’t happen. You already have a group in the Netherlands that is active with your theory. We have people in yeah, so we have people in the Netherlands. We have people in Germany and Finland.
It’s interesting. The Finnish are very interested in this. You can see by different countries, Norway. Okay. Yeah, we the only way, but China, nobody, India. Very few people, even though I’m Indian, ’cause Indians are all slaves still. Mentally, most Indians are slaves. They never got out of the British system of thinking.
99. uk. uk, the uk I would say uk. UK is one of the most, next to the United States, UK is growing. Explosively. Canada, New Zealand. Australia. But you can see India. We have very few people. 1. 6 billion people. I’m Indian because India to become to get off the plantation in India. You really have to overcome slavery because the Indian mindset was so abused for 300 years by Britain.
Most Indians are absolutely fine with censorship. They are. They’re fine with censorship. They’re fine with Zionism. They’re fine with Nazism. They’re fine with Brahmanism. Indians are the most fucking oppressed people on the planet. So you understand for me to get off the Indian plantation, the shit I had to go through Ray and Rob to get here and to figure all this shit out.
Yeah. Yeah. It’s it’s very interesting and and we’d love to get in touch with the people you have in the Netherlands, you guys should go through the training, come to our open house. We do it, we used to do it at 8 PM. We only now we have to do two sessions. So tomorrow is like a 24 hour day for me.
So 11 AM to 2 PM, we do it all for Europe. An open house. Come to it. Truthfreedomhealth. com and then we do it again at 8 p. m. So we’ve created all the tools. Some people say, Oh, I don’t know what to do. Indians say what to do. I’ll tell you what the fuck to do. Get fucking trained. Yes. It’s very interesting material.
What it’s mind blowing actually. Someone says, I want to do system science in Vietnam. Great. The bottom line is this guys. Without being arrogant, I figured it out how to destroy the swarm. And that’s an MIT PhD. All those degrees I got helped me figure this shit out. Guys like me are supposed to be a professor at MIT building weapons of mass destruction for them.
I hate them too much. I hate these fucking guys. So I used all that knowledge to figure out how to destroy the swarm. But it’s not going to happen overnight. There’s no urgency. It may occur in 10, 000 years. It may occur in 10 years, Ray, but it’s not going to happen if we don’t do the work. Now. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Very clear. It’s just yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. If you look at every of these protests, so going back to Zionism in 1980, there was this guy mere Kahana, a brutal Zionist who came here to one of the predominantly Jewish universities called Brandeis. All right, and that was when Ariel Sharon remember had killed all the in Gaza with tanks.
So I organized one of the biggest protests. Even then there were all these liberal Zionists who were saying cease fire now bullshitters when they say cease fire. Notice the word now, which means ceasefire now, and then go back to fighting. That movement is all controlled by Zionists. They don’t, the right slogan when you take a systems approach, and you step back and you apply this theory I’m talking about, is not ceasefire now, it’s end the fucking occupation.
End the occupation is the right slogan. They don’t want to end the occupation of America by Zionism. So for 40 years, the Zionists have run all the ceasefire movements. So Netanyahu goes bombs and then cease fires and bombs again it’s one step, two steps forward, one step back, but they’re going one step forward.
You say, so all of these political movements are infiltrated, even the protests by the swarm, by the Kennedys, by the Sanders, by all of these fuckers, even the farmers movement. Cause when we were watching the farmers movement, that’s why we said, God damn it. In Netherlands, there should be more leaders of truth for health because we could have helped educate those people faster.
You say. The farmer union is working with the government. They’re the not so obvious establishment, they, they control every kind of protest infiltrated every movement and they connect truth to, untrustworthy and people that can be framed. As total nonsense people.
So they have pretty, you have to also admire it, that they are really have really good control. But I agree with you, the only way we get rid of this is by, uniting people with the same knowledge and apply the knowledge. Without, look, everyone go and get this book. And if you can’t afford the book.
Go, you can donate to our campaign. You get the book and whatever you want to do, get the fucking book. Okay? If you don’t want to get the fucking book, you’re not serious. It took me 50 years to write the book and you don’t have to spend 30 years at MIT, but you will understand the systems dynamics. But number 1, Rob, without the scientific knowledge, there is not going to be any revolutionary movement.
I’ll write that in writing until the day I die. Okay, it’s like saying I’m gonna build an airplane without understanding Bernoulli’s principle. It ain’t fucking gonna happen You’re not gonna build be able to build an iPhone without understanding Maxwell’s equations. Look at this sophisticated instrument.
It’s quite fucking amazing Isn’t it? It is not this is this does not come with a bunch of fucking grifters saying. Oh, yeah We need an iPhone. No, it fucking came with scientific knowledge In the 1800s by Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell. So this is what’s happening. You have a bunch of fucking people who understand this shit and the broad mass of people are watching social media.
Listening to fucking fucker Carlson and Joe Rogan talking shit all day. They do not understand. They do not value science, engineering and math. And the elites have done this. So that’s why in the last 4 years, I’ve obliterated all these people, right? I’ve attacked Trump. Da. But now in the next 4 years, it’s going to be like, who wants to study this?
Who wants to build a movement? And you’re going to see my tweets and everything. Talk about solutions. If you want to be a fucking idiot and talk about all sorts of bullshit and you think Trump’s your fucking savior or Joe Rogan and fucker Carlson, go fucking suck their cock all day because that’s where you’re going to end up.
You’re going to end up becoming a Zionist cocksucker because that’s what they want you to be. They want you to suck Zionist cock all day and be a fucking slave. I offer you liberation, truth, freedom, health through this scientific understanding. The solution is here, just like Maxwell equations are here to produce this.
So if you want to destroy the establishment and the swarm and you want truth, freedom, and health, it’s here. You want to waste your fucking time, go waste it. But 000 leaders globally. We have about a half a billion people who know about our movement. We have a half a million people now. Who joined in one way, but my goal is to create leaders, and then it’s over.
It’s called the self organizing system. So Robin Ray, you guys are very smart. And sometimes people have to let go of their ego. They’re like, what the fuck is this guy talking about? He has more information than I do. Yeah, I do. I do. I do. It’s like saying not you guys. I’m just saying in general. It’s like what’s happened.
Ray and Rob is if I were to tell you. Oh, anyone can build an iPhone. It’d be lying. You can’t if you don’t understand an electron, a electric field creates a magnetic field. You’re not going to understand any of this shit. You won’t understand how an antenna works. You’re talking to like fucking monkeys.
So I’m like that ape, you ever watch the Planet of the Apes? That movie? With Caesar the ape? So I sometimes I feel like I’m Caesar the ape, who’s figured this shit out and now I gotta find those people who wanna learn it. And I have to be very conscious of the amount of time I spend because I spend a lot of time over the four years doing a ton of videos and educating half a billion people.
But now it’s time to really destroy the swarm and to shatter the swarm, and that’s going to require people who really want to learn, study and get on the ground. If you’re in the United States, our campaign exists, go get a bumper sticker. 100, 000 people see this, go get a book. If you want to learn, you could read this book in 2 hours come to our open house.
Wherever you are, download this flyer, educate people. It teaches you who the swarm is come to our open house. So it’s we’ve created an educational institution. For rocket science. I totally understand. It’s mind blowing. I like to listen to you because you have another, you have a, at least a lot of knowledge.
That’s true. And I don’t see it as big ego or something like that. I want to to learn every day. That’s why when I titled, when I’m streaming this, I titled this thing I titled this talk. I said. Tucker Carlson, Fucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Hate America, and the Darkie who invented email.
The reason I titled it that, Rob and Ray, is With all the work I’ve done, no one ever gave me anything. With all the hard work, with the many companies I’ve started, with the solutions I’ve created, email, Cytosol, don’t you think that I should be on every fucking radio show, every TV show in the United States?
An MIT PhD with all those credentials, the inventor of email. And the fact that these people don’t do it reveals how much they hate humanity. They hate people. They hate America. They obviously hate the darky, me, who invented email. They want to conceal us and that will reveal to everyone. They have no interest in creating any solution.
Getting back to where you said, Rob, they want to create fear and theater. That’s it. I’m not a technician, but I’m a lawyer. And I had a company for 20 years where I figured out how to solve 90 percent of. Conflicts, legal conflicts were for a fixed amount of 750 euros. I was destroyed by by people like George Soros, because I went to his office to get my thing up running, to prove in a pilot, I had the company running in the Netherlands.
It works. It’s just a different mindset and you have to break through all the existing business models that are there because you’re destroying all. Big legal bills, right? If you solve 90 percent out of court just by negotiating and creating leverage, it’s a very simple system. It’s so I recognize some of what you say.
I’m not a technician. Let’s let’s talk about what you said, Rob lawyers. Create problems. Engineers have to solve problems. Lawyers bill by the hours that problem continues. So when I learned this, when I first started my companies, I would hire these lawyers, from big firms, they’d send me fucking bills for 250, 000.
Crazy shit. And I was doing the contracts myself. And then I realized that they create an aura. I’m a lawyer and you’re a fucking idiot. So you will pay me 1500 bucks an hour. And then I realized over time that I would tell the lawyers, you know what? Give me fixed fee. If you’re going to do this, I’m not going to pay you hourly.
And many of them didn’t like it. And there are a few we did because you don’t get paid until the problem is solved. The sooner you solve the problem, you make more profit. Yeah. We did we did we solved 90 percent out of court and we did the free legal advice for everybody. So we could manage that within the system, but if we couldn’t solve it, I would do a tender among loan first, because we had the case very well organized already by then.
And then you saw that we could go to court for a quarter. Of the amount that people would pay if to take the highest bit and the highest bit within a tender would always be better than somebody who gave away his wallet to an hour, a lawyer who’d work on hourly fee. So we always get, we always got the fixed fees described with a limit, but I taught lawyers how to make.
Good tenders because they don’t know you’ve created a new innovation. Let me, it’s some over here saying some idiot here some guy called Kevin shit said no law lawsuit ever proved Dr. She was the inventor of email. He only invented his own version, fucking idiot. That’s my answer to this fool.
We won the Gawker lawsuit. Not only that, the fact that he’s saying that shows his racism. Email was a system that I created, which was the entire electronic version of the entire interoffice mail system. It had never been done before. I named it email and I have the fucking copyright. Okay. It’s right here.
All right. What more do you want? Okay. Proves that I created it by the United States government. Now, if I was maybe a Zionist. Who was blonde haired and blue eyed. I’d be on every fucking stamp. So you’re a fucking racist. I named it email. I created 50, 000 lines of code when I was 14 years old before I came to MIT and I have the fucking copyright.
All right. Now, do I have to be Jewish and white and blonde haired? So the fact that this fool says this. Shows he’s reading Wikipedia articles and Wikipedia. Everyone knows even high schools don’t even accept it as thing. And not only that in 2016, I want a million dollars in a lawsuit when Gawker media called me these names.
So fuck you, Kevin. All right. So you get banned because you’re a fucking idiot. Fuck off. So there you go, guys. And everyone should go to whoinventedemail. com and you’ll see it. So I have had to, Rob, fight these guys. This is not something theoretical for me. I’ve had to fight racism. I’ve had to fight casteism.
I’ve had to fight the military industrial complex. I’ve had to fight election fraud. All of this I have experienced. So I know what the working people in the world experience because I’m one of them. And that’s why Fucker Carlson and Joe Rogan will never cover me because they know that overnight they will lose.
All of their viewers overnight. No, I agree with you. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Yeah. There’s a lot of this guy, Kevin shithole. That’s his, that’s what his name should be because the facts are so obvious. A friend of mine who runs one of the biggest. Media newspapers. He said, Shiva, the issue with the invention of email isn’t it’s so obvious you created.
You have the copyright. You have the code. You named it email. The issue is why did they create a controversy? That’s the question. And that will lead you to this fundamental thing. Ray and Rob, they don’t want solutions coming from everyday people. Rob, the solution that you created, which could solve legal issues.
They don’t want it. I know. I experienced it. I was in Africa to implement it there. There’s 4 billion people who don’t have access to legal systems because they can’t afford a lawyer. Exactly. We made a 50 percent profit on each case we solved. Why don’t we do that in the United States, man? Yeah, we will.
Invite me. I’ll come over. No, seriously. Why don’t we launch? We should talk. If you’re serious. Very good system. Very good system. I’m very serious about it. They made me go bankrupt. I lost one half million euros in this. No, but what I’m saying is I filed my lawsuit. Against the U. S.
Government, right? The lawsuit that I filed, right? I filed a lawsuit against the U. S. Government were exposed the backdoor portal. I was winning the lawsuit by myself. And then the judge gave me a lawyer who fucked up the lawsuit. So we should train people. We should train people in a broad way.
I wanted to create a tool that could make everyone be their own lawyers. That’s what we need to do. Listen I have an ID because after the show, I will provide drop your contact of course, your email and stuff like that. And we also have some ideas to, to make your words a little bit bigger in the Netherlands, but we will send Robin Ray, you two guys need to become leaders.
In the truth, freedom, health movement, learn the science. There’s a lot of people in Europe because what we’ve done is we never impose leaders top down. We let people come from below those people now need leadership. You say, so get involved because this knowledge you can apply to your body. You can apply to starting a business.
You can apply it to anything. It’s system science. It’s like you can apply force equals mass times acceleration to anything, right? Yeah. So the fact that the elites don’t teach this. At the kindergarten level. So that’s why I said you take it pay a little money. But then after you graduate, you can give it to as many Children as you want.
I went to my village back in India two years ago, and I gave it to 1500 kids free. So everyone gets to be a philanthropist.
Yeah, I’m looking forward to read your book and join your meeting. Yeah, get involved. So to everyone listening every Thursdays, yeah. At 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. EST, you can go to vashiva. com slash orientation, come to the open house vashiva. com slash orientation to anyone out there, go get one, go to Shiva for president, get a bumper sticker.
Shipping is included, but the most important thing is when you put this on the back of your car, 100, 000 people see it, right? It’s a way of directly using your car per day. So we have a lot of people in Europe who get the shadow of the swarm sticker. And everyone we’ve translated this into Dutch.
We’ve translated this since about 30 languages and we hand it out. It gives the theoretical basis. Rob, give me a call, right? Let’s not just do a podcast. Netherlands to me is a very powerful place. Okay. For Europe and people are ready, but without the right theory, they’re going to get demoralized.
They’re going to get complacent. They’re going to. Quote unquote lose. And they’re going to think, oh shit, we can’t do anything. And that’s what the establishment wants. Yeah. But you know how I think I sent you a pretty long email and yeah, you know how I think so. And I will get Rob with you in touch together.
So yeah. Yeah, it was a really nice night. Normally we are the talkers, but this time we are the listeners and I was really enjoying it. So if you talk, you don’t learn, right? No. You know what’s happened, Ray and Rob, it takes you a while, Each one of us goes to our own evolution.
The last five years has been about exposing these mongrels, these evil people, it’s like piercing the darkness, but now we have, we have hundreds of solutions. So now I’m going to spend 20 percent of the time attacking these people 80 percent of the time talking about the solutions we’ve created.
1 solution is system and revolution. This is a solution. If you don’t read this book, you can go spend 30 years. I go to MIT, spend half a million dollars. And figure out system science. You won’t be able to figure it out. They make it too complicated. I’ve made it easy, but that’s the solution. No one understands what a system is, what a revolution is.
They use these words. This tells you what a system is. It tells you what a revolution is and it tells you what we have to do. I really admire your energy. Do you ever get sleep or something or I practice what I preach. So I have a tool called your body, your system, it teaches you what’s right for your body.
You say, so you can apply these principles, so I have a certain regimen. I follow up exercise and health. It’s the same thing. Think about what I did in 2020. We taught people how to take care of their bodies. The body is a system, this microphone is a system. This conversation is a system, right?
So once you understand these principles, man and so my job right now is to find those people really want to study. And it’s been a hard process for me, Ray and Rob to realize, you know what? Some people are just fucking wasting my time. And even though I’m very generous with my time, I can’t do that.
So it’s big. And then the leaders that we have can educate them. So my goal is to train in 2024, 2, 500 leaders, not just a standard students. It’s PhDs, right? So before we had a lot of students. Now I want to find the 2, 500 people really want to become their own masters at this. Education is the ultimate weapon, Bray.
I totally agree, and we run a few platforms, so we’re gonna spread these words. Great. For sure. Yeah. Yeah, looking forward. Looking forward to it. Yeah. Yeah, but I work hard, man. Everything I’ve got, no one’s giving it to me, man. I work my butt off. I get about five hours of sleep, and I’ve been like that since I was 12 years old, because my mother, when we came to the United States said, you will have to work three times more than the white guy to get the credit you deserve.
That’s just the way it’s been. I invented email. It’s obvious. Why the fuck am I not? There should be statues, and I’m not saying I need that, but it’s real fucking obvious. Yeah. No, it’s clear. Listen, so we wanna give you, we wanna give you the last word for the broadcast tonight.
And we hope you want something special to say to the Dutch people who are listening right now. And then I think we’re gonna finish the broadcast. Yeah. So to the Dutch people, what I wanna say is. I’ve been to Amsterdam, right? I’ve been to your country, the Dutch people internally, as you can see, over the last three years and many years, you can even go to the Boer wars, right?
And and many years ago, right? That the Dutch people in themselves, the people, not the elites have a fighting spirit. Okay. They know the, a deep sense of justice, but in order to win justice. It’s not enough. We just go out there and protest and fight. We have to have the right operating system, the right revolutionary theory.
So if you want me to translate this to Dutch, I will. Okay. And to all the Dutch people listening. Recognize that the movement for truth, freedom, health exists. It’s here and it’s here to support your mobilization to shatter the swarm, not only in the Netherlands, but all over Europe and for the world.
But the Dutch people can be a powerful force. In leading that provided they get the knowledge and the training and i’m here to provide that and we need to build Explosively grow the movement all over europe, right? So I invite The heroic dutch people to be part of this global movement to shatter the swarm.
Thank you. All right. Okay. Thank you. Dr Shiva, guys, I know it’s late and I hit you with a lot of stuff, but we will be the light Very interesting and yeah, we could At least talk for several hours, but I think the message is clear. Okay. I’m going to finish up my broadcast. A couple of videos. Be well guys.
Thank you. Yeah. Okay.
So to everyone listening in the United States, I hope that was valuable, but look you are going to see me much more vehemently promote all the solutions. That I’ve created to enable you guys to grow, be it books, be it pamphlets, be it’s products, it’s not selling. It’s a recognition that you realize, wait a minute, I have solutions.
And, hiding them is not the right thing to do. So number one solution is we’re running for president. So go to Shiva for president. com and get one of these bumper stickers. Okay. And wherever you are, you can put these bumper sticker. You don’t have to be only in the United States because it’s a message that you’re sending to people.
And those bumper stickers, what’s powerful about them. It enables you to be a agent. Of change. If you’re in the United States, help us get on the ballot. Okay. You can go to fever for president. com and volunteer. And if you want to donate money, great. Cause I’ll give you this book, lots of books training.
You get access to all sorts of courses so you can become a better warrior scholar. Okay. The second thing you want to do is come to our open house, which is tomorrow. 11 a. m. And 8 p. m. Go to va shiva. com slash orientation and get involved. Look, the key thing is. You either get educated or you get enslaved.
So go to truthfreedomhealth. com and get involved. And I’m going to thank everyone because the way I led this thing was to put forward this thumbnail, which said fucker Carlson and Joe Rogan hate America and the darky who invented email. They actually hate me and they hate every American.
Because if they truly loved America, Fucker Carlson would have covered me in 2020 when we exposed the backdoor portal. Fucker Carlson and Joe Rogan would be covering me now. The guy who invented email. Bunch of degrees from MIT, which I didn’t just get, I earned them. And who actually has hundreds of solutions.
But they don’t want to do that. Because these guys all work with the swarm. They have no interest in helping you or wanting to change the world. They want to keep enslaving people. And they’re all part of the theater. So it’s up to us guys. So go support our campaign, get involved, go to Shiva for president, download these flyers, hand them out to people.
You can educate people on what’s happening to life expectancy, who the swarm is, and the solutions. Again, tomorrow we have a very important town hall open house. Come to it. All right. And that’s pretty much it. Everyone get involved, get off your butts. And remember, I have a limited amount of time.
You have a limited amount of time. So in 2024, you’re going to see me focus on giving a lot of my time to people who really want to change the world. Not people just want to talk about how fucked up things are. That doesn’t change anything. In fact, it serves our masters. So that’s not what I’m interested in.
So let’s get involved. And let’s go change the word. Remember fucker Carlson and Joe Rogan hate America. They hate you. They hate working people. They surely hate the darkie that invented email. Let me repeat that again. Fucker Carlson, Joe Rogan are all scumbags. They’re all part of the theater. Do not watch them.
Do not trust them. Do not give them one ounce of your time. They delay truth. They bury truth. And they’re making billions off bullshitting people and manipulating people. So let go of them and join the movement for truth, freedom, health. And I’m going to play you a video about our campaign so you can get involved.
Thank you. Be well. Who would have ever thought I’d be running for president of the United States of America. I was born a low cast untouchable in India’s caste system, a system of aristocracy, oppression, and racism. My name is Dr. Shiva Iyadurai. I’m an MIT PhD, a Fulbright scholar, a scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, and inventor.
My family and I left India to come to America on my seventh birthday. I grew up in the working class neighborhoods of New Jersey, playing baseball, mowing lawns, painting houses, and coding software. My friends and neighbors are blacks, Italians, Irish, people of all races. As a 14 year old, I wrote 50, 000 lines of software code to create the world’s first email system and was awarded the first US copyright for email, recognizing me as its official inventor at a time when copyright was the only way to protect software inventions.
I did that long before I ever came to MIT. Revealing that big innovations can occur anytime, anyplace, by anybody. Growing up I saw politicians dividing us by race and religion, in both America and India. To have us fighting each other while they remained safe in their gated communities, and in their playgrounds of Hollywood Martha’s Vineyard and Silicon Valley.
I’m a fighter, I fought racism, and exposed their imperialist wars. Fought for workers and put my life on the line against global corruption. I never wanted to run for political office, all that changed when I saw working Americans, as never before being duped by the establishment, and the not so obvious establishment, across left and right, we were being sold out and made to forget, why we came to America, and why America existed.
Lawyers, academics, billionaires, celebrities and politicians, elites, Clintons, Kennedys, Bidens, Obamas, Bushes, Black and White have hijacked America, they’ve printed trillions for their friends, they’ve delivered crumbling infrastructure, corruption and racism, they’ve transferred trillions to themselves, dividing Black and White, fear mongering and fake science, lockdowns and censorship, dirty air, food and water, pushing drugs upon us, Making us sicker.
We’ve been sold out. One set of rules for them, and another for us. We deserve a warrior with a history of courage, and putting everything on the line for you. Who believes in you, not them. Who has created a movement bottoms up, for truth, freedom, health. I’ve exposed their lies at the right time. Never waiting until it was popular, I’ve exposed their false gods, who exist to lead you back to them.
I’ve exposed their fake science of lockdowns and masking, and provided you solutions to fight them and win, and protect your immune system, saving millions. I exposed Fauci, galvanized the fire Fauci campaign, when others remained silent. When they stole our election we sued the government and Twitter, in our historic 2020 federal lawsuit, exposing in bare view, the government and big tech censorship infrastructure.
The unholy alliance between government and social media companies. Where was Elon and his grifters? They stood by the sidelines and did nothing. They did not use their megaphones to help us when it could have made a big difference. Now our movement grows for truth, freedom, health. Independent of all of them.
Everyday millions are learning the science of systems. The knowledge the elites do not want you to have. So you may learn how to think, stand up, and fight. Independent of the establishment of left and right and their fake heroes. Now it’s time for you to join the movement to win back America, to win back truth, win back freedom, win back your health.
That’s why I’m running for President of the United States. This race is about you. This race is about truth, freedom, health, versus power, profit, control. We’ve had enough. They think we’ll fall in line and vote again for their lawyers, celebrities, billionaires, and chosen ones from above. We choose our heroes from below, from the rank and file, who do what is right at the right time, not when it’s convenient and popular.
They can never represent us. What America needs is a movement by the working people, for the working people, who are educated, organized, decentralized, and fight for independence from their systems of control. And that movement exists. It’s ready for you. We don’t need them. We need us to go bottoms up, neighbor to neighbor.
My journey, your journey, are all the same. It’s our time. It’s time. We had one of us. It’s time to win back truth, freedom, health, to win back America, be part of this historic movement all the way to our victory on November 5th, 2024. If you’re an American citizen, pledge your vote now for Dr. Shiva Yadure, the independent candidate for us president, no matter where you live, you can be a part of this volunteer as little as 20 minutes a day.
Don’t delay. This is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and I approve this message paid for by Dr. Shiva for president.
All right, everyone get involved, come to truth, freedom, health dot com, become a warrior scholar. That’s one thing everyone can do. Second thing is. Go get the book system and revolution. It is a solution. It’ll expand your mind and it’ll help you really understand the nature of systems and the nature.
What is a revolution without that understanding? You’re just going to be flailing out there again. We want to support your growth your education and your knowledge. All right, everyone. Again, those people join late. The conversation we had today was Tucker Carlson fucker Carlson and Joe Rogan hate America.
I really enjoyed this conversation with our colleagues out in the Netherlands. Be well be the light. I’ll just play out our outro over here. I’m getting used to doing this and be well. We need to build a bottoms up movement. Go to and volunteer.