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In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, provides a scientific systems analysis of MORINGA, a powerful plant to reveal its science, politics and health and provides the answer to the question: Is It Good for ME?

Transcript Below.

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Dr. SHIVA’s most recent innovation is the Truth Freedom Health® SYSTEM that is an educational, community, and technology platform that is enabling everyday people to become wiser and smarter – to think beyond Left & Right, “Pro-” and “Anti-” – by learning the SCIENCE OF SYSTEMS – to see events and things as they truly are to know the real problem to innovate the real solution.

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 Hello, good evening, everyone, or good morning, good afternoon, wherever you are today, we’re going to continue our health series on a very different herb called Moringa. It’s called Moringa. Some people call Moringa. People call it different words, but in Tamil, which is the language another language that I speak from India, it’s known as Moringa and that’s, we’re going to be talking about today.

You’re going to learn a lot. But this is going to be in a series of videos that we’re going to be doing. Many of you have really enjoyed the videos that we do. So we’re going to be taking an herb, looking at it from the molecular system science perspective. And then what we’re going to do is we’re going to go and do a series on it.

So all of you can understand how these different herbs. Get used in different ways. All right. All right. So let’s discuss more and guy and let me just go right into the science of it. And share with you our agenda for today. So everything that we discuss from a truth from a health perspective.

You will learn 1st of all, the power of system science. That’s a base we do in all of these videos. So you can start recognizing that there’s a way to connect science, politics and help. Thank you Then we’re going to go into the science of the biology of Moringa. And then the realities Moringa has been shown to be equally or better than some of the big pharma drugs in particular areas.

And this is unfortunate that this news doesn’t come out. It falls upon our movement, Truth Freedom Health, to share this with you. And then finally, we want to talk about how much Moringa should you take. But we also want to give a much more lucid position on this, that food is medicine, and we have a capability, a systems approach to figure out, is Moringa right for you or for me?

And then everything here is brought to you by the Cytosolve Open Science Institute, a part of the Aishiva Foundation. Efforts and we need your support. So you can also learn how to support this. Everything I’ve done in my life and everything we do as a movement of truth from health is about taking a systems approach.

So those of you who are new, it’s important that I share this with you. So I’m going to just. Share with you my journey to systems. Everything in the universe is a system and there’s a science to understanding systems. And if you can take that systems approach, no one can bamboozle you. And you won’t be into this left, right perspective or pro or anti you start seeing things as they are.

So this is. My journey to that, we’re going to come back with Moringa shortly.

Welcome to V. A. Shiva. V. A. Shiva is a product of my journey across east and west, science and tradition, ancient and modern, that brings you the science of systems so you can become a force for truth, freedom, health. V. A. Shiva is a platform of revolutionary education, community building, and weaponry for unleashing local activism.

My journey to V. A. Shiva begins in the chaos of Bombay. where I experienced diverse religions, languages, castes, and in a small village that had no running water, no electricity, where my grandmother, a poor village farmer, practiced Siddha, an ancient system of Indian medicine, over 10, 000 years old. She observed one’s face, the art of Samudrika Lakshanam, to understand a body’s unique constitution, allowing her to deliver the right medicine for the right person at the right time.

Watching my grandmother heal others, I was inspired to study medicine. But I was also aware of the corrupt caste system of India, which denigrated a human being, where my family were considered low caste untouchables, where one’s birth determined one’s destiny. The grit and determination of my mother and father led them to get educated and to come to America, a one in a trillion event.

Their actions inspired me to work hard and excel. While in ninth grade, I attended New York University in a computer science program, and subsequently, at the age of 14, Was given a full time job as a research fellow at what is now known as Rutgers Medical School in the heart of Newark, New Jersey. There I investigated the system of sleep using mathematics, computer science and biology for sudden infant death syndrome.

It was there in Newark where I invented email. When I was the first to convert every feature of the physical. Paper based inner office mail system, including inbox, outbox, memo, carbon copy, blind carbon copy, attachments, into its electronic equivalent, a system which I named e mail, a term that I was the first to coin.

On August 30th, 1982, I was awarded the first U. S. copyright for the invention of this system, recognizing me as the inventor of e mail. At that time, copyright was the only way to protect software inventions. I went on to MIT where I earned four degrees across multiple fields. Multiple Systems of Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, Design, Biological.

That training led me to invent many other systems for advancing humankind. Ecomail, the world’s first intelligent email management system. Cytosol, a computational biology system for eliminating animal testing to discover new medicines faster, cheaper, and safer. And to the creation of a whole systems methodology for certifying clean food.

These innovations led me back on a Fulbright to India, where I discovered the mysteries link between Eastern medicine and Western systems theory honoring my grandmother to develop your body, your system, a powerful tool that will help you understand how your body is a system and how the inputs of food supplements and exercise, bring your body back to its natural system state and systems health and integrative educational discipline that is now integrated into the VA Shiva platform.

That will enable you to learn the science of systems, the science of everything, be it your body as a system or our society and politics as a system to reveal the foundational interrelationships between truth, freedom, health. Now is the time for you to be the light, learn the science of systems, build community and weaponize yourself to unleash the activism necessary to deliver truth, freedom, health in your local community.

Welcome to Be a Shiva.

All right, everyone. As we jump into talking about moringa, I want to share with you a little bit of background in addition to the journey of systems. Everything we do a truth from health is to teach people through any of the presentations we do, whether it’s health or politics or science. How to think, fight and heal.

And as a part of that, we have three major solutions. We have others, the truth, freedom, health leadership training Institute, which allows you to become a warrior scholar, where you really get educated on the same system science that I used to teach at MIT, but it’s even better because we’ve integrated with Eastern and Western medicine.

So go to truth from health. com and take advantage of that training. Every Thursdays at 11 p. m. We hold an orientation and open house. You’re all welcome. You can go to va shiva. com slash orientation and sign up the other part of our solution is system self is a very powerful educational platform for those people really want to understand the body is a system and how you can get educated as a system self educator to deliver that you can even start your own educational business if you want to make it sustainable or be a philanthropist and give away that knowledge.

Transcribed And every Fridays at 11 or 7, once every 2 weeks join us for the systems health tutorial. That’s va. com slash tutorial RSVP. And then finally, we have the open science Institute by cytosol, which is a 23rd century platform for discovery where we are creating medicines faster, cheaper and safer than any of the academic institutions.

And every 1st, Tuesday, it’s actually should be 1st, We have a symposium that you’re all invited to come to. In fact, let me just change that because it’s not right. So every 1st, Tuesdays of the month, we have a symposium that we run. That is really for all of you to be a part of where you can really learn what is cytosol.

And we typically take a new topic. Every month to do that. Okay, so you can all be part of that. You can actually learn what is cytosol and be part of that process. It’s an open science platform. So be part of that. So let’s go to marine guy again. We’re going to take a scientific, political and health approach and we’re going to ask.

Is it good for you or good for me? All right. Now, Marine guy is a tree of life. It’s grown widely in many tropical and subtropical countries. The earliest documented medicinal use is recorded in 150 B. C. Typically in this tree, which is known as the tree of life, they use all parts of it. The leaves, the seeds, the bark, the roots, the sap, and the flowers are all used.

In this traditional system of medicine when they use moringa. Now in the veic, which is one of the oldest Indian systems or SDA use of moringga, it’s been used to treat diabetes, heart disease, anemia, arthritis, liver disease, respiratory skin, and digestive disorders. So it’s a pan food in Africa. The leaves are dried and powdered.

Enhance nutrition in everyday meals. Increases essentially the bioavailability of other foods in Southeast Asia, the leaves are used as feed for livestock and really supports their health and productivity. And the leaves and the pods of the fruit are used for curries and soups. We want to, again, everything we view as food is medicine.

We want to begin by understanding the science. Now, it’s a very widely studied, um, food. And there’s over 3, 000 articles written about it, 23 clinical trials, and across 85 years of scientific research. very much. What we do at Cytosol, we’re able to take all of that research. Curate it, organize it, and then extract that at molecular pathways create architectures of that information to find out a 360 view of that information versus a reductionist view.

This. Video here is going to talk about Moringa broadly, but then we’re going to do a series on each of the different health areas of Moringa, looking at the molecular pathways, but we use cytosol to really figure this out. It’s a technology that created that I created out of my PhD work, and now it’s over 16 years.

And we’ve helped many companies figure out what’s in their foods, how to optimize supplements. And now we’re creating a whole line of products for that, which I’ll talk about shortly. But that’s what Cytosol is. It’s a platform for discovery. Our work revealed in terms of Moringa, there’s 21 key molecules.

Okay. Now there’s 110 compounds that have been isolated so far from Moringa, but 21 are the ones that have really been studied well. So we could go into the others, but we want to focus on these 21. And they fall. These 110 compounds fall into different groups. Okay. As you can see here, they fall into these different categories of chemical compounds.

And, as you study this, you’ll get to know these categories. Alkaloids very powerful chemicals, saponins, tannins, steroids. Glucosinolates, flavonoids, and terpenes. Okay, so Moringa has all of these different categories of compounds among the 110. Among the 21 molecules that are well researched, the minerals are the 6, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper appear in Moringa.

In addition, relative to the vitamins, There’s, 5 major vitamins, A, B, C, D, and E. And then finally, the phytochemicals in there are quite pervasive or broad. Tannins, sterols, terpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, anthraquinones, alkaloids, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, and glycoside compounds.

So those are the 21 different types of molecules So it’s literally a potent food. Now, here are the different active compounds with medicinal benefits that have been found, from the existing research. Okay. Obviously, there could be more. Epicatechin, which, as appears in green tea.

Quercetin, which is found on the skin of many different animals. Fruits Neoserin Sidosterol Marumoside A, and Glucomaringin. Now, when we do our other videos in the future, we will be discussing how these particular chemicals affect the particular health benefits. Okay? So again, this is a initial introductory video.

As a part of that introduction, what we can see is that Moringa has eight biological effects. So here’s the tree, by the way, a little aside when I was growing up as a child, one of these trees would literally grow right up out of the cow shed where my great grandfather had his, few cows and his chickens, et cetera.

And the tree had these fruits, they’re long fruits, they’re almost two feet long fruits that hang very slender fruits. And that fruit would be made into different curries. Now, in Indian movies as another funny aside if a man and a woman just got married and the woman wanted to be more intimate with her husband, she would make morunggai soup the night, for that night because it had a very anabolic effect on men.

But the of the tree are very good for women, right? So it’s a broad based. vitamins. That’s just a quick aside in villages where I grew up. How this was revered as a tree, by the way, the World Health Organization considers this by the most important crop for the world. So first of all, Moringa is anti cancer.

It’s anti diabetic, anti microbial, anti inflammatory, protects the brain is an antioxidant. So those are the six major biological effects. of Moringa. The other pieces of health benefits the leaf. Now remember there’s various pieces of leaf, the bark, the flower, the root and the pods. All right. So there’s the pods really come from the fruit.

So those are the five parts of the tree. Now the leaf fights malaria, fights arthritis, disease of the skin, hypertension, typhoid swelling, parasitic diseases, diabetes, cuts. It’s a contraceptive remedy genitourinary ailments or anything during the urinary tract and the genitals, a boost to boost the immune system.

It elicits lactation for women, aging, anti aging, sorry, antimicrobial. and it fights the flu. The bark of the trees supports digestion helps stomach pain. Uh, supports people’s vision, cures ulcers, supports hypertension, joint pain, anemia, diabetes and cough. It fights all those things again. All of this is based on the current evidence.

The flower has anti cancerous effects anti inflammation. In fact, the flower is known to support mental disorders like hysteria. Enlargement of the spleen muscle diseases. It’s also an aphrodisiac. And then the root is known to help with epilepsy. It helps during labor pains, toothaches, antiparasitic worms, and antiparalytic.

And then finally, the pods are, supportive it is said to stop infantile paralysis or convulsions and malnutrition. All right, so those are all the many powerful ways, I’ll load up a little bit, of the different effects of morungi. So it, all parts of the plants can be used for many different effects.

Okay yeah, so someone else said here, Serena says, it’s also important to battle or separate the TDS. Yeah, this is very important that it actually serves as a filtration for getting clean water. Okay. Someone says I add moringa to my morning smoothie. Brenda says it’s quite the panacea and she says, thank you.

Dr. Sheba for sharing this knowledge. Yeah. By the way Many of I’m a scientist and engineer. I enjoy sharing this information and our movement. Truth. Freedom. Health is one of noble service because. Those in power really don’t want people to take advantage of food as medicine, so it’s fallen upon us to educate.

It’s a good thing. I enjoy doing it. And I hope you guys get involved in our movement for truth from health, because you can, it’s a way you can support everything we do. And I’ll talk a little bit more about that. So that’s the health benefits of Moringa. Now, you notice this as so many, as we discuss here, there’s all these different molecules as we went over there in Moringa.

Okay. Now, so if you take food as medicine, I just want to give you a quick very important case study of cytosol use beyond just gathering information, figuring out the molecules cytosol also has the ability to gather all this information, understand the compounds in natural foods, and then figure out how we can combine those compounds.

to have positive effects to create new supplements, new medicines. And so I want to share with you a very powerful example of where we use cytosol to look at the world of osteoarthritis, pain, inflammation, review about 100, 000 papers with our technology, extract out the particular molecules in these particular foods, and then combine those through doing trillions of computations to understand two sets of molecules, which have a very powerful effect on discomfort, pain, inflammation, et cetera.

And this gives you an idea of how this knowledge beyond how this platform beyond supporting the educational effort we do can also be used to discover new medicines. So that’s one of the powerful things we’re able to do with cytosol. And by the way, all of you, if you have new ideas, For new products, new areas of disease that you want to go solve come to Truth Freedom Health, come to our open house come to the Cytosoft Symposiums, and we’ll show you how you can be a part of solutions, right?

So we’ve done that. In this case, we’ve taken all of these different, Foods, chamomile, parsley, celery, spinach, grapefruit, bitter orange, and we’ve run it through cytosol and we’ve been able to discover a very interesting combination of 2 particular compounds at the right proportion, which has a very powerful effect on inflammation.

discomfort, et cetera, and I’ll play you this video, but this will just give you an idea of the power of cytosol to educate, but also to discover. Millions of people suffer every day from painful discomfort and swelling, but most pain medications come with harsh side effects, and many alternative supplements have little scientific backing.

That’s why we at Cytosolve created MV25. MV25 was formulated using the CytoSolve computational systems biology platform, a technology for precision and personalized health invented by Dr. Shiva during his doctoral research at MIT. This formulation is the result of computing trillions of potential combinations of biomolecular interactions derived from thousands of peer reviewed scientific papers published across four decades by 68 research institutions.

To discover Hi, I’m Barbara Ann. My hands would cramp up so that I couldn’t hold cards or knit or crochet, and they would go like that. Now I have to use this when I played cards with my grandkids. And I started taking that MV25. After a bit I was able to hold cards in my hand. Very little cramping.

Hardly at all anymore. MV25. Hi, My name is Sandy. I’m a Taekwondo instructor. I tore my ACL during Taekwondo. I had a lot of pain and limited mobility. I’ve been taking the MV25 for about six months now. After the first week, I noticed a big difference. After the second week, almost literally no pain.

My name is Jeremy, and I suffer from a lower back problem. I hurt my back at work years ago, and I can go to the chiropractor, do all kinds of different things, and nothing seems to help. And I decided to try MV25. I didn’t notice a difference immediately, but within a few days, the pain went away and it stayed away.

I’ve continued to take it. And even when I do things that I shouldn’t do, it seems to go away a lot quicker than ever did before. MV 25 is certified clean, 100 percent non GMO. Made in America and GMP certified for good manufacturing practices. MV25 is CytoSolve optimized, which means that this formula has been engineered to maximize benefits while minimizing toxicity based on current research curated by CytoSolve.

As the science advances, so will this formulation. This is our promise. Order online at mv25. life. Consult your doctor before taking any supplement or medication. All

right, everyone. So I hope that was valuable and that gave you an idea of the power of Cytosol. So let’s go back to discuss more about Moringa and its use. All right. By the way, you can go to mv25. life. to get more information. And more recently, we’re not only considered interested in human nutrition, but we’re also interested in pet nutrition.

If you go to the shop, you’ll find on the issue of a dot com a really cool another development for pets as a whole health supplement. So please go check that out. So now let’s look at the politics of Moringa. Okay. Remember we do science, politics and health. Now you may not know this, but we want to share with you some of the important scientific realities of Moringa.

Now Moringa oleifera it’s more effective than metformin, which has been used, obviously in diabetes in reducing TNF alpha expression, which is a cytokine, which causes inflammation. So think about that. So from a metformin is a pharmaceutical drug moringa, which is the the ingredient from moringa is more effective than metformin in reducing TNF, alpha expression, glucose and insulin levels in animal models.

So here’s a normal control. Here’s a disease condition when you have. The particular disease, the X axis is TNF alpha expression. Okay? And what is when you give metformin, it lowers the TNF alpha expression to 3. 79. And when you give moringa, it brings it down to 3. 44. So it does better than metformin.

This is quite fascinating. You won’t hear this on the, mainstream news. You won’t hear it even by MDs. You won’t hear even by the grifter media. Because they do not want to talk about the fact that there’s natural products which are naturally available. And here’s the scientific study that exposes this.

Okay, this is about 500 milligrams per kilogram of Moringa that was taken. Okay, so this is a very powerful clinical example of showing Moringa as medicine. Here’s another one. The Moringa leaves extract, MLE, so from the extract what we’re seeing here is equally effective in lowering liver damage related enzymes compared to the drug smarin.

Okay? So they take Smarin out of a milk thistle and they made it into a drug. And you can see here MLE. Okay? So here are the different. enzymes you’re looking at that are involved in liver damage, right? So these enzymes is a control group, normal rats. This is the elevated group. Okay. Where you have the disease condition, these bar charts, and you can see moringa leaf extract brings it down significantly as good as silymarin.

So again, this should be something that should be discussed broadly, but again, you won’t get this from the medical establishment nor on mainstream news because this tree the moron guy tree, by the way, can grow pretty much in any condition, even the worst drought condition. So here’s a very powerful plant that does is not does not grow.

It grows everywhere, easily accessible, cost effective. But it’s not really discussed. Someone just says I have a lot of Moringa trees in Florida. I make a Moringa latte with coconut milk in the morning. That’s great. Okay, so that’s another example of Moringa, and the reason you’re not going to hear this, the politics of this is because there’s an incestuous web of science.

between the big academic institutions, the publishers of journals. So there’s probably a lot more research. Some of it will never see the light of day. The government who funds pharmaceutical research and big pharma companies, all these guys work together. So that’s why a lot of these natural products research doesn’t come out.

And that’s why the Cytosolb Open Science Institute Which is funded by the people for the people is enabling all of us to have opportunity to get access to the science. That’s how this presentation is actually also made accessible to all of you and there are ways that you can support our work.

Now, the pharma industry, remember, they don’t deal with multiple compounds. They deal with a single synthetic compound. They spend a lot of money, hundreds of millions of dollars in preclinical work, in the lab, on test tubes, and killing animals, and then they have to do phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 human trials.

This costs 1 to 5 billion dollars, and the drugs they create have massive side effects, and they can’t handle combinations. So pharma is spending more and more on R& D, and they’re finding less and less new drugs even the FDA will allow, and this is why they needed the vaccine to really save their failing system.

And a lot of what they, the approach that they take is that the elephant represents a disease. The biologists or the researchers are like blind men touching parts of that elephant. They get a very screwed up view of the whole disease because they don’t work together. Our Institute is dedicated to eliminating animal testing.

Everything I’ve shared with you comes from without testing on animals. Okay? And the reality is even the NIH admits that 90 percent of the animal experiments are going nowhere. And there’s a, the results actually from animals do not translate to humans. The other piece of this is the politics is. You take an herb like moringa, which my grandmother used.

It’s used by indigenous people. This web of incestuous web of science and politics is not interested in supporting indigenous medicines. It’s not interested in supporting medicines of that sort, because this means that they’re going to lose a lot of power, profit, and control. Our goal at Cytosolving the Movement is we want to support indigenous These institutions these ancient systems of medicine.

And if you really want to fight racism, that’s the way to do it. So you can go to va shiva. com slash open science or va shiva. com. And you can scroll down, you’ll find the open science Institute and you can support our projects. And by the way, when you donate to us, we give you many books and knowledge, and you actually get to become a truth for health warrior scholar.

So be part of this here, all the different gifts you get, if you donate a hundred bucks. We don’t like to take anything without reciprocating. So even if you donate to support this research, you get books and courses, et cetera, to learn how to support your body as a system. Again, every Tuesdays. We have a symposium.

Let me change this again. There’s a mistake here. So every Tuesdays we have a symposium on this. And you guys are all invited to join it and you’ll learn a ton because you’ll really get to hear other scientists and all the different topics that we’re working on. So 11 am the first Tuesday of every month, you can go to cytosol.

com slash symposium and sign up to join us. Okay. Is all Moringai good? And is it right for you? Okay. So obviously we believe organic is a way to go in most of these indigenous villages where Moringa comes from they don’t use toxic pesticides. So it’s wild which is naturally organic.

And as some of you may know, when these pesticides are linked to lung, liver, kidney, thyroid. Toxicity and personogenic. So I can tell you all the great things about Moringa. But if you’re eating it in a non organic form, you’re actually defeating the purpose. Now, the question is Moringa right for you and how much Moringa should you have?

Again, everything I’m sharing with you, obviously, This is not medical advice. We’re sharing with you the clinical evidence. You should obviously talk to your doctor. But at the maintenance dose to support your basic health, Stowes et al in 2015, about nine years ago, confirmed you need about 2.

5 to 4 grams per day. That’s powder form. For cholesterol control NumBR in 2010 said about 4. 6 grams per day of the dehydrated leaves. For diabetes control, which means to support your insulin modulation stoves that all set about eight grams per day. And then for more guys use my great grandfather to take the leaves and he would put it into the water of the cows to produce better milk.

And this is an ancient tradition. Turkey Ilmaz at all said that you need about 500 milligrams a per day of the leaf extract. Now, so those are all the good things, that we can talk about, but remember food is medicine. And you also have to be aware of how much. and under what conditions. So let’s share a little bit of that.

Okay? So if you go to how much overdose may cause itching. Okay? So if you already have itching and you have stuff going on, overdose may cause itching. Overdose may cause diarrhea. So those are the two big things. So otherwise it’s generally regarded as safe. It’s called grass. G. R. A. S. Now, is it right for you now, with a tool that I created called your body, your system, we teach people how everything in the universe is made up of three forces, movement, transport, the conversion process, like digestion, conversion and structure and storage in the ancient systems of Indian medicine.

This was called Vata, Pitta, Kapha and using this tool, your body, your system, and if you become a part of Truth from Health, you’ll have a chance to access it. You answer a set of questions and the red dot denotes your particular body type. The black dot or your particular system, the black dot denotes where your body is operating today.

Now the theory here is that if you, if your body operates Where the red dot is you have self healing properties, your body is intelligent. So the goal is to bring the black dot to the red dot, and there are many foods and exercises you can do that. And this is really a systems approach. Now, when you look at moringai, moringai will lower movement transport.

That’s what that means. If the red dot’s here, it’ll bring it down. It decreases conversion, which means it’ll go in this direction. And it increases storage. Okay. For example, if you want to need to put on weight and mass, right? A lot of the Russian weightlifters and Russian Olympic athletes have been using Moringa for decades.

So this is what Moringa guy does. So if you want to figure out it’s right for you, Understand that there are different things that Moringa will do to your body. So if your body is over here at some point a decreased transport, that means it’s good. It’s going to bring you in this direction, but it’ll increase conversion, which will take you away, or it’ll reduce storage, which will bring you away from this.

So just understand, depending on where your body is, it can help you. So in this case, Moringa will bring you in this good. So for this person, the red dot, it’ll support it, but You can use your body or system to find out if Moringa are right for you. All right, and every Fridays, every other Friday, it’s 11 a.

m. 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. We hold a tutorial. It’s free. You’re all are welcome. So you could really understand how this all works. So in summary, there’s about 110 compounds that have been isolated so far from Moringa. Each part of the Moringa plant has its own medicinal properties and uses. Moringa has been used for treatment of diabetes, parasitic infections, cancer, epilepsy, malnutrition, men’s and women’s health, anemia, joint pain, hypertension, And many more diseases.

And by the way we have created a certification, which is another solution from VHG, but clean and raw certification. If you see this label, it’s way beyond organic and way beyond non GMO. It’s organic, non GMO, high bioavailability. So keep an eye out for that. And in closing, look, what’s going on with the overall lifespan in the United States.

And for that matter, the curvature is going to go like this globally. But since 1980, the policies. Of those in power has created a very unfortunate situation. If you have a child in the United States, your child is going to have a shorter lifespan than you and you can see what’s going on. This way. It’s very important to understand that the stress from destroyed immune systems poor food in the environment unfortunately, reductionist education, inability to solve problems, corrupt leaders.

And an economy where most people don’t even have enough savings. It’s created enormous stress. And the way out of this is we have to build a global movement, which is what Truth, Freedom, Health is. So learn about truth from health, become a warrior scholar get involved. And our goal is to help you to think, fight, and heal.

And we have a number of solutions. Anyway, that’s what the presentation on Moringa is today. And as I close, I want to invite all of you to become part of the movement for truth, freedom, health, and I’ll play this video that will hopefully inspire you wherever you are. We have allowed our country to be taken over from within.

And the end goal is you will have a homogenized world where we will become slaves because there is a condition among the elites that really thinks they’re better than you deep down inside them, that you don’t deserve the freedoms you have. They don’t. This reality is what people need to wake up to. And we need to all unite working people.

There’s only one movement that can do that. And that is the movement that we started creating here in Massachusetts, the Movement for Truth, Freedom and Health. Look, I’ve been a student of politics since I was a four year old kid, studying revolutionary movements, left wing, right wing. There’s a physics, there’s a nuclear science to destroying the establishment.

To build a bridge, you need to understand Newton’s equation. You need to understand the laws of gravity. You need to understand Poisson’s ratio. There is a way to build a revolution. And that’s why I put this together. My goal is to train a army of truth, freedom, and health leaders. We don’t need followers like social media, we need leaders.

But they need training because the educational system does not teach them history, nothing. So in three hours, that’s what I’ve started doing. That’s the solution. We gotta train people. First with understanding what a system is. The dynamics of all systems that affect nature. The second is understanding the interconnection between truth, freedom, and health.

Freedom is the ability to move freely, communicate freely, talk freely. Without freedom, you cannot convert ideas, hypotheses into truth, which is science. And without freedom, you can’t really get to truth, and without truth, you make up fake problems and fake solutions, which means you destroy our health.

And without health, which is the infrastructure of us and our body, you can’t fight for freedom. Truth, freedom, health. Third concept is, it has to be bottoms up, working people who work uniting. And what the right wing has done, is whenever you say working people unite, that must be communists.

Meanwhile, they’ve let the Democrats run unions, which suppress workers. Completely corrupt. But when you look at the arc of American history, it’s been when working people came up. We need to go local. Every solution I’m coming up with is a part of this movement. We’re giving the science, which is the truth, and then we tell people what they can do on the ground.

Like with election fraud, you don’t need to wait for some lawyer. Our goal is to train people to go local. Fight locally. Forget lawyers. Forget politicians. Forget celebrities. You’ve got to learn politics. And there is a science to it. They lock us down, we should be ready to shut them down.

And the fourth part of this principle is the not so obvious establishment. So when you look at a system, there’s always something that disturbs you from getting to your goal. The biggest disturbance is the not so obvious establishment, which are those people who claim they’re for you, on the left and the right.

The Al Sharptons who tell black people I’m for you. The Tucker Carlsons. Do you think any true anti establishment person will ever be on Fox or CNN? I don’t think so. They both mislead working people back into the establishment. Without this system. solid understanding of political physics and theory, you’re screwed.

You’re going to follow on the left wing, Bernie Sanders, oh he said something, or Robert Kennedy, scumbags. Or you’re going to follow some right wing talk show host. They’re not going to lead us to liberation, it’s us. We’re building a bottoms up movement, and that political physics, it’s a nuclear science of change.

Bottoms up. We have to organize to understand that. There is people who talk a good game, and then look at what they actually do, left and right. I’m sorry, Sean Hannity may say some good things, but I don’t see the urgency in his voice to get something done. And it can only come when you weaponize yourself with the right knowledge.

You need to be able to identify a rat. Christ didn’t go after the Romans, right? It was the Pharisees and the Sadducees who screwed him up. His own quote unquote people. And that’s where we’re at. So these four concepts I’ve built into a curriculum where people can go to truthfreedomhelp. com and it’s an educational program.

We need to train people in political theory. You need to have physics and I’ve created that curriculum. People need to get educated. We need to get educated fast. And within a half an hour, I can teach people two years of MIT control systems. I teach people those concepts that I apply it. Anyone can understand it.

And then you say, Oh, I got to build a body. They have to get politically astute, and then they have to go locally and act, not sit there on social media. They have to act locally, defy locally, do civil obedience locally, but with knowledge on how to build a movement. Now the Senate campaign’s expanded to the movement for truth, freedom, and health, and they can find it on truthfreedomhealth.

com. So people can sign in, they can get access to a bunch of videos. Because if they want to Take a course and become a truth. Freedom health leader. I offer a full scholarship there, but we want people to make a commitment that they’ll study, that they’ll get certified, that they’ll go do activities on the ground.

So go to truthfreedomhealth. com.

All right, everyone. That was our discussion on Moringa the very powerful herb, which is called the tree of life. And I hope you enjoyed it. Again, we’ll be doing a series on this. So for each of the different health benefits of Moringa, there’ll be detailed videos forthcoming on the particular molecular pathways.

Anyway, support everything we’re doing, become a truth from health warrior scholar, support the Open Science Institute if you wish, but get involved. All of this is brought to you by the Open Science Institute and the Movement for Truth from Health, and it’s brought to you by all your efforts. So thank you very much.

Be well, be the light, best to all of you.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health® you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.

Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health® in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.

The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.

To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems™ course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems™ Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health®, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.

Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System® tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health® portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health® Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved™.

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