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Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai provides a CytoSolve® Systems Analysis on how Bitter Gourd destroys pathogens. This analysis is based on nearly 3,378 articles and 17 clinical trials over the span of 60 years.

  • Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – gives a CytoSolve® Systems Analysis on how Bitter Gourd destroys pathogens.
  • CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 3,378 articles, 17 clinical trials over the span of 60 years.
  • Biological effects of Bitter Gourd are it’s antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and antioxidant.
  • Bitter Gourd is a panacea and helps with liver health, diabetes, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodegenerative disease, eczema, kidney stones and obesity.
  • Our bodies have 25 receptors for bitter foods but only 1 receptor for sugar, meaning our bodies yearn for bitter foods and our body’s antennas are waiting for bitter foods – which is why many cultures consider it healing.

The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.

Good evening everyone. It’s Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. I look forward to sharing with you today, a very important herb called Bitter Gourd. And why bitter is better. Today’s talk is going to be on Bitter Gourd and immune health. Continuing in our immune health series, we’re going to really do a deep dive into Bitter Gourd. You know Bitter Gourds is an interesting food, it’s actually a food. And when I was growing up, even here in the United States, when my Mom was around, once a week, she would make Bitter Gourd and you in the United States, you typically don’t get it on Amazon, I haven’t seen it our Whole Foods, you typically have to go to an Indian grocery store. And you end the day and you’ll see what it looks like, some people called Bitter Melon, other people called Bitter Gourd. And it’s typically cut up into small pieces. And you know, you slice it like a cucumber. And then there’s many, many ways to make it. I rarely see people juice it – it’s very bitter. But we’ll talk about that.

And before we start, let me make sure everyone who’s listening here understands that if you want to know more about what we’re doing, go to VASHIVA.COM and people get a deep idea, a deeper idea of the background of the platform that we’re building. Many people have been asking us, hey, what do you guys actually do like what is VASHIVA really about. And on May 1st, we’re holding a big rally for Truth Freedom Health. And it’s going to be held in Boston on the State House steps. And we’re expecting quite a number of people to show and it will be a good day. And but we’re really going to take this movement to the streets. When I ran for United States Senate, you know, it was a very, very important event. But now we’re building the movement to really bring all these interconnections between Truth Freedom Health. It’s going to be on the State House steps on May 1st, between 12 to 3pm. In Boston, Massachusetts, everyone’s invited people are coming from wherever you want to come. But before I start, many of you know that one of the fundamental things that we support on the VA SHIVA platform for Truth Freedom Health is taking a Systems Approach. And by the way, here’s a little graphic that we did for our event that will probably be shared with you in a simple way. What the movement, what our platform is about, that I want to play with you play for you a little video.

Journey to Systems

So if you see this video right here, this graphic right here, I would say it typically it’s a very simple graphic. In the text, it says, What is VA SHIVA? It’s really the platform for Real Revolutionaries. That means people want to change the world, their lives in a fundamental way. And it’s a platform of education, social media and activism independent of Big Tech. And that’s what Truth Freedom Health is really about. So it’s a pretty cool, simple graphic, you know, very simple colors. But it’s really a platform, for those of you who really want to build a movement and are, have raised your political consciousness above the Democrats and Republicans and the left and right. And you really want real education and you want social media tools. And you want to learn how to really unleash activism, independent, Big Tech, that’s what this platform is really about. I do these videos for education, we have a whole thing and I’ll get back to that. But the key thing that we want to teach people is that we have to build a movement that is founded on science. And it’s really about systems. And I just want to play you this quick video that’ll hopefully help all of you appreciate the journey that I’ve gone through, which is probably not dissimilar to everyone else’s journey. A little bit different. We all go through our own journeys, but it’s really a Journey to Systems, so I want to really play that for you so everyone understands.

We’re going to talk about Bitter Gourd today. As I mentioned earlier, it’s a vegetable. Some people call it actually a fruit. I grew up always having it once a week. And the reason it was said was it would clear the worms out of your body and eliminate viruses and bacteria, etc. It’s a very, very bitter fruit. When I was doing raw foods for many years, I used to juice it, I was, you know, my body was much more optimal at that point. And I was eating a lot of different greens. But one of the things I want to talk about is that when you look at receptors in your body, meaning receptors are molecules, which hang out on the surface of cells, which can detect different kinds of chemicals, you know, they almost look like a catcher’s mitt, you throw a ball into them and they actually can catch different kinds of chemicals receptors, but what’s important to understand is that this is quite interesting.

Your body in your gut has one real receptor for sugar but nearly sweet, sweet receptors for sensing sweet, but nearly 25 receptors for bitter foods. Let me repeat that again. 25 different receptors for bitter foods, which means your body wants bitter foods. It’s designed to eat bitter foods and you can think ginger bitter, right. All that it’s, it’s one of the important tastes, right? The dandelion greens, collards, kale, greens, greens have a lot of bitters, coffee is bitter, right. But the notion of your body, having systemically the desire to have bitter foods is something that we should keep in mind. Unfortunately, our people consume way too much sugar, but your body is actually designed to consume bitter foods. So it’s bitter. The bitter foods fit into a category of foods but your body is designed and it’s looking to consume these foods. So I just want people to think about that as I go through this. By the way, as you went through the last video, everyone can go to VASHIVA.COM if you want to know more about the movement for Truth Freedom Health, I encourage everyone to explore that. We’re building an army of Truth Freedom Health Warriors who are educated and have access to social media and activism but be issued as a platform for activism social media, as well as education independent of Big Tech so I recommend everyone go there to become Truth Freedom Health Warriors.

What You Will Learn

Let’s talk about Bitter Gourd and let’s begin by going over the agenda we want to really look at what is Bitter Gourd? We want to look at the molecular compositions of Bitter Gourd. We want to look at the biological effects, the health effects, the effects on the immune system and the clinical evidence on a Bitter Gourd.

This is what it looks like. And you can see it’s green on the outside looks like a cucumber, but it has the surface of almost like an armadillo, okay, different from a cucumber, these prickly, they’re not thorny, but almost looks primitive. The food is a plant from the cucumber family. It’s an herbal medicine that is recommended by Ayurveda or Siddha. So in the Indian System of Medicine in the North, they practice Ayurveda in the South they practice Siddha, which is actually much older and has a much deeper richer pantheon of different types of aspects of medicine, including the martial arts, including the use of herbs, the use of heavy metals, yoga, as well as meditative practices, but Siddha in the South, Ayurveda in the North. But you can see it’s commonly used in diets of cultures from Asia, Africa and South America. And you can see that the scientific word Momordica charantia, its medicinal properties are attributed to the fruit and the seeds. You have the stem and the leaves and the roots, but the medicinal properties are attributed to the fruit and the seeds. And some people call it Bitter Melon, but it’s Bitter Gourd is what we’re going to name that we will be using.

Yeah, so let me play that if people want to go and become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. You can go to VASHIVA.COM/JOIN every Monday evening, I do a live private class training for all of you to join them. I’ll come back and talk about that. So, it’s interesting, you know, it’s been researched for the last nearly 59 years 60 years and 3378 research articles and 17 clinical trials. But so it is one of those foods again, I send that once a week. And you again, you can’t get this food in your normal, you know, shopping stores, look around, if you have your local Indian stores, Indian grocery stores, and they’ll have it, you know, ideally try to get an organic, but you typically slice it. Typically, the way my Mom would make it is to put some ghee down, slow cook it. And then you can put things like garlic, ginger, onions, and lightly saute it. And they can obviously add other spices like cumin, turmeric, and coriander and things like that, right. But it is bitter, but it’s actually quite tasty. When you eat it, you feel very healing eating it. But it has, my Grandmother would say it would actually heal you if you have worms, one of the things we need to understand is many, many cultures used to out on some regular basis, always take some type of foods to eliminate worms from your body. Whether you like it or not. Over time, your body does build up different kinds of parasites. Many cultures were aware of this. And either they would do it on a weekly basis or a seasonal basis. But there was a way typically people got rid of the, you know, worms in their body. And there’s a whole theory that talks about worms, the worm load parasitic load related to cancer. And it’s a whole different talk that we could talk about, but quite a bit of research 3378 articles and 17 clinical trials over 60 years.


Now how do we actually go through this? CytoSolve as many of you know is the engine that I created out of my PhD work at MIT CytoSolve is a capability. It’s a scientific engine technology that I created about 16 years ago out of my PhD work, to be able to look at the body of work in a certain area, whether you’re looking at a combination of ingredients or ingredients on how it affects a particular disease or biomolecular function. So when you look at something like Bitter Gourd, there’s all these articles out there, if you have to go read all of those, figure it out well, what do all these articles say? And then can I extract out data from these to really understand what happens in the physical body, you know, at the molecular systems level. So we can go look here. And we can see that one of the ways that we do it is with CytoSolve, which is very powerful. We can take all those papers, we can curate them, that’s what we do. And then from those papers, we can extract out those papers that have to deal with molecular mechanisms, which means chemical reactions of how that ingredient works relative to a particular system of interest. Today, we’re going to look at the immune system, we could have looked at the cardiovascular system, or the you know, the hepatic system, liver, but we’re going to look at the immune system on how Bitter Gourd works.

So CytoSolve was really a capability that helps us take all that data, without cherry picking any data – curate it, extracting out the molecular mechanisms. And from understanding those molecular mechanisms, we can start getting an appreciation for what’s actually going on knowing that science is constantly changing, and that we may have to update our view of it. Let’s go back to this and one of the important things to understand with CytoSolve is it emerged out of recognizing that the entire pharmaceutical development model is basically headed for a massive disaster. This is why they are so focused on putting fear and everyone to everyone to get jabbed. Because their current model when they discover a pharmaceutical drug, they have to do about, you know, 13 years of testing, they have to spend $5 billion animal testing, test tube testing, and then going through phase one, phase two, phase three clinical trials. This is a long process for them.

And what’s unfortunate is that pharmaceutical companies are not getting it, that this process is not working too well. They spend more and more and more money on R&D, that’s the saffron line here. And the purple line shows that less than less new drugs are even being allowed by the FDA, which means their process is not working. This process is an old medieval process, and it’s ineffective. This is why it’s unfortunate, the mainstream media doesn’t talk about it, the pharmaceutical companies are actually heading downwards. Pfizer, for example, 10 years ago made around 65 billion in revenue. Last year, they made only about 41 billion in revenue. Still, it’s a lot of money for most of us, but it’s a $25 billion decline in revenue. This is why they need the jab, because that’s for the inoculations and this is why they’re so heavily promoting them, because it’s a way to get out of their failing revenue model. But before I proceed, I want to just play another video on CytoSolve. So, you really understand the power of CytoSolve from a Systems Approach to understand Synergy and how we use this only to bring that up. For those of you who are new and for those of you who have seen it again, it’ll be a review, but it’ll really explain to you CytoSolve so let me bring that up.

Okay, so I just want to make sure everyone understands that that’s the details of CytoSolve. You can study more about it. But fundamentally, we’re going to be looking at the Molecular Pathways, and then figuring out how to integrate them as we look at a Bitter Gourd. So, one of the important things is, those of you know that more recently for years, for nearly almost a decade, this technology that we created that you just heard about CytoSolve to really model Molecular Pathways without the need to kill animals, which we do on the computer, we can understand different synergies of chemicals like you saw or Synergies of compounds like the turmeric and resveratrol. But more recently, we have used that not just to help companies that the nutraceutical companies but you. So, three years ago, we looked at different things that could be involved in supporting, reducing swelling and discomfort like pain and inflammation. And we literally use CytoSolve to go through trillions of trillions of bimolecular reactions to find the right combination of ingredients which could lower pain and inflammation, we discovered something which we put out on the market. A lot of you bought it. So we had to close the store because we were dealing with the COVID crisis. There were problems with getting capsules and bottles. Good news, we just got a big batch in that we – Sorry for the delay – and started shipping up but we just have the next order probably going to come in, in July. But we’re taking orders now. But mV25 is this product that we’ve created and I’ll just let you know what that’s about. But mV25 is a product that this is our product that came out of CytoSolve work, but we call it momentum to move, mV25 and it’s a blend of different blood bioflavonoids and as you can see at the back it says Dr.SHIVA’s mV25 was formulated using the CytoSolve Computational Systems Biology engine, a platform for precision and personalized health invented by Dr.SHIVA during his doctoral research at MIT. This formulation results from integrating 1000s of peer reviewed scientific papers.

So we just didn’t take one paper. We looked at 1000s of papers across four decades in nearly 68 research institutions and we computed trillions of potential combinations of biomolecular interactions to discover an Optimal Synergy of compounds that down regulate biomarkers of discomfort and swelling. And this logo that you see is CytoSolve optimized. What that means is that this formula has been optimized to maximize benefits, and bioavailability while minimizing toxicity, based on our current research curated by CytoSolve. As Science Advances so well this formulation. And by the way, this is Clean Certified, organic, non GMO, all those good things, and it’s made in the USA, and it’s GMP certified. You can go to VASHIVA.COM. If people are asking where do you get it, you go right there, we show you those people listening here. And then you can literally go to click on shop. And then you can find it right here. mV25. So I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of that. It’s something very exciting because we are literally vertically integrating we’re doing the science, were educating people on it, and then we’re going direct to you but the goal is, we’re building a movement and so waiting for the you know, even the Big Vitamin companies to do it, we decided we would do it direct, we’re not selling this on Amazon, our Truth Freedom Health warriors literally up as package it and send it out to you. So this is brought to you for you by you.

Bitter Gourd

So going back to Bitter Gourd. Now that you understand CytoSolve And then mV25 is that Bitter Gourd contains fatty acids, right? It contains minerals, vitamins, essential oils, and therapeutic protein. So those of you I know there’s a number of you who come from different foreign countries become from Southeast Asia, India, Africa, South America, you may have already eaten Bitter Gourd, but to many of you in North America or Europe this may be new or even Australia but Bitter Gourd looks like this or unless you know Indian families okay, but it’s got a lot of stuff in it with the key therapeutic proteins are alpha- momorcharin and beta- momorcharin, Okay, there you go alpha and beta- momorcharin. So, the minerals that it has, Bitter Gourds got quite a good amount of minerals, particularly potassium. In 100 grams a Bitter Gourd, you’re getting calcium and magnesium equal amounts. Potassium and zinc in the vitamins are vitamin C, but quite a bit of vitamin A, okay. 2000 IU, if you think about a vitamin A pill, okay, so that’s 100 grams but a vitamin A pill typically has about 10,000 IU is typically what you know, is recommended. But here in 10,000 grams, what you’re looking at is you get you know, you know, close to 20% of it’s pretty good. So vitamin A, then let’s look at the active compounds. So, the other active compounds are Butyric acid, a-Eleostearic acid, Punicic acid, and Trans-nerolidol. So Butyric acid is here, you have a-Eleostearic acid another fatty acid, Punicic acid and Trans-nerolidol. So four major active compounds that we’re going to review in Bitter Gourd. Again, very different chemical structures here. Typically, we have something in common but you can notice very, very different chemical structures here, okay to ask three acids here, and a diol.

Biological Effects of Bitter Gourd

So what are the biological effects? Well, this is what’s written in the literature as CytoSolve has found its antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and antioxidant. Many people consider this typically if you talk to the Indian physicians or Indian our Vedic visit physicians, anti-diabetic, but it has, you know, these seven different biological effects. The health benefits affect multiple aspects some people call Bitter Gourd, a cure all for pretty much everything. As I mentioned earlier, your body has really, one real receptor for sweet tastes but it has 25 different receptors, 25 for bitter, 25 times more receptors in your body, which means your body’s antennas are waiting for bitter foods that are foods, many cultures, many traditional texts consider one of the most healing foods for the body. And you can see that here with Bitter Gourd because what you see here is some people called panacea, panacea means it’s a cure all for pretty much everything but you see it’s good for liver health, diabetes, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases, eczema, kidney stone, obesity so just look at that for a second I mean that you’re hitting many many different receptors. But look at the range of different functions it gets, it gets the liver, it supports your immune system. It supports your brain, skin, kidneys, and obviously your digestive system.

Immune System

So the immune system, as I’ve taught many of you before, in the simplified version of the immune system, which is what’s typically promoted in the media and MDs who unfortunately do not understand the full range of the immune system, you’ll see them put these two boxes up, right? They’ll typically think the immune system is only these two boxes. But the reality is the immune system is not just these two boxes. But anyway, for the sake of showing where most of the way that MDs and the current academics promote the immune system, it’s typically they promoted as Oh, you have the, you have the innate immune system, which is the immune system in your body, which is the first to come in touch with any type of pathogen, right. And that immune system looks like this, where, let’s say, by the way, there’s three parts here above here is the inside of your lungs, this is the cell wall, or the wall of your lungs, and this is the bloodstream. So when you get a virus, right, or some pathogen, the innate immune system, which is everything that’s involved in your mucosa, inside your gut, your lungs, the back of your throat, your eyes, your ears, your skin, it’s the part of your immune system that faces the outside world. So when a pathogen hits that, the first thing that happens, in this case, we’re looking at the lungs here, right, the virus comes in and the macrophages start trying to munch up, eat up the virus, right, so they start chomping it all up. And as a macrophage moves through here, we’re looking at these cells, it delivers the munched up virus particles, okay, into the CD4 T-cells, which is really part of your adaptive immune system, right? It’s a secondary immune system, which sees the parts, that little blue thing right there, if you can see it, and it inspires, or stimulates the CD4 T-cells to first create the CD8 T-cells, which go and try to eat up the infected cell. But it also creates B-cells which create these little y looking things, which are the antibodies, but the fundamental idea here is a pathogen comes, it faces your frontal immune system, the innate immune system, and then it goes to the adaptive immune system. And the theory here is to get antibodies. So the entire basis of this toolbox model of the immune system is, hey, if you get these antibodies, you’re in great shape. That’s what they say. But the reality is, the antibodies are only one part. They’re only one part of your entire immune system. Okay, let me repeat that, again.

This is how you want to really educate and I want to say this, so you can do it with all humility. Most medical doctors, I would say 90% of them do not even understand how the immune system works. Why? Because they don’t learn a system. They learn little parts of something, it would be like, you know, I have some instrument here, a watch, you open up the back of the watch, imagine someone just learning a screw and someone just learning this gear and that gear, but none of them really knows how the entire watch works. So MDs, just learn the innate system and the adaptive, but they don’t learn the full scope of the immune system. So all they are taught in medical schools, if you have this antibody, you’re great, give people antibiotics, right. But their focus is only on the antibodies. Yes, antibodies are important. They come much later in the immune process. You have the innate system, you have the macrophages, you have the NK cells, which try to take out the virus initially, then you also have things called the interferon system, we’ll talk about that. You also have the microbiome, all the amazing bacteria in your gut. And you have the adaptive immune system with your antibodies, you also have the gut brain axis. The point being is there are multiple parts of the immune system. And there’s multiple pieces involved there. In supporting immunity. There are people who will get infected with let’s say something, they won’t have any symptoms. They won’t even have antibodies. But they’re absolutely fine. Because as we’ll talk about, there’s other parts of the immune system. So if I go back to this, you’ll notice there’s the real full picture of the immune system.

This is really the full picture of the immune system, if you can see this. It involves the innate system, the adaptive. But it also includes the interferon system, microbiome, the microbiome and the virome. There’s nearly 60 trillion bacteria in your microbiome. You have 380 trillion viruses inside of you. You have the interferon system, the gut brain axis, which leads up to your brain, your neural system. All of these things are really what formed the immune system, not just these two boxes. It’s a lot more, now the interferon system which rarely is talked about but many of you have learned about it here and again, I keep emphasizing, go to your doctor and educate them on the interferons. The interference system consists of type one interferons, type two interferons, type three interferons, these interferons interfere. When a virus interferes with viral replication, they upregulate 1000s of genes. Okay, so when your body’s infected, the interferon system is a missing link and you can see the interferon system these are type one and type two interferons as you can see here, and these type one and type two interferons are created in every they’re present in virtually every cell in the body. And these interferons constitute the first line of defence against infection. In fact, the interferons what’s important to remember are interferons that stimulate, or they activate stuff back in the innate immune system. So if you have a strong interferon system, guess what your body’s first line of defense is able to take out that virus, the NK cells, alright.

The interferon system also contains interferon gamma, which supports your adaptive system. Very few doctors even know about the interferon system, there are foods, there are supplements, there are things that support your interferon system like NAC and N-acetylcysteine and Glutathione. So I encourage you to really look at the interferon system, but the interferon system is really what we should understand when we start looking at a much more holistic systems level view of the immune system.

Effects of Bitter Gourd on Immune System

So having said that, let’s talk about the effect of Bitter Gourd on immune health. Bitter Gourd is shown to be good for three different things. Okay. antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, so you can see that right. So this is why my Grandma said it was good against the bugs in your body. antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, it gets rid of the worms, the pathogens that clog up your body. So in traditional systems of medicine, it was assumed look, we live in a world where everything’s trying to survive, the bugs are trying to survive. They’re trying to occupy our body, right? So it’s very, very important to cleanse your body in a natural way. So what people did was they just included it in their diet, right? We go and do all these cleanses. And we go to all Ashrams. And we have to be very careful with cleanses. I’m not saying don’t do cleanses. But if you don’t know how to do them, right, it can be harsh for your body. So people learned over time that they included these cleansing foods into the natural diet, right? So it wasn’t seen as something you went and did separately, you included it in your diet.

So as I mentioned, in my case, my Mother and Grandmother would serve Bitter Gourd once a week. It was just the vegetable you had once a week. Right? Because it was always there as a part of supporting your body, food is medicine, medicine as food. So we’re looking at Bitter Gourd, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal right, so three different aspects of the value of Bitter Gourd. So let’s look at that. So the antiviral activity of Bitter Gourd. So, first of all these two chemicals which I went over before alpha and beta- momorcharin, lectin, MRK 29 and MAP 30. These are the things from Bitter Gourd, they increase the production of IFN gamma, right. So these things increase the IFN gamma, that’s interferon gamma. And interferon gamma stimulates the production of the innate immune cells. That means in your early system, your marine force macrophages and natural killer cells, and these two cells guess what they do? They directly kill viruses and mitigate infection. And they’re effective against Epstein Barr, herpes, HIV, you know, coxsackievirus, B3 and poliovirus. So just just look at that for a second. So these macrophages and NK cells are the things that are very powerful against these so this food food is medicine, food up regulates interferon gamma. So the components and bitter gourd, up regulate which means create more basically fuel. Your body is a chemical factory, it’s a pharmaceutical factory, okay, you give it the right fuel, and your body will create the quote unquote, pharmaceuticals, it needs to knock out different pathogens.

So, that’s the first thing we want to really look at here is that there’s a chemical capability here, the alpha and beta- momorcharin, which stimulate IFN gamma, which creates these two marine force macrophages in the NK cells. That’s what this hammer represents to block the virus and they literally kill the virus and mitigate the infection. The second thing is antibacterial, the trans-nerolidol in Bitter Gourd seed, and the essential oil disrupts the wall. And we’ve talked about this over and over, before the effect where this chemical literally breaks up the wall of the bacterium disrupts the wall, a cell wall and the stuff in the bacteria and fungi start leaking out. The other thing we’ve talked about before you’ll see this common theme here, trans-nerolidol in Bitter Gourd seed, that’s a seed essential oil as effective against several bacteria. Staphylococcus as you can see that we’re talking about here. It’s also powerful against methicillin resistant S. aureus MRSA, some of you may have heard of that MRSA. Bitter Gourd is very powerful against staphylococcus as well as against what you’re seeing there.

The methicillin resistant S. aureus MRSA. So it’s the Bitter Gourd seed essential oil. And so what happens is the bacteria are hard to treat by antibiotics as they develop resistance. A one of the things we want to recognize here that we’re seeing is that the trans-nerolidol disrupts the biofilm and makes bacteria more susceptible to the hostile environment. So what happens here, as I’ve shared in other cases, is that surrounding, so bacteria like to hide and then they come out, they hide and they come out so where do they hide? They hide under like a mound called a biofilm. So many people, for example, people have certain types of infections or Lyme disease. And the Lyme comes and goes and comes and goes. Well, one of the reasons that’s happening is that the Lyme is able to go under almost like hiding underground under the biofilm. So one of the important things is many of these foods that are very powerful antibacterial, are antivirals and anti fungal will really break up the biofilm. So then other therapeutics can go in and destroy the bacteria. And that’s what we’re, that’s what we’re seeing here. That’s what we see Bitter Gourd also does. Now, what I wanted to share here is that you’re seeing the many, many, multiple ways that bitter gourd works. It’s not just working in one way. It’s antiviral, its antibacterial and antifungal breaking up the wall. But it’s also anti-bacterial by breaking up the biofilm.

Synergy – A Systems Principle

So nature one of the things that I teach, you know, every Monday evenings as a part of our movement, to educate people, activate people give people social media tools, the Truth Freedom Health, an education program every Monday evenings, I teach people in about three hours Systems Thinking, because it is what systems thinking is how we can see the interconnection between the universe, your own body and things at the microscopic level, you can understand political systems. So I want to encourage all of you. When I’m talking about Bitter Gourd, I’m talking about these foods, foods are not like a drug where it just affects one thing. They have a synergistic reaction, they affect multiple pieces. And so you can apply the same principle, getting back to the political aspects to Truth Freedom Health.

Truth Freedom Health®

So the movement for truth typically is with scientists and nerds, quote, unquote, nerds, people want science and truth. So that’s in one little world. And then typically, the movement for you know, freedom is done by people who support the First Amendment, the Second amendment and they’re in their own little cubby holes. And then people aren’t eating well and organic food is earthy, crunchy granola types. But the problem is that we can’t win if all these movements are independent, we need to bring them together. So which is how we go beyond Left and Right, right. Freedom is essential for us to practice science to get to truth. And truth is how we find out what’s right for our bodies or for our environment. And without health is really the infrastructure to support Truth Freedom Health. So I want to encourage all of you to recognize that food is a system your body is a system systems interact. It’s not any one thing. We can’t just have the science guys over here. Doing their science searching for truth. We can just have the 1A and the 2A people for the First and the Second Amendment people, we can just have people doing yoga and thinking they’re great. All of these movements need to come together from a Systems Approach. Because without freedom, we can’t really get to health and without health, we won’t have the strength to fight for truth, or, freedom. So I’m going to play a little video now. And then we’ll come back and finish a Bitter Gourd. So all of you understand that we need to build a movement for Truth Freedom Health. And such a movement is a Systems Approach to winning.

Let’s finish up Bitter Gourd for those of you who joined us a little bit late we’re covering bitter gourd which is a sometimes called bitter melon we talked about the fact there’s 25 times more receptors in your body for bitter foods and sweet foods which means your body’s yearning for a bitter foods and one simple ways the green foods the salads which you know which have the really not just you know lettuce but much more the broad array of the different dark leafy vegetables as you can dark leafy vegetables that you can get in there. But the Bitter Gourd is sort of the one of the most powerful bitter foods that we covered. A Bitter Gourd has a very powerful effect as an antiviral and antibacterial and an antifungal. And we talked about the ways in which Bitter Gourd supports your adaptive and your innate immune system to unleash more macrophages and more natural killer cells through interferon gamma, which really helps kill viruses we also talked about the fact that Bitter Gourd breaks up the biofilm where bacteria hide underneath and this is very powerful and then have Bitter Gourd actually blows up the cell walls of bacteria where they you know, put out all their internal guts and they die. Bitter Gourd is very very powerful. A Bitter Gourd recipe? Yeah, so homework assigned for everyone is to figure out where you can get Bitter Gourd, see if you can make it at home. It is bitter. I used to cut it very, very thin and saute it if you like it that way. Some people I’ve eaten it raw too, it is quite bitter, you have to build a taste for it or have a temperament for it. We covered so those of you are joining a little bit late, we covered all the different aspects of the immune system.

We went through the movement for Truth Freedom Health. By the way, a lot of you have asked me What does a movement actually involve? What can you do, how to be a part of it. But anyway, just very quickly, since people ask me just bring that up. If you go on VASHIVA.COM, you can find more. But we have, we built our own infrastructure. The simplest way to explain what the movement is it is a platform for real revolutionaries who want to get educated, who want social media tools, and they want activism, independent of Big Tech, that’s probably the best way to say it. I have a graphic here, which I played, showed before, which is probably the best way to describe it. Let me bring that up. But this is what the movement is really about, or what we built. It’s really a platform. It’s hard to describe it. But it’s really a platform for real revolutionaries. That’s what we’re really creating here at VASHIVA. It’s a platform of education, social media, and activism, independent of Big Tech for Truth Freedom Health. It’s education, social media activism, independent of Big Tech for Truth Freedom Health. That’s what it really is. So when you go check it out, what you’ll see here is that the platform has a number of very powerful capabilities, which I’ll quickly share with you as we go back into a Bitter Gourd. But first of all, we want you to get educated, you get all different types of educational tools, you get a software tool, you get Course Tools, you get books. So for example, you will really understand what this diagram is you’ll get a couple year MIT controls education in in a very profound, immersive way you understand what the concept of an intelligent system is, you’ll get access to the system revolution book, you get access to the tool, ‘Your Body, Your System’, where you can use these principles to understand what kind of body you are, how your body may be imbalanced and how foods supplements and exercise that can bring you back to you.

 And then and by the way, all of this those of you have been very generous to contribute even $25 to get all of these tools. And then those of you who want to educate others, you want to get certified, you want to get access to other scientific reports, those of you want to get access to the Foundations of Systems course, online, and more books and more education. You can, those of you who contributed $100, or more get access to this. So we support that. But that’s just not it. We want you to build a community independent of Big Tech. So we have the forum, where you can go in, in our own data center, independent of Big Tech and start having conversations with 1000s of people all across the world. You can also get onto social media, we can have our own social media, independent of Facebook, we can create pages, you can communicate with people, again, in a private environment where you’re not going to be thrown off. And then we want you to get activated, there are tools where you can educate others with these little we call these little cards are on the card. It’s got our branding on the back of it, you can teach people, for example, the real issue with the masks and Oral Health etc. Same with, we want people to really understand how we boost immunity Beyond the Vax & Anti-Vax argument. So how one size fits all medicine is not correct. So that’s the background of Truth Freedom Health. So help all of you take advantage of it. The reason I want you to take advantage of it, it’s a way that you support you. And by doing that we build the movement Bottoms-up.

And by the way, with all the contributions we recently added, we’ve gotten two brand new servers that are now ready to actually empower our own environment. In fact, I think it’s up here if we go to VASHIVA.COM/LIVE, which is our own video server system that we just set up. If everyone goes here, you go to be a I’m not gonna turn the volume down. But if people go, I’m actually broadcasting VASHIVA.COM/LIVE. Let me go here is our own video server sort of cool. So if everyone goes here, you go so you can see I’m literally broadcasting right now on VASHIVA.COM/LIVE, so you can see, okay, it’s gonna start excellently. We also have our own video platform. And that’s all brought to you by you. So because of you, we now are going to be able to be independent of YouTube, independent of Facebook to broadcast directly, big big news, and all your important support, and your contributions have made that possible. So we’re going to be talking more about that. But I just want to let you know, we just launched that today.

Bitter Gourd – Eastern & Engineering Systems Approach

So another way to look at Bitter Gourd we’ve looked at Bitter Gourd from the aspect of Molecular Science Bottoms-up, we can also look at it a different way from a systems way integrating Eastern medicine and Western medicine. When all of you sign up to become a Truth Freedom Health warrior or supporter, you get access to the book, you know, system in revolution, which is behind me Lego back here. And System in Revolution will teach you the Science of all Systems. You can also learn it with me every evening when you become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. But one of the important things to remember is that when you learn this science, you will understand that you can look at everything in the universe as transport, the movement of energy, conversion, the conversion of form one form of matter to another energy, like digestive processes, or the storage and the structural aspects. And learning this Systems Approach. You can really understand the science of everything, including your body. So I encourage you to look at the world this way. And there’s a whole process but a glimpse of this is when you become a supporter warrior, you’ll get access to the tool, ‘Your Body, Your System’, as I mentioned, where you can really use this tool to look at the forces of transport conversions tours, ask yourself a set of questions and figure out where your body is, that’s that red dot when your body’s off course and then how to bring your body back into alignment. So that’s the tool and again we thank everyone who has generously donated and these are the gifts that we give you. But when you look at Bitter Gourd, Bitter Gourd stabilizes Vata – motion, it stabilizes Pitta – supports digestion and it stabilizes Kapha – storage. This is very rare, but you can see this bitter food stabilizes the Vata, Pitta and Kapha, in Indian tradition but Transport, Conversion and Storage.


Okay, so how much should you take? Most of you will always ask me Hey, Dr.SHIVA, how much do we take? Well, again, this is not a medical program. Because we get in trouble when we start saying prescribing stuff, but this is an educational program, but as a part of the education when you look at what the science is out there, I’m going to share with you what the science says about dosage. And so let’s look at that. What does science say about dosage? Well, you can take 30% of the juice of the whole fruit, okay, which means 70% water 30% juice, that’s for a maintenance dose, right? So you can get a juicer 30% of that, so if you’re filling up a glass 30% of the glass with that and the other 70% with water. (Zhao et al., 2008). It’s anti hyperglycemic used in diabetes, 2000 milligrams, means two grams a day of the Bitter Gourd extract (that comes from Jaffe, 2013). For anti-obesity, use (Bano et al., 2011) two milliliters per kilogram of aqueous extract of Bitter Gourd that’s 2011.


So in conclusion, Bitter Gourd disrupts the cell wall of bacteria and fungi, killing them directly, so blows up the cell wall of bacteria and fungi. The other thing Bitter Gourd does, it activates the innate immune system that kills that directly kills viruses. And the other thing bitter gourd does is it inhibits the biofilm, which kills bacteria directly again, the main way to kill disrupts a cell wall of bacteria and fungi killing them directly and activates the innate immune cells to the interferon system. There you go. That’s Bitter Gourd.

So I encourage people to, you know, as a homework assignment, it’s a very different type of vegetable if you’ve never had it, go try it out. Look at some recipes online. And someone says biofilm eater so the key they also show no resistance in many passes regards to mutation. Yep. So encourage you to do that. So again, Bitter Gourd, for those of you who appreciate these videos, that we do recognize that we’re taking a Systems Approach. And this Systems Approach we apply to a nutrient to understand the body is a system, you can apply that Systems Approach to understand political systems. But one of the key things is we need to go Beyond Left & Right, Beyond Republican & Democrat, Beyond Pro & Anti. When we take a Systems Approach, we can always find the truth of what’s going on. Alright, everyone, I hope this was valuable tomorrow. I’ll be doing a couple more videos. Keep an eye out.

Thank you be well

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.

Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.

The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.

To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.

Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.

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