In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, shares how and why The SWARM’s innovations are centered around MASS Surveillance and Control, not about innovations to advance
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Unmute yourself and introduce yourself 2024. Again, everyone, this is Dr. Shiva Adre. Good evening, good morning, good afternoon, wherever you’re, this is our Shiva for President Town Hall, and it’s gonna be about the swarms innovation, the level of mass. Hey, I’m I’m fat. I’m, we’re, and now I’ll be joining.
I’m relatively new. This isn’t my first time going live on Instagram here. Live on Instagram too.
We’re on Instagram. Okay. Approach the campaign. Lemme go over to Zoom. I’m gonna share Shiva’s great message. And I’m meeting some wonderful people in the movement. And we’re organizing and we’re winning New York for Shiva. And it’s an exciting time to be alive. Knowing that there’s a man like Shiva with with the experience and the intelligence to to lead such a movement.
And as I tell people, if we’re if we want to call ourselves good, then we need to back a good person a good leader. Not Trump, not anyone else. She was the one, Sheva may be the best candidate. Not only in 100 years, but in 1000 years, and we’re making history and we all get to be a part of it.
Thank you. I think we have thanks. I think we have 1 more new person. And I think Dr. Steve is here. Dr. Shiva. Do you want to finish with introductions? Or do you need to go ahead and speak? Let Larry go, then I’ll jump in. Okay, did you want to have Larry introduce himself? Yeah, that’s fine. Where did he go?
Larry, you can unmute yourself. Larry Hamby from Missouri. My
name’s Larry Hamby. I’m from Platt city, Missouri, which is just north of Kansas city. Really excited to be here. It’s really nice to be with you all. How I found this movement is. I told Crystal this the other night. It was really like just complete chance. I was on vacation in Gulfport Mississippi and my kids, we had a long drive down there and they got onto YouTube and the prior, I don’t know if it was the owner or the prior.
Family that was in this vacation by rental had the Dr. Shiva swarm video on there. And I’m telling you, that thing was so enlightening. It was like, I watched that thing at least 15 times while I was on vacation. That’s how much I found that thing just completely just outstanding. So my prior state of mind coming to this, I was more of a complacent.
If you want to say somebody that was, I would vote typically for the lesser of two evils kind of guy, and I’m just. I’m really glad to be able to be part of something where I think that really can make a difference to the future of not just the United States, but hopefully the entire world to just break through this complete illusion of just power, profit and control evil.
And I’m so happy to be part of this. So it’s nice to meet you all and let’s get to work over.
Great. Thank you, Larry. And I also see a Mike Anderson that looks new, Mike, are you able to unmute yourself and introduce yourself?
Can you hear me now? All right. Sorry. I don’t have a camera on. I’ve covered mine up a long time ago, but let’s see. I’m from North Texas, lifelong in the barbecue business self made man, so to speak. Haven’t voted in my entire life. I knew at an early age that we were involved in a racket and anyways, some, I can’t remember exactly how she would cross my path, but I’m from North Texas.
Life only in the barbecue business. Somehow I shut off. I’m here. I’m hearing myself talk. Okay, we can hear you. Okay. So anyways I think it was the lawsuit that first grabbed my attention and that somebody was actually able to basically be a one man band and fight the system in the manner that he did.
And get it out in the public eye. To me, that was astounding. I got to this movement, a little bit later, and this is my 1st time to chat with you guys now. I think this is a movement. I can really get behind right? Thanks. Mike. Yes, ma’am.
I think that’s all the new people. Dr. Shiva. Thank you for joining us. All right. Thank you. Emily. During the pandemic, 2020 to 2021. It did feel like a one man show. I was writing two lawsuits. It was probably 3 hours of sleep a day. We were running the fire Fauci campaign. We were exposing the pandemic the 1st to do and then we were doing exposing the entire election fraud.
It was a lot of work and it was in many ways. Done by very few people. I had a couple of assistants who’d come in here. I’d probably just go to my dining room and just write all day. It was a ton of work. But all of you, during that period of 2020 to 2021 saw what it’s possible when one individual understands the signs of systems, what one is capable of doing.
It’s when you understand what we teach at Truth freedom Health. When you really grasp it, man, you can be a 1 man show on some level, but you can’t do it as a 1 man show. On the 1 hand, you can, but you can’t. So this is why we have a movement. So each 1 of you can be independent, understand these processes, but you have to work collectively and we have to work in a disciplined manner.
And that takes tremendous amounts. Of discipline and organization, because the swarm is very well organized. There are people come to our movement, get it, and then they do not understand the terms of what is decentralization or what it is to build the movement. They’ll, I had someone write to me because, we are getting our leaders.
Organized people have to understand what’s going on the ground. We have reports and someone wrote to me in a very naive way. Oh, why do I have to send a report? Why do we need to do this? We’re all free human beings. La dee da thinking she’s an artist and, we’re gonna have a talk with her.
This is a lot of brainwashing people. I’ve even Michelangelo, the great artists were highly technically proficient. They were very disciplined. The swarm wants to take young people who want to start building movements and they want to take them into some bohemian lifestyle to think that lottie dotty dot things just happen.
Lottie dotty dot doesn’t happen. Things are very well organized. The establishment is very well organized. Our movement is creating a structure to organize people to shatter the swarm. Ever since in the modern history, the Paris Commune took place. And frankly, the Russian Revolution, particularly when, if you really studied the early parts of it in the 1900s, globally, the elites got together at every level in academia and universities.
And the goal was to make sure. That we would we people on this call, we would never independently look to ourselves, our own heroes. And build our own movement. People will, we had a very nice gentleman come to our call in the morning. Just, oh, why don’t you try to get on Jimmy door? Why don’t you try to get on fucker Carlson?
Why don’t you try to get on these people? These are very nice people, but this is the brainwashing that the swarm does, even to smart people thinking somehow that your slave master is going to help you. Burn down the plantation. It’s not going to happen. Okay. We’re off. Once you get off the plantation, you’re off the plantation.
You can’t look back. You have to go to other field slaves who’ve gotten off the plantation. You have to unite. You have to build a movement. That’s what we’re doing. We are not looking to any 1 of them to come save us. They’re not going to. What we’ve done here as Suresh shared in this video is quite historic.
And nothing like this has existed ever before an infrastructure where you learn the theory, you learn the systems dynamics at a level of a P. H. D. and then you learn to mobilize. And then you’re given an infrastructure. You’re. All the we’re going against massive amounts of brainwashing. If you saw today, Elon Musk, who I’ve exposed from day 1 reposted Netanyahu’s call to crack down on American universities.
I don’t if you saw this.
And, it doesn’t it. What’s it really interesting is there are a lot of people say, oh, thank you. Dr Schieffer for exposing election fraud in 2021. but I really am upset that you’re attacking fucker Carlson. I’m going to stop following you great because you’re a dumb fuck. You like me when I’m exposing election fraud.
You like me when I’m exposing. The pandemic, but you don’t like me when I’m exposing the truth about, let’s say, Tucker Carlson or Kennedy. So these people are dilettantes, they’re grifters. They do not understand the nature of systems. It’s not like I have personally anything against Tucker Carlson.
It’s just a systems outcome. Now, what I wanted to talk about today, this is our Shiva for president town hall and every week we take a particular topic and we cycle through them and all of those 6 topics are all related to 1 particular thing. Which is that the establishment, the swarm has put massive amounts of stress on your biology.
Every one of you, all 8 billion of us, there’s incredible amount of stress, physical, mental, emotional, psychological stress. And these stressors are destroying your biology, everyone’s biology and causing destruction of lifespan and individuals. Lifespan for the lifespan of a society is a direct measure of all the constitutive properties in that society.
Which are positive or negative. So the lifespan of the United States is going down. That means if you have a son or daughter in the United States are going to live shorter than you. That means that constitutive properties of that society are negative, are anti human. That’s what’s going on. And our movement, when I chose to run for president on April 1st 2023, we led with that graph.
And if somebody Emily, if you can go to shoot for president, get a queued up, if you can bring up that graph, which is on the site, that is what we lead with. We’re leading with something that’s very human to show the inhumanity of the swarm. They do not give a fuck about you. None of them do. Now, one of the important lessons that we pound away and we’ll repeat it and repeat it over and over again.
The most evil element of the swarm is the not so obvious establishment. And this is a systems property. The swarm has learned that people like me, people like our movement are going to come up to really expose them. In opposition to that, They create the not so obvious establishment whose job is to literally mimic, copy our words.
Booby Kennedy, as we’ve seen, literally plagiarizes my words because he’s a deep state actor and he is put out there because they have all the data knowing that people are ripping away from the swarm. So they need to do by any means necessary to keep people connected to the swarm. So that’s what’s going on.
So Elon Musk. Overnight, in the last two years, has been promoted as a vanguard for free speech. Bullshit. I just served Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg seven defendants were served in the last 48 hours because I’m taking my lawsuit from what we exposed in Massachusetts all the way, even though the judge and the other lawyers try to buy me off.
We’re doing it on our own. It’s 140 page lawsuit. It would have cost me 2, 000, 000 bucks for a doofus lawyer to do it. We’re doing it on our own. But in that lawsuit, it clearly exposes the level of censorship that’s going on, not only to our campaign, but to anyone who exposes the system dynamic. So they put me back on social media, but they keep me in a digital cage.
That is a new form of censorship. Now, today’s conversation is about innovation. This is probably the 7th one we’ve done. If you want to go to innovationcorps. org, C O R P S, you can go to innovationcorps. org, C O R P S, There’s a solution I’ve created for young kids. I fund eight kids every year, and we teach them innovation.
They have to be in the ages of 14 through 18. It’s very small way that I give back because I recognize. That innovation really occurs in the fringes and the edges, like my invention of email, which took place outside of the military industrial complex, but a couple of years ago, I wrote a book called the future of email and in the book, I’ll read you a section of it.
Okay. Because today’s title of this talk is a swarms innovation. There are different paradigms for innovation. The establishment does innovate, but they want to support innovations that are closely related to mass surveillance. And control. So to the extent they innovate something, they’ll always make sure it’s used for control.
And that’s what’s become a social media. So the tweet I just did moments before coming on this call. I said, Elon Musk is pro censorship, anti free speech where Elon Musk begins and government ends. Nobody knows. And you see so much mythos trying to create him as he as some genius. He’s created nothing guys.
Everything he’s touched has always fallen apart. Everything. Everything he was bailed out by Peter Thiel. He was, he’s backed fully by the government. Every venture. He does. He’s a state actor brought in to make you think that free speech is now being taken care of by Elon Musk. No, he still has a backdoor portal to Twitter open to government.
And today, offline, he fully supported Netanyahu, who’s saying that. We must not sit idly by why, while students are exercising a right to free speech and on Emory University, just hours ago, the police fired shots at students. This hasn’t happened since Kent State. They use rubber bullets, but they’re firing bullets.
What the fuck is going on in this country? And Elon Musk retweeted the devil Netanyahu. Think about what’s going on. In this book, so the swarm, we live in a fascist environment right now. They’re cracking down the U. S. University experience was supposed to where you exercise your rights to free speech.
It was supposed to be the ivory tower of that, but it is completely taken over by the Zionist swarm professors at universities. It was. Most of them, if they step out of line, they don’t get tenure. It’s quite extraordinary what’s happened. So anyway, in this book I wanted to bring out 2 things. And I said, I’ve chosen the word system very deliberately.
I’m a system scientist with 4 degrees from MIT. I studied system series, the intersection of technology, medicine and artificial intelligence for many years. I learned that all systems, including political ones, depend on 2 essential properties. The 1st property is observability, the capacity to watch the operation of the system in detail to recognize its trajectory, which way it’s going.
And ideally to measure the input and output of the system at any point in time. The 2nd property. Is predictability, the ability to regulate the inputs of a system in order to obtain an expected and desired output. For any system, therefore, whether it’s a machine or a garden or a whole society, observability and predictability are the basis of control.
Whoever wishes to control a system must know or observe exactly what the current inputs and outputs of the system are, and must know that it must then have the ability to measure the system’s inputs in order to generate predictable outputs. By itself, none of this is inherently good or bad. In the system of your own life, for example, the observability and predictability are thoroughly positive when used for setting goals that can advance you creatively, emotionally, intellectually, and even financially.
Technology can be hugely beneficial toward achieving these goals. Technology can be a powerful tool for enabling each of us to connect with and express our innate and unique gifts as individual human beings. But technology can also take us in a negative and destructive direction, especially when it’s controlled, not by ourselves, but by distant manipulative elites.
Instead of enhancing our ability to express ourselves as individuals, technologies can literally transform us into something much closer to a machine, an automaton or a mindless robot. Right now, that might seem like an extreme statement. But by the end of this book, you’ll have a fuller understanding of what it means, and you’ll see how it, how truly, how true it really is.
Now, I wrote this back in before, back in 2016, okay? All right, that’s what’s going on. So the elites understand this property of controllability and observability. You can use these very foundational properties for advancing good or evil. You can use the properties for, observability and controllability to observe yourself.
Oh, am I, am my health getting better? Am I, you can keep your track of your weight or, How you feel and those are observable things and then you can predictably change your future by changing the inputs. The elites. Are in a very unfortunate situation because they live in a highly unstable system and they know it, particularly because the movement for truth, freedom, health has come.
We destabilize them and therefore their goal. Now, in terms of observability is to gather as much data as they can about us. So when they put me back on Twitter, it was, the message was, Oh, we’re putting Dr. Shiva on. Isn’t Elon Musk supporting free speech? That’s not what it was about. It was about putting us back on, watching us, observing us.
And through that observability, they realize now they needed to take some predictive actions, which is they know that we know what they are doing. They know, we know what they’re doing. Not only that, they know that we’re educating other people to understand the dynamics of what they’re doing. Planet of the apes, that one ape who can speak, sees her, he starts educating the other apes.
That’s what we’re doing. I hate to put it in monkey terms. But we are teaching people, unlike language, something even more powerful, system science. And this is the only force that can liberate us. So there are a number of people on this call who are new. I welcome you get off your butt and do two things.
Go to truth for health dot com and take this course and learn it. You made it this far. Don’t waste your time. Number 2, whatever part of the world you want to take some action. If you’re in the United States, help us get on the ballot and do the work. Those of you who are leadership training, we are putting some structure in place.
One of the key identifying aspects of our movement is to raising people’s consciousness, attention to deep. If I were to start a school for young people, I would focus on attention to detail and can people follow directions in a positive way to enhance themselves because you can’t really lead until you learn how to follow.
So we have put some structure in there. Some people have these illusions. That structure means control. No structure. All of these things are inherently not bad or good. It’s are we using these tools for our own advancement? Are we using it to be subjugated? Right now, the innovation that the swarm does.
Is not to advance humankind. They’re doing it for massive control because they’re they know that a movement like ours as a potential to completely shatter them. So their only way out of this is greater surveillance and greater control. Local control, so they have infinite amounts of data that they’re gathering now, infinite.
And with that data, they are redirecting people to the not so obvious establishment. Let me repeat that again. They know. That our movement singularly on this planet from 2020 on down has figured them out and we are exposing that they’re not so obvious establishment. Therefore, they’re ramping up
support and exposure of the not so obvious establishment in every realm, politics, science, health. So you will see people saying he says some good things. If they’re saying some good things and they’re being given mainstream media attention, wake the fuck up. Fucker Carlson, last week, is on Joe Rogan’s show, and he’s talking about aliens.
He’s acting like he’s some great savior. Wow, the aliens are here, they’re in the oceans, they’re underground. I don’t know if you saw the stupid interview. And 9 11, yeah, and how did Building 7 fall down? Where was Fucker Carlson for 20 years? I didn’t see him talk about this when the event took place.
So they have boobie Kennedy manipulating the medical freedom movement. They have Trump, the martyr Bernie Sanders now is taking all the young people and telling them that, you can’t equating Zionism with antisemitism. So you have the swarm has unleashed. It’s not so obvious establishment as never before.
You have all these medical doctors who were silent during cobit. Now they’re on lecture tours talking about, Oh my God, myocarditis is awful. It’s in the package insert dummy. It’s on the vaccine insert on the Oxford vaccine and all of these, it says this is going to cause myocarditis. You’re not telling us anything new, but they will get to be put on lecture tours acting like they’re against the establishment.
So they made money during COVID saying nothing. And now they’re making money acting like they’re against the establishment. The establishment making money. You see what I’m saying? But our movement is exposing that dynamic. And this is serious, a major problem for them because they never had this before.
They had the Martin Luther King’s manipulating black people during the civil rights movement and derailing it. They had Mahatma Gandhi during the 1920s derailing the independence movement didn’t go on and on, but there was not a force like ours. Now, it occurred in small instances. Malcolm X. In the latter part of his life figured some of this out, but we have figured it out at a deep level and we’re educating people as a core of our educational efforts.
That’s significant because many of the revolutionary movements throughout the world were derailed by the not so obvious establishment. And we’re making it our business to destroy the not so obvious establishment expose them. We are training our people not to just sit idly by and say, oh, yeah, Dr.
Sheevan, thank you for sharing that. No, we’re training our people to speak out against it. Expose them and articulate it. It’s not enough. You just hear it. You have to go after these people your future and your life, demands it. That is what we’re doing. So that’s quite extraordinary. We run these open houses every Thursdays, 2 of them, 1 at 11 am and 8 PM.
We have extraordinary volunteers who dedicate their time to helping run this. We’ve set up infrastructure. We’ve created all of it for all of you are new telling you go to truth from help, get off your butt, become a warrior scholar. We’ve made it very accessible. And now our major effort is to not only grow the movement, but in every part of the world to have leaders.
Who understand this, because the establishment is not going to train leaders. It’s a lot of effort. We’ve created the Harvard Business School of the Truth for Human Health Institute, and most importantly, our movement now is going to enable each one of you. It’s going to enable you with tools.
So you can also offer solutions here and now. So 1 of those solutions, I’m going to just. Bring up a PowerPoint here with a couple of slides that will share this for you. So you can see it. It’s really important to understand. We must, we have a big task at hand, because not only do we have to educate people on exposing the realities of the not so obvious establishment, which is a tremendous amount of.
I’ve heard, but we’ve done it really well, and we do it every day, every microsecond. We do it. But the other thing we have to do is concomitantly is to give people tangible solutions. And the 3rd thing we have to do is to constantly keep kicking people’s butt to take action. Okay? From the solution standpoint, we have 3 very important solutions.
We have Truth, Freedom and Health, Systems Health and Cytosolving. We’ve made all of these accessible to people. So Truth, Freedom and Health is really a leadership training institute. You start at whatever point you are, but you have a home if you’re truly seeking Truth, Freedom and Health. You really do. A community, technologies, infrastructure platform.
So Truth, Freedom and Health, as Emily and others have shared in their videos and the testimonies, it’s a platform. You get knowledge, you get education, you get books. You have to learn the stuff you have to connect with other people, but and then you can become a leader. And we let this happen bottoms up where it’s not oh, you’re my friend.
You get to be the leader dealio. Oh, glad you’re my friend in Canada. No, people have shown through their own efforts meritocracy. The other thing is, we have, for years for nearly 20 years, I spent a lot of effort really understanding the intersection. Of ancient systems of medicine, yoga, traditional Chinese medicine, what they call alternative medicine with modern engineering science and that connection built an entire curricula.
We’ve trained thousands of people all over the world on a completely different health education system where you can understand your body as a system. You don’t have to be in the healthcare professional as a healthcare professional, but you can. Take this tomorrow, and that’s more next week, next Friday.
We have our tutorial on this. I welcome you guys to come to that. And then we have cytosol, which is a technology. I spent nearly 20 years developing without the need for animal testing. We are going after every major disease. We’ve been doing this for 20 years. We’ve published in all the leading journals, but now that technology platform, we’re making it accessible to all of you.
So you each 1 of you can in your communities. Do serious, M. I. T. level biological sciences research. Each one of you can fund support, take a research project, and we will give you that support the technology technological support. Look at what we have truth, freedom and help from the freedom aspect, training people to be leaders from the health aspect, educating people how to see their body as a system and help others see it as a system.
And from the truth and science aspect. Cytosol. So all of these are really the and then we also have another platform for really for food systems, but all of these are enabling technologies. That enable you to use these tools and deliver solutions so you can help in your own communities, helping young entrepreneurs, people are starting companies want to create great food, figure out what is clean and good food.
We have a seal that we’ve created. That is probably the highest standard seal. We have cytosol. We have truth for mouth. So we pretty much have all the solutions. So we’re not waiting for them, but we’re not going to go off grid. Going off grid is not the solution either. We have to fully participate here and now, and we have to fight, we have to think, and we have to heal, think, fight and heal.
So understand, from an innovation side. These are revolutionary innovations. Email was a revolutionary innovation that I created, but I didn’t stop. These innovations are for humankind. Their innovations are for our subjugation.
Internet was supposed to be a vehicle for freedom for all of us. But it’s been totally taken over by the swarm. You may have seen 2 weeks ago or 3 weeks ago, Facebook sold all of their messaging data to Netflix. And Netflix sold all of their viewer data to. Facebook, so if you’re on Facebook, every time you sent a message to somebody.
All those messages are owned by Facebook when the United States Postal Service. Did your mail there was a 22 year sentence in prison. If anyone opened your mail when private companies took over our communication platforms, we lost all freedom. We don’t have freedom and it’s really unfortunate. But as a technologist, as an innovator, I’m telling you that technology can be used for great good, but now it’s being used for great evil.
And people like Elon Musk. Are the front man of the not so obvious establishment selling like a con man. He’s for free speech, but he’s the deployer of censorship. Anyone who retweets, Benjamin Netanyahu, who is saying that we should have censorship on U. S. campuses says it all. But none of these grifters are exposing Elon Musk.
Not 1 of them are movement is and so that’s why I have great optimism of what’s going to happen. Our movement is going to win, but it’s going to be dependent. The speed at which it wins is going to be dependent on each 1 of you raising your consciousness. It’s really up to you. Everything is set up, but 1 person who understands this dynamics.
Is literally an agent of change because consciousness. Is the movement of information matter and energy, and we still do not understand this enough, but the science of systems reveals that particles communicate among each other, but you cannot underestimate the power of 1 individual raising their consciousness.
And then intersecting your personal life, your journey with a collective journey. And when you do that’s lightning in a bottle. And that’s what our movement is. Our movement is lightning in a bottle, but you have to understand this comes to you, but it’s not you, right? It’s you, but it’s also you connecting with other people who are understanding this and that’s the movement that we’re building.
So we’re going to win the speed at which we win. Is literally dependent on you speaking to Bonnie Jones, one of our leaders down in Florida. We have 3000 people signed up. They say, oh, yeah, I love Dr. Shiva. I got to help them. And then when she calls him to help us collect signatures, they’d rather go watch Netflix.
It’s this is a brainwashing. We, the working people. Have to have the discipline to say, yeah, I got to get off my ass and do work. No different than you have to say I got to go to the gym and work out a little bit. I got to walk. I got to, this is the discipline that has to emerge because the establishment has massive discipline and how to fuck us up.
So we better get off our butts. And start doing the work we’ve created the infrastructure. So people can do that work. That’s what needs to happen. And the sooner that happens, the sooner we’ll get truth, freedom, health, and the longer we take it won’t happen. It’s not good. Things are just going to happen.
In closing, the swarm will continue to innovate. All day long, and it’ll be for mass surveillance. And I’ll be for control and things do not just happen. You have to get out of this mindset to think, oh, when things get really bad, then we’re going to have some major change. No, when things get really bad, they get even worse.
It’s when this time that we have to build, we have to organize to educate. For God’s sake, if you made it this far, get off your butt, get involved, put 20 minutes a day get connected to a local leader here. And there’s many ways you can participate the simplest ways, relative to the United States, go to shipper for president, get 1 of these bumper stickers, because when you get 1 of these bumper stickers.
You can’t just get it. You have to peel it and you have to put it on the back of your car. It’s a very bold move because you’re telling all your neighbors I’ve taken a stand when you do that. 100, 000 people see it per day. If you’re out of the United States, you can get these truth, freedom and health warrior stickers.
Very simple. We made it really easy. We have volunteers who come to our office. They have to ship them out. It’s not like we’re using Amazon for all this. All of this is done by volunteers. You can go to truth for dot com and become a warrior scholar, learn the material. Things don’t just change. We have to innovate.
We have to make the change occur and it’s work, but we’ve set up the infrastructure. So you guys can work and have connections and have fun and do this in a meaningful way. So anyway, there you go. Let’s take any questions. That we have and Emily, did we have a chance to introduce everyone? I think we did introduce everyone that had their hand raised early.
I called on a few people that I didn’t recognize and they introduced themselves. I think there’s some other people, Judith in Canada, Oleg in Santa Maria Dava, I’ve seen her before here, but let’s just go to. Anyone else who has, Curtis. Nettleship Cameron and Flagstaff, Mike Anderson. Judith, are you new?
Can you introduce yourself? Hi, Judith. Hi, I’m not new. I’ve been here since a few more, a few weeks, a real week. I’m with my Yeah. And she’s new. How are you? Good to have you. What do you do out there? I’m from Mexico. I came to visit the family and I come back to Mexico to give birth because I’m pregnant.
And I just want to know your view about now the movement that is happening all around the world in the universities, getting together finally and make a move. And most important, like the universities that are focusing the Zionist people. They are freaking out a little bit.
You mean the universities, you’re saying, with the activism that’s taking place against Zionism? Yes, against the genocide going on in Palestine. Yeah I’ve been a, when I, since I was 17, 18 years old, I led some of the biggest anti apartheid protests. In the United States, so Harvard, just the students, I can see Harvard from our house here and it’s down the street.
They just started occupying. We’re going to go down there and support them. What’s happened is a following the it’s quite good to see at Columbia, the faculty, the workers and the students came out, you say, and think about this. I’m the only candidate. Running for president who’s come out against Zionism, for 40 years, I’ve been fighting the Zionist racist imperialist nonsense.
Okay. And but more importantly, we’ve also exposed the fake. Liberal quote, unquote, anti Zionist movement. And this is what our movement does, because we go in and we don’t want people to be derailed. You will see a lot of people now claiming they’re anti Zionist. Claiming and they want to talk or but they want to just make it about free Palestine or just about ceasefire.
Now, it’s about ceasefire. Now, it’s about ending the occupation that this. Taking very long time. Yeah. It’s about ending the occupation of the United States from Zionism. Yeah. It’s so anyone who’s thinks, so this same set of principles occurred during the South African anti apartheid movement, the liberals would always say, Oh my God, isn’t it bad that the blacks are being persecuted in South Africa, but those same liberals wouldn’t go into black communities in the United States.
They wouldn’t want to talk about workers rights in the United States. In 1984, when we ran some of the biggest anti apartheid protests, we linked the situation of working people in the United States to the working people of South Africa. The anti Zionist movements are being infiltrated by the liberal Zionists, who want to just talk about, quote unquote, free Palestine and, quote unquote ceasefire now, which is what they’ve been doing for 40 years.
But the only way Palestine isn’t going to get freed is if we end the occupation of the United States. So it’s quite interesting. Mike Johnson, who’s a speaker of the House of the United States was an ultra Christian Zionist flew to New York and is giving speeches, telling the students to go back to school students.
During those 4 years, they have a lot of freedom. If they don’t act, nothing happens. It’s a pulse of what’s going on. But student protests in and unto themselves are ineffective until working people leave their jobs. And they also participate in these protests. You say, so that’s my position on all of this.
Yeah. So there’s a massive fishistic crackdown. You have Netanyahu sitting in Israel telling his U. S. Zionist counterparts to go crack down on U. S. universities and they’re doing it. And Elon Musk is promoting it. The only force against that is our movement. Period. No other presidential candidate dares utter anything against Zionism.
Fucker Carlson will not say, go look at his tweet or Twitter feed. He will never use the word Zionism. So we are living in a very extraordinary time. Massive fascism is taking place. And at the same time, people speaking about freedom, truth, or health are all pro Zionist. Except us, except our movement. Yeah, so you should get involved.
We are holding on May 5th, a Latin American summit, because we have a lot of people in Latin America, but you should get involved. Yeah, I will talk about it with some friends that are now in the United States around San Diego, that they are like more organized. Thanks to the start everything with the Palestinian movement, because it’s like it’s a link that people can met and then read better.
But I have other questions first, like for the, I understand that for happen, something should not be just the students. So they work in class, but like with all the programming and stuff that they put in themselves and the fear. make it really complex to how you approach to someone to try to make them understand that.
I don’t know everybody’s waiting for everybody to do it, and then they will join. But people is not willing to take the initiative of, okay, I will skip work. And then the people that skip work is I know, because I’m the only one, that’s the problem. That’s why we need to be all together.
How do you get to make them like that? Yeah. Yeah look you should participate in our movement and get involved because you’ll understand our solution. The only way out of this is it’s not going to happen through any 1 particular event. We have to build a foundational base with the right political theory.
And people participating can’t just be theory. So that’s what we’ve created, but I encourage you to get involved. You can connect with people, right? Right here. I don’t know if Emily’s here, but you should connect with Emily and Emily will invite you to our Latin American summit. We’re going to hold.
Okay. This is our movement’s a global movement. It’s not just the United States. That’s the point of the movement. At the end, it just happened in one place. It’s not going to happen in one place. In 1917, when it happened in one place, 17 countries tried to invade Russia, if you remember. The reality is it has to happen everywhere.
And it has to have the right theory. Ceasefire now is not the right political theory. End the occupation is the right theory. Occupation completely. Yeah, let’s have you let’s go over to Cameron from Flagstaff. Cameron. Are you new? You look new. Oops, Cameron.
Oh, there we go. Hi, Dr. Shiva. Yeah, I’ve been around for about a month and a half, but there’s probably been. To your town halls, this about three or four weeks in a row now, I’m working with Marianne in Arizona. Oh, you are. Oh, okay. Great. Yeah. Okay. Actually grew up in Los Angeles, lived in Malibu for a while.
Not on broad beach, across from Joffrey’s there, but I was really inspired by your conversation with Canada and Zindoua on that. Oh yeah, that was great. The other day and. I was just thinking last night, I drive rideshare in Flagstaff. I’ve been doing it for a couple years and talked to a lot of people and I was thinking I want to connect with black people and let them know about this movement because it was so inspiring.
And last night I had the good fortune of. Talking to four different African American people, two women, two men, handed out flyers, talked to them about your movement, directed them here to the town hall. So I’m just super excited to be involved. Reached out to Nick Freitas, who’s a delegate in Virginia.
I’m not sure if you’re, if Nick Freitas he’s got about a million followers on YouTube. And asked him to have you on his show. Also want to reach out to the Christian science monitor and was wondering if you’ve had any contact with the Christian science monitor, Being that their headquarters is in Boston there and all the things that you’re doing.
Yeah. Christian Science Monitor is an interesting organization. They were started by Mary Baker, Eddie. And they used to have a newspaper that actually would do independent news. They used to sometimes do these long form, really good articles. I haven’t seen them in a long time. But if, but to everyone listening, what, we go, we’re not, we go to people who are independent news people.
We work with them, but it’s really good. Cameron, if you can get through to those people and they want to give us, some play, because when we get out there, more people come to us, that’s why they’re so afraid of us. They’re afraid of us because we’re giving the real truth. The other thing is if you’re in Arizona, I connected Marianne to a very good friend of mine, Bruce Padmore.
Bruce just needs to be followed up with. Marianne, if you haven’t done that, you should, but Bruce came from the ghettos of Louisiana, and Bruce and I worked very closely together. He’s African American. He went, went through a lot of hardship, but Bruce made it to a very smart guy and now he lives in Arizona.
And Bruce knows a ton of people in Arizona who support us and Bruce is very creative. He understands digital marketing, et cetera. But yeah, the African American community in the United States. Particularly after 1960 was completely hijacked. By the not so obvious establishment, they have no leaders right now.
Who are the leaders of the, they have some, they have some statues of Martin Luther King who sold them out. He was a controlled opposition by the Kennedys. Malcolm X was completely subdued, but Malcolm was figuring this out. If Malcolm X was alive today, he’d be a great leader in our movement.
Cause he would have, we would have saved him a lot of time. I’m having to go through his journey through Elijah Ahmed, black cultural nationalism and all that, but Malcolm had figured this stuff out. He was getting there, but we’ve created a platform now so people don’t have to waste their time.
Yeah. And the last thing is I’m wondering if there’s a press kit that we have or could create so that we can, have all it’s such great information. There’s so much. the lawsuits, everything. It’s just to have it presented. And yeah so what I would say is a Shiva for president video.
I don’t know if you’ve seen that video. Okay. Many times. That’s a good video. Cause it tells the whole journey, it’s very hard to get. It’s you’re trying to give a resume and the resume has. A billion accomplishments. How do you get this across? So the only way that we figured out to do it is the swarm video.
If you look at the flyer that we have right? The flyer has all the 3 videos. What is the truth from health movement? The swarm video and the sheep for president. Those 3 pretty much says it all. The old model of press kits is difficult because no one reads anymore. Gotcha. So I would say you can send them here.
Go watch Shatter the Storm. Go watch, the Shooting for President video and the Anthem video. Those three sort of nail it. Okay. That’s our press kit. Okay. Thank you. Yep. And I assume Marianne and you have connected, which is great. Cameron, great to have you. You have a lot of skills. In terms of thinking about these things feel free to directly reach out to me.
But if you can be somebody who can really help us get out there, almost like a communications director, that’d be great. Because I think you understand what we need to do. Good, let’s go over to Ken Sandu, Ken Sandu, Ken, where are you out of? I’m here in California, Dr. Shiva, you know me.
Oh yeah, good to see you again, Ken. Hi. What’s your question? My question is as a presidential candidate this time and time, everybody on the globe is discussing new world order. Now political system, economic system, all leads to money creation system. What we are facing is In this country, east versus west, the bricks are moving on against the petrodollar hegemon.
What is your solution to the, how would you solve the problem into this global integration? If the petrodollar hegemony is going bust, as I said I don’t think we should be that presumptuous to think the petrodollar the US dollar is going to go to bust overnight. This is don’t take this the wrong way.
This is magical thinking. Because if you actually think about it, more and more of the elites. Are boosting up the dollar by the Indian elites are moving all their money out of India and putting it into U. S. Dollars. The U. S. And bricks, even and so I’m talking about big of the biggest elites in India, which is 1 of the BRICS nations.
Are buying U. S. dollars.
Sorry to interrupt you. Yeah. So sorry. Go ahead before. So let me give you an example. I don’t know if you track what’s going on in India. I know I’m tracking the globe. So let’s go. Yeah. But I’m giving you an example because India is supposedly the fastest growing economy. And it’s not the fastest growing economy.
That’s a farce. I can. I know. I know that. I know it’s a farce, but I’m saying that BRICS nations. But in India, the elites in India are selling their stocks, doing stock buybacks. And where are they putting their money, Ken? Okay. I’ll tell you because I come from the WASI world. I told you I’m a whistleblower.
No, I know that, but just answer, where are they putting their money? Okay. They are putting, India is playing on both sides of the aisle. So all the loans India took to grow their economies, the elites that we are talking. They took the loans in the U. S. dollar, okay? So all the loans handed by the several other central petrodollar.
All the loans are in U. S. dollars, whereas India is playing a double edged sword game here with the Russians. They’re trying to play in rupees. Putin had trouble exchanging too many rupees versus the rubles. Yeah look Ken, I don’t want to get everyone lost here on some of this nitty gritty stuff, right?
Because we have about five other hands raised. But as a president, sir, you will be facing this crisis because under the new world order, right? But the currency war is on. Currency war is on. I know, but who created BRICS? BRICS nations, they are created by the globalists again. Yes. The BRICS itself was created out of, it was a theory paper created out of by JP Morgan.
Okay. So the realities, the elites, it’s not like BRICS is an opposition to the elites. It is just another vehicle for the elites to move capital from 1 area to the other. So we have to look at it, our movement looks at this from a very different perspective. The fools are out there saying, Oh my God, bricks is going to Russia.
And these guys are going to be opposition to the U S no, the U S elites will move their money into other vehicles. If they can most brokers right now are taking one third of their client’s capital and putting into emerging markets. That’s true. And what happened to Germany is a prime example.
When you go to currency, your bankers will move their goalposts. They’re going to move post from the dollar because it’s a dollar. We can’t pay the debt. The petro dollar printing of tenure is coming Absolutely. To end the Euro mathematician. You know better than me, but Yeah. But Ken, the bottom line is the US doesn’t give a damn if their dollars backed by the petrol dollar gold.
The US dollar is ultimately backed by F fifteens. And it’s better. They got a bomb. They’re going to solve by bombing other countries like we are seeing the general side of the Palestinians. They can bomb every country and do a regime change. As a president, what would you do? My question is what can you’ve been at many of these meetings?
I don’t know if you’re asking this rhetorically. The bottom line is our movement is building a force. So it’s a global movement. This is not just in the United States. The bottom line is that we need to have a bottoms up workers movement, period. And that is what they do not want us to have. That is what we’re doing.
That is true. But then again, Henry Ford said this, if Americans understood the the final, I can stop. Okay. The bottom line is. The only way anything is going to change and the only thing that they do not want to happen is a bottoms up movement. Okay, that’s for sure. I am. I’m all there.
That’s why I’m working with you. Definitely. So what I’m saying is anything short of that is not going to get us anywhere. And the only way to go there is we have to educate people on the systems dynamics of what’s going on. And to the extent that they play with currency here or there, they have to Enormous ways to manipulate all of this.
You saw when, right when, Israel bombed Iran, they manipulated gold prices. They can manipulate anything. None of this, there’s no economic theory even anymore. It’s all manipulated end to end. Anyway, you can’t have any illusions to frame the question. What do I think about bricks? I don’t give a damn about bricks.
It’s just another vehicle of the elites to move capital around. That’s all. No, elites are going to working. My question is very different. Let’s put this different way. Working class is blood is getting sent back to the hill. They can’t afford a home in this country. And there is a question. I, we understand.
No, my question is that the elites are going to pull the plug on us. They want to go to CBDC. How are you going to come to where the clear economic system for the working class will emerge? We have to have a solution. We have a system. Yeah, that is. So maybe, so the solution is very simple. They’re going to do all sorts of things.
None of these things are going to be any one thing. You have to build a bottoms up movement. There is no other way. I think you think there’s some other policy. No, I’m not saying other way, but revolutions happen, bottoms up moments we talk about. But when we talk about system and solutions, what is a fair money and taxation solution for the working class around the globe?
Let’s go by that. What is what? What is a fair economic System for working on that is not for me to determine. Ken, you’re putting the cart before the horse. Globally, who is going to determine on the central bank? We need to have a bottom set movement. Ultimately, the fundamental thing that needs to be understood, it is.
Is that value is actually created at the point of production and who creates that working people and what’s happened in a very deliberate way in a very deliberate way over the last. 60 years, and this has been a mindless brainwashing is that people have been taught and the academics have been at the frontier of this.
To make sure they demoralize people from building bottoms up movements. That’s it. There is no other, manipulation of this. They do not want people to build bottoms up movements. They do not want people to build bottoms up movements. And that’s the end and the means to how we’re going to liberate ourselves.
They have enormous power. They can manipulate the price of anything. People say, I’m going to buy gold. I’m going to buy silver where they can manipulate all of that manipulated any which way they want. The level of manipulation and capabilities that they have are infinitely more than we have when we play on their battleground.
So there’s no tweak that’s going to fix this. It’s ultimately the first step is that we have to galvanize enough people to recognize that we need to build the bottoms up movement. That is a task at hand without that. Everything else is just a pipe dream. It’s just frankly, it’s mental masturbation.
We can talk all day. Doesn’t mean anything. Let’s go over to Mike Anderson, Mike. Go ahead.
Hello, Doc. Hey, Mike, are you new or where are you from? Yeah, I’m new. I’m Dallas, Texas. Yeah, thank you. I spoke to you or spoke in the group one time earlier tonight, but this is my first time to be online with you guys. Yeah, Dallas, Texas. I’m now on the northeast Collin County area where I live, but my business is still in Texas.
I’m the Lifeline Barbecue guy that spoke a little bit earlier. What’s your question, Mike? My question is while I understand that you. really want to keep the focus on the ground up movement. There’s many of us that are also thinking we also have to prepare for not winning this fight. And I was wondering what your thoughts were on that.
What do you mean not winning the fight, Mike? What do you mean by that? What I mean is that the globalists, as you’ve indicated as well, have tremendous power, whether you want to call them globalists, Zionists, whatever you want to call them. Some people call them the bloodline of the Nephilim. They have tremendous power.
They’re in every corporation. They’re in every industry. They’re they’re, they have it all. So we have a really tremendous beast to slay. And I think you know, that a lot of us are trying to prepare for the best way forward. Assuming that we don’t win that. Here’s the deal, Mike.
There’s a lot of people who they call themselves preppers, right? We say, we know we need to go off grid. We need to do this. We need to do that. Question as Chris Bradley just poses, how do 8 billion people lose the fight against a hundred thousand people, Mike, only from advanced weaponry, that’s the only way.
Who controls, who’s running all these weapons? The bad guys. No, who is actually operating these weapons? Let’s take a step back. Let’s get into that. Okay. So you think that or I guess you’re leading on to that the peoples with badges and guns and military. Accreditation and things like that will stand with the people before they’ll stand with the form.
Yeah, because there was an interesting simulation done about right before Obama got elected by a couple of very interesting professors in sociology. What’s that? I’d love to get pointed toward that. Yeah. They said if there was a, major movement in the United States they said, ultimately the police and the soldiers would come to the side of the people.
The bottom line is this all of these questions are abstract. Without looking at the material reality, as I talk in the swarm video, there’s 8 billion of us working people. What’s happened in a mindless brainwashing Mike, and it’s quite extraordinary led by the academic circles, led by the mainstream media, led by the not so obvious establishment is to make people forget this concept of value is created by working people and that working people uniting and organizing should never take place.
So they have many distractions. Let’s prep. Let’s go off grid. That’s one thing. Mike Adams does that all day and he makes money off that. Okay. Number 1. Let’s wait for the Armageddon to come. Someone’s going to come from on a thousand chariots and save us. That thing.
Let Trump is going to do it. Yeah. He’s got problems. Yeah. He’s a scumbag, but he’s going to save us. All of these distractions are done to make sure that you don’t study you as a working person, you as someone who’s worked hard, understand that the times in human history that change has taken place.
It’s when we self organize bottoms up and extraordinary changes have taken place. And two of those very specific events were the Paris Commune and the Russian Revolution. And the workers movements in the United States, they want to wipe that out of America about a history. Just take it out me a minute with the workers movement in the United States.
What is that? The 1900s, did, for American workers were hanged in Haymarket square for fighting 8 hour workday. Were you aware of that? Mike? Yeah. So think about that. They have the American working class movement was so powerful. That they had to do a massive propaganda process to eliminate that from the American psyche.
They had to call it as though, they had to brand it, quote, unquote, the red scare. American people are dumb. They don’t know how to build their own movements that they needed remote control, but in 1886. For American workers were in Haymarket Square when they fought it for the eight hour workday.
In fact, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, seven American workers were shot by the National Guard for fighting for the eight hour workday in the United States. And those movements. Led all the way up to the 1900s, led by women, many movements, and these were just hardcore militant mass movements bottoms up and by the 1930s, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the complete racist imperialist scumbag, he was a gun was put to his head by these movements.
And if any reforms that came for the American working class, like elimination of child labor, people are working 20 hour days. Just go read it. All these events change. We didn’t have infrastructure in the United States. If the improvement in health care took place and we eliminated infectious disease, it wasn’t because of the vaccine, but it was because of massive infrastructure that were won by the force of the militant American working class.
They scared the shit out of the elites. And so by 1950, Mike, they had to brand all of these movements as they did the red scare, but led by Eugene McCarthy, who was a Senator out of Wisconsin where they shot those eight workers. You see all of this, think about me. I made, I came to the United States in 1970 and the Indian immigrant, I learned this shit, but white American working class people, this has been like wiped out of their memory.
As they took it out of our education system, exactly. And they like my father wrote all of our books, and they branded it as capital C communist, lowercase C workers, quote, unquote, communist movements were in the fiber of the American people, lowercase C. Which means, lowercase c, which means the American people uniting, collectively fighting for their rights.
lowercase g and god, right? Just lowercase g and god. When you see the point is that they do not want the American working class rising up, so they have blunted the edge of the American working class because they know the American working class is the only force on the planet, which has the first amendment and the second amendment, and in order to disarm them, they created fucker Carlson’s, they created Alex Jones’s, they created Elon Musk’s, they created Donald Trump’s, they created Bernie Sanders, they created Al Sharpton’s, they created Martin Luther King’s.
I do, but I’m not sure that we still have one a and two a really. That’s a different issue. Okay. The bottom line is we can talk abstractly. The bottom line is our movement exists here and now, Mike. Our movement here. We’re explaining this to people. We’re galvanizing people. My run for president is an opportunity to raise people’s consciousness and that’s what’s exciting.
You coming here tonight. But the bottom line is there’s no way out of this. Except us organizing and as Chris just wrote, there’s 8 billion of us. There’s only 100, 000 of them. It’s just a matter of time, but you cannot change the world without the right political theory. It’s not going to happen.
And we have that right political theory. All right, Mike. Thank you. Yeah, thanks. Let’s go over to Jessica Coco. Jessica. Jessica is out of New Jersey. Jessica, what’s your question? Hold on. Do you wanna ask? It’s Eric. I think there’s two, is there two microphones on or something? Oh yeah. Shut that off. Yeah, we’re getting echo.
So do we have someone new there? Jessica? Eric? Yeah. Hi. Hi Eric. How are you? Hi Dr. Shiva. How are you? I just wanted to say thank you for presenting certain concepts that people have needed to hear. It’s not as if people are unaware of these, let’s see, not so obvious opposition figures, but when you put it the way you have put it and presented a concept the way you presented it it really crystallizes, I think, in people’s minds, what is really going on, so thank you for doing so, that was great, and so we’re in New York Jessica’s in New Jersey, right now we’re in New Jersey, sitting here, and The only question I had was talk a lot about Zionism and I think we should talk about what the definition, what is the definition that you’re using for the word Zionism, is it Jewish supremacy or is it something else and how does that relate to other forms of supremacy?
If that is indeed what you’re saying what sort of a definition can you formulate for the word Zionism, just in the specific historical circumstances of a hundred years of existence. The creation of the Jewish state most people understand the term in, in, in those in those terms.
I just thought you might want to I might I need to hear. A more exacting definition or how you’re using this term. Here’s the, I can give you the 1 liner, right? The 100 word version and then the book version. And I’ve done all of those in the videos and et cetera. We’ve done.
So it’s an information pyramid and representing this, but I’ll give you a couple of the quick 1 liners. Okay. Zionism is racism in the service of imperialism. That’s one minor. Okay. It’s racism. Number two, Zionism is Brahman ism is equals to Nazi ism. It is a political ideology that believes that 0.
001 percent of the people have the right to rule over the rest of us. And it is no different than Brahman ism, which mixes Hinduism and supports the caste system, right? It’s no different throughout history in modern history. People have taken religious flavors, mixed it in with political ideologies of supremacy, Jewish supremacy, Brahman supremacy, right?
The concept of, the Aryan race, it keeps going on, but the bottom line is to validate in their realm. That the to validate this, it’s really fucked up. It’s to validate that a small class of people have the right to rule over the working class. Ultimately, that’s what this is about. And Zionism is racism in the service of imperialism.
That’s what it is. Now, the British colonialism and Western imperialism was supports a philosophy like this, because it is an ends. It is a means to an end. And that’s what Zionism is. If they didn’t have Zionism, they would create something like Zionism. In India, it was Brahmanism. How do you control 1. 6 billion people when the British came to India and you can go read about this in a very good book called the rise and fall of East India Company written by, a guy called Mukherjee.
Okay? Very interesting analysis. He lays out very clearly that the caste system was decaying in India. At the time of the coming of the Western different Portuguese French we’re seeing the embryonic decay of this concept of a small set of people should rule over a lot of people, right?
That was Brahmanism, the caste system, the British actually resuscitated Brahmanism in India. They used it as a racist casteist political ideology. To control masses of people, Zionism serves British and U. S. imperialism, because you have a piece of land that is strategically very important to Western imperialism and they need to push forward this political ideology.
Zionism is racism in the service of imperialism period. That’s what it is. And, if you look at it was promoting a cultural nationalism, which is a very decadent, approach, there are progressive nationalist movements. We can get into a larger discussion, post colonialism.
There were many wars of liberation, national even revolutionary supported national wars of liberation saying that was a step towards larger movements. Right? But some of those national nationalist movements. At cultural nationalist hinges in the United States, Marcus Garvey’s. Movement was telling blacks, let’s go back to Africa.
And they collaborate some elements of it collaborated with the plan. Cultural nationalism always leads to these weird alliances. Zionist collaborated with the Nazis. But Zionism is racism in the service of imperialism period. That’s what it is. And you’re saying it’s playing a function in elevating the 0.
001%. Justifying it. Yeah, that’s 1 of it justifies it. But more importantly, it’s racism and racism is 1 of the pillars of from sustaining imperialism. You can look at it in a very practical way. You take a shop factory floor, you play the black worker a little bit less than the white worker. The white worker thinks he’s a little bit better.
So they have the black and white guys fighting. You play women a little bit less than men. And then, it’s just classic divide and rule techniques. This is in a very practical way that people are not self organizing against the real enemy. So Zionism if you, it’s very fascinating to read at the time of the 1920s, there were very powerful working class Jewish leaders.
Who wanted to fight Hitler, right? There was massive movements against Hitler antifascist movements. The Zionists were a very small fringe group and hated these people. They collaborated with Hitler, and the 1st, people that Hitler butchered initially, when he went and attacked were these working class Jewish leaders, because.
Everyone had predicted that a real workers revolution would come up in Germany, and this is was a concern to the Western power. Hitler was very valuable for stopping that. And Zionism collaborated with Hitler. Zionists were the police force for Hitler, for example, in the Warsaw ghetto, when Jewish people wanted to fight Nazism design is disarmed them completely betrayed them.
You have, I think 1 needs to understand that ultra cultural nationalism always collaborates with all other ultra nationalism. In India, for example, the Brahmanical Hindu right wing movements. actually collaborates with the right wing Islamic fundamentalist movements, because they have these unholy alliances because they need to have division.
So this is like also a divide and conquer strategy to elevate one group, elevating one group above another. Yep, that’s what it’s about. Great. And look, yeah, we have a number of hands up, but just to, we could have long discussions about this I’ve spoken about this a lot, there’s enough videos out there.
People can appreciate this, but people should really recognize that in the in a very practical way. Donald Trump booby Kennedy, Biden are essential for the swarms. Perpetuation of this very elitist, disgusting ideas that Zionism promotes because and the way it’s done is they’ve taken quote unquote Christianity and, completely hitch that wagon Zionism, 70Million Christian Zionists, the most number of Zionists are U.
S. working class Christian Zionists. That’s what’s profoundly so fucked up. Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the House. He comes from that realm. The first edict that he passed was proclaimed that we, as the United States, must do everything to protect Israel. Anyway, thanks Erica. Sorry, I have one question, if I may.
And my question, yeah, can you keep it succinct, Jessica? Because there’s very yeah just about the fact that the pandemic preparedness act is going to be signed on May 27th. And, of course, there’s no media coverage and I just wanted to. If you want to just say something about that’s it.
That’s all I wanted to ask. Yeah, there’s a number of these bills, these acts that are being passed. By the Congress, you saw just what happened with the warrantless, right? People don’t, I had predicted this about 3 years ago, when the warrantless wiretapping. Took place on telco companies, for example.
Telecommunications companies in 2000 were wiretapping US citizens without warrants. It was illegal their massive class action lawsuits and Congress. Democrat and Republican past rules. That actually immunity retroactively, so this stuff is happening, in many ways. And we just talked to people in Canada.
What’s going on there with a number of the post pandemic acts. And all of this is happening in the midst of all these distractions. That they’re doing, so this is why we need a movement. We need a massive movement. There’s no other way around it. There’s no other solution, but that let’s go to Curtis.
Who’s been waiting in the interest of time. What I’m going to ask is if you guys can ask your question and then I’m going to write them down and I’m going to go after 1 shot. Go ahead. Curtis. Can you hear me? Yeah, Curtis. Yeah, I just have 1 question for you. You may recall. Talking with me while I was in Honolulu, Hawaii, my crewmate and I had just sailed halfway around the world.
Yeah, I remember that. We put the picture of that in one of our lawsuits, by the way, but go ahead. That’s great. I’ve run into some trouble and you’re the smartest, most level headed. Man, I know, and you have some experience dealing with this sort of thing, but we finally made our way here to the United States, but upon entering.
The collector border crossing the port of entry. No, V, you may recall my beautiful. Partner she was basically kidnapped there by. Homeland security and taken away in handcuffs. Not allowed to have a phone or any money. And I haven’t heard from her for 5 days, nor have her parents. Every attempt I’ve made to.
Excuse me for getting a little emotional here. I’m pretty distraught. But what would you do in my situation? I have no means of learning anything about her. I’ve been met with just a silence the New Zealand embassy can’t help. No lawyer can help there’s not returning my calls. They’re not returning my emails.
They’re her parents are being met with the same. You have any ideas. Yes Curtis, let me just share. Curtis, as I remember, you had built a boat, right? And you had sailed from if I remember, right? Was it from the Southeast Asia all the way up through Hawaii? And then to. Yeah, from I built a boat 20 years ago at my place in Idaho, because I had tried to build the bottoms up movement.
A long time ago, I, because I realized a long time ago that we weren’t going to be free if we couldn’t get independent. So I moved to North Idaho and I designed and built my own house and I learned a lot of skills. And then I built a, something that I thought would help me and others become independent.
I built a human wind powered vehicle that was amphibious. And I traveled with that across the United States a couple of times. And made headlines all over it was, I made a big splash and was invited to talk to a lot of power players and I got informed that I better. Yeah, so so Curtis, but the bottom line is you built a boat if I remember, and you sailed it and you were selling with your.
Wife, your girlfriend? Girlfriend, soon to be wife if I can ever find her again. And where was she from? She’s from she was born in Indonesia and she holds a New Zealand passport. Her father’s from New Zealand. And then when she came to into the U. S. where were you guys docking into in California somewhere?
Yeah, we we landed a Catalina Island and then we slowly made our way down the coast looking for a decent place to land the boat. But California is very. And then what was your reason for taking her? They didn’t say. They didn’t say they just took her away. They wouldn’t answer any questions. Was it for was it?
Did you have to go through immigration? Yeah we were sent to secondary inspection. We actually sailed the boat down the Baja and up into the sea of Cortez. Yeah, why don’t we do this? Why don’t we talk offline? I can get better ideas because it’s hard for me to give any thoughts on this, but.
I’m I, my, I thought I would tell this story because it puts a period on what you said about fascism and the state of the country. And we do need to build a bottoms up movement. That’s the only way. And there’s no other way, but that, but let’s talk offline, but the bottom line is, you came in.
You’re going for immigration and they take away, did she have proper visa and everything to enter? She had she had a passport and she, when we entered Honolulu she had no ESTA and she was, let’s talk offline. Okay. Cause because there’s a lot of other hands here. Why don’t you, yeah no, I feel for you.
And I, we have to talk offline for me to give you any cogent advice, yeah, that’s fine. But it seems 1 is doing it on your own, but the other is finding some sympathetic person who understands what the hell’s going on. And I may know some people, okay, but let’s talk offline.
Okay. Sorry to hear that, man.
Let’s go to. Again, if people can keep their questions it’s 1022 guys and do it. Yes. How you been? That’s even good. Did you email me? Yeah, sure. Didn’t get no result, but I did it. Hold on. Where did you email? Because I kept looking for it. I emailed and to Dr. Shiva. Blah, blah, and I got a message back today.
No. You should send it to my personal email. Yeah, I didn’t have that number. Somebody was supposed to send that to me. Hold on. Let’s see. Hold on. Hold on. Emily, can you send it to Zandua right now? Okay, needs to check the zoom chat. We sent him a message. He never responded to it. So you got to check the zoom chat.
Okay. Okay. I checked my email when I sent them out something and they sent me something back. Okay. Yeah no, but look in the zoom chat. Okay. Okay. Yeah, because I looked in my spam a couple of times as I was looking forward to connecting with you. Okay. Let’s see in the zoom chat. Okay. Then I would, I’ll stroll through that and see if I can find it.
Yeah, no, I was very excited and do us from we had a good conversation from Newark, but please do that. Okay. Okay. We’ll do jump to the latest. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I’ll check through there to make sure I get it. So anyway, one thing I realized, I joined the Scholar Warrior this week, so I got that out the way.
And then one thing I realized is there’s a macro system and there’s a micro system, and that’s what I was really looking forward to talking to you about this last week, because the micro has to get integrated into the macro so that all these people, like I have a movement called Healing Our Vulnerabilities.
And the purpose of it is to build a movement of self sufficiency and collective strength. And it’s designed because so many people feel vulnerable on so many levels. That’s why it’s almost in the aligned spirit that you and I are connected because that’s what I’m always trying to address the fear, the anger, the insecurity and the negativity causes people to feel acutely vulnerable.
So when I let them hear your swarm video, the reaction I got was resistance because they felt like you were taking votes from Biden and that Trump was the monster. And I consistently got that response. And so I was, I got that response three times. I stayed backwards because I wanted to feel what people were feeling and it goes back to their vulnerability.
If I don’t know who he is and he, and you don’t know, nine out of 10 people never heard of him. What makes you think he’s going to stop that? And nobody knows. I said, it’s not about that, whether he wins or not. It’s about the power in the man and the impact that man can have, whether He wins or not is irrelevant.
It’s yeah. So we should, yeah. So I think let’s talk about that and do it. So please email me. I’ll call you tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah. I just gave you my personal don’t give it to everyone else. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I was just trying to make sure. All right, man.
Yeah. Just send it to me, but I look forward to talking to you. Okay. Great. Yeah. Great. I’ll have a good. Yeah. Strategy discussion. Thank you. I’m really glad you’re back here again. Let’s go to Jimmy, Johnny Clements, and then we’ll go to Gautam, Chaurasia, Justin and William Burton, and then that’ll be it.
Okay, I wish we just had more time. Go ahead, Johnny. Okay. I had a question or two in Las Vegas. I’m from California. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Are you connected with Jill Jones? Are you, I am. She just, she texts, she’s, she texts me often. Okay. Yes. Okay. I have two questions. I spoke to you once before on a town hall and I was really giddy.
I was really excited about speaking to you. Okay. But I had these questions. Have you ever heard of Neely Fuller Jr. and his work, The Consuppensatory, The Code? It’s about the global government system of white supremacy. Okay, before you answer that, I have another question. Have you ever heard of Dr.
Frances Cress Welsing? She wrote the ISIS papers. And I would like to know, you don’t have to expound on it. I just want to know, do you know, have you ever heard of these people? And you have you ever heard of their works? No, unfortunately, I haven’t, but if you can crystal send you my email, if you can send it to me.
Okay, now that you said that you never heard of these people and you never heard of their works. Dr. Neely Fuller, Jr. has. A book that I just told you the title, and that was a long title, the long form type. I don’t I can’t let me get the book really fast. I apologize. The book so about the system, the key word is the system.
And. It’s basically talks about everything you talk about. Oh, I never heard of it. Not everything. You’re more detailed. You’re more you have, seem like you have more things together as far as you just, you’re very well spoken. You’re very well educated. So having a hard time finding it.
Okay, but this, it’s funny. Just e email it to me ’cause we have okay. Okay. Lemme just give you a couple of commentaries. I’ll look at what you’re sending me. Okay. You see the compensatory concept? Yeah. Yeah. So the United Independent Compensatory Code System concept, that’s the long form title of the book.
So I’m, this book was wrote in the seventies, Dr. Yeshiva. Yeah, so let me tell you that there were books written in the 1900s about control systems theory. Okay. Okay. They’re books written in, 4000 years ago. Okay, on, traditional systems of medicine. The issue here is what we’re doing.
Is that these bodies of knowledge have not been organized into a form that the average person can consume them. Understand them in a tangible way, and then take action. Okay. The theoretical stuff is in tidbits out there. Okay. What the contribution that, my work has done is to take this.
And integrate engineering system science with, 5000 years old worth of stuff. And then the 3rd part of it is to make it as a curriculum accessible to you and then engage you another step. So you teach it to others. We have people who have no background, they can’t even they don’t even read books, but we’ve engaged them in such a way that they can take this knowledge.
And then take action on it. See that if you go read a book like manufacturing consent by Noam Chomsky, okay, he’s out the media and how they screw you and the, how they do this. And you read that at the end of that book, after you’re done reading it, Johnny, you will leave wanting to kill yourself. Okay.
Because you, because he will tell you gross detail how the establishment fucks you. Okay. I heard that. Okay. And he’s gotten multiple professorships for that. The issue is. Why are you sharing this knowledge? Is it to galvanize people to action and to mobilize you to do something about it, or is it to just read the book and then scratch your beard and smoke a pipe?
And that’s about it. Truth is or discussion about philosophical concepts. Are useless unless we are using this, these ideas to mobilize people into action to change the world. You say, yes, fundamental difference. Thanks. Okay. Yeah, I got to take others. I got to take others. Email me, okay, email me and but go through the program, because it’ll be valuable for you to recognize that the goal here is to use.
Knowledge to build a movement. This is the fundamental difference. Go ahead, Gautam. Hello, Dr. Shiva. I’m Gautam from India. I’ve been with you for the past four years. Oh, good to have you. What part of India are you in? I’m from Jharkhand state. State of Jharkhand. I’ve been there many times. Yeah, you told us that as well.
I’m sorry, but I missed you for one or two years for the past one or two years because we thought we have got Modi right now in India and we do not need any such kind of movement But now we are in election year and we are going to vote on 25th of may but what I can see is that, the, everything is saying that that happened in our Congress, government, earlier government Modi being in power in the past 10 years, that corruption has gone digital.
You must have heard about electoral board and many people in India are talking about the electronic voting machine fraud. And we wanted to learn more about that because the judiciary is not listening to anything like that And we thought that modi is our leader because you praised him as well And we thought we don’t need movement but now I really think we need a bottom up movement that you talk about and we are trying to connect with the Elite intellectual people are out there in my district from IIT, ISM and CMRI, the institute in which you were part of the science fraternity.
We are in talk with them. We want to drive them to your open house or town hall. But if we, if they don’t come to that open house or town hall we are trying to fix one on one with you, if it is possible. Okay. So Gautam, this is what you should do. Gautam We are organizing in India.
Yeah. Okay. Because we have a lot of people in India who sign in the problem with India. This is larger problem, as you may know, India was subjugated by British for 300 years. Yeah, and India never really and India’s growth from a movement was stunted by Gandhi. Gandhi on the Indian people, India never really had a liberation.
So nonetheless we have thousands of people signed in. Okay. Need strong leadership in India. Okay. Now you’ve gone through your journey, you thought something was going to happen and that’s fine. But we were, we need people like you who go through this journey and realize we need to grow the movement in India to get involved.
What I would suggest is. Perhaps Chris Bradley or Emily can give you my email and then connect you to Manjula who’s out of South India and Chennai. Okay, and we’re going to organize an event, an online event for India. You should get involved and you should help mobilize people. Okay. Yeah.
Yeah. But that’s the next step. Okay. Since you’re back, it’s good to see you. Yeah, get now throw your full heart and soul into it and get involved. Don’t disappear again. Okay. Thank you, sir. No, but so if you send me an email our people out of UK, there’s a number of people of Indian origin there who are helping, but because.
India has 1. 6 billion people and there are very few Indians who are in our movement, even though they come very excited and then they disappear. Okay. They don’t understand that you have to build a movement. They think something’s going to solve it. So India is one of the biggest opportunities yet. India is backward in terms of politically, right?
Because they get easily manipulated and they lose focus. You can help fix that now that you’re back. Okay. So send me an email. Okay. And I’ll hook you up with Manjula. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Yep. You just take 1 more. Sorry, guys, unless I hate to cut people off, but William, can you just ask the question in 1 sentence, please?
Yeah, Bill Burton, can you ask the question 1 and then we’ll go to just soon and Barry, if you guys can just say your questions in 1 and I’ll try to answer them all in 1 shot. Go ahead. Bill. Very good discussion tonight. What is the status of that new independent. Internet or social media that you.
Mentioned probably time before last. Okay. That’s one. Great. I’ll come to that. Barry, what’s your question? So yeah, I had this guy I think I just joined the where’s our program and I really enjoying it. Yeah, so this guy told me that you’re just another gangster. I don’t know.
What do you have to say about that? I’m another gangster. I don’t know what he said. That’s what he said. I don’t know. Does it have to do with your connection with Modi? I don’t know my connection with Modi. Yeah, I don’t know. Yeah, look as a public figure out there. I don’t know what he’s talking about, but when I when the invention of email story came out, Smithsonian, obviously Modi tried to use that and he supported that, the Indian created email.
That’s about it. But I’ve been very harsh on what’s been going on, particularly with the entire thing with Modi and the Indian government supporting Zionism. So I don’t hear from anyone anymore. Okay. Yeah, and the other thing is, you have to recognize that the when I was recruited by the Indian government to run 1 of the largest innovation centers.
I could have stayed in India forever, but I put my life on the line and I exposed all the corruption and out of death threat site to leave India. You can go look at that. Someone, so you said, so you said that you still speak with Modi and stuff like that, and he uses some of your your really system science.
So what’s interesting is that you have to look at who these people are and why are they telling you lies like this. What’s their goal? Are they working? No. He just, are they working? No, he just walked by . I said, why would you say? I said why you say ? No, but are they working for, are they working for Mossad or something?
You have to ask them that. You have to get wise and up to this and you just have to look at my history, my law, but public figures, the establishment always wants to co op me. I went to MIT, which is the center of the military industrial complex. But I attack you say, I was in Hollywood, I expose them.
I’ve had many opportunities to be co opted. And this guy who’s asking that probably would be sucking Zionist cock in Hollywood right now. If he was maybe as I was given. You should go ask him that, yeah thanks. Yeah. That’s what you should tell him. All right. Next question.
Justin. Hi, Dr. Shiva. Last week, I told you about the doctor, the professor in Korea, who was trying to motivate the people in Korea. It’s a Korean, it’s such a big mess. So I got his email address, I contacted him several times. I introduced him about you, I sent him your link, and then YouTube. I also email you his address, email address.
Okay. So I’d like to give him some warm welcome letter to him. Okay. I just, so did you, did your email? Don’t read my personal email address. Did you send it to my personal email? No, I, did somebody post the va shiva and shiva. com? Nope. Wrong email. I don’t know where that went. Chris, can you give her my personal email please?
Thanks. So just send it there. Cause I was looking for it and I didn’t see it. Okay. Thank you. The other thing is the Kelly and we are thinking to go to a Palestine movement rally, and also we were thinking to go to university rally. Any advice from you? Yeah, so we have yes, it’s a good thing that you’re asking, because we’re going to go this weekend over to Harvard, but we need to, we have a flyer, right?
We should have our flyer that we should put out, but, the 1 that we have, you can distribute it there. Do you follow what I’m saying? The Schieffer for president flyer, and you should tell these students to come to our open house. That’s what I would do. Yeah. Okay. The other thing is okay, I have 2 more people.
Okay. Yeah, thank you. Okay. Kim. Hi, Kim. Hi, Kim. I’m just going to say, let’s fucking go. What’s that? Let’s fucking go. Okay. Good. Good. Good. Yep. All right, everyone, so those of you want to send an email, please do that, but send it to my right email address. And I’m pretty good. I go through all my stuff in the mornings around 6 a.
m. and I try to get back to every email. So kindly do that. And to Dava, go ahead. Is it a quick question?
Dava Schmidt. Oops, we lost her. All right. So everyone couple of, closing things to all of you who’ve invited other people. Great work because it’s obvious going offline going on the phones works really well. So that’s a really good thing. We had a lot of really good people here. The 2nd thing is.
Focus on this 1 thing, which is really about it’s very hard for people to appreciate this, the nature of the level of brainwashing that goes into make sure we don’t build the bottoms up movement. And as long as we keep that eye on the prize and use the different vehicles, we have to do that. It’s just a matter of time.
The other thing is, we have a number of people are going through leadership training in our movement. It’s really. Cool to see people’s progress, but throughout the United States right now in pretty much every state. We have our leaders deployed and they’re on their own journey. Some of you guys want to be leaders, go through the warrior training program and get involved, but throughout the world right now in Canada there’s about 3200 people.
India needs to grow. That’s why it’s good to see people from India there. But in every part of this, we’re laying down a lot of infrastructure and all of you can be part of that. Doing small acts, large acts helping out, but be part of it. Anyway, thank you. Everyone get it. Yes. Sorry, it’s Dava. Oh, hey, David.
How are you? Good. How are you? I just want to say from a human fear factor vantage point. I got my 1st, 10 signatures today in 10 minutes. Wow. And I just wanted to tell everyone from like a, rally kind of feeling. I was a little scared, but it really wasn’t that scary. There were so many people that were excited and wanted to hear that there was a third candidate.
I was on the New York state through way today. And I wanted to like, put my arms out and collect 42, 000 cars, because I know there were so many people out there. They just don’t know what to do. So please don’t be scared. Go and do it. Go up to someone, figure out maybe if they’re stationary, then you can talk to them.
It was amazing that the reception was beautiful. I just wanted to give that. I’m really glad you shared that, I was on the phone with Bonnie Jones in Florida. She’s got like 2200 people in our database. Look, every state we get on the ballot, it is a big victory and it’s a serious loss to the establishment.
I can’t tell you guys enough, particularly people in this movement of leaders, they’ve gotten to a point and then they’re like, they’re not doing the work. They just, they’re like, oh, I got to call people. I got to mobilize people. That is the work. If you’re a leader in this movement, understand that if you want to really put a big stake into the heart of the swarm, help us get on the ballot.
Every state we get on the ballot is devastating. You have infrastructure, you have people to call, you got to mobilize them. You got to pound away this. That is where the rubber meets the road. What you did getting 10 signatures is ultimately it because you’re connecting with people. You’re overcoming your fear and you’re doing the work.
Thank you. That’s what needs to happen right now. And whether it’s collecting signatures, that’s the order of the day. Tomorrow could be organizing people for some other event, but getting people into this habit of doing the work for ourselves is something that has not happened for probably about 100, 200 years.
And that’s what we’re getting people to do. So this exercise of going out, collecting signatures, connecting with people is the job in the United States. In Canada, it’s going to be mobilizing people to share with them that not so obvious establishment through a flyer. In India, it’s going to be a very different technique that we’ll do, but every country is going to have a particular action they need to do.
The UK people have been doing a great job under the leadership of Michael. They’re doing regular meetups are out on the street. They’re handing out flyers. That’s what needs to happen. So if you’re a leader in the United States. Please send me your reports and if things come in your way, connect with me, but this is what needs to happen.
We need to see you guys bringing people into the open houses. And that’s the movement. That is the movement. That is the movement. That is the movement. It’s nothing more magical than that. So let’s try to follow the kiss principle. Keep it simple, stupid, get on the ground, get people here. Because as Dava just said, people are just waiting for us.
I’m telling you, they want real solutions. All right, everyone. Thank you. Have a good evening. Good morning. Wherever you are be well, be the light, but take action, get involved connect with people and I know Chris and Emily have shared with you different context, but it’s really up to you. Thank you.
Be well.