An Example of being a beacon of light in one’s community.
About 2 weeks ago, I talked with a woman I’ve known for a few years about my experience of taking Dr. Shiva’s foundations system course. She’s familiar with Dr. Shiva as I’ve shared some of Dr. Shiva’s health videos with her. I expressed how learning the foundations system course has brought a whole new realm into my life. Now , it’s most exciting, those of us who are certified can gift the course to as many young children in the age range of 13-18. I told her Dr. Shiva is offering the course FREE TO ALL THE YOUNG PEOPLE IN THAT AGE RANGE. She said she’d like her 15 year old son to learn the course.

I gifted her the course and have followed up to make sure she received it. She received the email and is excited for her son to take it. I’m following up to make sure her son can get started on the course.
Basically, from my conversation with this woman, it turned into my gifting the foundations system course. She is inspired for her son to learn it and it may even inspire her to learn it too!
I’m inspired that she wants her son to know about TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH!!!