In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, provides a scientific systems analysis of NEEM, a powerful plant to reveal its science, politics and health and provides the answer to the question: Is It Good for ME?
Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior-Scholar

Attend Truth Freedom Health® Thursday Open House

Welcome everyone. This is Dr Shiva. Today we’re going to be having a very interesting discussion on microplastics in the environment and what they’re fundamentally doing to particularly males and the recent discovery. In fact, this discovery is not so recent people have actually. Understood the fact that micro plastics appear in human semen and testes, but we’re going to be doing this for all of you listening as a part of our Shiva for president town hall, which I host every Thursdays.
At 8 PM, so let me bring in our town hall attendees. They are right here. Also, on zoom, if I can bring them in, I’m actually going to share, go to gallery view. So you guys can all see all the different people we have. To those people in social media world, as I mentioned, every Thursdays. Since last year, April, when we launched our campaign, we do these really very powerful educational town halls to really support people’s education and really talk about how we shattered the swarm and today’s town hall is going to be on the environment and each week we take a particular topic and we rotate those topics, but to those of you who would want to attend our zoom because there’s more features available.
We do this every Thursdays. At 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. We have our orientation, but on 8 p. m. in the U. S. we do our town hall. So that’s what we’re doing today. Anyone is welcome from all over the world. As you can see, we have a number of attendees on zoom. Emily I just want to make sure everyone can hear us.
Can you hear me? All right.
Yep. I can hear you.
All right. So let me just jump right in and I’m going to share with both audiences A presentation that I put together that will actually help all of you guys understand the nature of our movement for truth, freedom, health and our run for president and why it’s really the only force out there in the universe that really offers people a real alternative to if they want to change the world, if they want to be entertained and sit on the sidelines, this is really not the place and you should probably find other places.
That you may probably enjoy and get more value out of versus this place, but that’s really your choice. Let me bring up a presentation. I put together here and let me also share it with our team on zoom. All right, let me see. Okay. Emily, you should be able to see a PowerPoint. Can you see that?
Okay, good. So let’s jump right into this. So I wanted really to talk about microplastics in human semen and testes, and we’re going to jump right into it. As many of, I’m running for president of the United States, but we have a massive movement behind us. And this movement has microplastics a movement that educates people how to take a systems approach to everything we do.
And that’s the approach we take when we launched our campaign in April of last year in April, I think April 20th or so in 2023, we shared this graph and we keep hitting this graph over and over again. The swarm, the establishment does not want to talk about this graph because this indicts all of them.
It indicts every single academic, every single celebrity, every single politician, the entire swarm. And what you see here is since 1980, starting in actually 1960s. With the policies of John Kennedy and all of his heirs, the Kennedys, frankly, and all of the other motley of people on the left and the right, Democrat and Republican, you can see that what’s occurred is that the health of the American public is particularly as measured by lifespan.
If you have a child today, your child is going to have a shorter lifespan than you. And this curvature is not because of the vaccines, but it’s something that’s been going on. If basic calculus, this is called a curvature and it’s been going upside down for a long time. Just look at the curve.
If you were to do a, Okay. A a statistical plot of this would go upside down or even occur. Okay. The rest of the world is also going in this direction. And we launched our campaign. We were the ones who really exposed this to the world shortly after I did this. And this went viral. Then the New York Times did a story on it, but we were the 1st, 1st to do it.
We’re the 1st, 1st to do many things. We were the 1st, 1st to expose. Fauci, when it mattered in 2020, we’re the first ones to expose the lockdowns. Boobie fucking Kennedy was promoting lockdown. So it was Trump. So it was Biden, all those people. Now they may try to write, rewrite history, but we were the ones who actually exposed it and gave people options on how to protect their health.
Because we care about working people. These people don’t. They’re all grifters and charlatans, but this is a fundamental graph that none of these grifters will talk about. And if you think you’re going to change this by choosing the lesser of 2 evils, it’s like Charlie Brown thinking 1 day, Lucy will let him, kick the ball.
Our campaign when we launched said we were going to offer solutions to this. We weren’t going to be whiners. As a system scientist, as an engineer and as our movement, which is made up of working people, we’re not interested in whining about things. We want to look at the problem and we want to go solve it, recognizing that the elites have no interest in solving it.
They want us to whine. They want us to be split into multiple factions. These problems of this graph is not any one issue. It’s a systems issue caused by failure of the health care system, failure of not addressing environmental issues, failure of education, not really innovating, failure in governance and failure of the economy, all these things.
These cause massive stress on the public and that stress has affected people’s biology. The stress involves environmental toxins. economic stress, physical stress, lack of community many things. And the swarm is the one to blame for this, not you or I, because they have massive control of resources.
And the only way out of this is to build a bottoms up movement to have a systems overhaul. And if you think voting for the lesser of two evils is going to do this you’re going to, you and your children are going to die sooner and sooner. So every week we’ve taken one of these issues. We’ve had 52 weeks back a little more than 52 weeks now about 50 56 weeks.
And if you divide it roughly by the 6 issues, we’ve discussed these issues at least, 14 times, something like that, sorry, but 13 times, but different ways. We’ve explored it. But this week, we’re going to talk about the environment. And what do you need to do to eat local healthy foods on a budget?
But as a part of that, we’re going to talk about microplastics. First of all, what is a microplastic? There’s many of them, but when you look, they’re called microplastics because they’re small. You can see them under a microscope. You can’t really, See them with your naked eye. Now, as a person who does biological engineering, having studied biochemistry, I thought I want to share this image with you because it really lets you see what is a microplastic.
Okay? So what you can see here in this diagram very carefully is that a microplastic in this image here, let me make it a little bit bigger for our people on social media world is composed of different types of microplastic. Polypropylene, PP, that’s the acronym for it, polyethylene, PE, polyvinyl chloride, PVC, and polyethylene terephthalate PET.
So these are the major 4, and these are the chemical structures. Polymers are what these are, and if you study some inorganic chemistry, you’ll understand that polymers are chemical structures which are repetitive structures. There’s a whole field called polymer science. In this case, this structure, the CH with the CH3, the methyl group, and the CH2 group repeats.
N means there’s a repetition of it, so this group repeats. So that’s what polypropylene is. Polyethylene is where you have CH2. That repeats, it goes along a chain. Now, polyvinyl chloride is very similar to polyethylene, but notice it has the chloride in here and this repeats, this entire group repeats.
The next group would be H-H-C-H-H-C-L and polyethylene Te phthalate is this group that repeats. Okay, it’s got a, what looks almost like a benzene ring. In fact that is a benzene ring. And this repeats. So on. Okay. And add, a standard, when you look at the scanning electron microscope with low magnification, this is what it looks like.
Okay. These are these particles and with high magnification. This is what one of those particles looks like. This is about 0. 2 micrometers. 1 micron is 10 to the minus 6 meters. So 0. 2 is 2. 0 micrometers. Times 10 to the minus seven meter. So they’re in the range of 0.2 microns, as you can see here. Okay.
Groups of them, are on the order of about a hundred micrometers. Okay? So this, these are what microplastics are. Now, there was some news that came out a few days ago, I think about a week ago in the Daily Mail about a report that was done. But the interesting thing is. That was something that hit really wide because they found microplastics in both the testes of canine, obviously male dogs, and human males.
But, even about a year ago, I spoke about this because there was another paper that came out. And very few people really listened to it. But when this paper came out, because it was done with a larger sample group a lot more people talked about it. So what we want to talk about is this was a paper that came out.
You notice was May 15th. That was last week, about more than a little bit over a week, about eight days ago, and it says microplastic presence in dog and human testes and its potential association with sperm count and weights of testes and epididymis. So let me jump right into this. So they had a detailed abstract.
Which you can read, but I just want to, for the sake of making it easy, one of the things, I do, our movement does is we actually share knowledge with you. We break this up into bite sized chunks, but we don’t treat people stupid in terms of just offering little sound bites. There have been people say, oh, Dr.
Shiva, why don’t you just do a little sound bites? Doesn’t help people. Okay. If you want to go into Edward Bernays type advertising and manipulate people do sound bites. But I want to really walk through this with you. Okay, because there have been all these soundbites. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
But they don’t give you any solutions. They don’t have a movement. We want to offer solutions, but we have a political community global movement that wants to go actually address this. All right, so the research aim of this particular study by. Hugh at all was to quantify and characterize a prevalence and composition of microplastics.
Within both canine and human testes. So they want to look at dogs and humans. That’s what canines are. And they wanted to investigate the potential association with sperm count and the weights of testes and epididymis. Okay. What they discovered was that there were 12 types of microplastics. 12 different types of microplastics and they appeared within all 47 canine testes that they tested.
And all 23 human testes. Okay, now the presence of microplastics, as I mentioned, appeared in all of them. Now, the amount of microplastics, there was a lot of inter individual variability, which means between any one set of dogs or any one set of humans. It varied significantly. But nonetheless, there were these 12 types of microplastics that they found.
Now, the mean is a statistical term, meaning average. I have microplastic levels were also calculated now in dogs. They found 120 122. 63 micrograms again. That’s 10 to the minus 6 grams per gram. This is called concentration. If you if you had 100 gram if a test, he weighed 100 grams. In every gram of that testy there was 122.
63 micrograms. So if there’s a 100 gram testicle you want to multiply that by 100, which you mean, because that’s by the way, 122 times 100, which you mean 12,200 if my math is right. Yeah. So 12,200 micrograms. And if you take 12,200 times 10 to the mi minus six grams, that’ll be about 0.12 grams.
Okay? So that’s what they found in dogs, about 122.63 micrograms for every gram of testy. Now, in human beings, it was much larger, close to about three times larger, 328. 0. 44 micrograms per gram. So if you just think about that means a density Of testes or of the density of microplastics in testes was much higher.
Okay. That means much more higher concentration. The study didn’t go to discussing why that’s the case. But the reality is that human testes had a much higher, nearly 3 times more concentration of microplastics and both humans. And canines exhibit relatively similar proportions of the major polymer types as we discussed those four.
PE, polyethylene being the dominant one in most of those testes, in all of those testes. But interesting enough, there was a negative correlation. between specific polymers such as PVC and PET and normalize weight of the testes. That means the more the concentration of PVC polyvinyl chloride, and PET, so higher the concentration, the weight of the testes was less.
Okay? So weight seemed to negatively correlate. With the concentration. Now, these findings, the study concluded highlight the pervasive presence of microplastics in both male reproductive systems in both canine and human testes, and obviously the potential consequence on male fertility, most people know that testosterone level globally, in particular, the United States has been going down exponentially over the last many decades.
Now, the other another paper that came out this came out nearly 2 years ago, and the press really didn’t pick up on it was microplastics, a threat to male fertility. And it really went through in detail, looking at all the ways that you come into contact with microplastics. First of all, you can inhale it, you can eat it, or you get skin contact.
Daily consumer use. And, just the extraction and transport of all sorts of stuff that takes place that leads to inhalation and ingestion skin contact comes from refining and factories as well as waste management. There’s multiple ways that people are being exposed.
Remember, the skin is the biggest organ. Actually, the fascia is the biggest organ. Nonetheless. The skin is one of the largest organs, and you’re getting it through your skin, you’re inhaling it, and you’re ingesting it. Now, this study, these guys should really be rewarded because they brought this up back in June of 2023.
And they were the first ones to really detect this again. The press really didn’t cover it. I talked about it. Back then but the press really didn’t. But this was a detection and characterization of microplastics in human testes and in semen. The recent study was looking at microplastics in the testes of canine and humans, but not in semen.
Now, how do you get microplastics coming through into your testes? First of all, I’ve talked about in many different studies that we’ve done on our own, a paper that we published in neuroscience. There is a blood brain barrier and believe it or not, there’s a blood testes barrier, a barrier that Is is that literally surrounds the testes.
Okay. Very similar to the blood brain barrier, which surrounds the your astrocytes and your neurons. So again, as we mentioned, you’re getting inhalation and oral uptake when this happens again, we talked about all these different kinds of. Microplastics, these microplastics literally are penetrating.
Into the blood brain or the blood testes barrier. Remember, when it comes to the brain, there are certain things that can make it through the blood brain barrier. But in this case, we’re also seeing these microplastics make it through the blood brain barrier. And over here, the kinds of materials that are making it are.
The actual fibers of microplastics, the sub sphericals, fragments those are about 100 microns. The films, all different types of shapes of the microplastics get through individual fibers all the way to complete fragments. And that’s a closer look at it. Okay. And you can see that this is the relative size that we’re looking at.
So these microplastics are able to penetrate this blood testes barrier. Now in this research, they found that the MPS is a acronym for microplastics Were detected in both testes and semen. Now, on average, the abundance of the particle size. In semen was point two, three plus or minus 0.45 particles per milliliter of semen.
So that’s a concentration, so 0.23. So if you looked at a milliliter of semen you, so if you want to think about a a deciliter, which is about 10 times, you’d find 2.3 to about 4.5 particles. In semen. So in this case, for a milliliter, about 0. 23 plus or minus 0. 45 particles in 1 milliliter of semen.
In the testes themselves, you found much higher. Okay. 11. 6, you’re almost looking at more than 10. Okay. About 50 times higher particles. So in the testes, 11. 6 plus or minus 15. 52 particles per gram in the testes. So much higher abundance in the testes. Now, the microplastics in the testes were composed of polystyrene and that was about 67, 68 percent of the microplastics in the testes.
Polyethylene polyvinyl chloride PVC, right where the predominant polymers in semen. Okay. So this 68, 70 percent were polystyrene in the testes, but in semen, it was PE and PVC. Now when, Compared to fragments, fiber and film, the fragment was a main shape that was in the test. So fragments look like this.
Okay, they’re, 100 micro micrometers. They’re not even small. They’re very large particles. So lots of fragments, which means quite a large concentrations of fragments or the, many pieces of micro plastics. Individual spheres. Now the sizes of these microplastics varied from 21.76 micrometers to 286.
So 10, 10 x range micrometers. Most 67 to 80% were 20 to a hundred micrometers in the semen and the testes. So those are those fragments. And this was really the first study, as I mentioned, to reveal that microplastics pollute the human and male reproductive systems. And they also appear in both the different regions.
So that’s what I wanted to share with you. So why am I sharing this? When you look at the barrier and the fact that these are crossing into that barrier, and we see the massive decay in fertility, the decay in lifespan and the decay in testosterone levels, you have to really ask yourself. What’s going on, and who’s to blame for all this and the reality is that you’re not to blame because on 1 level, you didn’t really have the opportunity to move large amounts of capital, large amounts of money to promote a lot of this.
Okay. This was decided by a small set of elites who want to maximize power, profit and control. And so that’s what we need to recognize. Now, if you look at this particular situation, and you look at the reality of what’s been going on globally, this is 1 example, 1 example of policies that were taken that have affected now, essentially, all of humankind and obviously, if you’re a male.
Male animal of any kind human or canine or other. I’m sure this shows up everywhere. The studies have not been done, but it’s not only concerning, but it shows that, by the way, these studies came out of China. Okay. I would it’s interesting that these studies did not come out of the United States.
Interesting. They didn’t come out of Britain, right? These studies came out of elsewhere. So you have to start asking yourself, as we do, is that why was this allowed to take place? When you study basic chemistry in polymer science, and you understand the physics of this, obviously, these things were known many years ago, and probably, many decades later, they’ll say that people knew about this.
They had studies about this, but the reality is when you start really applying system science and what our movement teaches, you start recognizing that the elites don’t really give a damn about your health. They have incredible resources to make sure they don’t eat plastic, they eat biodegradable, biodynamic food, they get clean foods, they get organic foods and they have access to those foods.
But for the rest of humanity, this is essentially a opportunity to maximize power profit and control. And if it so happens that, X number of human beings, lifespan is cut short, or they can’t reproduce. Oh, so I wanted to share this because our movement wants to educate people at a very fundamental level of science, politics and health.
Now, what’s the way out of this? When you really uncover this, you find out that those in power are not interested in health. They’re not interested in freedom. They’re not interested in truth. They’re interested in maximizing power profit control. And then you have to ask yourself, what do you want to do about it?
1 path is I’m going to go live on a farm somewhere. I’m going to, I don’t know, I’m going to go get guns and go shoot people up. I don’t recommend that, or I’m just going to go, live in quiet desperation. These three options are what the elites want you to do. They do not want us mobilizing.
Mobilizing meaning building a bottoms up movement to shatter the swarm. Emily probably shared with you this shatter the swarm video. They don’t want us doing that. They want us living in quiet desperation. They want us not to be disciplined, not to have our own leaders, not to build a bottoms up movement.
They don’t want people out there going out in the rain and the snow, meeting other people, handing out flyers, getting a guy like me on the ballot. They want you to think that booby effing Kennedy or Trump or Biden or any of these people are going to save you. As long as you think that’s going to happen, they’re quite happy.
As a swarm video shares. But the reason, our movement does these open houses, the reason we’re willing to do 18 hour days on Thursdays, because we know we have to do this. There is no option out of this. Speaking to Michelle and, a couple of days ago, it is a lot of work to do these videos.
It’s a lot of work to bring leaders in. It’s a lot of work to guide people. It’s a lot of work, but you know what? We’re the only game in town. We’re the only ones who cracked the code on this. We’re the only ones who have the science, the knowledge, the wherewithal, because we are one of us. We’re working people.
And a guy like me, as I’ve mentioned, should not be doing this. I should be co opted by now and working for them. But my anger, my righteous hatred of these people compels me not to do that. And so is it of many of the people in our movement. But if we want to solve even a major problem like this, it’s not going to come from them.
It’s going to come from us. And it’s gonna require work. It’s gonna require work. And it’s gonna require work. And it’s gonna require consistent work. Not something, oh I’m just gonna go out today and hand out a flyer, oh, I, I couldn’t meet any people. No, it’s gonna require you doing it over, and over, again, and again.
Which is what they don’t want you to do. They don’t want us to build a consistent movement. They want us to be living in our little hovels in quiet desperation. I’m not willing to do that. Neither are people in this movement. So if you made it this far, welcome. If you made it this far, make sure you study the freaking material.
You won’t get it anywhere else. Make sure you connect with the leader. Learn from them. Respect their knowledge. Don’t think you know it all because you freaking don’t. Because if you did, we wouldn’t have to do this. There’s a lot of content here. A lot of scientific content that took years to put together.
Respect it. Appreciate it. Study it. Get on the ground. Get over your shyness. Get over your laziness. Know that we have to build a freaking movement. And wherever you are, you just have to do a little bit of it every day. Like you go brush your teeth. You go to the gym. Hopefully you eat well. Do this.
Integrate this into your lives. It’s not some adrenaline cortisol injecting fury. This is about being consistent over and over again. And those of you are in this movement and we’re leaders, I’m spending individual time with different leaders all over the world because we need strong leaders.
We don’t need people pleasers. We need people who understand this material and we’ll share it with others. We’ll give, we don’t need people learn this material and say, thank you. Oh, but I got to now go do this. Thank you, Dr. Shiva. That’s betrayal because you learned all this stuff. You owe it to others.
You can’t let the genie out of the bottle and walk away. So our movement engages people and demands the best of people. So if you want to be in something that’s actually dedicated to changing the world, Not like whining about it, not like sharing videos all day. You found the right place. And so I want to thank all of our leaders all over the world, all over the country.
Many of you who are here. I want to encourage all our leaders to articulate, learn how to articulate these concepts. They’re difficult concepts. Share these videos with people and get people involved. We do these open houses every Thursdays. You want to do one level of activism? Tell people to come to our open house.
It’s easy. Share the Shadow of the Swarm video. You have no excuse not to. That video’s got about 100 million views with all the shadow banning that we’ve undergone. So what about if everyone here started sharing it? There’s about 100 people here and about another, thousand people on social media.
That video should be seen by every household in the world. Okay. That’s what you can do. You can go to Shiva for president. com. Become a volunteer, get off your butt, do some work. Why do you want to stay on the plantation all day? You can download a flyer at Shiva for president, which completely memorializes everything I’m talking about.
And you can educate other people. You can become a truth for the health warrior scholar. You made it this far, do it. Don’t complain. Do it. Because we need people to understand these concepts. The elites understand these concepts, but you need to understand them. And you need to educate people. There’s no other game in town.
My demand of all of you is action. Action is, defines your character. We have right now in the United States, we gotta get on the ballot in a bunch of states. We got to hand out hundreds of millions of flyers. You can be a part of that. That’s what a movement looks like people moving getting involved.
Now, if you want to solve microplastics, I can tell you, they’re not going to solve it. They’ll be eating amazing organic food, and they’ll be giving you shit and your children will die sooner and you will you won’t be able to reproduce and they don’t care. And this is just 1 issue. So it’s time that we recognize.
The movement is here. You have leaders among us. Stop looking to them. Start asking right questions. Have respect for yourself.
Stop watching P fucking Diddy and Jennifer Lopez. These people are evil people.
Get unbrainwashed. Get unplugged from these individuals who are evil human beings. Evil Hollywood produces and loves imposters. Trump, Kennedy, all of these people are in the Hollywood world. They’re imposters. They’re imposters. Impostors. Let go of them. Define yourself by action.
Support this movement. Get involved. Ask the right questions.
All right, thank you. Let’s do some conversation by people introducing themselves. And the ethos here is that there is a button below call reactions. You can click on it and you can, raise your hand. So all of you are new. We love hearing from new people. It’s really inspiring. Emily, are there still people in the breakout rooms?
Oh, it says 44 or someone breakout rooms. Okay. Let’s hear from people and I’ll also take questions. But before we do that, let’s. Hear from those people who are new. So anyone who’s new, raise your hand using the and if you’re new and you don’t participate that’s not a good thing because, we’re openly sharing here and you should share.
And it’s really lovely to hear from people. So take a minute, tell us who you are, what part of the world you’re from how you found us and how what you want to contribute. Those three things. So let’s start with Cy. It’s a go ahead. Cy.
I’ve seen you before, but my brought my wife for the first time. So I wanted a chance for us to be able to say hi to the family and just give you guys some good energy. Callie say hi, baby. We’re in Las Vegas in North Las Vegas. We just went to Costco. I just downloaded the signatures form. I’m going to try to get you on the ballot here in Nevada, even though it’s hot as balls and going out for even 10 minutes sucks, but we’re going to, we’re going to As you say, get off our butts and do everything we can do to try to make this all happen and stay in alignment with our words, thoughts and actions and deeds.
And we thank you and humbly to everything that you and all these volunteers are doing. We’re extension of you. We love you guys so much. Great,
thank you side. We have Maria and Jill Jones who are right here. They’ll connect with you right now. And they’ll before you go out to collect signatures.
Get just get do a little bit of dress rehearsal. One of the most important things is when you go out to collect signatures. Keep it simple recognize that 70 percent of us are, of people in the United States are done with all the not so obvious establishment. They’re done with the Zionist hoodlums.
That’s why 70 percent of people either do not vote who are eligible to vote or become independents. Recognize that when you go out, there’s a lot of people waiting to waiting for you recognize these are our friends. These are our fellow working people. Wave to them. Say hi. Tell them that, we need more choices on the ballot.
Here’s a guy. We need more choices. Keep it simple and get them involved but jill and maria will help you but good to have you si Let’s go over to nice to meet both of you. Thanks for joining us let’s go over to tj O’leary from alberta canada tj. Go ahead
tj o’leary from alberta canada You have your hand up you have to unmute go ahead
Hey, doctor. I’ve been following you for quite some time. I was introduced to you by a fellow Indian who’s a gentleman I work with at the railroad and I’ve been following a lot of your stuff. I really love your systems approach because I’m myself a systems type of person.
I haven’t been as actively involved in your website, although I am. A member. I plan to get more involved. I do see very disturbing trends in this world. And they’re very concerning to be frank. I’m sure everybody here is. is very aware of what’s going on, geopolitically. And I follow a lot of news and it keeps me in a very somber mood.
There’s got to be more to life than this. I like where your movement’s going and what you’re, the stuff that you’re talking about, and I love the fact that you’re very raw, too. That’s, you’re raw and you’re real which I really appreciate. I guess my biggest question here is besides the obvious things what can someone from Canada, I can’t push your Your candidacy up here.
But what can I do or what can, people in my position do to assist you in your goals to bring your message to the world?
Yes. First of all, TJ, we have close to 3000 people plus in Canada. In the next few, I think in June coming up soon. We’re gonna be holding a Canadian summit. We have a very specific plan for Canada.
Remember our movements global. We have a whole different set of movement objectives in Latin America, very different in Asia, very, but all Europe and UK. So what’s happening is leaders are emerging from those people and they’re learning how to. Organize. These people are coming to us.
So you should connect with Glenn Hall’s immediately and Jill or Emily will right now send you an email. They’ll text you with Glenn’s contact. Is that all right?
Absolutely. Thank you so much.
Yeah, but we have looked at Canada. If we were heavily involved In supporting as a truckers movement was emerging.
In fact, we were the ones who said that the Canadian truckers long before it emerged should work with the US truckers. This is before all the opportunists got involved. So we are very cognizant of the fact that in Canada, there’s all these. Fragmented parties and none of them are really offering leadership.
Because they don’t have the right theoretical framework, they don’t have the, they haven’t done their homework, but get involved TJ because Canada is going to be organizing. We have a lot of people and our organizational structure is coming together there, so get involved with Glenn. Good to have you.
Yeah, but if you enjoy, get involved, take the course. And by the way, when you go through the program, you can give it away to as many children as you want. And when we go to the dashboard, I’ll show that. So let’s go over to Richard from Delaware. Hi Richard, how are you?
Hey, Dr. Siva. Good to Steve. Thank you for thanks. I appreciate you, appreciate all the work you’ve done helping me see,
Through the. Get a clear vision through all the confusion that’s going on and I’m ready to help out, I’m ready to do my part and get some signatures.
So I spoke with Jill. Oh, good. Jill Jones. I believe.
Okay. So Richard. What we should do is. You should also connect with Rebecca because she’s been working with Delaware and connect with them right away. And then we’ll do a meeting. I directly do meetings with our local groups there. Okay, let’s set that up soon.
But and also Rose will also help you. Rose has been leaving New Jersey. New Jersey is right next to Delaware. So connect with them. Emily and Jill, whoever’s here, please connect Richard with Rose specifically, as well as Emily in particular will connect you with Rose.
All right. Thank you. Richard, what do you do down in Delaware?
I’m a truck driver, I work as part time, but that’s, I’m on the road right now and I’m glad I’m, I was able to get this, yeah. So
where are you driving?
Right now? I’m in Rochester. I got a delivery tomorrow morning, so I’m going to be spending the night here.
man. Okay. All right. Nice to have you. Thanks for sharing your time with us.
Thank you.
Dr. Shiva. Appreciate it. Be well. Let’s go over to DJ elf seven from New York city. How are you? Is that, did I say that right? DJ elf seven.
Correct. DJ elf seven. What’s up? Nice to meet you. But Dr.
Shiva, I just found you very recently. Holy crap. They suppressed the crap out of your content. I’m sorry to say because I actually have multiple in the 22 election cycle. I have more interviews with candidates than any other in the nation. I had the only 3rd party and independent candidates form here in New York City.
Another one with the which was supported by Serpico, another candidate forum that we had with on criminal justice reform. I had already several candidate debates, and one thing that we made history with is Emanuel Pastrek, who’s a PhD from Harvard, who was bumped out by the same system that cancels you.
There’s a lot of victims here. I’m so excited to meet your community. I see other people, some names that I know. I don’t want to call them out and just reveal them, but I even know some names in the room. I’m very excited to see you here, especially from New York. Me shout me out if you want.
I think your movement is very cool. I’d like the way that you’re very hands on and you go for it. Yeah. People might think it’s a little bit strong, you got to go for it. You know what I mean? So go ahead, man. And I’m ready to, I think you’re pretty cool. I like the way I like your vision.
I help a lot of candidates. I work with Republicans, Independents, Greens, Libertarians. I work with every single one of them. And just so you know, we’ve the voter database and people asked how you could help us. I’m not sure about the legality of this, but I’m telling you right now that the voter database, we’ve made it open to the public.
So the thing is that in New York state, you may know that there’s 11 states that have free voter database open to the public. We can get this all. We chopped it by assembly district and election district and made this available open source to the public. But in some places like California, it costs 35, 000.
Now this lists For Dr. Shiva, he could get the list of people who are registered voters. He doesn’t have to petition in the public. You can go directly door to people who are going to vote. Because they’ve all been collected in the database, and we can help this guy win, yo, honestly, I did not find you until right now. Wait till you look at my body of work and see how many cats I’ve spoken to. I’ve never seen Dr. Schroeder. One live TV. Where did you hear? I just found you like a week ago. Where’d you find us, DJ? One live TV told me about you.
Huh. From the story.
did something with him.
If you look at our views on videos from 2020 to 2021, it’s about a half a billion unique views. I
watched everything. I watched you talk with Modi. I watched what you did in India. You, oh, we have the first U. S. presidential candidate debate in history, where one of the candidates gave an answer in the Korean language.
I don’t know if that’s happened yet for you, but you could give an answer and is it handy? I don’t know, but you could actually make history for your country. You know what I mean? You’re a pioneer, bro. I love what you’re doing. All right, man. Let’s do
a, so did you say
you interviewed
No, I actually work with Stephen Lee. He’s actually a guy who actually cause we examine that commission due to his work in calling out corruption in the flushing police department. There’s also another. So he’s the 1st, right? So it doesn’t want to come out for everything, but he does support.
Frank and I’ve met Frank many times.
He gave Frank, he gave a very good quote when all the email controversy was going on that, the corruption that happened in terms of. People attempting to hide the overt facts. People may know there’s a movie done on Serpico. It was a New York City police cop who was shot. In the head in the face by the corrupt New York City Police Department, because he was essentially exposing all the drugs and everything.
But anyway, we should do a follow up. But yeah, the interesting thing is our movements out there. People know about us. They’re going to extreme extent. The problem they have with us is that during 2020, 2021, we got out there big time. So the genies out of the bottle. So they have to go to extremes.
To hide us and this is why we have one of the biggest federal lawsuits now in federal court on this issue. I was the one who discovered the backdoor portal into Twitter. I actually
mentioned actually 1, 1 thing that we have in place right now is we’re actually trying to take over the judgeships.
Right now, you can look up Carolyn Turner. She just won in Pennsylvania and also I have a presence in swing states. Pennsylvania, North Carolina. So we can really drive you in those areas where they’re doing a lot of political advertising. I don’t know. It’s ridiculous that they haven’t had any debates in the head.
Green and Equal had a presidential debate. Why didn’t they have you there? Your qualifications are amazing. Did they even ask you to be there? Yo, you’re so surprised. No, there was
actually, yeah. They’re so fucking afraid. Green and Equal had
presidential debate. Why weren’t
you there?
Because they are afraid, even the so called independents.
There’s some independent debate. If you really think about it, a lot of people close to me know this these people are such scumbags are actually afraid of real competition. This is a reality. They don’t want people like us coming who’ve actually put their time in and work bottoms up. And I’ve noticed something for that bonds up community.
I’m here for the community. But what I’m trying to explain is everybody out here to roll hard. But what I’m trying to explain is. It’s very dangerous for them to put someone like me on mass media. Now, I’ve been on Fox and all those kinds of things when I was running against Elizabeth Warren, when they thought I was part of the Republican tribe, you say, but if you’re absolutely independent and you’re not owned and you’re actually have skills and you actually care for people, this is too dangerous for them.
Because they it’s like basically they run an Olympic where they only let people who can’t run in the Olympics, join track and field. They don’t let any athletes really in. That’s what they do. They don’t want real competition. And there’s 8 billion of us. There’s a lot of smart people out there like me, but they will not want people like me coming up.
And that’s why the only way to do it is us. So we don’t care. Fucker Carlson will not do it. Joe Rogan follows me is very afraid. All these guys are too fucking afraid. Cause if I get on their shows. People say, where the fuck has this guy been? You’ve actually suppressed him from us. So anyway, DJ, good to have you.
So let’s, anyway, to DJ’s points, understand that they don’t want real competition. They don’t want us anywhere around. We’re kryptonite to them. We’re radioactive to them. And you can imagine, it makes sense, right? Why would they want someone like me having access to, 100 million people prime time in a debate.
People say, what the hell? This is what a presidential candidate looks like who represents us. They don’t, they can’t have that. So the only way to do it is a bottoms up movement. And that is all of us. They don’t want one of us representing all of us. They want one of them telling us what to do to keep us on the plantation.
All right. Anyone else? I do see other people who are hiding. So if you’re new, raise your hand and kindly introduce yourself. We really like to hear from people. We have Felipe here. Felipe, you’re from Chile. Would you like to say hello?
Trica Lotus. How are you, Felipe? Fine. Tell us what you do. Tell us how you found us and what you do down there.
I found you like five years ago, just finding, looking for the truth and I came to you and right here I have a Pilates reformers studio and a couple of them so people get recovered and getting shape and wellness. Huh. Yeah, that’s when I have a daughter so I’m very active that and yeah, that’s where your scholar.
It’s one of my, my, my drives now.
I see. So let me introduce you to Rudy. Rudy, are you here? Dr. Rudy is out of Costa Rica. Rudy, are you there? If you can unmute yourself. I
would like to join a team in Chile or Latin America.
Yeah. So we have a whole Latin American group now that has emerged and Rudy with two other people out of Salvador heads that up, Rudy, are you there?
I’m here. Rudy, can you say
hello to all of the people? Come on, sir. Oh, yeah. I’m really in Gusto. You want to maintain? Okay. Gusto. Going to set the truth, freedom and health. For Latino America,
how do I, how
do I connect with Felipe after this zoom meeting?
So what you can do is Emily, please give Rudy’s information and get Felipe’s information over to Rudy.
Okay. Yeah. Exchange. Yeah. Give him my number my email and we’ll talk over what’s up or signal.
Yeah. We want to really grow. We’ve had we had our first Latin American summit meeting and the reality is that people of Latin America have been one of the most subjugated people from the U. S.
imperialism, not the American people, but U. S. imperialism for, for at least a hundred years. And there’s a broader discussion that our movement wants to bring to this, the question of immigration, the question of U. S. imperialism, the question of this whole concept of quote unquote illegal aliens, the left doesn’t, has been using the people of Latin America and the right admonishes them as though they’re stealing everyone’s money and et cetera, but the reality is, That the subjugation of the people of Latin America over many years has resulted in waves of people coming here and many of those people work their butts off.
Our movement wants to really address this at a deep level and the union of our movement with the people of Latin America is going to help bring out a much larger truth to educate people in the United States of what has really happened to the people of Latin America. So it’s very important that we get Latin Americans involved and united with people in the United States, the working people of the United States, and the working people of Latin America have far more in common than we do with quote unquote U.
S. imperialism. So it’s very important to get involved. People may know Chile was one of the places that the United States supported a guy called Pinochet, a fascist general who literally butchered students and put them into the walls of a stadium. That’s what he did. And he was backed because he was supporting Anaconda Mines, which was a US company, which, copper mining company.
So the people of Latin America have been one of the most abused people on the planet.
So we
need to have a bigger discussion on this. Sorry, Rudy. Go ahead.
I think that was really big. I just wanted to add, I came to the United States in 1995 fleeing the oppression that I saw there because I didn’t want to have a family there and only to discover that the swarm is here. The swarm is everywhere. And I was very frustrated all this time, not knowing, what to do and having no tools.
And now with the Truth, Freedom and Health movement, we have the tools and there’s no hiding from this. And once you know the truth, you have a moral obligation to act, whether you’re in Chile, whether you’re here in the United States, whether I’m in Costa Rica, it doesn’t matter. We have an obligation to act for our children and for our future.
That’s right. Yeah. Rudy, you articulated it perfectly. Once you learn this material, you have to act. It’s not like you act, meaning educate other people, invite other people, hand out flyers educate. It’s the ultimate way. That’s the wave of consciousness that we want to create.
Thanks, Rudy. Please connect with Felipe. All right. It’s 10 p. m. I have to, tomorrow By the way, once in 2024 we spent a lot of time exposing the swarm, but in 2024 we promised that we would offer we would focus on delivering solutions. We have the truth, freedom, health program.
It’s really a program where people come from all different backgrounds, people, very shy people, very not so shy people who don’t know how to use a computer, people who are experts at computers, but we all help each other. So our program beyond the truth from health warrior program, we have a leadership program, an educational leadership program, a management leadership program.
We’re teaching people skills that you learn at health warrior. What the elites teach people at Stanford and Harvard Business School for half a million dollars in tuition, but we have to do that. So our program is finding people bottoms up, finding those people who want to lead other people, finding those people want to educate other people, and we’ve had to create curricula.
It’s a lot of work. Emily, if you can. Log into the dashboard when people sign up and they log in. It’s literally a platform. We’ve literally created many ways of software application and through that software application. You can connect with people globally. You can mobilize people. Emily, can you bring that up?
Please? Can you kindly do that? So let me just see what if there’s people let’s see. So let’s Emily, can you share your screen?
Okay. I think yeah, there we go. So Emily’s sharing. So when you sign up for our movement, we’ve literally created a software application. And so as Emily showing you log in and you see this dashboard, and this is all done internally. We have our own data center. We have our own infrastructure. We don’t rely on Amazon to host us.
But as you scroll down here, the diagram on the left really gives you it’s the system. Our educational system itself is a system. It involves courses and books. And tools, Emily, can you zoom in just a little bit? So people can see that diagram just a little more. Maybe you can, or maybe you can’t just a little bit.
Yeah, that’s good. Thanks, Emily. Yeah, that’s great, Emily. It’s a little bit too big because you can’t see anything else, but maybe that’s okay. So you can scroll down. But this program is itself a system. We have online tools to communicate with other people. We have a community. I do 1 on 1. We have a set of solutions that people can actually start delivering.
So let’s go down. So as Emily’s going down here. You can connect with people. I think Emily, you need to unzoom a little bit so we can go back. Yeah, unzoom a little more. But when you log in it, it’s guided because you have to follow certain steps. We track your progress where you’re at.
For example, this person’s at 17 percent of finishing the warrior scholar program next. We have the leadership program. This person is not enrolled in that. Go down. But in this program, we have the foundations of systems course, which is around 30 different units. You can do it on your own, but every Mondays, you, we, people study and teach together.
It’s a lot of fun. So people learn it, go teach the course. And when you teach, you learn many people have taken the course 20, 30, 40 times, but you learn a lot. Scroll down, Emily. You can keep going down and the other pieces. We have an orientation, how you get started your account. 1 of the things is, once you finish up this program, you can gift it as many children between the ages of 13 through 18 as many people you want.
I gave it a rate to around 1500 kids. You can be a philanthropist. So do that because kids need to understand system science. And kids are more than capable of learning it again. This curriculum is what I used to teach at the p. H. D. level at M. I. T. All right, so we’ve taken something really inaccessible to 99 percent of the world and made it very accessible to 100 percent of the world.
Okay? So please take advantage of this. Next is you can get certified. We have many other certification programs. In many ways, we’re creating our own mini university. We have the systems health programs. Educator program. We’re training health educators all over the world. People can literally start their own health educational business if they want to educate other people, how the body is a system, how to.
And we also give people a very powerful tool that can help people navigate through the many different oops. Someone is can you mute someone please? Thanks. Go down. So there’s many other courses people can take. Keep going down, Emily. The other piece, if you can scroll down, Emily, is that we have a leadership training module.
People can do volunteer training, go down, but there’s many sub areas and community building tools here. We do continuing education. Stop right here, Emily. For example, what is AI? What are robots? We did a 4 to 8 hour special lecture series on that. Again, we offer the same content that the elites get it at the elite institutions.
We did a whole four day seminar on what is gun violence? What’s the systemic cause of gun violence? And what’s the root cause and how we actually end it? How do we do research without killing animals? We did a whole deep dive analysis of cannabis, the whole truth about it. So these are very timely issues.
That these are other courses that we give to all of our words, independent of the main course next. And we keep adding to this keeps scrolling down Emily. We do special events. We ran the 1st immune system and vaccine health conference in 2019. We called out Fauci way before we gave people solutions.
We were the ones who exposed the government big tech censorship. Okay, long before and taught people how to mobilize against it. Separate from that, we give many scientific papers and books. You can buy the hardcover books, but some people can’t afford them. Don’t want to spend money on shipping.
So we have the ebook versions here. Go down Emily. So all of this is up here. It’s literally a, a potent university but you can’t get this knowledge anywhere else. Keep scrolling down. We have papers and tools that educate you on herbs and how these Herbs are also a system. Go down. Then we provide software and training tools.
Suppose you want to talk to your neighbor or your loved one, right? Stop right there, Emily. Let’s say you’re talking to someone and they’re pro mask and you’re anti mask. They’re pro vaccine or anti vaccine. Click on the neighbor to neighbor. So we’ve created educational resources to train you how to support people.
Emily, if you scroll down, go to the 11th slide, type in, go to 11, just type in 11 right there. You can just go to 11. Yeah. If you go here you’ll notice that if you take any issue, like jobs and wages, racism, masks, vaccines, elections, censorship the establishment wants to split us into this dialectic, pro mask, anti mask, pro vax, anti vask, and vax.
Go on next slide. But the reality is. If you can communicate to people what the real problem is next slide you can go beyond this dialectic and we can build bridges with our fellow working people who they want us to divide. For example, if you take the issue of pro or anti vax or pro or anti mask, the real issue is we all ultimately care about public health.
Okay, we all want fair and transparent elections. We all want working people to be treated well, whether you’re black or white. But the establishment wants to bucket us into these different groups next. So once you understand the real problem, you can have that conversation. You can then share with people what the real solution is from a system standpoint.
Next. So for this is by way of example, so if you want public health, history shows its infrastructure. History also shows. Real medicine shows it’s about the right medicine for the right person at the right time. The elites want to give us one size fits all medicine, but they will be getting concierge medicine.
They’ll keep the good stuff for themselves. And one size fits all medicine is everyone gets this vaccine. Everyone’s got to take the same drug. Everyone’s got to eat the same diet. But once you can explain to people that this fourth layer is where the real solution is, and there are real solutions next, you will also have to explain to people.
Very deliberately that the only way out of this is a movement. The elites do not want to deliver us real solutions. They have no interest. Because it’s going to reduce their power. It’s going to reduce their profit. It’s going to reduce their control. The only people care about delivering these solutions is this movement for truth for the mouth.
And that’s why we have to build a movement. There’s no way out of this. Thanks, Emily. And in closing, what I want to share with people and take some questions is that the elites will always. Get you distracted by saying, Oh my God, there’s going to be a massive world war. Oh my God, there’s going to be this.
Oh my God, this is going to happen. Oh my God, the economy is going to fail. It doesn’t matter what they do because you can’t frankly do anything about it. And what we can do is build a movement among ourselves to shatter the swarm. There’s no other way out of this. If you put massive amounts of energy into watching what they’re doing and getting enrolled in their influencers who always never tell the truth at the right time, nothing’s going to happen.
You’re going to be part of their swarm. You’re going to be on the plantation. The only way out of this is to get off the plantation. That means we have to build a bottoms up movement. How do you do that? You have to understand the science, the physics. You have to put some time in. We have to create our own leaders.
We have to put time in for that. It’s a lot of work, but we have to do it. There’s no way out of this. Forget what they do, because you can’t frankly do anything about it. It’s all theater, by the way, what they do. Everything they do is theater. Everything. Their elections are theater. They’re running elections as theater.
They do not want one of us ever out there. But we want us out there. And the only way to do is we have to build a movement. And enjoy it. There’s no other way to do this, but to build a movement. Okay, so if there’s no other questions, we can end because tomorrow I have to do a we’ll take Chris Bradley tomorrow where people from all over the world are coming because we’re teaching a system.
Self educational. Seminar, it’s actually a 3 day workshop. So it’ll be about 20, probably 36 hours straight next three days, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, but we’re doing that because we want to create system self educators all over the world. Every other Friday. Emily, maybe you can put all those links up to everyone.
We discuss our solutions every other Friday. We give people the opportunity to become system self educators. Every doctor should go through this program. Frankly but it’s a deep program of education, plus a software application that we train people on. Once a month, we are now opening up Cytosol, which is a very powerful tool that helps us do scientific research.
We’re opening up Cytosol to all of you. That’s another big solution. And then we have Truth, Freedom, Health, our training institute. So we deliver solutions. By the way, We also have our certified clean bottoms up certification where we are defining what is clean and good food and that’s a certification by the people for the people.
So keep an eye out on that. Emily, if you can post all those links, Chris, go ahead. Chris.
Yes, I have a question on the micro plastics. It’s rather coincidental that this was actually a discussion at my work today with my colleagues. The conversation came up about microplastics and basically it’s its effect on our biology.
And as you express, the only way to really defeat this is obviously building a bottoms up movement but it dovetails. With Rudy’s sentiment that in order to really, come to that conclusion, you have to acknowledge that there is a problem and people are even with the people I work with of intelligent people they’re just unwilling to acknowledge the problem because.
Once they acknowledge it, then they have to get off their ass and do something about it. And so I guess, my, the question on microplastics in general, this study was specifically on semen and the testes, what are the implications for the other various organ systems in the body? And what do we think about the long term effects that this might have on society?
Yeah, Chris. So I just, today I just focused on that, but microplastics also have been found in placenta, right? In babies. Remember, if you look at the particle size, If they can cross and I believe some of them actually may cross a blood brain barrier. I just want to check that. Okay, but we could do. 1 of the things we can do, Chris, to educate people, because we have cytosol as a capability.
Right now, it’s just correlations, right? They’re seeing microplastics here. We’re seeing the massive decay of male testosterone, the the upside down curvature of human lifespan with cytosol. We can actually figure out why it works. How it works. But think about what we can do with this kind of implication.
Our movement can really use cytosol and its findings to file class action lawsuits, Chris. Okay, because in law, you have to show evidence. Cytosol provides a very powerful way to show the mechanistic reasons how this microplastic affects particular targets in the body to result in particular disease.
You follow what I’m saying, Chris? I don’t know if we lost Chris. But yes, so we’re sitting on a huge opportunity here to educate people and to fight. But many of, for 16 years, we’ve created cytosol. We’ve proven it works. But now all of you can get involved in this and help support basically become citizens research scientist, Chris.
And that’s the opportunity because these polymers, when they go into the body, you have to understand these synthetic chemicals didn’t exist in nature, right? Where do they land? How do they affect various types of molecular pathways is what we have the opportunity to do with cytosol. It’s a very powerful tool and our movement is the one that has created.
It owns it and we can do research faster and cheaper than any academic institution with cytosol and we’ve published in the major journal so they can’t deny us. So again, Chris, getting back to your point, And what we’ve talked about is this people do not want to look at the devil in the eye, because that means they’re going to have to do something.
And in my view, the purpose of life is to fight evil. That’s why you’re here. You’re here to fight evil. So if you want to run away and not deal with the problem, this is an unfortunate situation because you’re actually part of the problem. And so our movement, the people are moving to tracks are people who don’t want to walk away from the problem.
This microplastics. I think what the important thing about it, Chris, it’s pervasive, right? And the fact that it’s showing up in 100%, at least of these studies in mail. And in this case, canine testes, everyone should be concerned. It’s a wonderful issue where you have the coming together of truth science.
Freedom. What are we going to do about it? And health truth, freedom, health. This is why we don’t say truth, freedom, and health. All of them are integrated.
All right, Judith from Canada. Go ahead. I will have to take one question because I do have to retire. Cause I got to get up at four in the morning, five in the morning to prepare. Go ahead Judith from Canada. And then we’ll go to Jill Jones.
Jill, go ahead.
Hi, Dr. Shira. Thank you. I just wanted to know more if you could share more things about how people can prevent the exposure to microplastics. For 1, I don’t, I avoid buying synthetic clothing because if you have synthetic clothes, you’ve washed them, it goes into the waterways, you try them, it goes into the airways.
So can you share about everyday actions? Perhaps people can do it while we. Yeah, I think,
Yeah. So what I wanted to do was today was the A and the ABC. See. Model, awareness, behavior change. So what I can do, what I’ve thought about Jill is doing a series of videos on this because it’s not any one issue.
1 is the microplastics, how they affect at the molecular level and the others. What are actions we can take, individual actions, but also much more larger actions that we can do and have to do and what we have to do globally. Is that what you’re talking about?
Yes. Yes, indeed.
Yeah. So I’ll do that.
I would like to
make a continuation. Yes. That would be great.
All right, everyone. I appreciate all of you taking time out of your lives to get involved. Those of you are new, go take advantage of truthfreedomhealth. com, become a Warrior Scholar. Those of you who have not connected with people Richard, who’s driving his truck, and people in Canada, get connected with people right now.
Go to shiva4president. com. Get one of our bumper stickers. It’s very easy. And I’m telling you, it’s the simplest way to be an activist. You put one of those bumper stickers on the back of your car. Or if you’re in Canada, get the Shatter the Swarm bumper sticker. Okay? Because our movement’s global, or if you’re in Latin America.
And when you put that bumper sticker on, 100, 000 people see it. It’s a way of doing easy activism. If you’re in the U. S., connect with people so we can get on the ballot. Henry Tiffany’s out there collecting signatures in New Hampshire. We know Jill is doing that. Everyone here is doing the work.
So get involved, contribute in any way you can, but take action. All right, everyone. Thank you. Be well be the light best to all of you. Thanks for the opportunity so I could share with you. Thank you. All right, everyone. I hope you enjoyed that. That is our movement for Truth, Freedom, Health. Get involved.
And become a truth from health warrior scholar. We need you guys to get trained in this understanding. It is not intuitive knowledge. A lot of this is counterintuitive on how we need to build a movement. So get involved and support this movement. You can support it 2 ways. Go to Shiva for present.
com, get a bumper sticker. If you want to donate note that when you donate, I can’t take your money for nothing. I give you books and courses and all sorts of stuff we send out to you. So you get lots and lots of gifts from us when you donate because. That’s just the nature of what I believe. I believe in reciprocity get involved in our movement.
I’ll end with this video that’ll help you understand where we’re coming from and what our campaign run, run for campaign is run for president. Who would have ever thought I’d be running for president of the United States of America. I was born a low caste, untouchable in India’s caste system. A system of aristocracy, oppression, and racism.
My name is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. I’m an MIT PhD, a Fulbright Scholar, a scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, and inventor. My family and I left India to come to America on my 7th birthday. I grew up in the working class neighborhoods of New Jersey. Playing baseball, mowing lawns, painting houses and coding software.
My friends and neighbors are blacks, Italians, Irish, people of all races. As a 14 year old, I wrote 50, 000 lines of software code to create the world’s first email system, and was awarded the first US copyright for email, recognizing me as its official inventor, at a time when copyright was the only way to protect software inventions.
I did that long before I ever came to MIT. Revealing that big innovations can occur anytime, anyplace, by anybody. Growing up I saw politicians dividing us by race and religion, in both America and India. To have us fighting each other while they remained safe in their gated communities, and in their playgrounds of Hollywood Martha’s Vineyard and Silicon Valley.
I’m a fighter, I fought racism, and exposed their imperialist wars. Fought for workers and put my life on the line against global corruption. I never wanted to run for political office. All that changed when I saw working Americans, as never before being duped by the establishment, and the not so obvious establishment.
Across left and right, we were being sold out and made to forget, why we came to America, and why America existed. Lawyers, academics, billionaires, celebrities, and politicians, elites, Clintons, Kennedys, Bidens, Obamas, Bushes, black and white have hijacked America, they’ve printed trillions for their friends, they’ve delivered crumbling infrastructure, corruption and racism, they’ve transferred trillions to themselves, dividing black and white, fear mongering and fake science, lockdowns and censorship, dirty air, food and water, pushing drugs upon us, making us sicker, we’ve been sold out, One set of rules for them, and another for us.
We deserve a warrior with a history of courage, and putting everything on the line for you. Who believes in you, not them. Who has created a movement bottoms up, for truth, freedom, health. I’ve exposed their lies at the right time, never waiting until it was popular. I’ve exposed their false gods, who exist to lead you back to them.
lockdowns and masking, and provided you solutions to fight them and win, and protect your immune system. Saving millions, I expose Fauci, galvanize a fire Fauci campaign, when others remain silent. When they stole our election we sued the government and twitter, in our historic 2020 federal lawsuit, exposing in bare view, the government and big tech censorship infrastructure, the unholy alliance between government and social media companies.
Where was Elon and his grifters, they stood by the sidelines and did nothing, they did not use their megaphones to help us when it could have made a big difference. Now our movement grows for truth freedom help. Independent of all of them, everyday millions are learning the science of systems, the knowledge the elites do not want you to have, so you may learn how to think, stand up and fight, independent of the establishment of left and right and their fake heroes.
Now it’s time for you to join the movement, to win back America, to win back truth, win back freedom, win back your health. That’s why I’m running for President of the United States. This race is about you. This race is about truth, freedom, health, versus power, profit, control. We’ve had enough. They think we’ll fall in line and vote again for their lawyers, celebrities, billionaires, and chosen ones from above.
We choose our heroes from below, from the rank and file, who do what is right at the right time. Not when it’s convenient and popular, they can never represent us. What America needs is a movement by the working people for the working people or educated, organized, decentralized and fight for independence from their systems of control.
And that movement exists. It’s ready for you. We don’t need them. We need us to go bottoms up neighbor to neighbor. My journey, your journey are all the same. It’s our time. It’s time we had one of us. It’s time to win back truth, freedom, health, to win back America, be part of this historic movement all the way to our victory on November 5th, 2024.
If you’re an American citizen, pledge your vote now for Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the independent candidate for US president. No matter where you live, you can be a part of this. Volunteer as little as 20 minutes a day. Don’t delay. This is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and I approve this message Paid for by Dr. Shiva for president.
All right, guys. I hope that was valuable. I hope you enjoyed the town hall and the open house. Get involved. Get involved. Get involved. Get a bumper sticker. Donate to the campaign. Volunteer. We need to get on the ballot. Thank you very much. Be well. Be the light. Best to all of you and your families. And get involved.
That’s all I can tell you is we’ve been telling people, thank you. We need to build a bottoms up movement. Go to shiva4president. com and volunteer.