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ASIA & INDIA Truth Freedom Health® Summit – July 23, 2022, SAT at 6 PM IST
July 23, 2022 @ 8:30 am - 9:30 am EDT
You are invited to attend the ASIA & INDIA Truth Freedom Health® Summit to be held at 6PM IST, this SATURDAY on JULY 23, 2022, that I will host personally. Please click on the image below to register:
Or click on this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMoceyvrjItGtJtCZFybBIF2E17kU5d-tR0 This is a virtual summit that will occur online. Seating is limited so register as soon as possible to reserve your spot. Again, I will be hosting the event, will be available for questions. The Purpose of Asia & India Truth Freedom Health® Summit The Movement for Truth Freedom Health® Summit The VASHIVA platform, which some of you have access to as Warrior-Scholars, has now facilitated an explosive and growing movement worldwide. At this meeting, we will discuss and get your feedback on why, how and what we must do to grow the movement for Truth Freedom Health in Asia and India. Join us! Again to register for this SATURDAY JULY 23 at 6PM IST Summit, simply click the link below: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMoceyvrjItGtJtCZFybBIF2E17kU5d-tR0 See you on Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 6PM IST! Be the Light, |