In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, shares findings on the Origins of Western Medicine, & it’s Strength and Weakness.
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All right. Good morning. Good evening. Good afternoon, everyone. This is Dr. Shiva. Today. We’re going to be having a interesting interview with Nas. And the discussion we’re going to have that I set up, obviously we’ll talk about a number of things, but it’s really going to be the origin of Western medicine, its strength and its weakness.
And this is really important to understand from a systems perspective, because then it’ll give everyone an opportunity to really understand what the solution is. As many of my life is really about finding solutions to things. Obviously you have to spend enough time exposing the problem before you can appreciate the solution.
So that’s what we’re going to be talking about. In our interview with Nas.
Alright everyone, today our discussion is going to be about the origin of western medicine, its strength and its weakness. That’s going to be the focus of my interview with Nas. Nas is going to be interviewing me. So let me bring him in. I think there he is. Alright Nas, can you hear us? Sure. Dr. Shiva, first of all, thank you so much.
I just want to quickly say what up everyone. This is prove to me that you’re alive, light cast. And I just want to when, before I introduce my very special guest, I want to say when I was a little kid and a post Soviet Ukraine, we had heroes like Bruce Lee and Jean Claude Van Damme and in today’s martial arts of information, we have new heroes.
And today my guest is that superhero. I’m not trying to be funny. I’m not trying to blow smoke into anyone’s behind. And I’m sure you will understand as we go on. And some of his superpowers are truth freedom and health. I, for me to list the accolades of this man, I would have to spend another show, but some of the accolades that I can say is get this.
This man has invented. The email at the age of 14, he has ran for Senate. If I’m not mistaken, in 2017, he has four, four PhDs from MIT and one of them is being biological engineering. He wrote several books including his latest all American Indian, your fight is your fight, the battle to save America.
And I will leave all the links in the description. But I think the biggest accolade for us, the people is that this man has fearlessly and tirelessly has been putting himself in the line of fire every day has been, he’s been outside to bring us the truth, to bring us the truth. knowledge and I just cannot express to you how important that is.
So Dr. Shiva, how are you today? I’m doing good now. Thank you for your kind comments. I know before we started, you had mentioned you were from post Soviet union, right? Ukraine. And people who are, who’ve come from that kind of background, immigrants. The working people in this country actually understand their journey and how my journey are very interconnected because it’s a journey of actually struggle.
It’s a journey of being enslaved and oppressed. And it’s also a journey of wanting to get off the plantation. And this is the journey that intersects those people. Those people want to remain on the plantation, will keep making excuses for booby fucking Kennedy, will make excuses for fucker Carlson, will make excuses for Donald Trump, because they do not know, they have not self reflected on what it means to suffer and how they are slaves.
And and they’re willing to compromise their lives, which are gone in a flash. With these kinds of individuals, right? And there, and so our movement uniquely, it’s the only movement on the planet, which is a movement, which is. Taking the discoveries I found of how to build scientifically a movement, educating people on it, putting people on the ground.
And we have consistently always done the right thing at the right time. We don’t do what is opportunist. We say the right thing at the right time to mobilize people. So we don’t exploit truth. It’s a very interesting concept, right? Exploiting truth. There are people who exploit truth. They know what’s true, but they never tell the truth at the right time.
They wait two, three years, and that’s the story of Fucker Carlson, Boobie Kennedy, these kinds of people, Joe fucking Rogan, right? These people do not tell the truth. They have handlers. They have their parties that they need to go to. They need to be part of the swarm. So to the extent you think they’re telling you the truth, they’re telling you the truth to exploit you, because so you are immobilized into action, thinking these people are going to do something for you.
They have no idea of the suffering. That everyday working people go through. They do not have the, any idea of the oppression of the 8 billion of us, they’re exploiters and it’s time. We destroy that system of power profit control because life is very short. There’s nothing here to compromise because your life will be gone within a nanosecond.
And why do you want to give these people hours or days or months to think they’re going to save you or help you? They have no interest in saving or helping you. Their main interest is to subjugate you. That’s what they’re about. And they will do it by all, any means necessary, including telling the truth.
But when it’s convenient for them, this is the fundamental thing that we have to explain to people. We also have to explain to people that they want you to control your language. They want me to control my language, right? They want me to be a good scientist who writes nice papers and speaks in seven syllabic worlds.
They do not want me to use the word house nigga. Or do they, do not want me to use the word Zionist mucksucker. Because I use those words and everyone should learn how to, and if you’re, use them, and if you’re a black person you have the, A problem with using the word nigga. You have to reflect on that Not using that word doesn’t mean you’re off the plantation In fact, you must use that word because we’re all niggas on the white liberal plantation and it’s time We embrace that word and say it because the hollywood people Say it to rape billions off of you writing their stupid I use it to liberate you.
I use it to invoke in you. Why is he saying that word? Dr. Shiva shouldn’t say that word. Oh, that’s racist. No, it isn’t the racism is You Telling you not to use that word and to think that racism is over because you don’t use that word. No, we live in a very racist society. We live in a segregationist society, and the civil rights movement was hijacked by the Kennedys and Martin Luther King, and they suppressed Malcolm X and great leaders like him, and they suppressed leaders like me, because I’m one of us.
They shadow banned me. And you have to absolutely use these words, because you have to embrace the fact that we are still on their plantation. Now, a guy like me got off the plantation, okay? And they don’t want us. Changing the paradigm at a fundamental way. They want us talking in their words and appeasing them No, that’s not what we’re here to do We’re here to blow the neural networks in your brain which put you into bondage and I know the level You know i’ve had access to their training and their knowledge They always try to co op me in 100 million ways and i’ve never been co opted because I hate these guys And I use that word hatred because you should hate them.
You should hate your enemy. That’s right you should hate evil all these things that you’ve been taught christ said to show the other cheek You I don’t think Christ did that. I’m sorry. Christ took a whip and beat the shit out of people. If you’re a Christian, and then you claim you support Israel that doesn’t gel well.
I think Christ would take a whip to you. Okay? You have to break through all these conventions that they put you into. Because there are conventions of bondage. Okay? It’s time that you recognize that I’m their worst nightmare because I’ve gotten off their plantation and guys like me should have been co opted by them, but I’ve learned all their manipulations.
And I’ve understood at a very fundamental level that they are using a systems science approach. And my job, my mission on this planet, is to educate you. So you get off the plantation. The best way I can describe myself is like that Caesar the ape in Planet of the Apes. He learned how to speak.
Okay I’ve learned the science of systems. And it is the only way out of this. So if you want to get off the plantation, you’re at the right place. If you have problems with my language that I use then you can just go watch all my health videos and you can just be, thank you. Thank you, Dr. Shiva.
Thank you for saving us in 2020, a vitamin D3. So you want to absorb that knowledge, but you don’t want to absorb the bitter pill I tell you. That you can’t have it both ways. You got to absorb all of it. So there you go. You know what? I know what I realized about you, Dr Shiva, is that the things that you say are way ahead of their time.
And I think that we will still have to decipher. The things that you say for a lot of years to come, and I’ve had this epiphany this morning is that when you speak it, a lot of this stuff goes over people’s heads. I’m really glad that you said what you said, because. Us as a people, we’re tired of seeing these people somewhere up top that are so detached from reality.
Once in a while they come down, they write a book, or they do a podcast, and they try to tell us what we want in life. What we like and they never seen reality itself. So I wanted to ask if you could please share and this is what makes you different from anyone else. What is your background? What was your childhood like?
And who are some of your influences? in your childhood that helped you along the way? Yeah, it’s a good question to those people who are joining. The questions first of all, Naz I would say the insights and the questions you’re asking are very judicious, and it shows me that you really thought about a lot of this.
And you’re a very self reflective person. But let me just to people joining, we’re having a discussion, which we’re going to get into on really the origins of Western medicine, it’s strength and weakness. But what I want to share with people, that topic that we’re discussing, has an origin which goes back to my early childhood, and everything since that point. So the influences of my childhood weren’t any big heroes or superheroes. There were just everyday, extraordinary hardworking people. My great grandfather. It was an indentured servant who I saw work in the field until he was in his mid nineties working class people.
I grew up in New Jersey, my teachers who had three jobs who taught me chemistry coaches, who would beat your beat you up to be not physically beat you up and make sure you excelled. And you worked hard consistently with all these people was a notion of working hard, your labor.
And that’s what I would say was a consistent thing. I literally see these people sweating in my mind’s eye, physically working, teaching other people and most of all, having a great attention to detail, very high degree of excellence, a commitment to their work, like the quality of their work mattered.
I remember when I was learning to paint in New Jersey by a Yugoslavian painter. Yeah. It was one of my parents friends, and I used to go painting in the summers. And one day, when you paint, you paint the walls with a roller, and you have to cut the edges. And you can see someone’s paint job and how they cut the edges, you say, and he stopped me once and said, everything you do in life, you’re leaving your name on it.
So do it with excellence or don’t do it at all. Okay, so this attention to detail. So this was about the people what I’m consistently talking about were painters, teachers, coaches, farmers, who are just freaking hard working people. Who got up early in the morning, 4 or 5 AM, they worked hard, so they had no regrets in their life, like they cheated somebody, and in their eyes, you would see this deal of, in their eyes, of someone who really, you couldn’t fuck with.
You know why? Because their personal integrity and their public integrity matched. , they were absolutely transparent people. So there’s nothing in their there’s nothing in who they are that was a mismatch. And so when they spoke words, it was precise, it was powerful, because their words matched their deeds.
And, my grandfather looked like an eagle, if you saw him, and you didn’t fuck with him. Wow. Okay, my grandmother, you didn’t fuck with her because these people worked hard 16 hours and they didn’t want to be fucked with. And if you fuck with them, you got, you better watch what you got from them.
Okay. So when people are living the truth, they do not fuck around and they don’t use kind words. If you fuck around with them. Because they speak with integrity, their personal lives and their public lives. There’s no different. People say, Oh, Dr. Shiva, why do you curse? As a public figure, I’m not going to behave differently.
That’s what they do. And all of you probably cursed at whatever in your home and you’re walking around with God, God knows what. And, I do that how I am because I don’t want to give you two Dr. Shiva’s. There’s one Dr. Shiva, but there’s two boobie fucking Kennedy’s. There’s two fucking Donald Trump’s.
There’s two fucking Joe Biden’s and boobie fucking Kennedy tells you to your face. Personal integrity and public integrity are two different things. What the fuck is he talking about? And you accept that makes you a fucking slave if you accept that. So my life is about people who didn’t have two different lives.
They weren’t schizophrenic people. And the reason they weren’t schizophrenic is they lived honestly and they worked honestly. They didn’t have time to be diplomatic. Because they were about doing shit and getting shit done. I get up in the morning and you can ask anyone around me. It’s like you get up at five, and I work, I get about five hours of sleep and it’s work all the time.
And I enjoy what I do. Okay. I don’t like to waste my time. I don’t like people to fuck around with me. And. Real hardworking people are like that. They have a mission. They know why they’re here. They’re here to have service and duty to their families, some other grander, whatever it is, right? But they have a goal and they have a mission.
These people have no missions except to exploit you. So if you want to be exploited and you want to be taken advantage of, follow those people. But if you want to have an example of what a real leader is, look to someone like me, because you can live my entire life and you haven’t had. Any symbols of real leaders.
You’ve been given fake versions of them. People who say the right things. They have 20 different people editing their scripts, giving them teleprompters. You don’t have real fucking people. You’ve been taken advantage of. So that’s why I’m shadow banned so much. They’re afraid of me. They put me back on Twitter and these things, but they do that, but that’s what they do to ordinary people.
They’re afraid of us. So my influences were ordinary people, but who are extraordinary. They were like living gods to me, because they did what they said, and you did not fuck around with them. They did what they said. All right. My coach said in, in soccer, we’re going to win the, in high school, we’re going to be undefeated.
And we were undefeated in one of the biggest divisions, 13 and zero. We have people who set goals and they’d go achieve them. Not we achieved it. Let’s give excuses. No, they wouldn’t achieve their goals. My goal is to shatter the swarm. My goal is to educate as many people possible who want to learn.
We’re not going to go beg to you. We’re not. We’re not thanking you because you come to our movement. You should thank us because we’re here and we’re giving you the opportunity to raise your consciousness. I’m not going to go down to soundbites and get, but to your point, some people may, we have a lot of people, who come to our movement, but they say, I watched you for two years.
Then I realized, holy shit, I finally get what the fuck you’re doing. You actually mean what you’re saying. This is not a grift. No, my influences were those people, what they said match what they did. My great grandfather, I still see him in my mind’s eye every day. He said what he did and he did not fuck around with people who try to bullshit him.
Very little tolerance. Okay. He wasn’t kind to those people and you shouldn’t be kind to those kind of people. He had very bitter words, the harshest words more than fuck you. Okay. They didn’t fuck around with him. That was my influence. My chemistry teacher, Mr Walker, who had three jobs, chemistry teacher, he was a contractor and a carpenter.
And he put two kids through school and he was the best chemistry teacher I ever had. If the answer was 99. 215 and you put 99, 91. 21, you got 20 points off. Okay. It wasn’t like you’re pretty close. No, because he knew that, 10, 000 decimal point. In chemistry, it could be the difference between blowing up a reactor and making the reactor run.
These people had a sense because they were people working in the real world. They weren’t giving out fucking trophies. All right. You look at the Yugoslavian guy said you was about excellence. So those are the kinds of people, my grandmother, she was a traditional healer. And we’re going to talk about she practiced an ancient form of medicine.
It didn’t involve, giving people antibiotics and steroids and sewing them up. It involved looking at them, speaking to them, understanding them, having conversations with them observing them very carefully. Observation watching little twitches watching if there was discolorations on their face after a while This is called attention to detail That’s what I learned her and from others and with that attention to detail she’d figure out what your body was And then how you were off course.
And then she didn’t just give everyone the same medicine. Everyone got what was appropriate for them, the right medicine for the right person at the right time. But it came from this deep observation, attention to detail. So these people taught me to keep my word, follow through attention to detail excellence.
And that’s what we teach in our movement for truth, freedom, health. We teach people these very important skills. That the current educational system doesn’t teach. So we have to take people come to our movement. We tell them, Hey, write the sink and it’s written shittily. Then we have to give them feedback.
So we’re doing all the work that, but these people are ready to learn, you’d say, and if they’re not ready to be self reflective and they can’t take feedback, we tell them to go on their way. We’re building an army of people whose personal and public integrity matches. They want to actually do something paradigmatically different, but the people that were in my lives, Nazis were extraordinary people, these were people who were not bullshitters like Trump liars, like booby fucking Kennedy, right?
All of them who came from the swarm and have the luxury of being diplomatic. We don’t have the luxury of being diplomatic. I’m sorry. We don’t. They have the luxury of bullshitting you. We don’t. This is what sets you apart from everyone else. You just blew my mind again. I wanted to ask you, oh, a shout out to Mr.
Walker, by the way, the chemistry teacher. And to your great grandparents, a huge shout out wherever they are. I wanted to ask Dr. Shiva, what was the turning point? In your life, when you realized that the world that is being presented to us is not what it really is, and that these people up top are not really our friends.
Was there a turning point or was this a gradual thing that happened? No, I think there were two important turning points. And when they’re very formative periods. And one was when I was four years old. And one was when I was 12 years old. Then another time was when I was, I think, 13 years old. There were these three very compelling times.
You remember them like yesterday. And as I share this with you guys, everyone should understand that each person needs to intersect their personal journey. You have to sometimes sit alone and think about that. You’re part of a long movie, a very long movie that goes back eons and eons. And right now we’re living like one little frame of that, but you must self reflect, understand where you are and what you brought to you this moment.
In fact, why you’re watching this, why are you watching this? What compels you to want to keep listening to this? Cause there’s something in you that intersects with my journey. So that’s the first thing, right? But if you reflect on that, for me, it was vivid as to yesterday, I’m 60 now, 56 years ago, I’ve shared this story, I’m playing, ball, and I go to a friend of mine’s home who I thought was my friend, this is in Bombay, and his mother doesn’t allow me into his house, forces me to sit outside, spits on me, calling me The equivalent of the N word, shudra, which means I was a lower caste person.
And I never heard this word. I was a four year old, innocent kid and gives me water in a different cup. It was a disgusting looking cup because I was not worthy. And that’s when I went home that day, I asked my mom, what is this? And she said, Oh, we’re from the lower caste. And then she explained to me how they would treat her when she was growing up.
I wish when she went to the well, they would shoo her. Like she had leprosy or something. Okay. Okay. So that was a very compelling moment. It affected me deeply because I thought this, you’re a kiddo. This is my best friend. You say the second incident was after I came to the United States in 1970, right?
1970. I was 7. And then part of this is related because that’s when we moved to Patterson, New Jersey, and this is in the era of 1970, where there’s the Vietnam War taking place. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll, butchery on TV every day in terms of soldiers, because in those days, before the censors got in, journalists were actually able to go behind enemy lines and show you what was going on, all the bloodshed, people’s arms getting blown off, right?
All that kind of stuff. And then in five years later, after being in the United States in 1975, I went back to India to back to our small village. And that’s when I saw, Oh my God, like he, unless you see contrasts. You said, wow, there’s people with no shoes here. My aunt lives in a little hut. My grandparents, work 16 hour days.
My great grandfather’s out in the fields with leeches on his feet, working in the rice fields. And then you realize that I will be going back. Within 24 hours back to this other world, and I will. It’s like a different world. These people have none of those comforts, none of those access to education.
And that was a very compelling moment. When I was 12, I was leaving India and that village and one of those old caboose trains. Looking through the glass through the window, my grandparents are crying with great love for me, not knowing if they’d see me again. Cause it was very expensive to go back and forth.
And that’s when I realized that I should do something to resolve these serious inequities. Which didn’t make sense because India at one point had been such a wealthy country, how could it be raped? And these people have nothing. So that made me start wanting to understand this. You see this injustice as a child, you have a deep sense of empathy.
You don’t forget about these things you say. And during that period, when I was young, I remember my dad telling me stories about peasants in villages taking up arms against landowners. And I said, why are they doing that? Oh, and my dad said they don’t have any food. They’re living with nothing.
And I said, oh, that’s a good thing. And his friend was listening. He goes, oh, your son’s a communist. This is not a good thing. My dad said no. He just feels that way. Now he’ll get over, but I haven’t gotten over it. I never got over it. I never got over. I never could accept the seeming injustice. I can’t accept the fact that during the pandemic, 600 billionaires made 2.
3 trillion while many Americans were taking antidepressants. They got screwed over. They lost jobs. That never makes any sense. I think you have to be a fucking robot and an inhuman to accept all this nonsense. You have to be a robot to accept Trump’s lies, Biden’s lies, Boobie Kennedy’s lies, all of these people’s lies.
Our movement is for humans, and if you want to be humans, then you better go get one of these bumper stickers, like right now, go to Schieffer for President, and put it on your The back of your windshield because we have finally a movement by the people for the people of the people if you really want to walk the walk, if you simply want to watch, hear my words and get entertained and say, wow, there’s a guy out there.
He’s great. That’s fine. But that’s not what I want. I want you guys to get off your butts and we need to get on the ballot in every state. You guys have an opportunity to help us to do that. And that’s what we need. We need you guys to take action. And if you want to take action to that, if you want to really become a human being, but if you want to be a robot, which is what they want to be, keep watching, just watch this, but don’t do anything right then.
I don’t want to be a Joe Rogan. I don’t want to be a fucker Carlson entertaining you. I want you to get off your butts and act. That’s what this is about. You can go to Shiva for president, go to truth, freedom, health, learn, become part of this movement. Because it’s for you. You’re not doing me a favor.
It’s for you. So I want to just play this quick video for people if that’s all right. Okay. Yes, please. Please. I don’t think you’ll hear it on your end. Actually, what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna stop my screen and I’m gonna share it from your end. Okay. Can I share my screen? So there you go. Then you’ll be able to hear my screen.
Okay. So I just want everyone to know that we’re going to take a two minute break, three minute break. But this is about you. Truth. Freedom. Health is not a slogan. It’s the fundamental science of our liberation. And that’s what this is about. So I hope this short video will inspire you to become a truth, freedom, health, warrior scholar.
We have allowed our country to be taken over from within. And the end goal is you will have a homogenized world where we will become slaves. Because there is a condition among the elites that really thinks they’re better than you deep down inside them that you don’t deserve the freedoms you have. They don’t.
This reality is what people need to wake up to and we need to all unite working people. There’s only one movement that can do that, and that is the movement that we started creating here in Massachusetts, the Movement for Truth, Freedom, and Health. Look, I’ve been a student of politics since I was a four year old kid, studying revolutionary movements, left wing, right wing.
There’s a physics, there’s a nuclear science to destroying the establishment. To build a bridge, you need to understand Newton’s equation. You need to understand the laws of gravity. You need to understand Poisson’s ratio. There is a way to build a revolution, and that’s why I put this together. My goal is to train a army of truth, freedom, and health leaders.
We don’t need followers like social media, we need leaders. But they need training because the educational system does not teach them history, nothing. So in three hours, that’s what I’ve started doing. That’s the solution. We got to train people. First with understanding what a system is. The dynamics of all systems that affect.
nature. The second is understanding the interconnection between truth, freedom, and health. Freedom is the ability to move freely, communicate freely, talk freely. Without freedom, you cannot convert ideas, hypothesis into truth, which is science. And without freedom, you can’t really get to truth. And without truth, you make up fake problems and fake solutions, which means you destroy our health.
And without health, Which is the infrastructure of us and our body. You can’t fight for freedom. Truth, freedom, health. Third concept is, it has to be bottoms up. Working people. People who work uniting. And what the right wing has done, is whenever you say working people unite, that must be communist.
Meanwhile, they’ve let the democrats run unions, which suppress workers. Completely corrupt. But when you look at the arc of American history, it’s been when working people came up. We need to go local. Every solution I’m coming up with is a part of this movement. We’re giving the science, which is the truth, and then we tell people what they can do on the ground.
Like with election fraud, you don’t need to wait for some lawyer. Our goal is to train people to go local. Fight locally. Forget lawyers. Forget politicians. Forget celebrities. You’ve got to learn politics. And there is a science to it. They lock us down, we should be ready to shut them down.
And the fourth part of this principle is the not so obvious establishment. So when you look at a system, there’s always something that disturbs you from getting to your goal. The biggest disturbance is the not so obvious establishment. Which are those people who claim they’re for you, on the left and the right.
The Al Sharptons who tell black people I’m for you. The Tucker Carlsons. Do you think any true anti establishment person will ever be on Fox or CNN? I don’t think so. They both mislead working people back into the establishment. Without this solid understanding of political physics and theory, you’re screwed.
You’re gonna follow, on the left wing, Bernie Sanders, Oh, he said something, or Robert Kennedy. Scumbags, or you’re gonna follow some right wing talk show host. They’re not gonna lead us to liberation. It’s us We’re building a bottoms up movement and that political physics. It’s a nuclear science of change Bottoms up.
We have to organize to understand that there is people who talk a good game and then look at what they actually do Left and right. I’m sorry Sean Hannity may say some good things But I don’t see the urgency in his voice to get something done and it can only come from When you weaponize yourself with the right knowledge, you need to be able to identify a rat.
Christ didn’t go after the Romans, right? It was the Pharisees and the Sadducees who screwed him up. His own quote unquote people. And that’s where we’re at. So these four concepts I’ve built into a curriculum. People can go to truthfreedomhealth. com and it’s an educational program. We need to train people in political theory.
You need to have physics. And I’ve created that curriculum. People need to get educated. We need to get educated fast. And within a half an hour, I can teach people two years of MIT control systems. I teach people those concepts. Then I apply it. Anyone can understand it. And then you say, Oh, I got to build a bottoms up movement.
They have to get politically motivated. And then they have to go locally and act, not sit there on social media. They have to act locally, defy locally, do civil obedience locally, but with knowledge on how to build a movement. The Senate campaign’s expanded to the movement for truth, freedom, and health, and they can find it on truthfreedomhealth.
com, so people can sign in, they can get access to a bunch of videos. If they want to. Take a course and become a truth, freedom, health leader. I offer a full scholarship there, but we want people to make a commitment that they’ll study, that they’ll get certified, that they’ll go do activities on the ground.
So go to truthfreedomhealth. com. All right, let me bring you back in cause we have to, so you can record on your end, right?
Yeah. So hold on. Let me bring you back in so we can record. So anyway, we’re doing our interview with Naz here. We’re having a very good discussion. Essentially a lot of background we’re doing, Naz, as we talk about really the, I know you wanted to talk about the origins of western medicine, right?
That’s one of the key things that we want to talk about. Today, can I just say really quickly that see in hip hop, we say, are you really about it? Are you really about where you are speaking? And 2 very simple ways of, let’s say a person is talking to you about health. Show me how do they look?
And my wife and I was just talking yesterday and we’re like, look at Dr. Shiva, man. He’s 60 years old. Look how good he looks. He’s really bout it, man. He’s about what he is speaking. And the second thing that proved to me that you are really about it, that you are really with the people is that you responded to me.
You didn’t have to respond to me. You didn’t have to do this, but you did. You told me. And you are speaking to us. So I just I’m so thankful to you. And I found you during the whole crazy stuff we had in 2020, the pandemic. And I do have to say that you came into so many millions of people’s lives.
People lost lives at such a necessary time when people were lost, where people were confused, people didn’t know what to do. People were pressured into doing a lot of things. So on behalf of all the millions of people that you’ve saved, I want to thank you on that also. Dr. Shiva, what is. Western medical system.
And if I could add to it if a little boy or a girl says, I want to be a doctor, I really want to help people. What should they know about modern Western? Medical system. So let me answer that the following way. You use the word we’re talking about the word Western medical system, right? All right.
So it’s important to start with the word system. The reason I played that truth from health videos because we want to find people who want to invest their time a little bit of their money because when we give stuff away for free, no one respects. It’s unfortunate, but it sets a it. A standard where people put some value on it, but the main thing is people’s putting in their time.
Do they want to study, which they can’t get anywhere else? What is the system? Really understand what is the system, right? You really understand, anything that you want to master, right? If you want to master music. You have to learn the scales, right? You have to learn how to play something.
You can’t just be reading stuff, right? You have to go do the exercises, all of that, right? If you want to learn engineering, you have to go through a process. So the issue is what is the system? Everyone uses that word. 99 percent of the people use the word system, have no idea what that word means.
But we teach people what that means, right? So what is the system? The system has nine fundamental principles. Particularly an intelligence system. One of those principles is a goal. Systems cannot exist without a fundamental goal. Like they want to achieve something, okay? The existing system has a very specific goal.
Maximize power, maximize profit, maximize control. For a finite set of people, who I call the swarm. Okay. When I set my thermostat over there to 72 degrees, the thermostat has a goal, maintain room’s temperature to 72 degrees. That’s that system’s goal. Okay. It’s the heating system’s goal. So what was the goal of the Western medical system?
right? Because it was a system that was created. What was the goal? So if you study this carefully and you really go back to the origins of it, a woman by the name of Florence Nightingale shows up. Okay. And in the graphic that we put up, I have a picture of the cobweb diagram that she created.
I’m not going to get into the details because people should go study it. You can do that. Okay. As a warrior scholar, but briefly for Lawrence Nightingale, not a nurse alone. She was a very smart woman. The history books try to say, Oh, she was just a nurse. No, she wasn’t. She was a system scientist.
My view. She probably wouldn’t use that word. She was a statistician. She was a member of the Royal society of statistics. She was in this world where as a woman, she also had access to the nobility. And during the Crimean War in the 1800s, she was the one who uncovered this very, she observed again, attention to detail, she saw that people were not dying by getting shot on the battlefield, more people were dying when they came into the hospital in those days, all right, triple the number of people, quadruple the number of people were dying in the hospital.
Not getting shot. And when she looked at this, she realized, Oh, it has to do with all the crap in the hospital. There were literally horse feces. There was no clean sheets. You went and the reality was in, in that period of history, you went to the hospital to die. Doctors did not go into hospitals. Women nurses went into hospitals to nurse soldiers.
So just if you could put your head around that, if you could close and go back 200 years. And you go into a hospital, what would you smell? You would smell shit. You would see crap literally on the floors. There’s no beautiful bed sheet. You’re not on a nice sheet watching TV and eating, your meal, right?
You’re in a pile of shit and you went there to die with roaches, cockroaches, bugs, dampness, right? On the floor. That was what a hospital was. So Florence Nightingale did this very interesting analysis was called a cobweb diagram and she proved it graphically to the nobles of her time. She said, look you’re conducting these wars and your soldiers are dying, not being shot, but because we put them into the hospital and they’re dying in the hospital.
So the nobles remember they wanted to maximize power profit control. So Oh, okay. Thanks for letting us know. What can we do? So Florence Nightingale’s solution was to take these hospitals, clean them up, right? But mainly to clean them up. Why? To put the soldiers back on the battlefield. What can we do?
Because they were seen as property of the nobles, right? These were poor peasants. who they, some of them were forcibly put into war. Some of them were mercenaries to fight. So if you have one soldier who’s dying, they’re saying how do we maximize this opportunity? We got to get them back on the field.
So Florence Nightingale had a vision of taking these hospitals And first of all, cleaning them up, right? So they started cleaning the floors. They brought in sanitation ministers from from England who, started putting in sewage and eliminating the horse feces and, cleaning up the places, making them like a reasonable place.
That you’re not going to, you’re not going to die. And her vision was that these hospitals would become research centers. People would test new pharmaceuticals and new drugs and clinical research, right? She had this long vision. The origin of Western medicine was to put a soldier back on the battlefield and you came into a hospital because you were under a crisis.
Your arm was blown off, right? Your eyes were blown off. You got your, your liver is blown off and you came into these hospitals. And these hospitals were places for crisis care, for crisis management. They weren’t places you went to say, Oh, doctor, I’m, I want to lose a little bit of weight and can you help me out?
That’s not what a hospital was for. Oh, I want to eat a little bit better and I want to get put some muscle mass on. That’s not what a hospital was for. It was about a crisis situation to put you back on the battlefield. So what did they develop? They developed for that condition, today we have amazing surgery, right?
You get in a car accident and God forbid every bone in your body is broken. You don’t take turmeric at that point. Ginger tea ain’t going to help you, right? Drinking some, taking a vegan protein shake ain’t going to help you. None of that’s going to help you. Of course. Water is not going to help you.
Taking electrolytes is not going to help you. What you need is you need your arm sewn back off on, right? You need your bones reconnected, right? Western medicine came from that origin to build this, frankly, this incredible capabilities to put you back on the field, right? The battlefield of life nowadays, right?
In that process, they develop surgical techniques, steroids, quote unquote, antibiotics, drugs, pain medications, right? All this kind of stuff. All of that strength of Western medicine is valuable when you’re in a crisis situation, okay? But that entire, remember the goal of that system was not to support anti aging and make you live long, right?
Make you have a good life and make Peaceful and your family peaceful to extend lifespan. That’s not what it was about. The origin of western medicine was to put soldiers back on the field. So think about that thinking you are seen as a commodity, a property that needs to be put back on the field.
So the healthcare system today follows that model. Something happens to you, you go to the doctor, they got to get you back on the field, right? Okay, we’re going to give you this drug, we’re going to give you this antidepressant, we’re going to give you this statin, because we got to get you back on the field, right?
It’s not about, it’s if this, do this, if this, do this, because there’s an emergency. It is not about saying, wow, why does he have, why is he not sleeping that well, right? It’s not trying to figure out why, Are there blotches all over his skin? Why is he having eczema? Nope. Take this drug.
Take this drug. You may have your, something may happen. Your testicle may fall off, that’s okay. We’ll deal with that with another drug. When that happens, come back here. Okay. So it’s crisis management. That’s what the origin of, and it’s good for that. Let’s not diss it.
Cause obviously if something horrible happens to you, if a Boeing 747, falls on you, something crazy like that, you want Western medicine, right? But its weakness is, its goal was to maximize power profit control, right? Which was put you back on and treat you as, it wasn’t about your, advancing truth, freedom, health for you, right?
Advancing your health and living long. This is why, when I keep sharing that curve, in the United States, if you have a child right now, your son or daughter will live shorter than you. Okay, so that’s Western medicine. It’s right there in front of you. But as a system scientist, I’m not going to say, Oh, this is because of the vaccine.
Give me money, children’s we’re going to know, Oh, it’s because of the poisons in the air, give me money. It’s because of this or that. No, it’s not any one of those things. It’s an issue of a systems wide problem that Western medicine has no interest in prolonging your life and for you to live long and happy, that’s not what it was designed for.
It was designed to put you back on the battlefield of life with urgency. Bill, you charge you. Okay. Et cetera. Now the Eastern systems of medicine or from an engineering approach, we look at the body as a system. Okay. There’s, something going on in his eyes. Oh, Eastern systems teacher. There’s probably something going on in his liver.
Why? He’s got lots of stuff going on in his skin. Again, typically, it’s the liver detoxifying toxins because the skin is the second organ of detoxification. All right. Oh, he had, he’s waking up at three in the morning every day. What’s, there’s a circadian physiology that is associated with an organ. Systems approach to the body is not what western medicine was about.
It’s only 2003. Did Western medicine realize, oh, we need to create a systems biology, but they couldn’t do that well. And that’s the field that I really, contributed a lot to, and we can talk more about that, but Western medicine was designed to put you back on the field, the battlefield fast and quick, not worrying about what problems that thing would cause.
Okay. We sewed up his lungs. He’ll last for a certain time, but he’s going to have to, they don’t worry about the side effects. That’s not what the purpose is. The goal is to put you back. So that’s really the origin of Western medicine. And if you understand that, then you say, okay, that’s when I use that instrument.
But if you’re going to the doctor, when you have simple health issues and you’re wasting your time and money, and you’re on drugs and stuff, and you don’t address the fundamental issues of nutrition, health, exercise, lifestyle, who are the people you’re hanging around with? What are you being exposed to?
And that kind of healing is not going to occur overnight. You have to put some time into it. It’s a multiple things that you’ve done to your body over a period of time that have gotten you here. And you’re not going to heal yourself just with a drug. You’re going to have to go on a path to heal yourself.
You’re going to undo those things and it’s not going to occur overnight. And as long as you’re over, fine with that, you’re going to get, you’re going to live long and prosper because you’re going to be on a lifestyle model, right? You’re going to become more conscious. So that is the weakness of Western medicine.
It doesn’t want to put you into that state of consciousness. He wants to make you a slave to that crisis management model. So everything is a drama. You wait for drama in your life. You wait for shit to occur. You wait for horrible things to occur to your body. You don’t nip it in the bud. The origin of Western medicine.
But you have to understand that the same people who shadow ban me, The same people who are so Joe Rogan follows me, but he will never interview me. Tucker Carlson, the same people, booby Kennedy’s, all of these people are part of that western medical system. Booby Kennedy wants to create quote unquote safe vaccines, right?
He rails against the C. D. C. But in a video he says, I want full vaccination of all americans. They’re duplicitous. They’re trying to manipulate you to still support the existing swarm. They do not want you to really think for yourself. So the same people who want to make Western medicine, the cure all, and do not want to talk about its weaknesses are the same people that subjugate us and are part of that subjugation process because ultimately health is wealth.
You can have all the fucking money you want in the world, but if you don’t have your health, that’s when you say, shit, this money means nothing now. So our movement teaches you how to take care of your body. We teach the same systems principles that we can use to shatter the swarm. You can use those same systems principles to understand your body as a system.
And of the infinite choices you have For health and being, you can figure out what’s right for you, the right medicine for the right person. That’s the technology, the teachings we created in Systems Health. Every Fridays we hold a tutorial. You can go to systemshealth. com. You can go to truthfreedomhealth.
com. Health is the vessel that contains you. It is with that vessel that you can explore truth and freedom. It really, in many ways is where you begin. See thank you so much. See, I’ve always said, and I try to educate people on that. If someone is telling you things to only frighten you or scare you, and they’re not giving you solutions, they are what I call controlled opposition.
And I’ve always, I also talked about. Tucker Carlson’s and Alex Jones’s and all of these different people on my podcast. What I’ve noticed going back to the medical to Western medicine, what I’ve noticed is that the richest country in the world, the United States of America had some of the worst health as society to speak.
So to add on to the previous question. And now we’re seeing cancer running rampant. I’m pretty sure you’ve been noticing this as well. My question is, has Western medicine become more of a industry than opposed to truly trying to help someone? Yeah, let me answer that question. The following way and I want to share something with you on your screen so you can also see this.
Let me bring this up. I’m going to share this over to you. Okay, bring this up. Okay, you should be able to see my screen now. Launched our campaign for Shiva for president, we wanted to share with people. I think you can see this now. Let me share this. I think you see this, right?
This is our website. Everyone should go to Shiva numeral for president. com. So obviously you can go to the site, you can donate, you can support our campaign, but most importantly, you can volunteer. But one of the important things there’s this free download thing right here. Okay. We’ve open sourced everything.
So if you can’t afford to buy a bumper sticker or cards, you can print it. Okay. You can make your own lawn sides. We give you all this. Okay. But what you see here. Is that this is a flyer that everyone can go to the download section and download. Everyone should do this. We want to get millions of these out there.
We’ve already gotten millions. We want to get hundreds of millions of these out there. Now, the lesser of two evils includes the not so obvious establishment and the obvious establishment. Okay. The Kennedy’s and the Trump’s and the Biden’s okay. And the Clinton’s. But what you see here is this graph here profoundly shares a very interesting diagram.
And this is 1980 till today. And you see the U S lifespan is going like this and this started going down long before the quote unquote vaccine. Okay. And the rest of the world you can see is also starting curvature is going to go like that. But this goes back to 1980. It’s a systemic issue of many problems, income inequality, right?
The issues of stress, breakdown of family. It’s a whole bunch of things that policies have affected people’s biology. And the only way out of this is first of all, you to become aware of this is that we have to shatter the swarm. All right. So that’s why this is really important to understand. And by the way everyone should get this flyer, even if you want to read it for yourself, watch the shatter, the swarm video, play this video.
I already played, but I’ll play our campaign video. But every Thursdays. Okay. Every Thursdays at a 7 a. m. I’m sorry, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. We hold a open house that everyone should come to. And at this open house, you get to meet amazing people from all over the world. And you get to really understand what we’re doing in terms of education.
But everyone should go to Shiva4President, download this flyer. There’s no cost to this. All you need is a printer. Go. Use your library’s printer, right? Use someone else’s print them out and hand them out to people and we do these townhalls But fundamentally you see we started out with this fundamental failure of western medicine Because it waits for crises and the end of the day if you’re here in 2024 Your son or daughter is going to have a shorter lifespan than people did, they’re going to have the lifespan of someone back in 19 20 90.
You say that’s what we’re going back to. All right. And it’s going to keep going down and down. Look at this curve. It’s going down. So that’s one thing I wanted to share with people fundamentally that when we look at the results. It’s pretty clear that the, their system is not working.
It’s failing. It’s another failure. So that’s what we need to understand. Now, the solution to this is number one, people need to understand the body as a system. So where do you learn that? You’re not going to learn in medical school. You’re not going to learn in a nursing school. People don’t have the chance to go thousand years ago and learn the ancient systems of Indian medicine.
So I’ve had to teach it. So that resulted in us. That’s putting together systems health, a course that I was teaching when I got back from India at MIT. Then we took it. We’ve trained doctors on it. We’re smart. We want to learn, but we’ve opened that up to everyone. That’s a solution. We need to teach people how to do research side to solve the technology that I created.
We’ve made it accessible to anyone. If you’re out there and you’re listening to this and you want to do research instead of having me do the work, we will teach you how you can do research. using this technology platform. You want to understand does 5G cause problems to you? You want to understand, is eating this going to do you better?
We give you the, you can go, your neighbors say, Hey, let’s all pitch in a little bit and let’s go do this research together. We give you that platform. You can do research on the same level as MIT, Harvard, Stanford, et cetera. It’s quite radical. How do you do scientific research in medicine today? You give your money to the government.
The government takes that money and they give it to people like Fauci. People like the NIH, people like the, where NHS, wherever you are in the world, and then the, you’re dependent on the government, and then the government takes that money and they give it to their friends in different academic institutions, who will politically do the results that they want.
That’s what’s actually going on, okay? That’s what’s going on. They’re not doing the research for the people by the people. So we’ve created two very powerful capabilities. Systems health, Where you can become an educator and then we have the capability where you can actually start doing research and we give the enabling technology to do that.
So these are quite powerful things that solutions we’ve created. We’ve also created a whole bottoms up certification. What is clean food? It’s a certification that’s done by us, not owned by the government. You can get involved in that. So you see, we actually have real solutions. All are bottoms up. Every single one of them is bottoms up.
What’s also happening. People should be mindful of is as a, as people are breaking the Western medical system, meaning they realize it’s weaknesses medicine is now creating fake, just not so obvious establishment people. The wellness company, right? People, the medical doctors who were silent when COVID was taking place, right?
And then now they’re didn’t say anything. I was a guy who came out and educated millions. Yes, but they didn’t say anything. They profited by their silence. And now they’re on lecture tours saying, Oh my God, the stuff causes myocarditis. It’s in the freaking insert on the vaccine. It says it, it caused my, you’re not telling us anything new.
I’ll buy my nato kinase. It will cure, so they profited by their silence and now they profit again by acting like they’re your saviors. These are evil people. Because they didn’t sell tell the truth at the right time. So telling the truth after the building is burned down. And saying, Oh, I’m doing the right thing.
And going on fucker Carlson show who looks, Oh my God, that’s horrible. And he didn’t tell the truth at the right time either. So understand that telling the truth at the wrong time shows a serious lack of courage and ignorance. Fine. If you want to think those people, Oh, now they’ve learned stuff and they’re better.
Are you going to follow them as your leaders? Are you going to follow a guy like me who put his ass on the line and at the right time when it mattered. You say, so people need to understand that when we look at medicine, you can always look at who is telling the truth at the right time and who gets, who is not telling the truth at the right time.
And during that period, you’ll see human suffering. I’ll give you an example, like with the whole cholesterol nonsense. Okay. It is clear. It is clear that it is inflammation causes. It is clear that it is inflammation that causes, heart disease, okay, or the things that lead to heart disease.
Now, at Harvard, there was a guy who had figured that out in the 1960s. But there was another competing group who had said it was cholesterol. Where they literally put this guy in the basement, they got rid of him. And for 30 years, they promoted this cholesterol nonsense, hypothesis.
And now it’s proven the whole thing. Oh, bad cholesterol, good cholesterol. It’s actually inverse people who have bad cholesterol at high levels actually living longer in multiple longitudinal studies that they’ve done. And now it took whatever, 70 years to find out what this guy was saying. 50 years was actually the truth.
Okay. In those 50 years, how many people got screwed? So telling the truth and hiding the truth is really evil. And then later telling the truth when it’s convenient for you so you can make money. And bullshit people that you’re the teller of truth is pure evil and that is what fucker carlson does No, that is what joe rogan does So they’re getting they’re stealing your pocket two ways When they don’t tell you the truth when it matters using their bull horns And then they tell you the truth afterwards or parts of it and then you as an idiot think oh wow No, Joe Rogan is telling me the truth.
Dr. Shiva. Why are you attacking Rogan? That’s why because he fucked you when he had access to the megaphone He knew it was true, but his handlers told him not to say anything. So I told the truth at the right time Three in 2020, I told the truth at the right time, don’t do the lockdowns. Trump. I was the one who started the fire Fauci campaign, not three years late, two years later.
Okay. When it was in vogue, it was fashionable. You must look to your leaders who do and say the right thing at the right time. That’s leadership. So when you look to our movement. You’re always going to get the truth at the right time. And when you look at the anti Zionist movement right now, a lot of fakers are jumping in now.
They didn’t say shit on October 7th. They didn’t do shit in the eighties, the sixties, the seventies. I didn’t see them. I didn’t see them in protests in 1980, but now it’s fashionable. Okay. And what are they doing with these anti Zionist protests? They’re making it about just free Palestine. Bye. These same people who talk about just freeing Palestine, let’s say Columbia University, they’re afraid to walk into Harlem.
Okay. Exactly. And this was like this in 1984, when the anti apartheid movements were taking place, there were three sets of people there. There were the people who believed apartheid was okay. Okay. There were people, the white liberal elites who said, Oh my God, it’s so bad. They’re killing black people in South Africa.
And there was our movement on the MIT campus. We said, okay, it’s fine. You talk about South Africa. What about the segregation right here in the campus? Food service where poor, the poor white, poor whites and the poor blacks don’t even have healthcare. We conducted the movement right on campus of the oppression of the American working class.
To the oppression of the working people in South Africa, a lot of people, so many of these bougie kids fine. You’re talking about free Palestine, but you’ll go work on Wall Street tomorrow, right? You don’t want to talk about the custodial workers at Columbia University when you intersect that, then, the movement really has balls.
And that’s what they don’t want. They don’t want you interconnecting that, the movements, that when it leads to tangible people for working people. So for example, in the Middle East right now, there are massive protests in Jordan, in Turkey, in Arab Emirates. And guess what? The Arab leaders who talk about, Oh yeah, we’re against Zionism are now putting their own people in jail because they don’t want those protests to go beyond talking about Palestine to saying, wait a minute, you’re also fucking me over.
So as long as you, it’s in a university campus and you’re just talking about free Palestine or ceasefire now, by the way, many of those movements are run by liberal elites who also believe in climate change. So Jill Stein didn’t say shit about the anti Zionist stuff on October 7th. Now she’s going and getting arrested, but she’s all about promoting the climate change agenda.
You say this is how scummy these people are. They don’t have a consistency. Our movement is consistent through and through. We don’t believe in the climate change nonsense. We expose Zionism and we say, and the occupation of America, right? Cause we can do something here talking about something 10, 000 miles away.
That’s interesting. But why don’t we talk about ending the occupation right here? That’s a very much more powerful position because it means that you have to talk about working people’s lives right here. So this is how these movements get taken over. You say these movements gets taken over because people do movements that are in vogue at the time, and then they split people into left and right.
Our movement is not about left or right. Zionism issue. It’s about ending the occupation of America. When it comes to pandemic. It’s not about pro vax or anti vax. It’s about boosting your immune system. You say it’s a it’s we’re in a different world at the real issue and the real solution. We’re not going to allow them to put us into pro and anti camps.
And that’s what they want to do. The working people of this world. So we don’t build a bottoms up movement and we don’t have leaders like me leading those movements. You follow booby fucking Kennedy. Who’s been sucking Zionist cock all his life. So people have a choice. Now, the good thing is now is people didn’t have this choice.
Now they can’t say, Oh, so now people have to say, wow, Dr. Shiva’s there. The movement for truth, freedom, health is there now. It’s, do I want to get off my ass? They can’t say we don’t have a choice. You really do have a choice. You have a real choice. When you’re talking, I’m thinking to myself I just want to say, thank God that we have you.
And to speak about the controlled opposition, they make us paranoid. And I just realized something about you. Everything you say is setting us free. And that’s the huge difference. Again, if you want to see who controlled opposition is, If they’re bringing you problems with no solutions and making you paranoid, they’re not on your side.
And I’m sitting here listening to you talk and I’m like, man, I’m being set free. And I pray for you, Dr. Shiva. I have a really serious question, man, that just came up. It’s going to be like a Jersey question because I lived in Jersey too for a little bit. Are you, Not like, how are you dealing with the pressure that these people might want to come get you, man?
Look, here’s the deal, right? We have to start recognizing that I’ve been out there, okay? And what the elites have realized is, it’s very powerful what they realize, in the old days, they just shot people like me, okay? Executed you, open fascism. And then when they started doing that in their second generation, holy shit, we’re creating martyrs.
Steve Biko, Malcolm X, right? They don’t want to You’re more powerful dead, basically, when you’re alive, right? So then they realize, shit, they’re going to create statues for these people, they’ll have martyrs. So what they did a two fold thing. They, they have all the data on this, okay? What they did was, we’re going to do this.
We’re going to create our martyrs. Martin Luther King. We’re going to create our martyrs. The Kennedy’s complete organized crime family. We’re going to create Mahatma Gandhi. We’re going to create fake martyrs. So then the masses will have the heroes that we tell them to have. We’ll write the history books with scumbags.
And they make the real heroes invisible. So now in my case, you look at my history from whenever, I’ve, you can go look at my old history. I’ve been fighting on the ground all day long because my oppression is connected to the collective oppression. I’ve reflected on that. I’ve had to fight that every day.
I live in a neighborhood right here in Massachusetts, right in my own neighbors. You can still feel their racism and they’re all liberal white elites. And I’m going to be putting a big sign up there, brown lives do matter, but not to the liberal Zionist elites on my street. So I’ve have to, I still have to fight wherever I am.
It’s not a theory for me, you say, but because I’ve been out there so long, Naz, The problem is a different one, right? That they have to make me invisible. So when I, after I exposed all the stuff I did in 2020, 21, and then censors got, if they put me back on Twitter, but go to Facebook, my followers have been 520, 000 followers for 540, 000 followers for four years.
I do a post on Twitter. When I first came 20 million views back on, and now it’s down to 10, 000 views. Okay. Per day. How is that? So they put you in a digital cage. This is why I tell everyone. Go get one of these bumper stickers because this is how you get the word out. The future is offline. Use your cars.
Use your property. Put up one of these things. Get on the ground and help us get on the ballot. We must get on the ballot in all of these states. But this is an opportunity we’re giving you go to Shiva for president. Help us get on the ballot. So now you can’t whine every state we get on the ballot. It’s a big, we’re stabbing the swarm right in the heart in Florida, we need volunteers.
You know what they’re doing? Boobie Kennedy’s bribing other parties. He’s paying the money and they’re putting them on the ballot. He takes money from Zionist hoodlums and he pays signature getters. They don’t even, these people don’t work, man. Their whole life has been cheating, plagiarizing, cheating, plagiarizing, cheating, plagiarizing.
They don’t work hard. They don’t do shit. They’re crooks end to end. So what they do is they don’t do characteristic. One is they do character assassination and then they make you invisible. They don’t even want to talk about me. It’s too dangerous. They don’t even want to create any controversy because they don’t want the word Dr.
Shiva out there. The problem they have now Is that about a half a billion people know about me? Because in 2020, 2021, we did the right thing. So they’re fucked right now. That’s why I enjoy talking to independent people like you and we, I’ll do interviews. So anyone listening want to do an interview and you want to ask intelligent questions?
Great. Because Rogan and fucker Carlson will dare not put me on. They will lose all their people to me. They’ll realize, wait a minute, this is a real deal. They’ll see the stark difference because if fucker Carlson puts me on, I’m going to expose him. I’m not there to suck his balls off. Like Vivek, the snake.
Like Trump, I don’t need him. We’re independent. We’re independent of Rogan. We’re not there to say, Oh Joe, thank you so much for putting me on. Oh, Rogan, let’s talk about why you didn’t fucking put me on when it mattered. In 2014 against Monsanto. Let’s talk about why you concealed Our lawsuit, that’s what we would do.
And we would make sure it’s live, not prerecorded live. They don’t want that. They want, so everyone here has an opportunity now and you better fucking go do it. If you like what you’re hearing, go get one of these bumpers. Go to truth from health. com and become a warrior scholar. You have no choice. Either you stay seated watching videos all day or you get off your butt.
Go to Shiva for president. Collect signatures for us. We give you things to do so you can’t bullshit yourself. So you don’t get 80, 90 years old. Oh I could have done something. Why didn’t I help Dr. Shiva? Things don’t change because the world gets worse. Things change when people take action.
The world will keep going into greater darkness and it can keep going more and more into that. It’s not suddenly it gets worse and things get better. That’s a false thing. That’s a false analysis. Yeah, man, we don’t want to hear any more excuses because we do have dudes like Dr. Shiva now. When you become president, man I’m going to know that everything that I’ve stood for all these years has not gone in vain.
Dr. Shiva. What is truth, freedom, health, and from what I understand, there is no ends or ors or slashes in between. It goes, Truth, freedom, health. Yeah. So there is no, if you notice it’s truth, freedom, health, there’s no truth, freedom, and health. If you go to the website, it’s truthfreedomhealth. com. Why?
Because none of them are greater or less than each other. It’s truth, freedom, health. You need all three. Truth, freedom, health itself is a self contained system. Health is the vessel in which truth and freedom can exist. If you don’t fight for freedom, you’re not going to have health and you can’t pursue science, which is truth because you won’t have the diversity of ideas.
And without science, you’re not going to really be able to find what’s healthy for you. And without science, You’re not going to be able to have the ability to fight for freedom, the science, which is what we’ve done. So system science gives us a weaponry to fight for truth and to figure out the same science that we teach at truthfromhealth.
com is the same science. You can use how to shatter the swarm, but you can also use to understand your body as a system and to heal yourself. It’s the same science. It’s really the science of everything. That’s one of the things to understand. If you don’t fight for freedom, that science doesn’t matter, right?
If you don’t have freedom, you could be yoga and you could be looking great, but you’re living in a jail prison, you’re living in prison. What kind of life is that, right? And you have to have health to support all of this. So that’s why these things are highly interconnected. They’re like one.
You can’t separate one from the other. You remove health and you just talk about truth and freedom. That’s not gonna work. And you know what? This three words come from the principles of in general systems theory. What I uncovered was Transport, conversion, storage, movement of information, matter, and energy.
That’s freedom. Conversion of stuff in one form to another conversion of ideas to find truth. That’s the scientific method. That’s truth is really a verb. And then you have the last piece, which is freedom, which is the health, which is a vessel, which is a structural piece, as we say. So truth and health is literally a manifestation of the scientific discoveries I made from system science.
You say, so we have this amazing knowledge, weaponry that once you get it, we can shatter the swarm, you say, and get off the plantation. That’s what this is about. Anyway, Nas, it’s been about five 43. I wanted to let people know, since we’re talking about the origin of Western medicine one of the things, the creations that I created besides email, I’ve been, I still continue to invent truth, freedom, health itself.
is an innovation, let me just share a couple of these innovations with you and your audience. I’m going to go back to sharing here for you so you can follow along. It’s really important to understand we, as we talk about the, my history was I saw growing up in India, my grandmother used completely different non Western approaches to heal people.
So when I came to the United States, I was fascinated by medicine, was working in a medical college when I was 14 years old. Doing research on why babies were dying their sleep and it was in that medical college that I used my Skills in programming to create the first email system. But when I went to MIT, I thought I want to do medicine, but I found out the world of Western medicine doesn’t look at the body as a system.
So I had to, on my own, got four degrees in engineering, went back to India after my Fulbright and really uncovered this relationship between ancient systems of yoga and medicine and engineering system science. So that became the basis of one of the first You know, platforms that I built, and I’ll show you that here.
Systems health. So if you go to system self systems, health is the knowledge. And if we go to workshops here, we have a workshop, for example, coming up on May 24 26. You can join it online or in person. And what we’ve done here is where we and this was right, this was on the front page of MIT. People didn’t understand this is in 2007.
Why I wanted to go back to India to study these ancient systems of medicine. But what I uncovered was this whole body of knowledge. So we have a theory laboratory and practice. So those people are interested in coming. You will learn about the modern health care system. You’ll learn all this stuff. We’re retraining people.
Anyone. You don’t have to be a health care professional. But we will put you into business to become a system’s health educator. Okay? You will learn yoga, meditation you will learn your body as a system. We will give you tools to help other people. This is one of those innovations. The other is Cytosol.
Now, Cytosol is a very powerful technology without the need to kill animals. I’ve created a technology that can literally understand what’s going on inside the body by mapping out all the molecular reactions and mathematically doing this and test combinations of natural products, that occur in nature without having to kill animals.
This is quite profound. Okay. And so we’ve been helping many, revolutionary companies figure this out. Okay. And about two years ago, after 16 years of doing this, we’re going after all the 35 major diseases in the world without killing animals. And we can do the research faster and cheaper than any major institution.
We’ve published in all the major journals. So that platform is what we’ve made accessible to all. A couple of years ago, we used this technology. 500 million people in the world have a disease called osteoarthritis, okay? And we said, okay, let’s mathematically model all the molecular pathways of osteoarthritis, which we did.
And then we then looked at all the different products in nature that occur in natural products, and we tested them and we found a combination. That what we saw did much better than any one thing alone. So let me just play you this video. It’s obviously both a quick ad, but it also will tell you that this supports everything we do.
But this is an example of something we created where we went end to end. We did the research ourselves. We did the analysis ourselves. We then went and manufactured it. We wrote the scientific paper. In fact, let me bring up the scientific paper. Okay. So if you’re looking here, this is cytosol and several, so if you go on Google and if you type in Ayurveda in silico, joint health and you can go do this, we, I still as a research scientist still publish.
So this was a right here. You’ll see this. I don’t know if you can see this here. Okay. But this paper is, let me download it here. It may put it in another thing. I may have to bring it here. Okay. You still see this, right? So yeah, I thought, oh, sorry. Let me go on full screen here. Okay, so this is that paper that we published.
Let me make it bigger. Let me zoom in. Okay, and this is a paper where we use this technology. So you can see we took this technology and we looked at all the molecular pathways. that are involved in joint health, okay? And there are these molecular pathways, okay? So if you want to affect joint health, you have to lower pain, you have to reduce oxidation, all these things.
And we literally found the right combination of these two very powerful compounds which occur in bitter orange and chamomile. And then we published it. In fact, we went and in fact got a patent on it because right now Amazon just steals everything you do. They watch what works and they steal it, okay?
Okay. And then we went and produced it. And the problem is you cannot talk. I can’t say, Oh, this cure something. So it’d be very careful or the FDA comes on you, but we have enough data now to show that we have discovered a combination in nature that directly comes from the analysis of these compounds in a very powerful way.
And I’ll play you a video because we created a product. And we don’t have, capital to market it. But we do it to people who are interested, but this will give you an understanding of how we went end to end. And it’s an ad, but a product, but you’ll understand. And we have.
More and more of these products coming up, but we want NAS to, we’ve created the engine that let’s say you can create the product the same way we did. So as you watch this ad, think about you saying, Oh, wow. Let me, I want to go solve this problem. You could use cytosol to discover stuff. We’ll help you figure out how to patent it.
And then we’ll in fact help you how to create your own product like this one. Let me play this for you. Millions of people suffer every day from painful discomfort and swelling, but most pain medications come with harsh side effects and many alternative supplements have little scientific backing.
That’s why we at Cytosolv created MV25. MV25 was formulated using the Cytosolv computational systems biology platform. A technology for precision and personalized health invented by Dr. Shiva during his doctoral research at MIT. This formulation is the result of computing trillions of potential combinations of biomolecular interactions derived from thousands of peer reviewed scientific papers published across four decades by 68 research institutions to discover an optimal synergy of compounds that down regulate biomarkers of discomfort.
Hi, I’m Barbara Ann. My hands would cramp up so that I couldn’t hold cards or knit or crochet and they would go like that. Now I have to use this when I played cards with my grandkids. And I started taking that MP25. After a bit I was able to hold cards in my hand. Very little cramping. Hardly at all anymore.
MV 25. Hi, my name is Sandy. I’m a Taekwondo instructor. I tore my ACL during Taekwondo. I had a lot of pain and limited mobility. I’ve been taking the MV 25 for about. Six months now after the first week, I noticed a big difference after the second week, almost literally no pain. My name is Jeremy and I suffer from a lower back problem, hurt my back at work years ago and I can go to the chiropractor and do all kinds of different things and nothing seems to help.
And I decided to try MV 25. I didn’t notice a difference immediately, but within a few days the pain went away and it stayed away. I’ve continued to take it and even when I do things that I shouldn’t do, it seems to go away a lot quicker than it has. Ever did before. MV 25 is certified clean 100% non GMO made in America and GMP certified for good manufacturing practices.
MV 25 is cytosol optimized, which means that this formula has been engineered to maximize benefits while minimizing toxicity based on current research curated by cytosol as the science advances. So will this formulation. This is our promise order.
In the middle of everything I do, right? We basically, so that’s an example. We went end to end. We did all the molecular pathways. Then we had to put it all together. Then we had to publish a paper on it, right? Because people don’t validate it. Then we have to go get a U S patent. Okay. All of this, we did, a very small organization here, but immense capabilities, but think about any one of you listening, if you say, Wow, I want to go, I don’t know, look at particular disease area, we have created that infrastructure and you say, Oh, yeah, I was, I don’t know, you were in Australia, or you’re in Africa, and you heard the African indigenous people are using this combination, which cures migraines, for example, right?
We have the technology where we could mathematically understand the framework of how migraines take place. You can take their formulation. We can test it without killing animals. We can help that indigenous group figure out if it works or not, and then we can support these partnerships. So this is an example of what we did end to end.
It’s not we want to sell supplements here, but we’re doing it because it’s a manifestation of what you can do, so that’s why we’ve taken now Cytosol as a solution where anyone else can embrace it. And if you go to cytosol. com, we do symposiums. We have a number of people now who are embracing it.
There’s a woman in Texas. who wants to do a project because she found out that the natural gas companies in poor areas release natural gas, which has 17 toxins. And she wants to understand the combinations of those, how they create hypoxia, you say, so we’re going to give her the cytosol framework. She can then go to her neighbors and say, look, let’s file a class action lawsuit.
We have this technology instead. The University of texas ain’t gonna, do that research. They’re gonna charge her 20, 30 million. We can do it at 1 1000 of it, you say, because we have engine. So that’s another very powerful solution that we put together that people can take advantage of and they should be speaking on behalf of all the people.
You are the leader that we want, and that reassures I got that reassurance today. I wanted to ask what is your diet? And do you use any supplements? Cause man, we want to look like you, Dr. Shiva what does Dr. Shiva eat and do you use any supplements? Are supplements necessary? Let me tell you that you have to figure out what’s right for you.
Okay. And under the right conditions and what’s going on. I think this Friday, actually this Friday, we have a tutorial. It’s free. Everyone can come to it. Okay. It’s called a system self tutorial and go to, I think, I don’t need, let me say, I think, I know we sent out an email on this.
Let me bring it up for you. If you go to va shiva. com, okay. You can go there and you click on the events, and you’ll see I think it’s coming up on may, yeah, may 3rd. You’ll see it. Okay. Let me bring it up here. So on. May 3rd, if you bring it up on your end, you’ll see it there. If you go to vaishiva.
com, or I can bring it up here if you want me to bring it up here. I’m going to share it here. Yeah, there you go. You have it, okay? May 3rd, we have this event that you come and we, so system self is this body of knowledge. I’ve taught it all over the world. We’re opening up to people. In fact, we’re opening it up so people themselves can learn this and then become their own system self educator.
You could literally start your own business. It’s helping other people, okay, and become a system self educator. So the reason I wanted to give you that background is that I don’t believe in telling people to eat this particular diet. Okay. It’s not, but what you want to do is learn the principles.
So what is the principles? One of the fundamental principles to understand is that every person is unique. What’s right for you may not be right for me. And the conditions that are taking place may be different. You say you can’t do the same diet when it’s wintertime. Where’s the minute summertime. Okay.
If you move, if you’re an Eskimo and you live in, Up in, way up north of Canada near the Arctic Circle you’re not going to be able to say, Oh, look at me. I’m so healthy. I eat carrot juice every day, blend. I get some carrots and I drink green juices ain’t going to work. You need blubber.
Okay. You need to burn fat. So that’s the first principle. Now for me, I have over the years, no, my body type, you say, and we have a system that helps you figure that out. And this, it intersects engineering system theory with 10, 000 years worth of medicine. Okay. That’s your body, your system, and we’re training people to train others.
Okay, that’s step one. The other thing is it’s clear that the body needs to have, at some period in a year, it’s good to do some level of detoxification, but not overdo it. Okay, a lot of people overdo it. It’s obviously clear that the body supports itself with physical activity, vigorous physical activity.
But obviously, if you’re disabled and you hurt yourself, you got to be careful, okay? You don’t tell someone who had a massive car injury, Oh, you should do vigorous activity now. It’s the right medicine at the right person at the right time. But I think resistance training is very valuable, okay? I do believe in the value of the sun and vitamin D3.
It’s very valuable. Now, ideally you get it from the sun. These are just general principles, but I think whole foods are very valuable. However, you have to understand that even if you eat an orange of today, it doesn’t have the same nutrients as you had from, even a hundred years ago because the topsoil has been depleted, right?
So even when things they say they’re organic, What is the quality of the soil that they’re grown in? This is unfortunately, we live in a world that you have to judiciously take. You can call supplements or what I call concentrated foods. Okay. But I think it’s really important to first have some level of good, vigorous exercise three to four times a week, some level of whole foods.
You say it’s important to hydrate the body and doesn’t mean you drink gallons of water. There’s things you can do to support your body holding water also as you need, which are electrolytes you say. So these are some important principles, but these are principles that people need to understand.
The other piece, I think that’s very important is figuring out how much sleep you need. Not everyone needs the same amount of sleep, but meditation. And self observation is a particular technique I use to, before I go to bed, I’ll do an observation technique, and when I wake up in the morning, I do a certain type of breathing technique, so these have become, and I’m constantly observing myself, as we’re talking, I’m observing my breath, and I, this is something I have done for many years, so the observation, 15 minutes a day, if you can sit quietly, and learn how to do some basic observation. Of your breath. You can use your breath or your sensations, whatever it is.
This is very valuable, right? Where you take time for your day to reflect. Self reflection is very valuable. But it is also good to have certain periods of time where you take a break even from eating. But don’t overdo it. Typically, you can take a Friday or a Saturday. Maybe you take a half day break. But you just have to incorporate this into a lifestyle.
A lot of people, they do stuff, in like these haphazard things. And the more things you can start doing little by little better incrementally, it just all adds up. It’s not any one thing. You have to do exercise a certain amount, right? You have to eat enough whole foods, right? You have to be careful what you eat.
Is it right for you? All of our videos, like I did, I’m doing a video on, I think I did one on green tea. But is it right for you? Certain foods, like I can’t eat a lot of spinach, for example. I get inflammation because of the solanine. Others can. Cooked spinach has oxalates in it, right? So it’s not like vegetables are all good.
It’s the right vegetables for you. Okay. It’s not like eating raw food is good. You eat raw kidney beans, you’re going to kill yourself. You will. Okay. So it’s about having this recognizing food is medicine, having a sense of sacredness, appreciating your body that you should take care of it. There has to be a certain amount of self care you do.
And the more you can put it into your own life. And not get too rigid about it either, because some people are so freaking stressed out that they overdo it and that stress kills them. You say, but I think the basics are, exercise, the basics are, are you around people or have you learned how to be resilient?
You say I deal with a lot of stress every microsecond, but you have to learn how to be resilient to that too. Some people get freaked out. So you can be around crazy people. It’s important not to be around crazy people. You have to watch yourself being around energy succubuses, people who suck your energy.
Even in our own movement, we don’t, we’re not here to bow down to people. And, we’ve set up infrastructures. There are people who just complain and whine. We say bye bye you have to have the no asshole policy in your life. And if you, if it’s just you and two friends, that’s fine.
You’ll live a much peaceful life. You two friends and a couple of dogs. You have to figure out what’s right for you. Don’t let other people dictate what’s right for you. Because each one of us were bought under different circumstances. You may have been brought up where you were not fed properly as a child.
I wasn’t brought up with breast milk. My mom almost died. So I Make sure that I take proper immune enhancing things, right? I will take cholesterol for example, which is I think a very good supplement. Okay, which gives me certain immunoglobulins, right? Other people got breast milk, but now what is the quality of the mother’s breast milk, so we just have to Continually do education. That’s why I do a lot of videos on health You Because it’s a way to serve people, right? But systems health is a program that we are unleashing to create systems health educators. So there you go. Really quickly, shout out to my amazing wife. She’s a brilliant writer and she would agree with everything that you said.
Dr. Shiva, I’ve kept you here for so long. We went way over the time that you, that we agreed on and I cannot thank you enough. I do have to say again thank God for you. I will do everything on my side. To support you. And I will repeat again that you are the leader that we want and need to wrap up, I just want to, again, thank you.
I cannot thank you enough. And you always have a friend on this side. If I could ever do anything for you, please let me know. Where are you out of NAS? I grew up in New York, but I’m actually in Jersey right now. I’m right. Not what you can do in Jersey is. You can go to Schieffer for President.
This is to everyone. We have a volunteer meeting this Saturday. Come to it and we’ll connect you with the Jersey people. Wherever you are, we do, we, you get to meet other volunteers. Go to Schieffer for President. Everyone spend, five bucks and get one of these bumper stickers, but don’t just get it.
Put it on your bumper sticker. Get hundreds of them plastered everywhere, okay? But put them on the back windshield of your car because 100, 000 people will see it per day. What’s that? Yeah, we need to get signatures to get on the ballot in New York. Okay. People can help do that. We want you. Look, I’ve talked a lot of theory.
You’ve heard a lot of good stuff, but I’m also a person who believes action is what matters. So get a bumper sticker, go download that flyer. Simple. We’ve had to make our actions. Accessible to everyday working people because every we’re working people, right? We’re not people who get billions of dollars and millions of, and just work full time working on a campaign.
We don’t have time for that. So a bumper sticker is very easy. It’s just like a cheap man’s way of being an activist, but it works. Download that flyer cheaper for president. Go to truth for them. Health spend a hundred bucks. You’ll learn education that will take you 100, 000 to get at MIT. I’ve literally taken 100, 000 worth of education and made it for 100, okay?
Literally. When I gave it for 0, oh, that must be worth nothing. Okay, pay us a fucking 100, okay? And then after you pay it, You take the course, you can give it away to as many of children as you want on the planet. You take the course, you can give it away to a thousand children free. There’s a button.
There’s called gifted to a child. You can gift it to many kids as you want. So you get to be a philanthropist for your simple investment where you learn and you get to learn, teach and serve. So truth, freedom, health. com. You better go become a warrior scholar, right? To help yourself go, support the campaign By if you want to donate great because when you donate I actually give you all the courses anyway Okay, so you get a double whammy but become part of this movement.
I’m going to end With just playing our campaign video Naz and you can also get it on your end. I’m going to share my screen again. All right, so everyone All
So you’re going to leave all the links in the description let me play our campaign video and hopefully it’ll inspire everyone to get off their butts, but get off your butts Okay Who would have ever thought i’d be running for president of the united states of america? I was born a low caste untouchable in india’s caste system A system of aristocracy, oppression, and racism.
My name is Dr. Shiva Iyadurai. I’m an MIT PhD, a Fulbright Scholar, a scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, and inventor. My family and I left India to come to America on my 7th birthday. I grew up in the working class neighborhoods of New Jersey. Playing baseball, mowing lawns, painting houses and coding software.
My friends and neighbors are blacks, Italians, Irish, people of all races. As a 14 year old, I wrote 50, 000 lines of software code to create the world’s first email system, and was awarded the first U. S. copyright for email, recognizing me as its official inventor, at a time when copyright was the only way to protect software inventions.
I did that long before I ever came to MIT. Revealing that big innovations can occur anytime, anyplace, by anybody. Growing up I saw politicians dividing us by race and religion, in both America and India. To have us fighting each other while they remained safe in their gated communities, and in their playgrounds of Hollywood Martha’s Vineyard and Silicon Valley.
I’m a fighter, I fought racism, and exposed their imperialist wars. Fought for workers and put my life on the line against global corruption. I never wanted to run for political office. All that changed when I saw working Americans, as never before being duped by the establishment, and the not so obvious establishment, across left and right, we were being sold out and made to forget, why we came to America, and why America existed.
Lawyers, academics, billionaires, celebrities and politicians, elites, Clintons, Kennedys, Bidens, Obamas, Bushes, Black and White have hijacked America, they’ve printed trillions for their friends, they’ve delivered crumbling infrastructure, corruption and racism, they’ve transferred trillions to themselves, dividing Black and White, fear mongering and fake science, lockdowns and censorship, dirty air, food and water, pushing drugs upon us, Making us sicker, we’ve been sold out, one set of rules for them, and another for us.
We deserve a warrior with a history of courage, and putting everything on the line for you. Who believes in you, not them. Who has created a movement, bottoms up, for truth, freedom, health. I’ve exposed their lies at the right time. Never waiting until it was popular, I’ve exposed their false gods, who exist to lead you back to them.
I’ve exposed their fake science of lockdowns and masking, and provided you solutions to fight them and win, and protect your immune system, saving millions. I exposed Fauci, galvanized the fire Fauci campaign, when others remained silent. When they stole our election we sued the government and Twitter, in our historic 2020 federal lawsuit, exposing in bare view, the government and big tech censorship infrastructure.
The unholy alliance between government and social media companies. Where was Elon and his grifters? They stood by the sidelines and did nothing. They did not use their megaphones to help us when it could have made a big difference. Now our movement grows for truth, freedom, health. Independent of all of them.
Everyday millions are learning the science of systems. The knowledge the elites do not want you to have. So you may learn how to think, stand up, and fight. Independent of the establishment of left and right and their fake heroes. Now it’s time for you to join the movement to win back America, to win back truth, win back freedom, win back your health.
That’s why I’m running for President of the United States. This race is about you. This race is about truth, freedom, health, versus power, profit, control. We’ve had enough. They think we’ll fall in line and vote again for their lawyers, celebrities, billionaires, and chosen ones from above. We choose our heroes from below, from the rank and file, who do what is right at the right time, not when it’s convenient and popular.
They can never represent us. What America needs is a movement by the working people, for the working people, who are educated, Organize decentralized and fight for independence from their systems of control and that movement exists it’s ready for you we don’t need them we need us to go bottoms up neighbor to neighbor my journey your journey are all the same it’s our time it’s time we had one of us It’s time to win back truth, freedom, health, to win back America, be part of this historic movement all the way to our victory on November 5th, 2024.
If you’re an American citizen, pledge your vote now for Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the independent candidate for U. S. president. No matter where you live, you can be a part of this. Volunteer as little as 20 minutes a day. Don’t delay. This is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and I approve this message paid for by Dr. Shiva for president.
just want to let people know that one of the things we do is we. Have our open house every Thursday. As you can see right there at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. And you go to va shiva. com slash orientation. Or if you want to come to the town hall, you can go to shivapresident. com slash town hall. And let me just I think I’m presenting on your end.
Let me bring you back. So you can say goodbye to our people here. Let me stop screen here.
Go ahead. Yeah, I cannot thank you enough, Dr. Sheila, just very lastly, if you could because we heard what we need to do. But lastly, what do you need from us as the people? What else do you need? The main thing I think everyone should get educated, as we say at Truth Freedom Health, get educated or be enslaved.
So if you want to honor the work that I’m doing. If you want to honor the people that have, work tirelessly and all the volunteers, go to truthfreedomhealth. com and you become a Warrior Scholar. You can go there. You can also come to our open house that we do every Thursdays at 11 a. m and 8 p. m.
That’s one way. You can go to Shiva for president. If you want to, if you’re independently, you have a ton of money, donate all your money to us. Okay. But we know how to take a dollar and stretch it 10, 000 times. But when you donate to us, we give you courses and support. If you want to volunteer, volunteer, because we need to get on the ballot in every state.
Go get these bumper stickers, go hand out bumper stickers, hand out flyers, but it’s all about, I’ve given you seven, eight different things that involve you getting off your butt, using your mind, your physical body, and doing something. So there’s enough things to do, but to keep it simple, truthfreedomhealth.
com, become a warrior scholar, shiva4president. com. Go get a bumper sticker, right? Volunteer. Those are the things that you can do. It’s right there. All these things that you can do. Dr. Shiva, you truly are Superman. God bless you and thank you so much for your time. Thank you.
All right. Be well. I’m going to thank you very much. Let me just sign off with our people here. And I’m going to All right, everyone. So that was a great interview with Naz. Very insightful. And again, to all of you listening out there, I enjoy doing podcasts. I enjoy doing streams with real people.
And so you can go to va Shiva. com or Shiva for president. com. And let us know if you want an interview and it’ll go right to our team. We’re pretty good. We get back to everyone. I just want to thank all the people. Someone says drop bumper sticker from drones. Do it. If you have an idea, just go do it.
Okay. Do it. Okay. Don’t wait. Do action is what this is about. So anyone, thank you everyone. Be well, be the light. We need to build a bottoms up movement. Go to Shiva for president. com and volunteer.