Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai speaks about challenging Elizabeth Warren for the Senate in Massachusetts in an interview on The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson on The Blaze Radio Network. Dr. Shiva is running as an Independent as both the Democrats and the Republicans are essentially one in Massachusetts. Dr. Shiva talks about his campaign slogan “Only A Real Indian Can Defeat The Fake Indian” and why it is relevant to the current scenario where Elizabeth Warren represents the hypocrisy of the Establishment. There is a growing wave amongst the people against the Establishment which has thrived on creating inequality. Dr. Shiva also talks about the notice sent to the Shiva 4 Senate campaign asking it to remove the slogan from the campaign bus and his federal lawsuit against the City of Cambridge seeking to overturn this notice.
The show was originally broadcast on Monday, April 30, 2018 from 7:00 am to 7:15 am EDT.
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