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2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety & Immune Health


Attend In-Person or Virtual.

Vaccines are a hallmark of modern medicine emerging from an early understanding of the Immune System. Systems Biology however provides for a MODERN SCIENCE OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM for Precision & Personalized Medicine and reveals a framework for a much-needed Vaccine Safety and Risk Assessment.

All proceeds go to support the research at the International Center for Integrative Systems.


  • Historical Review: How We Got Here
  • The Modern Science of the Immune System
  • The Epigenetics of Immune Health
  • Foods, Nutraceuticals & Supplements for Immune Health
  • The Pandenomics – The Economics of a Pandemics: Winners and Losers
  • What the Science Reveals About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety
  • Where Are We Going
  • What Can You Do from Boosting Immunity to Educating Others

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