In this presentation, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, discusses the REAL Fight for the working people of the world: Dr.SHIVA v. TRUMP, TFH® v MAGA and SH® v MAHA and why the future for working people is the movement for TFH® and you choosing to #SaveYourself to Full Blog Post:
Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior-Scholar

Attend Truth Freedom Health® Thursday Open House

First of all, sound check. Can everyone hear me all right? Yes? Okay. So welcome, everyone. Behind me, we did a very nice get-together here in Cambridge. There’s some of the people here. Some people left earlier to go hear this from their homes, but we have Nick back there. We have Joyce over here and Kate over here. And then can I say you’re here? And we have Valerie here, but she doesn’t want to be on film. She’s all right. And then we had a number of other volunteers show up, but we’re literally broadcasting out of our new location in Cambridge. Many of you know, Massachusetts is where our movement began and we’re gonna be relaunching Massachusetts in the powerful way. You know, we started here, we went out into the United States nationally, and then we went global, and then we’re restarting back here to set up a very nice headquarters. So any of you out there, if you wanna come to Massachusetts, let us know, but we have about a about twenty thousand square foot of space here. We have our own data center. We have a very nice community that’s developing here. And Nicholas, for example, and Matt and a couple of other people have been out here. So everyone’s invited to come to headquarters. But anyway, this is our Truth for Health open house that we do every Thursdays. We did one this morning at eleven a.m. We had quite a number of people from a lot of people from India were on the call, people from Europe, people from Sweden, Norway, et cetera. And then we do this in the evening for the other part of the world. This is a global movement. in order to shatter the swarm as we say it cannot occur in any one country any one neighborhood it has to occur everywhere yet it also needs to be local so the conversation we want to have today is there is a real fight and it’s not the trumpers versus the non-trumpers it’s not people like joe biden versus people don’t like joe biden it’s not that people are pro-putin anti-putin or pro-china anti-china it is the movement for truth, freedom, health versus MAGA. It is systems health versus this thing called Maha, which is make America hopeless again, which is what it really is. And I want to talk to you about that. And ultimately, if you want to have a real WWE, it’s me versus Trump. And we’re going to talk about that. There is no opposition to the forces of what you may call the swarm anymore. The Democratic Party, the left has left. The left has left the stage, okay? They were never really on the stage, but they’re totally gone. The left wing, the Labor Party, whatever you want to call it, globally bullshitted everyone for the last seventy years that they were going to be the opposition to whoever, they were going to be the opposition and they were going to fight for working people. But the reality is that over the last since nineteen seventy till today, the left has completely left and they completely capitulated. You saw Donald Trump and Obama today just hanging out, talking to each other about basketball or hoops. That’s what you saw them doing at Jimmy Carter’s funeral. Jimmy Carter dying and his funeral today in one way also reflects the left has left. So if you go back and look in the nineteen seventies, when Carter came became the president of the United States, he presented himself as, oh, the Joe peanut farmer, you know, one of the Joe working class guys. Right. But Jimmy Carter was really the what you would call neoliberal, neo fascist. And it was starting in the nineteen seventies with Jimmy Carter post Nixon that you had the total consolidation of global power. under the swarm, but it was represented as though there were two wings, the left and the right. Jimmy Carter, if you look back at his presidency till today, Carter was a presidency that they really began destroying any gains that came out of the nineteen hundreds and nineteen forties. It was a total consolidation of power. But with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, the swarm, the establishment is completely taking away any veil that there’s any dialectic anymore. There is no longer any dialectic left because they don’t need a dialectic anymore because the left is left and they’ve completely capitulated. They don’t even act like they’re fighting for working people anymore. So that capitulation, and by the way, this is global. Whether you see this fool Nigel Farage in the United Kingdom, Lynn Hurdley is here from the UK. She knows what I’m talking about. He acts like he’s fighting for whatever he’s fighting for, but the guy’s a fool. He’s fake. He sits on the board of a number of companies which are involved in carbon tax. Okay, yet he acts as though he’s against the climate change agenda. So you have deception within the deception that’s taking place. Donald Trump is the ultimate victory of the swarm. The trajectory that they’re headed on is a technocratic Zionist state. And our movement is the only force that has been calling it out. If you notice on social media, Glenn will be pointing this out. Glenn’s one of our leaders. Glenn, you’re pointing this out all the time, how they literally steal our content and they never acknowledge us and they cannot acknowledge us. And nor do we look for acknowledgement because by acknowledging us, what they have to do is they have to say, oh my God, we have to build a bottoms up movement. But they don’t want to do that. So when we titled this Dr. Shiva versus Trump, Truth, Freedom, Health versus MAGA or System South versus MAHA, I really want to go through that. This is where the real difference is. This is a real fight. So first of all, who is Trump? And I want to do this on a personal note because sometimes people need personal symbols to make it real. Trump has never created anything in his life, nothing. What he has created is a circus. And that’s why the establishment loves him. He is in the WWE Hall of Fame, Worldwide Wrestling. What is it called? I don’t know what the East, huh? Worldwide Entertainment Hall of Fame. Worldwide Entertainment Hall of Fame is now owned by Endeavor, which is owned by Ari Emanuel. I don’t know if his house got burned down in Malibu. and I don’t think anyone really should care whose houses get burned down over there because all those people have been, they were absolutely fine with bombing Gaza. Ninety-nine percent of the people who live in Malibu were pro-Zionism, okay? So James Woods is crying on CNN, but he wasn’t crying for people being bombed the fuck out of in Gaza. So I don’t really have a lot of sympathy for these people. But regardless, Trump comes from WWE. He’s a master con man. He’s never created anything. Everything was given to him. Now contrast that to, you can look at my life and everyone’s lives here. Very different. Everything I have, I’ve had to earn. No one ever gave me anything. No one ever gave me any real estate. I brought my first house when I was nineteen years old and I’ve been working since I was fourteen years old. Trump has been hanging out with Epstein and those kind of characters for most of his life. yet he is promoted as a savior to people and the swarm actively goes out around making my work and our work invisible trump actively plagiarizes our material because he has nothing original so they have to be their parasitic class like trump is if you really look at everything trump has done Since. It has been to consolidate power for the swarm. Everything that we have done in my work has been to expose the swarm. Big difference. Go look at. It was Trump who passed an executive order which said that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism must be equal. I don’t know if people know this. He’s the one who passed the executive order. And then it was Mike Johnson, that Zionist nutbag, who’s now the nutjob, who’s now the Speaker of the House, who Trump said he was against and then fully endorsed him. He’s the one who in December of the end of last year, they passed a resolution saying that if you say anything against the state of Israel, that’s also anti-Semitic. You see, but all of it started with fucking Trump. It was Trump on November, November, sixteen, twenty eighteen, who signed into law CISA. The bill that basically enabled the creation of the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency, which created the unholy alliance between government and every social media company. The data has now come out that under Elon Musk’s reign of Twitter, there have been nearly fifty percent more censorship and more suspensions on Twitter, just as we predicted. All of this we predicted. at the right time. And it was under Trump that the big pharma companies got resuscitated. Big pharma was tanking. They needed the mRNA platform and he delivered it to them on a golden platter. Okay. Yet he was presented as some fighter against the establishment. Okay. Who has been the force that’s been exposing him? Us, nobody else. All of these grifters, if you go look at their work in twenty, they were capitulating to him, supporting him. And even until six months ago, Candace Owens, one of the biggest fucking deceivers on the planet. OK. God knows how many beds she’s jumped in. OK. She comes from a Zionist hoodlum background. Yet they’re promoting her as she’s fighting, you know, Zionism, but she isn’t. She is equating Zionism, anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, and that’s her job. So we live in a world of deception within deception. And you can just compare Dr. Shiva versus Trump. I’m the only opposition force against Trump right now. There’s no one else opposing him. We lead, others may steal our content, but we’re actually offering people a movement. Everyone who came to our meeting today, everyone works for a living, right? All of you guys. Valerie, you work at the airport, right? Nick works as an IT programmer, okay? Either we have people who work or they worked at one time and they retired, which means they understand what working means. Trump’s never worked a day in his fucking life. Hasn’t. Booby Kennedy hasn’t worked a day in his life. If you consider sticking needles in your arms as work, maybe he’s worked at that and finding veins in his arms, but these people don’t work. Vivek the Snake has never worked in his life. He’s a scam artist. So de facto, our movement is the real difference between these guys. This past when we launched in this new year, we had nearly seventy eight amazing leaders show up and we honored all of them. We gave awards to some incredible people, all working people. There’s no other movement which is by working people for working people. People give their time while they work. They have full time families and jobs. This is the only movement of its kind, period. So that’s Dr. Shiva versus Trump, okay? And we’re gonna escalate that difference and I’m gonna keep exposing Trump as never before for what he really is. And when you look at Truth Freedom Health versus MAGA, what is MAGA? What is MAGA? MAGA is a manipulation to manipulate particularly the white working class in the United States to do nothing and wait for a savior. MAGA is taking advantage of people who, some of them, righteously follow Christ. It’s taking advantage of Christians and leading them right into the arms of Zionism. Christian Zionists, seventy million Christian Zionists in the United States. There are more Christian Zionists in the United States than there are Jewish Zionists. And that’s brought to you by MAGA. MAGA was created It was planned to ensure that the white working class in the United States would not build a bottoms up movement. Because the history of the working class in the United States has been always to build bottoms up movements, militant bottoms up movements to challenge those in power. So the trajectory was you would create a fake opposition to one wing, which was called the Democrats. You would implode the Democrats by taking the Democrats who were presented as a party of the working class and have them start talking about who should be able to, you know, that men should be able to go into women’s bathrooms, right? That’s what they became. They became the party of the bathroom, okay? Their bathroom party, okay? And this was done by design. And then you have a fool like Bernie Sanders, who’s never worked a fucking day in his life, who failed as an erotic novel writer. That’s what his job was. Okay. Who was a couch surfer most of his life, taking people talking about, I’m going to give you free this, free this, free this. Okay. And taking the, and that was the left wing of the democratic party or AOC who talks some nonsense, you know, and they took all of these people, the sucker young people, into the Democratic Party, and then they just imploded it, and the pinnacle was this fool Kamala Harris. So this was by design to demoralize the working class so they would then go under this rubric of MAGA, which is corralling people to not do anything, sit and wait for Trump to do something, okay? And they’ve achieved that, except they have a problem. Our movement exists. This is a serious problem. This is why Trump during the election fraud thing had Mark Meadows called me because we were independent of any of them. We were getting our word out. So he wanted to ride my coattails. He invited me to Mar-a-Lago. We refused to go initially because he’s the one who supported election fraud right here in Massachusetts against me. When I eventually met with him, the guy was just taking notes, looking at my sound bites. Oh, that’s a good thing. I’ll use that. But if you look at what Trump did, he used our material to raise a half a billion dollars for election fraud. He’s done nothing. Elon Musk just put up the picture that I have back there that we used in our thing. If you can take that down for me right there, take that magnet, right? So they steal our, just take down the whole magnet, that one right there. Yeah, fake Indian, real Indian. Let’s take it down, yeah. So many of you know, we ran a great ad campaign, right? Only the real Indian can defeat the fake Indian. We forced Elizabeth Warren to take the DNA test. It was a great ad campaign. This should probably go in advertising history as one of the greatest ad campaigns, political ad campaigns. It really was. And we had volunteers across Massachusetts put up thousands of these signs. We forced Elizabeth Warren, who’s not Native American, but who got into Harvard saying she was Native American. And then Trump stole our material saying, oh yeah, I’m the one who forced her to take the DNA test. No, we did that, okay? So they steal our material because we are actually the working class. So they have to steal our material to create a fake dialectic. But the movement for truth, freedom, health is the true party, the true movement of the working class. MAGA is a manipulation to make sure the white working class in the United States stays at home with their thumbs sitting on their thumbs. That’s their job. talking about America first, but putting Israeli flags everywhere. Total fucking manipulation. Who is challenging that? Who has challenged it? Who has exposed it? Us, consistently. So you should all be proud of that. So those of you who are new, welcome. And those of you who think that something is going to happen, by some cataclysm, by some World War III, by UFOs. Please, that’s just fucking fairytale. Stop being foolish. The only way the world is gonna change is one on one by one. Lynn Hurdley, by herself, goes out in UK and hands out cards. That’s how the world is gonna change. It’s not gonna change through some drama. some Hollywood drama. It isn’t, that’s what they want you to believe. It’s gonna happen by people coming together having local meetings, having weekly meetings, handing out cards, very basic stuff. And they don’t want you to learn this. They want you to think like, poof, something happens with some one event. No, it’s going to be every day, going out, doing the things. Now, our movement has created that infrastructure so everyone here can be empowered to go save themselves. MAGA is not about that. MAGA is wear a fucking hat and wait for Trump to suck Zionist cock all day and get you to be a Zionist cocksucker. That’s what MAGA is. Very different. Guys understand that? Our movement has three words, truth, freedom, health. And we recognize all these three are connected. If you want to protect your health, well, you have to learn also how to fight for all of society. And by the way, why do you want to get healthy? Why do you wanna, you know, do you wanna be like fucking disgusting looking booby Kennedy with all of his testosterone therapy? For what purpose? The purpose of getting healthy is so you can fight for other people. This was the ancient tradition of all warrior monk traditions, all traditions. You got healthy so you could be strong to fight for others. You didn’t just get healthy so you could show off your ass in the gym. That wasn’t the purpose of getting healthy. That’s what they’ve made getting healthy. A narcissism. You got healthy. You meditated. You ate well. You did all these things so you could be part of a community to fight for other people. That was a fundamental basis of yoga and meditation. Our movement is bringing that back. Truth, freedom, health. There’s no and. All of them are interconnected. That’s why our movement is the real movement. It’s the real difference. Now you go to talk about health. maha well we were talking about make america healthy crystal will tell you right crystal during covid booby steals that and what is booby kennedy actually all about is this maha movement it is about going to it’s about whitewashing big pharma that’s what it is the kennedys have always supported mass vaccination they always have john kennedy john kennedy I don’t give a fuck how John Kennedy died. I actually care how Marilyn Monroe died. That’s what we should really care about. Let’s talk about how she died, how they probably executed her. Let’s get the Marilyn Monroe files. You know, Marianne Berry will tell you. Marianne, can I share the story? Yes or no? Yeah, Marianne, maybe you want to share the story. So we have Marianne Berry here, whose father… was roommates with John effing Kennedy. Go ahead, tell what your father found out about John fucking Kennedy. He’s not a nice human being, he’s a fucking dick. Go ahead. No, I mean, totally correct. My father was, when he was a sophomore, JFK did not wanna stay in the freshman um how so he wanted to go over and stayed with the um uh sophomore so he stayed with my dad the dean said you have a new roommate he’s going to be a kennedy my father didn’t really have anything to you know he couldn’t argue with it so What he noticed was the father was an arrogant asshole to my dad also because we didn’t have- Joe Kennedy. Joe Kennedy Sr. Joe Kennedy Sr. And he was classmates with Joe Kennedy Jr. But JFK came in and he was three years younger than my dad, but he came in arrogantly, wanted to stay at the sophomore because he didn’t want to waste his time at the freshman. My dad noticed he never went to study hall. got these mysterious A’s, was always screwing around with some woman every night. And I was surprised because my father was told, you better shut up about this, that he had syphilis during college days because of all of his running around. So when I heard Dr. Shiva say that he knew that, I thought, oh my God, I thought that was a secret. So he always got these mysterious A’s. My father was very frustrated because he was never at study hall. Joe Kennedy Jr. was the same way. My father really believes that he was bumped off in World War II because of his arrogance. ways as well and he’s the one they were really probing for president but since he was bumped off that’s when they went with jfk but absolutely no respect and it just was area the way the way they were they just because of the name kennedy they got all these a’s and they got where they were today but with not even working and that seems to uh Be the same with all that. Ted Kennedy, same thing. Got kicked out of Harvard for cheating. And, you know, Chappaquiddick. The whole family. I mean, it’s just the whole family. And my father taught me when I was a young girl, almost ready to vote. Never, ever to vote for a Kennedy. Ever. And, you know, gave me all the reasons why he will never, ever vote for you. He will never… do anything to help you know because he knew the family and it was just terrible it really was yeah marianne and what’s one of the things that our movement teaches people we’re talking about is these people the real deception is the evil is they learn how to manipulate you so much that you actually feel like they’re some martyrs and some victims that’s the pr and joe kennedy the father of john f kennedy was a master at public relations. When Ted Kennedy killed the woman in Chappaquiddick, there’s a movie, you should go watch it, okay? Drove a woman drunken off a bridge and left her to die there for twenty-two hours. He could have saved her. And what did he do during those twenty-two hours was huddle with his father and lawyers and PR people how they were going to spin the story. These people are fucking disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting fucking human beings. The amount of manipulation that the United States people have undergone to make people believe these people are good, kind-hearted human beings is the deception. And no one talks about this like the way we do, right, Marianne? I mean, let’s say fuck John F. Kennedy. We will. And you have to have that attitude when you realize how fucked up these people are. Yep. And it goes back to the You know, I mean, the corruption started then and it’s just continued. My dad just said, look at the family. Look at Ted. Look at this guy. Look at this. You know, you’d name off the people. They’re total scum. All of them. All of them. All the way back to the nineteen thirties. Just historically. You know, I recommend people watch the movie Chappaquiddick. There’s a scene in the movie where after Ted Kennedy, who is the uncle of Boobie fucking Kennedy. has driven off and killed this woman, Mary Jo Kopechny. The father comes in his wheelchair and he says, you’re a fucking idiot. He goes, we’re going to now take care of this. We have to clean up your mess. And they bring in all these PR people to clean up his mess. He ends up getting a Senate seat. He wins a Senate seat for Massachusetts. And he probably paid off the family too. Just cut them up so they wouldn’t say anything. Yep. So- I hope you guys understand that when we use these very important curse words to curse at these people, you too must learn how to curse at them in the exact same way I’m doing and probably even worse. And you must teach your children to curse at these people. It’s very, very important. Don’t hide your children from cursing at these devils. But it was John Kennedy in nineteen sixty two passed the nineteen sixty two Kennedy Vaccination Act. Let’s start right there. That was the beginning of the big pharma insurgency, infiltration of public health. You see, in nineteen sixty three, ninety nine percent of measles had already vanished. They created the measles vaccine, then why it was already gone. So nineteen sixty two Kennedy Vaccination Act, it was that act that created all the corruption, the CDC, all the all the connections between big pharma, big hospitals and the big pharma companies. It was John Kennedy who created that. By the way, John Kennedy is the one who also created the opportunity for US companies to start laundering money to other countries and significantly help the elites reduce their tax rates to ridiculously low levels. That was John Kennedy. Guy was not a good human being. And as Marianne said, He had all these STDs. He wasn’t even allowed to go into the Navy. His father had to get him into the Navy. And then they created this entire heroism as though he had, you know, done something great when he’s the one actually crashed his own boat and fucked up everything. OK, complete fucking moron. All right. But it was nineteen sixty two. So when we look at make America healthy again, which is really I think, Nicholas, what did you say? Make America hopeless again. Was that your what was it? Or did you have something else, Nicholas? What did you call it? No, misleading America’s health again. Yeah, misleading America’s health again. Same thing. Misleading America’s health again or make America hopeless. They’re the same thing. So you have all of this infrastructure for corruption was created by the nineteen sixty two Kennedy Vaccination Act. That’s what should be repealed. As people started getting vaccine injured for the next twenty four years, up until nineteen eighty six, people are suing big pharma companies. The next Kennedy who comes to their savior is Ted Kennedy, the guy who killed that woman in Massachusetts, he’s the one who co-sponsored the bill, which said, OK, to all the big pharma guys, don’t worry, we’re going to protect you. And they called it a very anodyne term. OK, the nineteen eighty six vaccine injury protection program, okay? Sounds like you’re protecting people from vaccines. It was actually a way to protect the pharma companies from ever being sued. So if you get vaccine injured or your child does, you cannot sue big pharma companies. Who? Fucking Ted Kennedy. You see the connection. Then you have this fool, booby fucking Kennedy, who knows nothing about anything. He really doesn’t. He’s a fucking idiot. If you’ve ever met him, you don’t want to even be around him. If you’re a woman, you definitely don’t want to be around him. Okay. No, seriously. We have enough stories. So booby fucking Kennedy comes into the picture. Um, thinking he knows something about mercury, right? Thinking he’s going to help clean waters when all of these movements he stole from other people. And they anointed him again because the whole goal of the swarm is to give you their leaders. Oh, this guy’s going to help you. This guy’s going to fight for civil rights. This guy’s going to do this. They anoint their leaders. And that was Boobie fucking Kennedy. But Boobie fucking Kennedy has made it very clear he believes in what? Let’s all repeat it together. Full vaccination of all Americans. Everyone say that together. Boobie fucking Kennedy believes in full vaccination of all Americans. Boobie fucking Kennedy believes in full vaccination of all Americans. And he said that. Guys want to see the video again? Should we play it again? All right. Let’s play the video so everyone understands what this fool is actually about. And you can go to And this was a site we literally built in twenty four hours. OK, after he after I started exposing, he wrote a blog page saying that I was working for the Clintons. This is his PR. So I literally stayed awake day and night with a couple of our friends and we created this website after we found out all the shit he was up to. So let me play this fool. OK, everyone should watch this fool and please call him a fool because that’s what he is. He looks like, I think Crystal, he said, looks like Darth Sith. Okay. So let me play this fools. Okay. Here we go. Here’s the fool. Okay. Here we go. Minister Farrakhan has asked me to address the issue of vaccines and African-American and vaccine safety. I want to start out by saying this, and I want to say it emphatically. I am pro-vaccine. I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine. I had all six of my children vaccinated, and I believe that we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans. I want to start out by saying this, and I want to say it emphatically. I am pro vaccine. I am. I have always been fiercely pro vaccine. I had all six of my children vaccinated, and I believe that we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans. I want to start out by saying this, and I want to say it emphatically. I am pro-vaccine. I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine. I had all six of my children vaccinated, and I believe that we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans. I want to start out by saying this, and I want to say it emphatically. I am pro-vaccine. I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine. I had all six of my children vaccinated, and I believe that we ought to have policies Americans. All right. There you go. All right. So that’s him. And we have to repeat this. It’s right in fucking front of you. Now he’s running make America healthy again or make America make misleading America’s health again. OK, do you see the deception within the deception? Who’s opposing him? Us. We’re the ones who had to do the dirty work of exposing this idiot. And we keep exposing him. So there’s only one force that stands against the deception within the deception. And that is our movement for truth, freedom, health. We’re a global movement and we are relentless. We go offline. We do not look for their acknowledgement. They may steal our content all day, but they have no interest in building a movement. They want to entertain people even with quote unquote truth. So yes, The real difference is me versus Trump, Truth Freedom Health versus MAGA, and SystemSouth versus MAHA. So what is SystemSouth? Everything we do, and all of you who made it this far, you better get off your butts and go through the Truth Freedom Health curriculum over and over again, get on the ground, connect with a leader, if you haven’t, this evening, and start doing the work, twenty minutes a day. there’s no one should have the excuse I don’t have time I think uh suresh there was there was a gentleman who helped us collect signatures in virginia and you know he just got his o-one visa he says oh you know o-one visa by the way is for extraordinary talent okay and he said I got it because I told people I’m also a I learned system science great and I said okay you better help us grow the movement in Virginia. He goes, oh, but I have to go to India now and hang out with my mom. I said, what the fuck are you talking about? Like everyone has shit to do. We need people to walk the walk. And I find Indians sometimes give the biggest fucking excuses all day. There’s one point six billion Indians. I’m Indian. There’s no fucking Indians, very few of them. And that’s why we’ve been yelling at them, like, where the fuck are you? OK, so if you made it this far, You better get your shit together, allocate a certain amount of time and start doing the work, which is hand out cards, twenty minutes a day, get people to our orientation and start doing the work. We have at our award ceremony, you find people are in their eighties and nineties. People collected signatures for us, people who have two, three jobs. families, grandparents, they go do the work. So if you made it this far, don’t give us fucking excuses because you’re really hurting yourself. So we’ve created an environment where everyone can get involved. I can’t do your work. You have to do the work. I have been fortunate to be able to understand all this, to organize this and bring this together. But you must want to save yourself. And that doesn’t mean, oh, I’m going to save myself. Well, allocate twenty minutes of your time and the best people in our movement are people who allocate that time they do a bunch of stuff and they do this the worst people in our movement are people who talk they’ll come to the orientation to ask some wackadoodle questions we say did you hand out cards oh well I have uh this and this and this and to do no make the time make the time You have to make the time. We’re giving you an opportunity to save yourself by exercising a part of your epigenetics, your psyche, your brain, your physicality, to go meet people, to connect with people. In New Jersey, Rose will tell you, the New Jersey legislature just passed a bill which says that teachers do not have to pass a math or verbal literacy test to be a teacher. Now think about what I’m saying. So a teacher does not have to know vocabulary. They don’t even know how to add numbers together. basic counting. They don’t need to even know what an isosceles triangle is or an equilateral triangle is. They don’t need to know the slope of a line versus the equation of a plane. They don’t need to know shit, but you can be a teacher. Now, why would the state of New Jersey do that? for one singular reason. They want all of you as parents to hate the teachers. So you then start homeschooling your kids at home, putting them online and giving them an iPad. And what happens when kids get that kind of education? You don’t fully develop yourself, but you go to school, you have to show up and a teacher looks at you. They fucking whip you into shape. You become an actual real student. These things cannot teach you stuff. You have to have interaction with human beings. So there is a massive effort to make people dumb, disabled, and demoralized. Dumb, disabled, and demoralized. That is what MAGA is. That’s what MAHA is. We’re gonna take care of it for you. Yeah, Boobie Kennedy is gonna fucking take care of shit for you. He wants full vaccination of all Americans. That’s what he’s gonna deliver. He’s gonna whitewash big pharma. Oh yeah, now we have safe vaccines. I’ve put my rubber stamp on them. Trust me, I’m a fucking Kennedy. That’s what this is all about. But they have a serious problem. Our movement exists. And what I want to let everyone know is in twenty five. We are still going to hammer these people and expose the fuck out of them. But eighty percent of the time, all of you here will have the opportunity to deliver our solutions. We’re not going to wait for government to figure out what’s in our food. We already have the clean food certified solution. We developed that over the last fifteen years. We have a seal that determines how food comes in. how it’s processed and how it comes to your mouth from farm to fork. We have that seal. All of you can be involved in delivering that solution. It took me fifteen years to build that. We have established that. But food is one of the most important things. Even McKinsey. Did a report two years ago showing that the number one thing people are looking at is where their sourcing of their food is coming from. Well, we have that solution. The United States government doesn’t. We have it. It’s bottoms up, you see. And it takes a systems approach, not a reductionist approach. Just because you have the organic seal doesn’t mean it’s good food. How is the seal? How is that food processed? We have the entire holistic way. That’s our clean food seal. All of you can be deliverers of that solution in your neighborhoods, to your restaurants, et cetera. Very powerful solution. We’re not waiting for booby fucking Kennedy. We’re not waiting for the USDA. We can deliver that solution. Let me make this very clear. We’re not into these people saying, let’s go off grid, let’s go become survivalists and go underground until the aliens come. No, we’re saying we’re going to fully live in this world and we’re going to challenge them. Clean food, we have that solution. All of you can get educated to become clean food inspectors. We, the people, will be inspectors of our food. We don’t need the government. We have the seal. Number two, health education. Is a wonderful industry, a wonderful profession that was started in nineteen thirty seven. It has been now taken over by the swarm. Health education now has become. Educating you why you should get vaccinated and where you get to get a mask. Health education has degenerated among the new age people into just teaching you a little put a buffet of all these different random alternative techniques, but not really teaching you the foundations of health education. which is system science, which is what we do. We have now created an entire health education program over the last fifteen years, and it’s for everyone. You can be a medical doctor, you can be a nurse, you can be a cardiologist. We’ve had those people go through the program. You can be an alternative practitioner, you can be a yoga teacher, you can be a chiropractor, or you can just be a homemaker, you can be a marketer, you can be an entrepreneur, anyone. The systems health educator program is a very powerful program that you and your communities can directly go and educate people how to take care of their health using our technology, our curricula. Think about that. We’re not waiting for them. We’re gonna do it on our own because we have the knowledge and the wherewithal to do that. We’re not gonna compete with the medical industry. We’re gonna educate people, systems health. Maha doesn’t have any of that, okay? We have our movement itself. We’re training leaders. How do you manage people? How do you articulate to people? How do you communicate to people? We are doing that. We’ve created all these institutions and much more. So we are the people. And by the way, all of this is brought to you by us, not some Zionist cocksucker like Trump, not some fucking government agent like Elon Musk, not some fucking scam artist like Vivek the Snake. It’s us. It’s us. No one is coming to save us. We have solutions. We know how to expose them. We need you guys to get off your butts and help grow this movement explosively. So when we go through the orientation right now, and if you’re already been here, make sure you connect with people. And we have very high standards for our leaders. All of our leaders have to be either working or They can’t be living in their mama’s home and having mama and papa serve them three square meals, take care of everything. They have to work. Or they have to be a retiree who’s worked. Or they have to be a mother or a father who knows what it means to take care of a family. That’s what we, our movement is truly by the people, for the people, by working people. And this movement says we must go one by one. There is no goddamn shortcut. No shortcuts. There is none. Hand out the card, have conversations with people. And Nicholas or whoever’s running the meeting, bring up the card if you haven’t seen it. And we’ve spent a lot of time, energy, trans, yeah, so Gary’s got a card right there in Canada. Yeah, Gary, can you bring it up to the camera? So the front of it has our card, okay, with our branding that we earned. And on the back of it, it’s got two graphs that cost of living is going up, lifespan is coming down. And then it has a little QR code that when you hand it to someone, they can go to shatter the swarm. That’s where their journey begins. Watch the shatter the swarm. Step one. Step two, become a Truth, Freedom, Health Warrior Scholar. You know, don’t be a cheapo. Invest in yourself. We’ve made this so accessible to everyone. Start with get off the plantation, become a warrior scholar. And hopefully you’ll also want to be a leader and then you can go down different tracks. If you like the health track, great. Become a health educator, help people get healthy. If you want to take care of food, help your restaurants, local businesses. If you want to become a leader, go down that track. We also have an entire track for kids. You see guys, we actually have real solutions, revolutionary solutions. We have Cytosol, a technology that we’re going after every freaking disease. We’ve had to do it on our own. So those of you who want to support Cytosol’s development, we’re in our building here. We do fulfillment right here. We do packaging right there. We just met an incredible person who does supply chain management for the biggest companies in the world. He’s going to come help us right here. If you want to take any of the courses, you can do two ways. You can pay it up front, system self, you can get a scholarship, become a warrior, or guess what? If you have a skill, do work study, serve and learn. We don’t want to hear, well, I don’t have any money. I don’t know what to do. Well, you must have a skill. you do you have a skill you know how to like paint great come to our headquarters help us paint we’ll give you a scholarship old school save yourself help yourself because then when you get something when you put in your labor or your own money you value it this is not a welfare program we will kick your ass to do work. And if you don’t want your ass kicked, please go work with Bernie Sanders and hang out with fucking Trump all day. We’ll give you recommendation letters. Okay? Working people work. That’s why I call it working people. Unworking people don’t work. It’s not going to work out here for you if you can’t work. So I want to welcome everyone. It is a new year and it’s very exciting because we are going to start deploying our solutions. We have a program for each one of you to become a star in your local area. Take these solutions. Help your neighborhoods get cleaner food, help people get healthier, create leaders. We have it all. So get involved. And some of you may want to start an enterprising social entrepreneurial way to do this. We’re also developing that so you can do this in a full-time sustainable way if you want. And we’re figuring that out. So I want to welcome everyone. The next part of the program is we’re going to introduce new people who’ve come here. And we’ll start with you. Do you want to just introduce yourself? Sure. Hi, I’m Kate. Kate, just briefly take ninety seconds. We have a gong. Respect people’s time, who you are, what part of the country you’re from, what you do and how you want to contribute. Go ahead, Kate. OK, I’m Kate. I’m from Massachusetts. What I do for work, I take care of exotic birds. okay pet sitter but I’ve done everything that you can think of basically and what I want to do I just want to um help someone who’s really got good ideas and who really understands what’s going on that’s it thank you kate nice having you nick do you want to introduce yourself in the back sure I’m uh nick I live here in massachusetts and uh I work as a ai trainer recently and uh I took a couple years off after uh last job when there was illness at home and I was doing my own research. And so I’m very fascinated to learn more about what’s going on here. But you’re also caretaking for someone else, right? Yes. Yep. And then Joyce, go ahead. Joyce, I’m from Manchester, Mass. And I’m here to volunteer five hours a week and come in and help out as much as I can because we’re heading in the right direction here. Joyce, but you were a body. I’m a massage therapist, esthetician, and cosmetologist. But right now I’m working in a grocery store because I’ve been doing caretaking and needed a lot of time off. Valerie, I know you don’t want to be on camera. You just want to say what you do. You’re from Western Mass, right? Springfield? You want to say anything? Vincent Cerce, MD, Okay, so Valerie shy that’s okay about but Valerie drove nearly two hours to come to Cambridge today and she’s got to drive two hours back, so we want to welcome her coming here, so we have people from we had people before we had some tea. One of our volunteers bake some great pumpkin bread all fresh that she has her own farm. Michelle Robinson and her husband came and we had a great talk, so if you meet people face to face guys start doing it, you find it wasn’t it great. It was it was really nice you meet people you have great conversations we’re building back old school Community it’s called being human. So. Great, let’s go online to who we have here. So the ethos is on the bottom, there’s a thing called React, which has a heart on it. If you click on that, it’ll give you a thing that says, raise your hand. To raise your hand, take ninety seconds. Andrew or Nicholas, who’s facilitating the meeting today? Is it Andrew? Me and Jill, but we introduced new people already. Oh, you did? Okay. well welcome to the new people are you sure you kept a very uh sometimes people hide did you pick up all the people yeah we went through the whole all right all right so yeah I like to find all those people are hiding and bring them out yeah what’s that you like to expose people no not expose people like to expose people um all right so let’s uh any questions Just to summarize, we have a framework for you to go from point A to point B, okay? Again, ninety seconds, and the gong will go off if you want to share something or ask a question. Is that Warren? Warren, are you from Canada? Hello. Are you from California, Warren? I’m born and raised in California, yeah. Okay, nice to have you. Have you met Jill Jones? Have I met Jill Jones? The name doesn’t, the name, I don’t know. Can’t say that. Okay, did you introduce yourself today? yeah oh yeah okay um yeah and no one connected you to joel come on nicholas he’s actually in texas so we’re connecting him to ryan he’s from okay so ryan is there yeah I just moved to texas all right um I’m kind of hesitant to ask this question and you sort of addressed it um by describing yourself as a global movement I also want to say I really appreciate the language you use we need to be crass with these people I’m sick of people like tone policing when people are abusing human beings and Gavin Newsom is clearing homeless camps. It’s really disgusting. But anyways, my question was, and yeah, you do address it sort of. I’ve been trying to figure out who, quote unquote, they are in terms of whether it’s like, quote unquote, Western Freemasons or a global cabal, Xi Jinping included, Klaus Schwab. If you have a quick sentence on that or if it is irrelevant. Yeah, so did you see the Shatter the Storm video, Warren? Did we lose Warren? I assume you guys played that video, right? Yeah, I saw that video. Yeah, so first of all, The real issue is, do we understand the system dynamics of power, Warren? If you try to put these people as, oh my God, they’re the Masons and they have all these symbols and see Trump just did that handshake, right? Oh my God, he did this. Okay, that’s like no different than the Trekkies who go to Star Trek conferences. Do you know what I’m talking about? There’s a very funny Saturday Night Live skit where William Shatner is at, And then these Trekkies are like, yes. And we want to ask you, Captain Kirk, in that scene with the Klingons, on that scene, you said this and this happened. And then what does that mean? And he goes, why the fuck are you asking me these questions? All irrelevant. The point is people get into all these nuances of the reptiles, like David Icke or, you know, this free handshake or, you know, they drink blood. I mean, all this shit is irrelevant. They may do all sorts of stuff. How does that empower you in any way to figure out what we’re gonna do to free ourselves off a system of oppression that has been engineered in a very prescriptive manner and they understand system science. So the real question is why do people get into all this stuff and where does it lead them? Well, I’ll tell you where it leads them. It leads them to self entertain themselves, entertain other people so you don’t actually have to do anything. To the extent I did that swarm video, it was done in a way to say that those in power are highly distributed. They’re highly telepathic, meaning they have a common interest. And it’s like those swarm of birds that fly. They even have competing interests sometimes. But when push comes to shove, they head in the same direction. It’s a much more deeper, nuanced way of letting people know that there is a system of how power profit control work. That’s why that video is so powerful because underlying that video is using engineering control systems theory. So you understand it, even though you may not see it right away. So I think the real answer to your question is, yeah, we figured out who runs it. but it’s not any one individual. It’s a multiracial aristocratic swarm that’s highly decentralized. They may even have competing interests from time to time. And that’s where it gets hard for people to distinguish. But the fundamental goal of that swarm is to make sure you don’t get off your butt and build a bottoms up movement. That’s it. Forget everyone else, you, that you will get distracted into a million other areas that go nowhere, but you will not get out on the ground and hand out a card. That’s what they want you to do. That you won’t take time to understand the dynamics of power that took me fifty years to figure out that the swarm learns. They will do everything so you don’t do what needs to be done. It’s like someone who procrastinates doing their homework before the assignment is due. They wait until the very last minute, right? They want to take advantage of your indolence and your laziness. So that’s the real issue. Do you want to get off your butt and help build a movement? Because they don’t want you to build a movement. We’ve created the infrastructure to build a movement. I hope you connect with Ryan. Is Ryan here? Ryan, have you connected with Warren? uh just this evening we did and uh nicholas you know so I’ll definitely reach out I’ll help him out he sounds like he’s very interested very smart please help him out we’ll do okay absolutely let’s go to mark oh mark is here in uh are you massachusetts mark or new mexico I’m in massachusetts oh good to have you what part of massachusetts I’m in Marlborough currently, and I work in Watertown in a biotech company. I’m a PhD, a physical organic chemist working in analytical. I’m aware of all of the facets that you address in all of your videos. I’ve been looking for a movement to join that will address all of them and get this shit cleared out. While you should come, you can come to our office. Cambridge is going to be a center point. Did you say you’re in Watertown? You work in Watertown? I work in Watertown, yes. Well, come by anytime. I’m here from six a.m. until eight p.m. I’d love to come by. Drop by. We have coffee, tea. You can help us do fulfillment. You can volunteer. All of these guys are going to be coming in, right? We just did a schedule. Everyone’s going to come in. Joyce is going to come in at least one day a week. Valerie’s going to come in all the way from Springfield. So, yeah, join us, Mark. We look forward to having you. Yeah, let’s come by. Yeah, so, Crystal, can you give Mark Sandy’s information? I’ve been in contact with Sandy. Oh, good. All right, Mark, good to have you. Thank you, thank you. Yeah, yeah, very nice. Let’s go to Robert Plunko from Canada. And I just want to make sure Glenn is here also. There’s Glenn. Go ahead, Robert. Hey, I just thought I would mention, during the introductions that you missed, one of the new fellows that joined in actually, and it’s sort of a testament to the whole movement and to the handling of the cards and distributing of the cards, he found a card at a bus shelter on the ground. So obviously it fell down, but that’s what initiated his call in. I think it’s Nathan Corbin. Oh, it’s Nathan here. Let’s see. Nathan. Can someone find Nathan? Yeah, there’s Nathan. Oh, Nathan. Nathan, can you introduce yourself? Nathan Corbin. Nathan, can you unmute? Yeah, there you go. Nathan, how are you? Nathan here? Okay. Maybe someone can find him and unmute him. Yeah, so Robert, thanks for sharing that. These cards are very powerful. They’re powerful for a number of reasons. Number one, it forces you to get out in the world. When you get out and you hand out the cards, you’re getting some vitamin D, you’re getting out in the cold or rain. it’s very healthy for you, frankly. You’re getting off of these screen devices. It gets you out there. If you walk with them, walking, as we know, is a great exercise. You’ll lose some weight, okay? That’s very healthy. You’ll increase your social skills. You’ll learn you have to be creative. How do you get these cards out, right? You can take pictures, share them with us. It lets you know that you’re out there doing something by yourself even, okay? It shows that you can be a force for change. But the second thing is, as Robert just said, it’s a way for us to connect with people that would probably not be able to reach us. Remember, only twenty three percent of American voters voted for Trump. Twenty three percent. Less than one quarter of the United States selected their president. There’s a whole bunch of people who are sitting there, what we call dark matter. They’re not in these worlds. So it’s a huge opportunity for us to go connect with people. So thank you, Robert, for sharing that. Robert, by the way, I assume you and Glenn have connected, right? Glenn? Yeah, Robert’s one of our longtime volunteers. He hands out cards down at the Calgary LRT and stuff like that. So yeah, for sure, he’s one of our helpers. Great. Anything else? Any other questions? Any other stories people want to share? Any other positive stories? I know you guys shared them within your group meetings. By the way, Everyone here, if Crystal or Nicholas can share, there’s a couple of links everyone should be aware of. We’ll put them in the chat. Number one, slash cards. You can get these cards. If you’re in the United States, we still have our president cards because of the generosity of one of our volunteers and a printer, you can still hand out the president cards. The campaign has not ended. Keep handing them out. And we still have those cards. We figured out a way to get them even economically to you. So Crystal, if you can put a link to the cards link and a link to slash cards where you can get the cards, those two links. Every other Fridays, we run a tutorial on how you can become a health educator. And then, Crystal, if you can put that link up, the one that’s coming up next Friday. The third step is if you want to learn more about clean food certified next Tuesday, every second Tuesday of the month, we take a topic and we do a forum on it. So we have one coming up next Tuesday. We just did one on men’s health. And that’s, again, a solution. This Tuesday, we went through why testosterone levels are going down. We went through the molecular systems of it. We went through the fact that we, we the people, have done using Cytosol as our platform. We went through close to three hundred different natural ingredients in nature, and we found thirty five ingredients which have some very interesting effects. And out of those, we have now developed three different formulations, which we’re gonna start manufacturing and developing and all of you guys can help get it out there. You see, this is truly bottoms up. We’re not waiting for the NIH. We’re not waiting for the government. We’re not waiting for Harvard, MIT, Yale. We’re doing this on our own because we can and we have the infrastructure. So every first Tuesdays of the month, we do a public service. We take an area that we’ve been researching and we share that knowledge with all of you. And you guys can participate in that. You can support it. You can get these others to know about this. And the other thing is we do these orientations, eleven a.m. and eight p.m. every night. And Crystal, if you can share the orientation link. Those of you, get those cards out, twenty minutes a day, go on social media, invite people to our orientations. So let’s go to Victor Booth. Victor, how are you? Fine, Dr. Shiva. We talked a couple of weeks ago, I guess a couple of Sundays ago. I’m ready to put that invoice together for Booby Kennedy. Oh yeah, we should do that. I told you, did Manju set up time? No, he just sent me an email and I’m still waiting for him to schedule a time for the interview with you. Okay, let’s do that. Yeah. Crystal, can you just ping Manju to make sure it happens? Crystal, are you here? I can do that, Dr. Shiva. Hey, Crystal, you should probably join us on that thing also and share the story of what happened to your friend in Nebraska. Yeah, so that’ll be a video? Yeah, we’re going to do a live interview. Maybe your friend wants to join us. Victor, Crystal’s got another very similar story to you, how Boobie Kennedy screwed over one of her friends, okay? Yes, sir. Literally stole her movement from her in Nebraska. Wow. Okay? A woman who actually started the medical freedom movement in Nebraska, Boobie Kennedy came and took over and tried to have sex with her. And when she refused… he completely destroyed her and stole all of her material wow okay yes nice guy yeah very nice guy yeah yeah I want him I want him as my friend great thank you doctor yeah I’m gonna get those flies out man I’ve been I’ve been getting uh cytosol I’ve been getting the um the uh mb- twenty-five out I just gave it out to a friend of my job she was I got back aches and stuff like I said hey take it take it so I gave her the hope yeah one of the things victor I want to let you know is we’re going to start building entire protocols for people so you guys can get them out there okay joint health you know here’s a t here’s the thing and then based on someone’s body type what kinds of recommendations of foods that they can take. So it’s a personalized protocol. We’re going to do that. We have just uncovered twenty one different types of diabetes, integrating cytosol and ancient systems of medicine. So Western medicine just takes some whatever it is and just, oh, that’s this disease. It’s much more nuanced than that. But the solutions we come up with, we’re going to enable you guys to get those solutions out there. OK. Because the solutions we have, real solutions cannot be gotten out there by ourselves. Let’s go to Philip Moyse. Philip, great to see you. Philip, how are you? Hi, Dr. Shiva. Hi, everybody. I like to say I discovered that instead of taking my sticker off, Dr. Shiva for president, twenty four, I want to put an eight at the end. And here you go. I’m going to keep it for four years until we’re going to get. again and run for twenty eight. So people who even on those cards that we have, we can put an eight at the end and Shiva for president, Dr. Shiva for president twenty eight. So this way it’s going to be still for the future. So it’s not like something that, you know, it’s twenty four. Yeah, I just saying an important thing. We’ve talked about this, our campaign. Have you noticed no one knows where Jill Stein is anymore? These people just come, Cornel West. We’re still here. So you’re right, Phil. We’re going to continue our campaign and we’ll probably formally announce our campaign. And we’re thinking of doing it on January twentyth. Amen. Amen. I think we should. Definitely. Yes. Andrew Rice said we should just inaugurate ourselves as a president of the movement for truth, freedom, health. And we just go challenge him. Right. It’s I’m telling you, it is us versus Trump. It is truth, freedom, health versus MAGA. It is us versus Maha. And we have solutions. Definitely. Philip, I like your attitude. And Philip, as an inventor, as an entrepreneur, we have to be bold, guys. No one gives us anything. We take it. Yes, yes, yes. We take it. We’re not looking for their acknowledgement. They’re never going to get shit to us. We take it. We’re not waiting. Thanks, Philip. Good to see you again. Let’s go over to Guthrie Miller. uh Guthrie Miller go ahead and then I’ll talk about the LA fires before we close go ahead Guthrie yeah um if you don’t think this is the time to address this question but I’m very curious your opinion you’re thinking about the question of immigration and open borders and uh you know on the one hand the uh oligarch class I would think would be in favor of open borders because you get talented people for a lower price. And then part of the Trump phenomena was the Trump working class, which seemed to be opposed to open borders. And you yourself, your family is an immigrant family that’s contributed greatly. So if you have anything to say on that, I’d be really curious. First of all, Guthrie, are you new? Have you introduced yourself before? Are you connected? I’ve done, yeah, I collected some signatures in New Mexico. Oh, great. Okay. So you should connect with, we need some leadership in New Mexico. So I’m going to introduce you to Marianne Berry right here. She’s in Arizona. Marianne, have you and Guthrie connected? No, I have not. And I would love to connect with you. Yeah. So Marianne, I’m going to make us, can someone connect Marianne or make Marianne co-host so she could directly communicate? So Guthrie, please connect with Marianne. Marianne’s awesome. Love to have you as a leader. Yeah. Her, Joanne, we have a great number of people growing in Arizona, but please connect with them. That’s just, please do that. Okay. Cause does that make sense, Guthrie? Yeah, sure. Let me answer your question. Let me answer you. So on the back end, watch your chat. Look, let’s just step way back, okay, Guthrie? If we really look at what’s going on globally with labor, okay, just the concept of labor, machines, productivity, and the nature of capitalism has driven massive improvements in productivity. Do you follow what I’m saying, Guthrie? Are you there? Guthrie can unmute. Definitely. Yes, I follow that. Right. So let’s just step way back because when you take a systems approach, you don’t get lost in reductionism. So the big picture of things is capitalism is driven to maximize profit. When it was a really early form of capitalism, all sorts of great innovations came. This stuff really fueled an enormous amount of growth, global growth. But it, you know, ninety, ninety two, ninety five percent of Amazon runs without humans. You know this, right? There’s so much automation that they put in. So globally, the drive to maximize profit was to drive down expenses. And that was the goal that capitalism performed very well because quarter over quarter, you wanted to increase stock market growth for your shareholders. Now, that means if you really look at it, we can produce a lot of stuff at very low cost right now, enormously low cost. And I would argue that We could literally have heaven on earth right now where large segments of the population, I’m talking about eight billion of us, there’s really no need for food shortages, no need for paying so much for it. Most of the stuff we have. So because of the fact that capitalism became so efficient, the imperialists themselves are like, holy shit, we can’t charge as much for products as we could because we made it so cheap to produce these products. So they have gone into the mode of creating fake supply shortages, Guthrie. That’s what the pandemic was, you see? And it was during that time that costs of certain goods went way up and six hundred billionaires increased their wealth by two point three trillion. So that’s a big phenomenon, right? So if you don’t need as much labor to produce these goods, those running this infrastructure are in a very interesting conundrum. They’re like, holy shit, we made things so efficient. How do we keep making money? Well, we have to create supply shortages so we can keep costs high or price high, right? So we can get more profit. Does that make sense? Yes. Okay. So, but the trajectory of all of this from their standpoint is why do we need all these humans? Okay. Why do we need all these humans? So there was a phase in the development of the United States or many other countries that in the sixties and seventies, many of the infrastructure that these countries did not have a good technical base. So my parents in late nineteen sixties and seventy, the US immigration policy said, we’re going to get the best. We’re going to drain other people’s brain trust. Okay. Because of the corruption in India, because of the caste system, my mom and dad were incredible people, probably the best of the best in India. They came to the United States. So India lost two amazing people, but the United States gained two amazing people. So that was a part of the immigration process, which really fueled a lot of growth. The next set of that immigration process, which occurred in the nineteen nineties among foreign immigrants, really began to bring another caliber, in the case of India or other countries, people from India here. But those people were driven to actually reduce the cost of U.S. labor. And many of these outsourcing companies, basically they’re indentured servitude companies, brought a lot of Indians here. Ninety nine percent of those Indians who came here weren’t like my parents, very patriotic to America, wanting to contribute. They were Indians who came here because they want to leave India. They wanted to get their BMW and they would live in their little cliques in the United States. Most of them are robots. They come here, just want to do some tasks. They’re not the brightest, even from India. And, but they really fueled Silicon Valley because Silicon Valley invested in many of those outsourcing companies. America got all these very compliant workers and they displaced US workers. And most of those Indians on H-Bs were highly compliant. They don’t participate in politics. They come here, live in their little cliques and money back home. And they sort of, in many ways don’t participate in America. The immigrants that they also brought in here from Mexico and other countries, many of them were fleeing the dictatorships in those countries created by US imperialism. And that labor pool was also brought here. Why? Two reasons. One, Wall Street could make money off of them because you reduced expenses. Those people were fearful coming as quote unquote illegal immigrants. So they would do anything at any cost for as little price as possible. But that was done by design. It wasn’t accidental. So when we so the point I’m sharing with you, Guthrie, is that the goal has been to keep costs low. in the United States to displace US workers, to get them on the dole, to create them to be disabled. And eventually you don’t even, these people are driven by fear how they work, be it the H-B workers who come here doing technical labor or the landscaper. But ultimately, the goal here, Guthrie, is to eliminate all of those jobs because now you’ve taken the U.S. working class out of these jobs. You have fearful immigrant labor here who keep their mouths shut. And then eventually you’ll take large portions of those and replace them with machines. That’s what this is about, Guthrie. So does that make sense? So what I’m trying to say is the, we have to see the big picture here. This is not about, you know, closing the borders because they wanted to close the borders. You would have done that overnight. It’s not that difficult, right? So the nature of having illegal immigration, the nature of having H-Bs was done by Silicon Valley and Wall Street. And concomitant with that, they also took huge portions of the US labor out by encouraging people not to learn new skills. So now it’s ripe for literally moving people to machinery, moving people to robots, moving people to AI. And eventually you just get rid of large sections of the labor pool. That’s where this is all about, Guthrie. I don’t know if that answered your question. I guess we lost Guthrie. Okay. Does that answer your question? So I’m saying broadly on the issue, I mean, in a very narrow way, I could talk to immigration and say, hey, look, the reality is that many of those immigrants coming across the borders from, let’s say, quote unquote, illegally, are coming there by design. And including… the labor pool of H-B people coming here. This is all being done by design to disable and make dumb the U.S. labor pool. All right. I hope that answered that question. Guthrie sort of going in and out. If you want to come in, go ahead. If you could just a little bit. Yeah. So how I’m with you on the on this political program you know ordinary people bottoms up um should we be uh wanting to close the borders to some extent to control immigration well first of all let’s talk about who is we who’s we the people that are drawn to this movement of yours and uh well you’re saying what should our position be on closing the borders is that yes oh okay well From my position, can we as a movement have an effect on, quote unquote, closing the borders? That’s a question back to you. Yes, I mean, can we? How are you going to go close the border, Guthrie? Well, if it were a part of a political platform or something like that. Yeah, but let’s just follow that all the way through. How do you go close the borders? Well, it’s hard to conceive of because the people in charge don’t want to do that. Right. So let’s talk about immigration policy, okay? Who controls immigration policy in the United States government? the ruling class, you know, the- No, no, no, but more, you know, if we wanted to affect change, is it the judiciary, the executive branch, or the Congress? Which one? I’m not so clear on it. It’s Congress. It’s Congress of the United States, okay? So, since nineteen seventy, with all, Democrat and Republican, why hasn’t there been a very strict immigration policy? I mean, do you notice whenever they get close to something, oh, now it’s vacation time, we’ve got to close Congress. Then they go away, right? So understand that they have no interest in addressing, quote unquote, illegal or legal immigration. Under Obama, for example, more legal immigrants came in and less illegal. Under Trump, more illegal immigrants came in and less legal immigrants. Are you aware of that? No, I wasn’t. Right. Are you saying it’s about the same number, though? No, no, more. Trump actually reduced the number of legal immigrants coming in. But, I mean, the total immigration. I’m talking about less legal immigrants came in through the legal process under Trump. And, in fact, more illegal immigrants came in than Obama under his administration. The so-called guy who wanted to build the wall, right? Right. The point is that understand that the heart of immigration, if you want to talk about H-Bs, if you want to talk about people coming across the Mexico border, if you want to take the Mexico border, most of those people are fleeing some of the most disastrous conditions in South American countries. You’re aware of that, right? Yes. Who created those conditions? Yeah, the U.S. empire. Right. So if you want to end illegal immigration, how do you do that? You go stop invading other countries. You go stop putting in people like Pinochet and you go stop funding, you know, death squads in Guatemala. You don’t need to build a fucking wall for that. Right? Right. So when you say, do we want to stop illegal immigration the more question is why are most people most people look my parents didn’t want to leave india they were uprooted overnight leaving their I mean I never I mean it was me my father my mother my sister here right we left everything do you would you suddenly get off and go to like um uh zimbabwe tomorrow guthrie like you and your family would you would you move there No, no. Yeah, so who the fuck wants to leave their countries? The question is, why are these people leaving their countries? You see, they got us asking the wrong questions. Why did my parents leave India? Why didn’t they stay there and fight with their brain trust? You see? So the wealthier countries know how to destroy the infrastructure of other countries, so people flee and you get cheap labor here. And they know how to create corrupt caste systems in other countries, so the best of the best leave there for the United States. You see, it’s not about closing the borders, it’s the policies that are done so people flee their countries. Do you see how I see it as an immigrant? Yes, yeah, I do. I mean, I never saw my grandparents. Do you think once every six years I’d see them? So I didn’t have huge family dinners. No, we’re like in another country. I don’t think most people who come here want to leave their countries. They’re leaving their countries because they’re forced to do that. And why are they forced to do that? Because the history of British and US imperialism over the last four hundred years has created exploitative structures in these countries. And that is the heart of the issue. Why are we, look at what we did to the Vietnamese people, not we, US imperialism. So we need to go address those issues. So you see, they have you asking questions under their battleground and our movement asks questions in a different way. And that’s why our movement is a global movement because, and that’s why it must be a global movement. Everyone’s got to fight in their own countries, but we as working people together. And that’s how you solve, quote unquote, the immigration issue. The immigration issue is not an immigration issue. The immigration issue is an issue of foundational issues having to do with exploitation. Go look at the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company, how many tons of gold and abuse that they did to India for three hundred, four hundred years. Go ask the people of South America and Uruguay and Argentina and Cuba, the abuse that they underwent under US imperialism. Cuba was used as a whorehouse for the elites for seventy years, literally. And you want people to just take it up, you know, up the whatever? No. So we have to look at the fact that this is not about illegal immigration. This is about illegal occupation and exploitation of other countries that a few set of Zionist hoodlums have profited from. So you want to stop people from coming here? Let’s go solve the real problem. Okay. Okay. That was helpful. Yep. All right, let’s wrap it up in two minutes. Let’s go, Sean in Florida. Sean, good to have you. Hey, Dr. Shiva. My question is going to kind of tie into what you said you wanted your closing subject to be with the California fires. And the question I posed to you last week, I don’t know if you remember in our conversation that we had was about all of those hundreds of all new narrative network podcast grifters that you did interviews with over the course of the past couple of years, and especially your presidential campaign, I found out that one of them specifically, if it’s okay to name names, Peter Duke was actually one who has lost his home completely. He lived in Pacific Palisades, and I think as most people know, that area was just wiped out down to ashes. It wasn’t just Peter, it was also his daughter, and I think also his ex-wife. So I’m wondering if you tie back into my question or conversation from last week, and then with whatever you want to get into this week about the California fires, What would you say to Peter Duke, who’s been doing, you know, his grift-a-thon for the past couple months ever since interviewing you and not being part of this movement? Or how can we, you know, as new members and warrior scholars, help to rope and motivate people who are specifically victims of the California fires into this movement? Yeah, first of all, uh sean have you gone through just quickly just want to do some just quick check-in and have you gone through the warrior scholar program are you connected with andrew down there I’m connected with Andrew. I’m actually just got my element messaging login tonight. I’ve done the first two or three videos from get off the plantation. So I’m just kind of getting started, but I’ve done it a lot of years on halls. Yeah. So first thing is go through that program and make sure you, you become a good scholar of that and get it and connect with Andrew. That’s just a basic item that I want you to do. Relative to the California fires. I think Glenn is here. Glenn and I, what about a year ago, right? Glenn. Remember, By the way, the California fires, the Canadian fires, they’re all the same thing. By the way, I used to live right on PCH when I was someone I used to be married to back in those days. And so I know that area really well. I know all those homes down there. I used to drive from, you know, Duke’s all the way up to, you know, Nobu and back probably thousands of times. So I’ve been watching those fires. So there’s a personal part part there because I think the home that I used to live in has been gone. Okay. And that was back in twenty thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. So here’s the reality, right? Glenn, I think you’re here. Glenn, do you remember the analysis I did for Canada, right? You have to understand that Canada and California, they want, and the United States wants to impose a carbon tax on people, okay? And there’s a huge financial motivation for forest fires to take place as a PR to expose to the world, oh my God, see what happens with the global climate change, okay? And by the way, nothing happens to arsonists who start these fires, be it in Canada, be it in Australia, be it in California. There’s basically an implicit encouragement of starting these fires, number one. Number two, and I talked about this two, three years ago, right, Glenn? And I’ve talked about it for many years even before that when I expose the climate change stuff. forest management is intentionally not done which is there’s basic forest management going back to traditional times you know the native americans used to do forest management every traditional culture knew how to do control burnings they knew how to clear the forest so you wouldn’t have and it’s like it’s like it’s like organized chaos okay third There is specific infrastructure that you can use, particular types of aircrafts, particular types of helicopters that put out fires very quickly. On purpose, they don’t invest in any of that infrastructure. And by the way, Trump didn’t do any of this either. When he was in power, so now he’s talking Gavin Newsom, right? But he didn’t do any of this shit either when he could have done that by executive order. when he was president in twenty sixteen twenty seventeen twenty eighteen twenty nineteen right so he’s just a big fucker okay he’s just a deceiver you know attacking gavin newsom to act as though he did something but understand that and I retweeted that video out recently this morning but go through that video it’s a deep detailed systems analysis of forest fires and how it profits people I believe I don’t have the numbers glenn if you may remember that In Canada, when you get your bill, there’s a carbon tax bill right now. You pay a certain tax. They want to bring it up to one hundred seventy dollars, I believe, for each metric ton of carbon. And I think it’s maybe thirty. So the more forest fires that they have and the more you talk about the disaster, the masses say, oh, my God, yes, we must have carbon tax. We can’t have this, please. I will accept the carbon tax. OK. So. understand that’s been going on the other side of it is that if you’ve been to pch and I know this very well right um you know a number of people’s household names you know whose homes I’ve been to they live along there I mean these are the people promoting climate change yet they live right on I mean where I lived you know you opened up the front door there was the pacific ocean yet those same people are the ones who promote climate change but they will live on the beach for themselves okay and if you look at where malibu is I mean there’s no water there it’s all dry and the amount I mean it’s a desert the amount of infrastructure they have to put in to get water out of the ground and what they have to do is quite extraordinary But they will live there. They get to Oceanside property. And the insurance companies over the past years, and I have a very good friend of mine who does a lot of disaster actuarial analysis. He was saying it’s crazy the amount of money that we lose because you know disaster is going to occur. So this is organized chaos. And ultimately what it does, it justifies the bigger narrative. Yes, we must have carbon tax. And remember, if you go watch my video crystal you may want to put the climate change video up there I did this detailed analysis showing that you can buy a carbon credits on the stock market it is priced at a certain price and carbon credit prices after twenty thirty are going to explosively increase in price people are going to make trillions and trillions of dollars off carbon credits and the carbon credit price is going to be directly a function of the carbon tax And so the more forest fires you have and the more you hype them up, people are going to say, yes, we need carbon tax. And how do you offset your carbon that you put out? You have to buy carbon credits, okay? So that’s what this is about, Sean. So what you’re seeing is this is a wonderful, wonderful debacle to say, see, be happy that you are supporting carbon tax. Does this make sense? Sure. Yeah, I agree. It’s about a lot of that. Yeah. And by the way, what’s interesting is you have that dynamic and you have the dynamic of many of these very high net worth individuals who have twenty, thirty million dollar homes there. Right. Or half a billion dollar homes. Ninety nine percent of those people. we’re absolutely fine with bombing the shit out of Gaza and leveling it. Okay. Leveling it. So, you know, and it’s hard, frankly, for me having lived in that community to really have, frankly, sympathy. I hate to be that, you know, insensitive, but I’m being very honest. I didn’t have a lot of sympathy for these people. Sorry. I don’t, you know, I commented somewhere earlier today that my big fear is that these big, wealthy, pro-Zionist, anti-Gaza people are going to be so dissatisfied and so angry with quote-unquote government now that they’re going to lead the charge into libertarianism and privatization. And then it’s going to be big time suffering for. Well, it’s not, it’s not, they’re going to, this is already, it’s already happening. That’s what Trump, the Elon Trump Inc is about Sean. Sure. Elon Trump Inc is as I, if you go watch a recent is all about privatization is all about You know, ensuring that we, the people, have no more free communication. Everything is surveillance because all of it’s going to be outsourced to private companies. Elon Musk is openly saying he wants to destroy the Postal Service, for example. So. But please go through the. program because you will get the theory that you need and get involved because you’re sitting in Florida and we’re talking about interesting questions about the swarm, but get Florida mobilized because Florida goes through the same thing with hurricanes all the time. All right, everyone, it’s ten thirty eight. I hope this conversation was valuable to those of you on social media. Welcome. If you want to grift all day, I want to be entertained. I welcome you to get out of that habit and talk about what you can do to save yourself and get on the ground. Those of you who are here, A number of your warrior scholars, if you’re interested in the leadership program, get involved. Crystal, I think you’ve put a number of those. If you want to get into being a solutions provider, as a system self-educator, or as a clean food support person to help your communities, get involved. But thank you, everyone. I hope this is valuable. I think we’ll play the anthem video, Crystal, and then we’ll wrap up with the features video. So you guys understand that we literally have an entire infrastructure for you. and get involved. And those of you who’ve been helping us, you have leadership skills. Please don’t give excuses. Oh, I have to go do this. I have to go do that. This is happening. That’s happening. Come on. Come on. It’s bullshit. Okay. Put twenty minutes, thirty minutes a day. We have people who work day and night and they’re doing it. So don’t talk about all the things that are going on and then why you can’t do this, because I can tell you we have someone in the ICU right now who still is working from. They’re not telling you should do that. OK, but I can tell you we have hardworking people who figure out how to be part of this. I’m not telling you to go to that, but I’m telling you, there’s really not a lot of excuse you have if you made it this far and you went through these videos and you got here, not to pitch in and join the only movement that has the capability, the resilience, the fortitude, the infrastructure to shatter the swarm. And frankly, creates a prospect of creating heaven on earth for all of us. And it’s not going to happen overnight. It’s going to happen one by one by one. And it’s going to happen with a lot of hard work. but working people were willing to work hard, okay? Donald Trump ain’t willing to work hard. And if you follow Donald Trump, and if you follow booby fucking Kennedy, you really, really have to have your ethics checked. What kind of human being are you? And if you’re making excuses for them. All right, everyone. Thank you. Be well, be the light. I want to thank everyone in Cambridge. And those of you, if you want to come to Cambridge, you’re welcome. We’re going to do weekend projects here. Everyone can help with different things. And we want you to get vibrantly involved. You have a lot of the leaders here. Support them. They’re great people. They all work for a living. And by physically meeting, you have a very, very different type of environment that you create. Thanks, everyone. Be well. Crystal, you’ll take care of it, right? I’m going to leave here and then you guys go finish up the video. Thank you.