Our ENEMY is corruption – driven by the interests of Power Profit Control – which is incapable of providing the modern infrastructure necessary for Real Solutions to Real Problems. Only a REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT based on the knowledge of SYSTEM SCIENCE can destroy the forces of Power Profit Control to WIN Truth Freedom Health. Join US! – Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT Ph.D.
Infrastructure IS the Foundation for Real Solutions
Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. Today, infrastructure includes many foundational systems not only the transportation system of roads, bridges, highways but also the complex technologies that operate our electrical grids, healthcare, educational, scientific, research, networking, and digital systems necessary for our survival and advancement.
Humankind’s great advances were always coupled with advances in infrastructure. Such advances were simply not given to us but the result of We The People rising up. History reveals that the revolutionary movements of American workers – armed with the First the Second Amendments – during the late 1800s to 1900s delivered Americans the public health infrastructures of sanitation, hygiene, electricity, transportation, refrigeration, elimination of child labor, and nutrition. That infrastructure is what reduced the death rate for all infectious diseases, long before the introduction of vaccines. The U.S. mortality rate for measles alone was reduced by 97% before the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963.
Dystopia: Decaying Infrastructure Fueled by Corruption
Where are we today? Consider a place like Massachusetts, home to M.I.T. – the world’s #1 science and engineering institution (and where Dr.SHIVA earned 4 MIT degrees including my PhD). Shouldn’t MA have futuristic infrastructure given its access to world-class engineering talent? Unfortunately, the answer is a BIG NO.
Massachusetts received a BIG FAT “F” (123/350) from the American Society of Civil Engineers for its infrastructure – making MA roads, highways, mass transit, bridges, and water systems, the third worst infrastructure in America.
One doesn’t need an MIT degree to discover why: CORRUPTION. The Center for Public Integrity gave MA a “D+” for integrity (down from a “C” rating in 2012) – making MA the 11th most corrupt state in America. MA’s politicians: executive, legislative and judicial branches got D’s & F’s for Public Access to Information, Judicial Accountability, and Lobbying Disclosure. Here’s a snapshot of that report card scores in the individual areas:

The Career Politician: #1 Enemy of the People
There’s a 1-to-1 relationship between corruption and infrastructure. The career politician has zero interest either in ending corruption or investing in real infrastructure. Corruption is their lifeblood. Without it they never get elected or re-elected. (Moreover, elections are selections.) The career politician enters politics to make their career – their millions – and to buy and peddle influence, in perpetuity.
This means, the day they enter office, they are running to get re-elected. Just look at any Congressman or Senator’s workday schedule. About 90% of their day is spent raising money for their next re-election. Now, consider the U.S. budget of about $4 Trillion, and its allocation as having three (3) Buckets: #1 Equity: welfare, Medicare, food stamps – “free stuff;” #2 Security: police, military, border control, immigration; #3 Infrastructure: transportation, electrical, digital, educational, research, and healthcare systems.
Which Bucket does the career politician vote ‘YEA’ on to allocate your tax dollars? Most of the time: Bucket #1 – free stuff (and sometimes Bucket #2). It’s the sure way to get re-elected – play the SHORT GAME – by giving away things. Rarely do they vote ‘YEA’ to invest in infrastructure – for THE LONG GAME. Furthermore, any funded infrastructure project takes an average of 10 years to start. But in authoritarian regimes like China and Singapore or even in democratic societies like Germany and Canada, it takes 2 years or less. America’s infrastructure now lags in the 20th century while “developing nations” advance rapidly into the 23rd. The global elites follow the money. And, American infrastructure is not on top of their agenda.
How Corruption Destroys Truth Freedom Health
The system of corruption consolidates Power Profit Control for the few, and destroys Truth, Freedom Health by: 1. Choking Freedom of Speech,debate, and discourse to inhibit the Scientific Method – the way to uncover Truth. 2. Suffocating Truth by hijacking the Scientific Method with “Scientific Consensus” so the Real Problem and the Real Solution for any issue, be it “climate change,” immigration, gun violence, vaccine choice, healthcare, education, are never identified; and, 3. Annihilating Health of our body, our environment, and our infrastructure so as to weaken us to fight for Truth and Freedom. Truth remains hidden, resulting in us neither knowing the Real Problem nor innovating the the Real Solution. Rather, the Elites use every “problem” as an opportunity to divide us into Left & Right.
What Is To Be Done
There is a science to building anything. Newton’s equations allow us to build bridges and skyscrapers. Bernoulli’s Principles define the engineering of planes and rockets. And, Maxwell’s Equations are what give us motors, electricity and power plants. Now, if we seek to truly build a revolutionary movement to WIN Truth Freedom Health, we must uncover, learn, and educate others on the science and scientific principles to build such a movement. Dr.SHIVA has uncovered that science – The Foundations of Systems – and it’s three key principles: 1) The interconnection between Truth Freedom Health; 2) Why we must build a Bottom’s Up de-centralized movement, and 3) The reality of the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment, a force – sometimes known as Controlled Opposition – created by the Establishment to distract and derail, any bottom’s up movement of working people.
At, anyone, regardless of your educational background can: 1) get educated by learning the science and principles of SYSTEMS; 2) get connected with other like-minded folks in our off-line and on-line communications platforms; and, 3) get activated with tools so you may take action neighbor-to-neighbor locally and globally. Sign up at to become a Warrior-Scholar, today.
Our Leadership: A Catalyst.
Dr.SHIVA the founder of the Truth Freedom Health movement has been working since the age of 14 – in the trenches – building technologies to futurize our infrastructure. In 1978, as a 14-year-old kid in Newark, he invented email – the system we all experience today – when he wrote 50,000 lines of software code to convert the infrastructure of the old-fashioned interoffice paper-based mail system into its electronic equivalent, which he named “EMAIL.” In 1982, he received the first U.S. Copyright legally recognizing him as the inventor of email at a time when Copyright was the only way to protect software inventions. He invented email before coming to MIT.
During and after attending MIT, Dr.SHIVA created six other companies to deliver infrastructure like EchoMail®, which provided the AI infrastructure; and, CytoSolve® – a revolutionary computational biology infrastructure to enable the discovery of new medicines faster, cheaper and safer while eliminating animal testing. His personal experience informs him there are a lot of smart people in the world; however, the lack of infrastructure wastes precious human capital.
First, we must build a bottoms-up Movement. Our movement for TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH® must be a movement by working people for working people. Celebrities, billionaires, and “influencers” will never deliver us victory. Our movement must be led by real people with real skills who solve realproblems for a living. Second, we must educate a new generation of leaders armed with the Science of Systems used by the Elites to manipulate movements since 1970. Third, we must build new infrastructure that must be free and decentralized. Our Movement has uncovered that Government has collaborated “private” companies to launder censorship to silently silence speech of every human on the planet. Fourth, The Elites want you fat, dumb, and happy. They feed you junk food, poison you with junk medicine, and fill your head with junk entertainment to keep you too weak and distracted to fight back, even after you realize what they are doing. Education and real science must be unleashed to deliver solutions for sustainable health. Fifth, the future is off-line: we must activate our communities and organize on the ground.