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Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator shares the Open Science project recently launched by CytoSolve® Research Division in collaboration with UHN to document every molecular pathway for human knee osteoarthritis.

The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.

  • Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – walks us through a Systems Approach of Osteoarthritis using CytoSolve to model molecular systems architecture.
  • CytoSolve and the University Health Network (UHN) of Canada team up, and take a Systems Approach in a 3 year collaboration, compiling 22,000 papers written on Osteoarthritis.
  • They then distill those 22,000 papers to 6,000 which focus on Osteoarthritis of the human knee, where CytoSolve extracts the molecular systems involving the human knee creating its molecular architecture.
  • The knee is composed subchondral bone, the meniscus, the fat pad, osteophytes, immune cells, cartilage, and synovial tissue, CytoSolve is able to show the interactions that cause inflammation to the knees anatomy at a molecular level.
  • The interactive break down of the molecular architecture and science paper can be found on, here you can click on each component as well as reading the scientific research paper Molecular Systems Architecture of Human Knee Osteoarthritis



Good evening, everyone. This is Dr. Shiva, very sorry, we are a little bit delayed. I wanted to do this a little bit earlier, but we’ve been setting up some new systems here where I can hopefully do things more richer in terms of media. We have a big screen setup here, I have Instagram running here, two monitors, a writing pad because a lot of you said that you actually enjoyed me doing some of the molecular systems stuff in teaching science, so that’s what I’m going to be doing today.

We’re going to be talking about some science, in fact I’m going to be sharing more and more science stuff with you on molecular systems and CytoSolve, and really educating you on knowledge that you really can’t get anywhere, because it seems if you say the word “vaccines,” or fake science,” people start throwing you off everywhere and it’s unfortunate. So, I’m just going to put on my scientist hat, and educate. Those of you who want to learn more about stuff that may perturb those people elsewhere, please go to We’re building our own infrastructure, our own videos, That’s how we’re gonna win.

The unfortunate situation with big academia and certain organizations, and big media and big tech is that they think that they’re going to control a very narrow view of what science is, and this is unfortunate. What I’m going to share with you tonight is an open science project that I led with another researcher at the University Health Network of Canada, the largest hospital network in all of Canada. We were funded to do research for the last three years on osteoarthritis, and we took a systems approach to this.

Systems Approach

When you take a systems approach, you start identifying things that when you cherry pick stuff you cannot understand. Let me explain. If you remember the old story of the elephant, and the king who invites the blind men to come look at parts of the elephant, they’re looking at only pieces of it. The guy who touches the tail thinks the elephant’s a brush, the guy who bumps into the elephant’s feet thinks it’s an oak tree and the guy who touches the side of the elephant thinks it’s a wall and the guy who touches the tusks thinks it’s a spear. You see, they’re only touching pieces. That’s called a reductionist approach, they cherry pick. But when you take a systems approach, you start getting a whole understanding of what’s going on.

So, in the effort that we did, using our technology, CytoSolve, which is really a technology for enabling systems understanding of very complex phenomena, osteoarthritis — and there’s about 22,000 papers written on it — we used CytoSolve in the process to literally look at all those papers, distil it down to the ones having to do with human knee osteoarthritis, which is around 6000. And then we literally extracted all the molecular systems. And I’m going to share some of that with you. This is the first molecular systems mapping of human knee osteoarthritis, which is very debilitating to hundreds of millions of people all over the planet. This is the first project of its kind where we use a systems approach to map it. But more importantly, what we’ve done is we’ve made it open, we’ve made it transparent.

Truth Freedom Health®

As many of you know, every Monday evening, we are building an army of Truth Freedom Health Warriors, and that does not mean just some random political thing. No, we’re teaching people the Foundations of Systems. Using that foundation, the students that we’re educating,our goal is to have 50,000 people educated by the end of 2021 in the concepts of systems and how they can start looking at the world, beyond pro or anti, beyond that reductionist way, beyond Republican and Democrat.

By the way, if any of you were into the Republican versus Democrat, left versus right, let me just tell you in a very honest way, that’s like you when you were 14 years old, or 10 years old, or 12 years old, watching WWF wrestling. If you’re into this left versus right reductionist way, Republican versus Democrat, that’s where they want you to be. The fake scientists want us to be involved in not looking at the whole system, they only want us to look at a piece of something, but real science comes when you look at the whole. Real change is going to come not when we look at left or right; it’s like looking at the front of the elephant or the ass of the health. That’s Republican and Democrat, or left versus right. We have to look at the whole thing, and that requires a systems approach.

So what I want to do is to educate all of you, and I’m going to be very emphatic about it. If you want to talk politics, if you don’t have a systems understanding, you’re going to be blindsided and frankly, it’s going to be a very adolescent viewpoint. So it’s extremely important that you start getting the systems education, you’re not going to get this anywhere else. It took me about 50 years to put together this curriculum. And all of you listening out there share this because the only way we’re going to win, be it for truth, be it for freedom, be it for health, is to build a systems understanding.

And so as I usually do, before I go into this amazing stuff I’m going to share with you — we’re going to see some beautiful graphics, beautiful understanding of human knee osteoarthritis; we’re going to cover a couple of very specific events of inflammatory response that causes knee osteoarthritis, plus what we call cartilage degeneration. And you’re going to see this tool that I’ve created is an amazing tool for discovery. And most importantly, we made it open, citizen science, open science, not writing it in a few textbooks that only a few scientists get access to only a few academics. My goal is to radically change the way we also do science in an open science model. So we’re going to talk about that, because right now, the way science is being done, a few people are actually owning the narratives, and it’s very, very hard for everyday people to get access to anything.

So, let me take you first of all to This is my website but on this website, we’re doing something much more profound. It’s a website that will share with you all the different things that I’ve been working on, be it the invention of email, be it the creation of CytoSolve, but more importantly, what I want to share with you here is one of the things we’ve done here is, we have created an environment for all of you to get educated. So if you go to, or you could go on the top right to “join,” you will have the opportunity to join the movement for Truth Freedom and Health. This is for those people who really want to change the world. It’s not for those people who want to, frankly, play around with Republican and Democrat, Trump non Trump, left right; let me just tell you, that we’re not going to get anywhere except into one camp or another camp. As you know, I play my video, as I do each day, which will really give you an idea of why we need to build this movement for Truth, Freedom, and Health. Take a few minutes to share this with your friends, but really get a deep understanding of why we’re building this movement.

I want to make sure all of you are aware of this. When you log in, and when you log into the site, we are literally building an actual infrastructure that will support this movement for Truth Freedom and Health. And it is not only a Massachusetts movement, not only a national movement, it’s becoming a global movement. We have Ttruth, Freedom and Health Warriors, nearly 4600 now, all over the planet. People are tired of this left-right, Republican-Democrat, Labour Party-Tory Party, whatever the dynamics is, people want real change. But we’re not going to have real change until we take a scientific systems approach, so please go to

Most importantly, one of the things we’ve done here is to create an environment, we’re creating a —  hardware, software, data center, infrastructure —  environment, so we don’t get kicked off. When we join in this community, you can go here and check it out, there’s actually a complete environment here for all of you to build community, where we can go into the dashboard here when you log in, and in this environment, you can actually go and you can get all the learnings you want. There’s — in the interest of time, because I’m very excited to share with you the osteoarthritis — you can get videos, you can get tools that you can use to educate your neighbors.

For example, there’s a mask card, a vaccines card that you can give to people. For example, the vaccines card literally is a card that you can print at your local printer, and it’ll teach people. It will educate people on what is a real issue beyond vax and anti-vax because again, we get caught in this dialectic. We don’t want to get caught in the left, right, You can print out these cards. It’ll give you the real science around vaccines, that it’s really about personalized medicine, and what are the public health implications. There’s also a card here for masks that you can educate your neighbors with. People are printing these out and giving them everywhere.

In addition, we have tools, Your Body, Your System, the Foundation of Systems course, ebooks that really give you the text, but more importantly, there’s also tools that we are building now that will enable you to interact with other people. There is a forum The forum is where you can literally start a conversation on any topic that you want. For example, someone’s talking about alkaline power salad recipes. You’re not gonna get thrown off, we’re not YouTube, we’re not Facebook. This is your community, but it’s all around Truth, Freedom and Health. Please take advantage of this.

Overview of Osteoarthritis

What I want to do now is to really talk to you about the recent work that I’ve done using a systems approach. As a systems biologist, I believe we can take a systems approach, be it to understanding infrastructure, be it to understanding the health care system, be it to understanding your body. Today, we’re going to talk about a very awful disease called osteoarthritis. As people age, as people get injured, it’s a little bit different than arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when something else occurs — it’s mechanical. So, you use your knee a lot, athletes get it, as people age they get it, some of it’s genetic, some of it’s not genetic.

There are, as I mentioned, 1000’s and 1000’s of papers written on osteoarthritis. We wanted to take a systems approach to understanding that, and that resulted in the development of CytoSolve’s, with the University Health Network of Canada’s support and funding, we created the first Global Map of osteoarthritis. I’m going to show it to you quickly, and then I’m going to show you, I have my new pad here, where I can actually do some drawings for you. What we’ve done here with our tool here, that we’ve created, and by the way, this is free, it’s open to the world. It’s not behind some paywall, anyone can access it, and I recommend everyone do.

So, let me go over here to the molecular systems architecture. I’m going to go back to If you go to human knee osteoarthritis, you will get access to a paper. It’s actually an electronic paper, called Molecular Systems Architecture of Human Knee Osteoarthritis, and this was between CytoSolve and UHN. It’s a three year collaboration, and you can also download the scientific white paper that’s up here that we collaborated on putting together. It’s a white paper that really educates you. It’s called Molecular Systems Architecture, and it explains the architecture, explains what we did, how many papers we went through — nearly 20,000 papers — what we discovered. It’s a great paper, but more importantly, there’s also, for those of you who don’t like to read, you can go to the visual map here.

Mapping OsteoArthritis with CytoSolve®

If you click on this diagram here, this literally takes you to a mapping of the human knee. We’re taking a view where, from a systems biology standpoint, here’s the knee, and the knee is composed of subchondral bone, the meniscus, the fat pad, osteophytes, immune cells, cartilage and synovial tissue. By the way, this is all done by our team here at CytoSolve, which is the same team that’s providing you all the scientific original research. So, for example, synovial tissue is a part of the knee, and when you click on this, it gives you all the different cells that are involved in the synovial tissue; SCells, F-FLS, T-FLS, Fibroblasts. Then if you want to go back up, you just click on “knee,” and it takes you back up.

One of the things many of us are interested in is cartilage. What is cartilage made up of? Cartilage is made up of chondrocytes, those are the cells. And when you click on chondrocytes, you can find out the different kinds of things that affect chondrocytes to create, let’s say, cartilage degeneration, or inflammatory response. And these are the different kinds of ligands, which means the things that can land on this cell’s receptors, and I’ll explain this.

Here are all the different cytokines. These are the cartilage, these are the ones that degenerate cartilage, these don’t have much of an effect. IL-1b is a cartilage degenerating cytokine. What I’m showing you here is, using CytoSolve and our process, we’ve literally mapped out every green molecule, these are all the molecules that are upregulated, which means that your body creates when the cytokine is there. This is a signalling molecule, and it causes something like MMP-13 to come up, or COX-2 to come up, which we’ll talk about, or iNOS. The red ones are things that are deep, and I’ll come back to this. I want to show you some new technology that I’m playing with, to do a little bit of drawing and explain what we’re going to do here.

We’re going to share with you the drawing that I’m working on here. This is what’s called the chondrocyte, this is what your knee cells are made up of. These are the cells in the knee. And imagine you have a catcher’s mitt here.

Systems Visualization: IL-1b

This is called IL-1b. IL-1b is a cytokine that is not good that you want to have. So it lands on this receptor, and what it’ll do, through a series of chemical reactions, it will up regulate something like COX-2. It may also up regulate another molecule called iNOS, which is iNOS synthase, which is nitric oxide synthase. Or it may put out another — and there’s many molecules —  called MMP-13. And what this results in, is these two things cause inflammation. This causes cartilage degeneration.

We can use our technology here that we built, with CytoSolve, we’ve mapped out every type of cytokine, every type of molecule here. And then using this tool, we can look at, from a systems approach, all the literature that we’ve organized, instead of cherry picking like Big Pharma does, or Fauci does. We can actually organize the molecular pathways, which I’m going to show you very shortly, to really understand, “Hey, what are the interventions I can use?” And by the way, all this is coming from science.

I’m just showing you three of the molecules here. IL-1b, which by the way, Advil (ibuprofen) is used to stop COX-2, but it’s a pharmaceutical. That’s what Advil does.

By the way, this tool that I’m going to share with you is open to the public. It’s the first tool of its kind that we have made. The entire public have access to this tool, because we want to make sure everyone can share the knowledge. What I’m going to do now is to go back to the diagram, the systems architecture that we built of knee osteoarthritis using CytoSolve. Again, it’s an open source tool. Doctors can use it, scientists can use it, citizen scientists can use it.

This was a three year research effort and a systems approach. So what you’re seeing here, as I shared with you before, this is IL-1b, and I only showed you three in my my drawing but all of these, the green ones, get up regulated, and the red ones are downregulated, which means less of it gets produced. Let’s go to MMP-13, which is not something you want to have. MMP-13 causes a catabolic effect, which means it results in cartilage degeneration. You can go check it out here, so let’s go look at it.

Molecular Pathways

With CytoSolve, we’ve actually mapped out all the molecular pathways and you’re going to love this, look at this. So what you’re seeing here is IL-1b, and here is MMP-13, which causes cartilage degeneration. And what do you see here? These are different molecules, some of them which inhibit.. For example, this molecule with the arrow means it causes more MMP-13 to be produced, which means more cartilage degeneration. But look at this here, isn’t this interesting? We have here something called Ginseng, Juninho site. So, I’m going to click on that — some of you take ginseng, right? — and this goes right to the research, and look at what we find here, chondro protective effects, which means it protects chondrocytes of genocyte RG1 in human osteoarthritis chondrocytes in a rat model. So anyone who tells you these herbs have no effect, with CytoSolve here, you’re actually able to traverse the entire molecular system and you’re literally able to hone this down. Over here you can look at resveratrol, which also is an anti inflammatory which is in red wine. Look at this, resveratrol inhibits IL-1b, induce expression of MMP-13 and IL-6. You can use this to defend your arguments because we’re taking a systems approach. That’s just an example of IL-1b.

Let’s look at something even more interesting. Suppose we go back and we look at other things that IL-1b upregulates. We told you IL-1b may also upregulate not only MMP-13 but there’s another thing called COX. If some of you take Advil, Advil is known as a COX-2 inhibitor. Advil causes inflammation.

To those of you joining, I’m sharing with you the recent work that we published. It was our work with the biggest Canadian hospital research network.  We worked with the leading osteoarthritis researchers in the world, and what we’ve discovered here is a way to use a systems approach, which is what CytoSolve —  by the way, this is a plug for CytoSolve. I’ve been working with CytoSolve, developed the technology at MIT in 2003, but we’re actually now starting to produce products out of CytoSolve. For years, we were helping companies and nutraceutical companies. We have our first product for CytoSolve coming out in mid March. It’s called MV25. I’ll talk more about it. We went through billions and billions of computations, we went through all different kinds of ingredients, and we’ve identified two ingredients, which have the most profound effect for reducing swelling and discomfort, and we’ll talk more about it. But that’s what we’re doing. We’re now at a point where we could use the amazing infrastructure of CytoSolve to deliver consumer products to help you. Truth, Freedom and Health Care.

So, COX-2 is another inflammatory molecule. When you get knee pain and you’re feeling awful in your knee, COX-2 is what is being upregulated.  Now you can go and look at the inflammatory effect. Here’s IL-1b, and that creates COX-2. And look at this here, isn’t this quite interesting? And there’s a number of pathways here, it goes up here and it can also come here. You can look at for example, Cortisephs are a very interesting molecule which comes from core to sepsis, and amazing mushroom, and guess record of sepsis prevented IL-1b induced expression of inflammatory mediators in human osteoarthritis Congress, that’s, again, a very, very powerful molecule, that again, we’re able to identify, not cherry picked, but from a systems approach.

Another one that I want to show you and again, this for everyone to use. That’s what’s exciting about this. I’m sure the pharma guys are pretty upset that we released this because this means people can do citizen science, they can do their own discovery. Let me show you another one. This is nitric oxide synthase. This is the bad form of nitric oxide. So, here we can go to the inflammatory effects here, and what do you find here? I want to share with you something very cool. The discovery we made here is that this is gallic acid. Guess where you find this? Iin green tea. Green tea inhibits — see, gallic, this is the acetate form. The immunomodulatory drug inhibits inflammatory mediators and collagen degradation osteoarthritis. This comes from green tea.

Another interesting thing here is EGCG, which also comes from green tea. And you can see right here EGCG has a very profound effect on downregulating. So EGC which inhibits interleukin IL-1b induced expression nitric oxide synthase and production of nitric oxide in human chondrocytes. This came out of the American College of Rheumatology.

Open Science

So, the bottom line is you can use this tool that is an amazing research tool that we’ve made and we’ve open sourced it. This is for everyone to use all over the world. It’s not only for Big Pharma, it’s not only for a few nutraceutical companies, it’s for everyone sitting at home. Use this tool, you can go to Just go to and you’ll be able to find it from there. But it’s quite exciting for me because I’ve been talking to everyone about, when I ran the Shiva For Senate campaign, that  we need open science. You see what happens is, the scientific establishment at places like Harvard and Yale and MIT, it’s a few people who control science. The Fauci’s of the world fund those guys, and those guys live in their little cloistered areas. With this technology — and we’re going to do this for every disease, we’re going to open science, everything —  we’re taking all the literature, organizing it, analyzing it. And by the way, we’re starting to build molecular pathways out of this, I’ll talk more about it.


I’ve exposed the Big Pharma guys, I’ve exposed big tech. Now it’s time for solutions. You all know my position, and the more I speak about it, they try to take me off, but I’m going to propose solutions. Let’s see what they do with that. So we’re going to talk about solutions. That’s where we’re going to move to in 2021, you’re going to find out what are the solutions for inflammation? What are the solutions? Let’s build our own ecosystem. Let the left and the right and the Republicans and Democrats do their bullshit all day long, but we here at the movement for VA Shiva Truth Freedom and Health, we’re going to build a bottoms-up movement. We’re going to educate people, we’re going to build community, we’re going to build solutions. And if they want to go kill themselves and eat garbage and die, and we’re doing the best we can, fine. But we’re going to build an environment using very powerful technology; CytoSolve was a 50 year effort. Email was a big invention I did but CytoSolve I would say is probably more important than email, or equally important, because it’s going to enable us to look at the Scopus of science, or bring it together and identify what works. It’s going to also help us find snake oil among the nutraceutical guys. A lot of these nutraceutical guys have put out a lot of garbage, just like Big Pharma. With CytoSolve, we take a systems approach, and as the science changes, we’ll be able to get better and better products, the products themselves will evolve.

One of the things I want to say is I’m very proud of the team that we work with at CytoSolve, all of you guys should be excited. Please take advantage of this, it’s a gift that we want to give to people. But you guys got to support our movement for Truth, Freedom and Health, become Truth Freedom and Health Warriors, contribute whatever you can. Everything we’re doing is bottoms up. Your contributions are how we’re doing this, your contributions are how we’re buying our hardware, your contributions are how we’re doing this. And by the way, when you contribute, I never like to take something for nothing. We give you back education, because that’s the only way that we’re going to win, where we support each other to get educated. Because if we don’t get educated, we’re going to be enslaved. And that’s our slogan here, get educated or be enslaved, get educated or be enslaved.

Without this kind of education, what’s going to happen is you’re going to fall into the left or the right, anti or pro, and that’s not what we want to do. We want to educate people to get beyond that. I keep saying it’s a very adolescent mindset. It’s adolescent. It’s childish. Please stop it. Don’t say I’m a Republican, I hate Democrats. I’m a Democrat, I hate Republicans. I’m left and they’re right. I’m liberal, and they’re conservatives. It’s just nonsense, guys. It’s not going to work anymore. What happened over the last four years? We heard slogans, “lock her up, lock her up,” nothing happened.

What we did discover because of our work here, was the real source of election issues — fraud — is electronic voting machines. We took a systems approach. When we really looked at the pro vax anti vax, what did we find when we took a systems approach? We found out the real issue is that we need to boost immunity. And when we look at human knee osteoarthritis, what do we find? We find that we can take all this knowledge and we can actually start finding solutions. And when it comes to science, we must make it open. And that’s whether they don’t want to do it. I’ve critiqued them enough, I beat the hell out of them. But instead of yelling at them, a friend of mine said it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Well, we’re going to be the light, we’re going to know the truth, and we’re going to help everyone find their way. That’s what we’re going to do.

So, yes. Am I going to attack them? Yes. But 80% of my effort now is — I don’t frankly, care about them anymore. I’ve exposed them enough —  is we’re gonna build our movement. Let them get sick, let them hurt themselves, let them frankly do whatever they want. We will expose them, but it’s time we build a parallel world for ourselves, and that’s what this movement is about. It’s time that you become a part of it. We need your support. Frankly, we need about 50,000 people to get educated — that’s the number I’ve calculated — globally, to create a boil where we need Navy Seal-like people, political physics. We need people who are nuclear scientists of politics, and that’s what this program will allow you to do. Every Monday evening, I teach it, you have all the courses online, you have communication tools, and right now we’re explosively growing our data center. I have a data center that I ran for many years for the biggest fortune 1000 companies.

So we need hardware support. We have all of our video stuff done, we’ll be eventually moving everything on to our own platform. By the way, the important thing is, unlike the idiot parlour guys who went to Amazon, we have our own technology, it’s in our own infrastructure. And I’ve done this around 25-30 years. So it’s time, we need you now and do it for yourself. I can only do so much, but you must start getting educated. So please go to be a shoe calm, get educated or be enslaved. And again, you can go to V A Shiva, me just take you over there. Go right to him and go take it to the website. So you know what you can do. And one of the things I want to share with you is, if you go to or, you can see the incredible kinds of stuff, educational tools that you get access to. It’s not just one thing, you can a lot of stuff here. You get access to a complete MIT education in control systems, then you get access to all the online tools. In fact, you can get certified as a Truth Freedom and Health Warrior, anyone can take it. But we have another level where you actually get certified, you get access to the Systems Health Portal, where you can use these concepts to understand what kind of system you are, that’s the red dot, how your body can be off course, which is a black dot, and how do you bring the black dot to the red dot, which means with supplements and foods and exercise, we actually calculate that for you. There’s the classic book, Systems and Revolution, I think about 100,000 of this have been done through independent publishing. And you also can learn how you can apply systems thinking to your life to relationships to hiring people, and then you also get access to the scientific papers and more.

I hope this is valuable. Someone actually wrote to me because they wanted us to talk about osteoarthritis, and asked if we had taken a systems approach to it, and interestingly enough we had done that. So ,please email me at, go to This is your movement, this is frankly the only way out. You’re not going to do it by following the constitution party. Nice guys, but just reading the Constitution doesn’t help. We have to go on the ground, we have to get activated on blind you can go get very cool cards, we have a vaccine card, a we also have a card that you can get for masks and you can educate people these are educate these are this is like educational weaponry that you’re getting. So please go do that. I hope this is valuable.

Please email me if you want me to do other topics at It’s time to get educated or be enslaved as I keep emphasizing. I’ll keep repeating that until we hit our 50,000 number. Thank you everyone. Have a good good day. I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you, be well everyone.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior®.

Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.

The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.

To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.

Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.

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